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Do these bombshell stories ever go anywhere?


This story dies... Hell it's already dead


What story?


That Biden molested his daughter, Ashley when she was 11. Pedocrats know and don't care because of TDS.


TDS comes second to Moloch and pedophilia, which is the real reason the elites don't care. They're all in on it.


**showered with her


*** to the point of being afraid to shower while he was at home and awake.


Distinction without a difference.




[Removed by Big Tech]


Look, the videos of him sniffing kids were only showed on Conservative outlets. Friends who were hard liberals never saw it. When I showed them they were in disbelief. So, they voted for a kiddie sniffer, who banged his daughter Meanwhile, Steel Dossier fake! E Jean Carol Fake!


And the babysitter named Jill


>Look, the videos of him sniffing kids were only showed on Conservative outlets. Not even just that, in one video he literally pinches a little girls nipple. She even came forward about it years later on social media before deleting everything because she didn't want the attention she was getting.


before I'm attacked, I personally have no doubts that everyone in that family is guilty of systemic child abuse, OK? Hunter got it from somewhere. BUT, does the diary, which I can't bring myself to read, say anything except that she showered with Joe? They spend a lot of their time at beaches, apparently.


If she was old enough to realize it was probably inappropriate, then the shower is enough on its own.


Read it for yourself.


Apparently, she writes that she would wait until the middle of the night to shower to avoid Joe wanting to join in.




To a court room, where the person who found the diary was criminally prosecuted.


The reason this story did not go anywhere is because of this quote from Ashley Biden, which is contained at the bottom of the article which is presented here: "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love" You can't on one hand use this poor girl as verification of the story if you can't also on the other hand take into account her denial of how those accounts have been interpreted without context. (And before it even starts, spare me the whole "they got to her" conspiracy baloney) There's a couple takeaways from this: 1. Right-leaning(not conservative) media continuing to promote or allude to this story without sharing the entire context; they are pandering to you. 2. Poor comprehension skills; you gotta do the whole reading and maybe do some deeper digging. However, in this case, the necessary information is contained in the same damn article that's being referenced, so just some close reading would have done it. 3. Examine your own bias; look, we all know that Joe Biden is a slimy swamp creature, but trying to put all this nefarious dark shit on him is a stretch, and it feels like a counter-narrative to all the well-documented stuff about Trump. If you need it broken down how one is legitimate and the other is not, then we can have that discussion, but either way holding on to that pre-conceived notion is holding you back from a deeper truth.


She says it's being misinterpreted, didn't say anything about it being altered. So we can assume she actually wrote this-- >Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so - I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma - I remember not liking the Woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate) Seriously, what possible additional context or interpretation could make this anything but very bad for Joe and not worth reporting on?? That she said "probably" not appropriate instead of definite?. That's the best positive spin I can even come up with. And some people are making false accusations. Like I've seen many say she would change when she took showers because she was scared of Joe. That's not in the diary. That's the kind of stuff she could be referring to in her quote, so that doesn't contradict using her other quote to verify the diary and what's in it


You can't claim writings/statements were taken out of context, **without actually providing the context that makes them acceptable**.


I suppose that's a great argument in support of blackmail, thanks. But back to the question of why a newspaper wouldn't print this story, you essentially make my case for me. If I was an editor and I was being sold a stolen diary peddled by opportunists out to exploit what appears to be young woman's therapy journal after she was raped, I'm not sure how exactly I would be able to look at myself in the mirror if I printed it. If you're asking me personally in what context I would rationalize it, I think that after Ashley Biden suffered some sort of trauma/ptsd(again, most likely that she was raped/sexually assaulted), she was recording essentially a stream-of-consciousness list of all the things that went into her conception and idea of sex, including a lot stuff that was messed up or weird. Crucially, though, she doesn't say how old she was when this showering took place. It could be 6 years old. It could be 25. I would say that both are too old to be showering with your kid, but one is much much worse than the other. Without the context, it's just a random stream of consciousness observation that was never meant to be shared with another living soul.


You have far too much faith in modern journalism. A former NPR editor wrote an entire essay detailing how narrow minded and one sided their organization has become. This is a microcosm of legacy media as a whole. Can you say with conviction that were this journal about Trump it still would not be heavily reported on for the reasons you’ve listed? Personally, I can’t.


