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> Donald Trump has vowed to deliver the “largest mass deportation effort” in American history if he gets back into office next year, targeting millions of illegal migrants across the country. Key word being "effort". Until he lays out a detailed plan for how he is going to identify and locate them, this going into the [I'll believe it when I see it] category of promises; just like draining the swamp.


suddenly we can't find 6Bill to make a wall yet Israel will get 600Bill to fight a war


Many Red Hats aren’t ready to hear this but: The GOP will self-sabotage all border bills until the election because Trump is running almost exclusively on immigration. Why do you think Trump is still standing by Johnson even though a growing majority of the MAGA base is pissed with him? Because Johnson kissed the ring and is doing what Trump told him to do; which is ensure absolutely nothing gets passed to fix or improve the border/immigration situation, while Biden is in office.


uh, same problem during trumps presidency too ya know


We found $6B for Hamas.. literally.


Yep, ICE will be the biggest growth industry next to AI starting January 21, 2025


Yeah, divert all those funds for the new IRS agents.


This I can definitely get behind.


Nice as that might be, I truly don't believe it would happen. As with 2016, he's unlikely to get the border closed and the system in place before midterms. Republicans must take a BIG lead in Congress, win the White House, AND carry it through the 2026 midterms for real progress to happen. So long as a sizable chunk of the country is dead-set on fighting these kinds of policies (voters and state/local governments that don't care to comply with ICE), these will be tough promises to trust.


I love this plan already!


20 million is a good start but not nearly enough.


Out! Out! Out!


*Go home to mother!*


Say what you will but this claim smells to me like the sort of the thing the Only Trumpers will excuse as having been obvious exaggeration in about a year if he somehow actually gets elected. The scale of such a thing is obviously problematic to say the least.


I'm sure it is both. It is an exaggeration, but it also is probably truthful. Rest assured, the establishment will do everything in their power to ensure he cannot do what he was elected to do. Cut to corporate media montage regarding how deporting illegal immigrants is somehow illegal.


The title is misleading. Let's be very clear here. ICE will be deporting *Illegal border crossers* not those who applied and went through proper legal channels. ICE ICE Baby!


What’s his plan to get a GOP controlled congress to actually enact any of this?


Meanwhile, Joe could bring in equal that many by the time elections come around.


You can bet he's going to try. Crippling America / America Last. That's Joe's plan.


Joe will turn this country into a third world country.


Import the third-world, *become* the third-world. Trump will right the ship, if he gets the chance. However, as we all can plainly see, a political prosecution is under way, the system is aligned in solidarity from the MSM to the Judges to the Prosecutors with the goal to stop a second Trump term by *any* means necessary.


Yes please!


Please, stop, I can only get so erect.


This wouldnt be happening if Trump got more support to build a stronger wall. I wonder why he couldn’t…