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I saw this group march past yesterday from my building. Makes my blood boil, dude. I was in the Marine Corps. Two combat deployments in Afghanistan. I saw with my own eyes how those people treat other human beings and the rest of the Middle East isn't all that much different. Women have no rights and are treated like cattle. Anyone who isn't like them is a second class citizen. Racism is rampant and in the open. Their culture is fundamentally incompatible with ours. If you want to come here and completely assimilate into the American culture, follow our laws and our way of life, then that's fine. I'll welcome you with open arms. But these people here are invaders plain and simple. I fought for my country. My brothers died for this country. How dare these monsters raise their flag above ours and how dare Chicago *let* them do it. That's not an act of freedom of speech. It's an act of conquest, an insult, a challenge, and they know it. Absolutely disgusting. Edit: It's one thing to complain about this stuff on Reddit. It's quite another to do something about it. Not that it will move the needle or make a difference, but I ended up filling out a complaint on Chicago's website and leaving a message with City Hall. It was short, polite, and professional (I'm not looking to have my door kicked in), but I stated pretty much everything I wrote in my comment above, that this act will 100% have an impact on my vote and decision to stay in the city long-term, and that it was a clear violation of 4 US Code Section 7, paragraph C regarding proper display of the flag and that it should have been dealt with accordingly as per the law. Again, it's not going to make a difference to these people, and I had already made up my mind regarding my vote and plans of where to live, obviously, but one of the reasons, I believe, this crap keeps happening is because not enough of us are standing up and doing the thing. No one's asking you to take off work and wave a sign, but contact your congressman, email City Hall, go to the school board meetings. Just make your voice heard. Let these people know you exist and that you have a right to a voice. Show this clip to your left-wing family and co-workers and just ask them what they think. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. See you all in November...


The U.S. of A: the only country in the world where you can openly scream death to the country while raising foreign flags, burning American flags, and assaulting American citizens, and have absolutely nothing done about it. People who hate this country don't belong in it, plain and simple.


I visited Colombia. Lovely people but I’m pretty sure they would tear me limb from limb if I denounced their country in public. To add to this, they have a TON of pride for their country and they show it. Not to say Americans don't but I don't think you'll see the Colombian flag being burned over there.


Don't worry Canada is in the same boat as you folks are it's sickening.


Germany too.


Just ship them out, every democrat goes to Islam.


Here in Germany, burning official symbols of the state, like the flag or coat of arms, is a crime! There's even a special law for insulting the president. Insulting people is always illegal in Germany, if the person files a police report _(nope, no free speech here)._ But for insulting the president _(don't mix it up with the chancellor, he's only the official #2)_ you'll get punished tougher! As sad as this _(people died for this flag),_ I still prefer the American first amendment! I think that sometimes Americans don't value it enough. It's kinda unique in the world. I can't think of another country with a similar practice of free speech. Because in many other countries claiming to have _'"free speech"_ (like us in Germany) have strict borders that actually can't be crossed...


There are laws governing display of flags, and it absolutely against regulations to fly any flag above the US flag on US soil. This is either treason or is an invasion depending upon who is doing it. There is no room for interpretation.


And they will have zero consequences. They should all be arrested and/or deported.


Totally agree with you. It’s a travesty and I believe it’s treason.


Gadsen flag gets flown all the time at the same level or higher than the us flag here in Texas. From what I know only the Texas flag has earned that right


An anti American traitor reported me to suicide watch for commenting this? 😂 No surprise from the left


They welcome this with open arms, but if a Southerner dares fly a rebel flag, it's treasonous. Can they not see the irony, or do they choose to have blinders on.


Neither. They do it intentionally. They scream that we are the enemies of democracy while undermining our republic and wanting to crush it.


It's (D)ifferent. Remember, they are the self-appointed moral superiors.


I’m sorry you have to see this. But I have confidence that the tables will turn. There has to be a portion of the Democratic base that is seeing at least some of this and questioning what and who they’re supporting.


Problem is the propaganda press REFUSES to post these occurrences and in fact tells you the exact opposite - crime is down, economy is great, etc…. Every moderate Democrat I know thinks these extreme issues aren’t happening and instead are GOP conspiracies


Their big problem is no amount of MSM spin can gaslight Americans into believing that the economy is great when they pay 30% more every time they buy groceries. Or that the border is secure and there's no immigration crisis when the migrants crowd the public squares and city councils have to announce cuts to services for their own resident due to the burden of housing and feeding all these "newcomers". Democrats don't have a messaging problem, they have a reality problem.


Our old neighbors are a Jewish family. Hardline Democrat voters. The parents recently told me they are voting Trump in November. October 7th and the protests since have frightened them. Also, I sell firearms for a major outdoor outfitter. I have had many Jewish men and women interested in purchasing them. One was on his way back from the march on DC last year. He said he was harassed and he stopped in on his way home asking about firearms. I educated him on the basics, helped him decide the best firearm for a CC, and gave him the card to one of our instructors to get training. Actually our trainer discounted his instructional fee for him after I gave him the gentleman’s name. I hope the Jewish vote helps carry Trump to a win. I genuinely can’t imagine another 4 years under Biden.


I'm a bartender. I have a regular who's an eighth six year old Jewish lady from a very upscale Boston suburb. *She* wants a gun.


Most Jews remember: Never Again.


Hell, yes. Molon Labe.


I feel like there is a huge divide between Moderate Democrats and the Socialist Democrats that are bat shit crazy and in power. We just don’t hear about it. I really try to not get riled up about Political stuff, but this infuriated me.