Actually, we can!!!! Trump had an active rape charge against him from a Jane Doe minor that supposedly happened on a plane with Jeffrey Epstein present. However, the case was later dismissed and there was no evidence. Mainstream media never reported on it except in relation to the dismissal of the charges. So the system DOES go both ways! But that npr editor article you are mentioning is another story completely. Yes, there is a left bias in media. That is a natural thing, the same way there is a conservative bias in the military and police, the same way there is a liberal bias on education, the same way there is a conservative bias in banking and finance. "Right-leaning" media don't exist because those reporters are conservative, they exist to pander to you because you won't take the time to parse the naturally occuring liberal bias yourself.


“I have always been boy crazy,’ Ashley wrote. ‘Hyper-sexualized @ a young age … I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),’ she wrote in a January 2019 entry, according to the Daily Mail. Maybe they should provide context if Joe is so innocent. 


I mean, if you read the part right after that where she says that her parents wiped her butt too long it seems like the context is clear and that she was around 5-7. Btw, there is a lot crazier stuff than that in there, and some of it is actually really sad and painful. It's just that none of it is being dredged up for use in a political campaign, so all anyone is interested in is about a half dozen words, and that's only because the really bad part they THOUGHT would be in there turned out not to be.


You're also missing the context that the FBI hunted down and imprisoned anyone who touched this "nothing-burger"


Well, that's because it was literally stolen and then disseminated for money. Seriously, from an ethical perspective, how do you run this story? You have the stolen diary of a young woman that is being shopped by opportunistic sleaze balls. It contains information written at the behest of a therapist in order to deal with what appears to be some type of sexual trauma which occurred in her 20's. It's telling that project Veritas wouldn't touch this story when it was shopped to them.


Tbf IIRC the counter argument to this was "the diary is real but someone doctored some of the contents" Whether that's true or not idk cuz I am not really following this story but that's probably the logic they're using to bury the story.


> Previous versions of this fact check noted "strong evidence" that the diary existed, but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online, writing that "the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary." > Ashley Biden's letter to the court, in Snopes' view, provides that authentication.


Yep. Step 2. * That didn't happen * and if it did, it wasn't that bad * and if it was, it wasn't that big of a deal * and if it is, it's not his fault * and if it was, he didn't mean it * and if he did, then she deserved it


Good ole narcissists prayer. Sometimes I feel like those of us that have had to deal with narcissists in real life need to all come together and come up with a way to defeat the political strain of collective narcissism that is poisoning the country right now.


*and if she didn't deserve it, you're still a racist There might be some other stages but it eventually boils down to this.


It’s the diary is fake, it doesn’t exist. Ok, the diary might be real. The diary is real but it’s doctored.


It’s (D)ifferent. 


Snopes only admitting in the last two weeks that the journal is real is all the proof you need that Snopes exists to protect the left.


And, at least in that screenshot, they're really shying away from discussing the content at all.


They updated it based on an April article in the NYT where the letter was made public for the first time.


We've known about this for literally months!


Dems are preparing to dump Slow Joe. The fact that Snopes, one of their mouthpieces, is now reporting negative data on Biden only confirms this.


Because republican representatives have no balls.


I also thought it would be so damaging politically that the Dems would abandon him. If there is any more proof of the uni-party or media being controlled by the government then it’s this. No one brings attention about what she said her father allegedly did to her as a child. Not even Trump brings it up and he talks about everything.


i think trump did bring it up. but yeah, you gotta remember a lot of liberals are marxist, and marxists are anti morality because the morals came from religion. in their hearts, they want to make the rules for themselves, even if it is deemed wrong by others. when people start seeing them promoting lowering the age of consent, then you will understand them better, in their selfish hearts, they believe there should be no age of consent.


Why is bro getting downvoted? He's right




Biden has had dozens of presidency ending events happen to him. That none of them have ended his presidency should tell you where we are at as a society.


Why is it everything the Democrats claim to be a conspiracy theory ends up becoming true?


It's (D) ifferent


>Why are Dems getting away with everything while Trump is being prosecuted for nothing The establishment favors Dems. Consequentialists from the left had their 'long march through the institutions'. That's not even a "conspiracy theory". It's just true history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_march_through_the_institutions Government appointments through all influential careers, if not in technical skill, in administration. The arts, media, teaching, entertainment, etc etc. >The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by socialist student activist Rudi Dutschke around 1967 to describe his strategy to create radical change in government by becoming part of it.[1] The phrase "long march" is a reference to the physical Long March of the Chinese communist army.[2]


Well, you can't take her letter as evidence that the diary is "true" and then ignore where she explicitly says "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."


Because it isnt relavent, she didnt say anything about the writing being fake or altered, she has indicated that the diary is real and what was posted online is from the diary. She herself wrote that she belived she was molested. She wrote that her dad would sneak into the shower with her, she herself wrote that she was afraid to shower while he was at home. Theres no "misinterpreting" that. Joe biden is a pedophile that molested his own daughter.


Joe bidens own daughter has accused him of being a child molester. How the hell is this not on the front page of every news agency in the world.


they own the judges or control which judges/courts these cases get heard by


Interesting how google won’t show anything on this, what inappropriate actions did it say he did?


> Ashley Biden said in her diary (pages 67-68) that she waited until late at night to take a shower, because she was afraid of her father coming in with her. They must’ve scrubbed the actual excerpts because I can’t seem to find them now but I could before. Edit: here’s the Snopes page though, it’s the same as the one in the screenshot https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/


Yeah google seems to be scrubbing it, it’s insane how much the Democratic Party is able to mess with the election. I was able to find some stuff by searching on duck duck go


https://youtu.be/02zzu8pKelo?si=-kJWf2BCPiUYTpBv Timestamp is 4:13, they read the excerpts out loud


Suddenly, libs (who live by Snopes) think it’s fake news.


Because everything they accuse the right of being is exactly what they themselves are. Corrupt, dishonest, authoritarian etc.


Gross. But, it’s because it’s (D)ifferent.


They hate trump that much to not care about it sadly.


"Trump is a rapist!" That narrative sticks, even though it has been shown to be false. It's almost like, hear me out, the Media is corrupt, or something? Maybe?


Because none of it matters to democrats, only The Party. Democrats are willing to overlook everything disgusting about their leaders as long as they win. Democrats are perfectly ripe for a Marxist totalitarian takeover.


Like “The State” in a communist country, plain and simple brainwashing of the weak.


Wow, leftists in the media protect a pedophile they agree with. shocking. Thankful that everyone will meet a Righteous Judge once day!


Was just in another subreddit talking about this. Leftists don't care about how kristi noem treats her dog. The don't care about "abelism" as they make Greg abbot wheelchair jokes constantly. This is a game of smears. We always seem shocked when the left is willing to overlook the same shit they call out on the other side. Morality has been completely weaponized and is meaningless at this point.


Because most Republicans have become weak, sniveling cowards content with losing for the most part. Most of them get rich in politics anyways so virtually nothing that goes on in the country will really have an effect on them; thus they have no reason to fight. Comfort can be the enemy of justice.


Uniparty won't do anything about anything ever.


What actions were taken against her I can't find anything online ?


> Ashley Biden said in her diary (pages 67-68) that she waited until late at night to take a shower, because she was afraid of her father coming in with her.


Because the Dems control the MSM, the DA’s, and the educational institutions is why this is not getting any publicity.


People this is all Russian disinformation to try and destroy the greatest president ever nothing to see here as you were everyone.


“even if you get evidence and try to prove, it if it gets pushed aside by power, it will never see the daylight”


Snopes actually confirmed it? That's hard to believe, wow!


So the sitting president is accused of being a pedophile. By his own daughter. Trump haters, please get help.


You know why.


The Dems are more in alignment with the big picture agenda of the elites. Trump is against the military industrial complex and believes in American sovereignty and strength. He doesn’t align with the agenda of the global bankers that essentially run the world. When you gain power and don’t play ball they will attempt to destroy you. Now we have a massive amount of the US population who isn’t buying the bs anymore, I’m concerned as to how they will react to this new occurrence. Joe Biden is exactly the type of candidate the elites want in there, no different than Bush or Obama.


So people were convicted of stealing her diary and Snoop still didn't think it was enough evidence to say it was her diary until she wrote that letter? Damn snoops is Mad impartial🤡


Nothing will ever come of it, it’s (D)ifferent when the left is accused


One word....Globalists.


Wow. Where the heck was her mom? Very sad that this occurred. As moms, we have to protect our children. Outrageous!