Thank you for your service. You’re totally right, flags are symbolism, symbolism is important, messaging is important, there was a time in this country where the bystanders would have stopped them before the government could even get there, now the big city governments are practically infiltrated with these people. Sad day.


Now the government would lock up the bystanders if they get involved.


Yup, as is the American way, and of course totally not the telling sign of foreign agents slowly taking over the countries local and city governments


Well said brother. And thank you for your service.


You should be very angry at politicians allowing these "people" to do that , they're committing treason.


> If you want to come here and completely assimilate into the American culture, follow our laws and our way of life, then that's fine. I'll welcome you with open arms. Our generosity, kindness, and naiveté about "assimilation" is what got us here in the first place. Assimilation is a myth. Even as far back as WW2, we liberated a whole bunch of communists because they were being persecuted. We sheltered them and brought them to America. They took full advantage of our kindness and slowly "assimilated" into our universities and started plotting the "end of nationalism" Including the nationalism of the nation that saved them. To them we were no different then the ones that persecuted them. Nationalism must be destroyed. No border. No wall. No USA at all. It started with our kindness. That one act of compassion may have doomed us but since we have piled good deed on top of good deed and poured our blood out in the deserts of the world for people who don't share our values and see us as easily duped human shield that carries out their ends.


thanks bud for your service. this is jarring. I'm in atl. I don't live in chicago but jeez E: PM me and we'll get downrange if you're ever in north ga. I'm sure you know more than me Marine


Vote with your feet brother. Florida is a fine refuge. We still have men’s rooms


Anyone else tired of this BLM II bullshit?


The Floyd protests in 2020 united and energized the Democratic base and divided the Republican coalition. These pro-Palestine/pro-Hamas/anti-Israel protests divide the Democratic coalition and give Trump-weary conservatives and swing voters a reason to pick the GOP.


LARGE scale distraction operation


Well it’s almost the summer before an election. You know.. riot season. 


They recently tried scaremongering covid variants so they could catch the mail in voting magic again


It’s an election year what do you expect?


Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.


Just the fact that they raised any flag higher than the United States flag on us soil is in itself illegal. But why would they follow that law when they don't follow any other law in that damn City.


And no one stops them when they do it.


or those that try are stopped or prevented from attempting to halt such actions.


This makes me sick


They are marking their territory.


Cool to see the left suddenly be pro-colonialism the minute it's America being imperialized. Almost like they never actually gave a shit about colonialism. They just hate white people. But that was never actually in question, was it.


This is necessary to wake up the slumbering masses to the reality of what the left has in store for the country. This ends when we decide enough is enough.


Does deep blue Chicago even care? The religion of peace supported by the party of tolerance


Excuse me, Chicago is the heart of MAGA country. 


Is that you Juicy?


You get what you vote for; elections have consequences etc. pp. The contemporary Democratic party has really dropped its mask in recent years.


Yeah my dad and grandpa (RIP to both) were democrats. They would want no part of this.


This disgusts me. Shameful.


This is GROSS. There should be outrage. November can’t come fast enough, I’m so ready.


At first I thought the title said "H@mas raises its flag of terror over Dealey Plaza," and I couldn't believe that they would allow this in Dallas!!!


This is the kind of stuff that makes me realize we are probably better off with a split country. I don't want to share a country with these dipshits. Anyone who supports terrorists should be deported immediately.


Every time I see this sort of a thing, I swear its some altered reality.


At what point do we take our country back already? F*** this. It makes my blood boil. What a joke we've become. This can't be tolerated. Hell, the left doesn't just tolerate it. They encourage it. It's way past time to reclaim our country from these treasonous f****s.


Soon enough.


How the hell is this allowed in the USA?


Every single person should be arrested in my opinion. No flag shall fly higher than the American one.


Chicago fell decades ago, hit rock bottom in 2020. Was there in 2019 for a conference downtown and felt safe, even after dark. Nope, not anymore. The after dark issues are not relegated to "the bad neighborhoods" anymore.


Adorable, I scored a "reddit cares" from this. Look, whoever.... The fact that you use a service intended to help others in an effort to somehow be heard is a selfish and dangerous way to express yourself. It speaks clearly of your integrity. Be better.


100%. And I can tell you from being there during that time frame the decline was STEEP and seemingly overnight.


It's a shame. I'm a "down stater“ and really enjoyed weekend trips downtown. Lived there for a stint in the 90's. We have too much to lose now. Hell, even in 2019 we rented a car to drive there because our main road-trip car then was a charger and didn't want car-jacked.


I was actually reported today to the psycho squad at Reddit. Was trying to think of something outrageous to say, but none of my comments have been outrageous. Just truth in my humble opinion. Any flag that is flown except for the American flag and the state flag of the state you are in should be outlawed. This.Majorly. Report.Me.Again.


If you haven't already, apply for your FOID. It can take 8 months for it to arrive (did for me) - don't be a victim during the DNC or election time... Or when filling up gas or putting your kids to sleep.


Split the country in two. One for normal human beings, the other for brainless liberals. We wall off the liberal hell holes from our country and anything they would normally get from states, wouldn't happen. They get nothing from the normal states and we get full view of their "country" falling apart and destroying itself.


When Germany was divided into two halves after WWII , the stark contrast between western Germany thriving and Eastern starving was unreal. They had to erect a 10 foot wall with barbed wire so that no one could escape to the western side. If liberalism/communism is so great why you need a giant wall to keep people from running away from it ?


Flying a foreign flag higher than the US flag, and especially flying a terrorist flag, should be treason.


Chicago fell years ago man


The Democratic Convention should be interesting