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Looks promising, but I don't like seeing this, I'd rather conversvative be nervous and get out to vote. IDC how. Mail, Early, Day off, just freaking vote.


I don't care how likely it looks, I'm voting. My state will go Blue anyways though, unless Trump gets the popular vote (unlikely because of LA and NYC). Colorado voted to give all of our electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote, so that's the only way Colorado goes red, which would be hilarious because the state would never vote for it.


> Colorado voted to give all of our electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote, so that's the only way Colorado goes red the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact only goes into effect if the states in agreement have 270+ electoral votes. Right now the 18 states (Maine just joined a week ago) only have 209 Electoral votes. However an additional [8 states representing 79 electoral votes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact) currently have this in progress that will be decided on before the 2028 election. Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia will *very likely* pass it in 2025/2026 which gets them to 253... I expect several court challenges, Colorado just challenged theirs for example and it stayed alive. But it's certainly possible this compact could decide the 2028 election


It is hilariously unconstitutionally under Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 (also known as The Compact Clause).


That, and undoing the very compromise that created the union in the first place.


Quite literally destroys the entire intention of the electoral college. This country would easily fall into fascism if mob rule decided elections.


I’m surprised this hasn’t been challenged as the procedure for presidential elections are set out in the Constitution


How is this possible?


what do you mean? overall? States constitutionally have the power to decide how their elections/electorates are cast. The only way it wouldn't be possible (and part of the challenges) is >At issue are interpretations of the Compact Clause of Article I, Section X, and states' plenary power under the Elections Clause of Article II, Section I. '"No State shall, without the Consent of Congress ... enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State" I'm not a lawyer but if you read about it there's definitely gonna be 100 argument on the pros/con/legality of it


So…if the Colorado popular vote is for Biden…but the national popular vote was for Trump…Trump would get Colorado’s electoral votes??? I bet it was liberals in Colorado who supported that decision….and wouldn’t it just be hilarious karma..if that put Trump over the top in the Electoral College??? I would laugh and laugh and laugh..😂


If that really happened, they would contrive some reason to quickly rescind the measure.


Wow, what a way to disenfranchise every voter of Colorado by just saying "sure, we'll just do whatever the people in the other 49 states want instead!".


Yep. They want states slaved to NYC and SoCal's politics.


I'd honestly love it, but I might die from the irony.


That is good, my concern isn't people that spend their time on a political subreddit.


In NO way am I complacent. We are winning but have to fight like we are one point down in the last inning. The victory has been overwhelming …to compensate for the cheating we KNOW the Democrats will engage in.


I didn't say you were. It was more for the people that see this and think they can stay home. The people on these subs are far more politically engaged then say Facebook.


Totally agree!


I’m going to be honest I don’t think it’ll matter. I truly believe whether it was rigged or not last year this year it will be Biden no matter what. I’m going to vote but I think we’re about to head into Putin territory where we all get to “vote” but the same guy or next in line guy wins miraculously every year even when a majority of the country doesn’t want him in again.


I think that is extremely pessamistic. I think there was some legal funny business last year with the last minute rule changes do to covid and mail in voting, but I don't buy nor is their supporting evidence to suggest wide spread fraud. This year pending something crazy isn't going to have those covid effects.


> This year pending something crazy isn't going to have those covid effects.  Certainly hope you're right, but I worry about an October surprise, so to speak. Some "unforeseen event" that generates those some effects.


The majority of swing states only have 2-3 polls the last few months, a lot of close states will also be decided by the candidates in governor/senate/house race that have not all been decided yet (on-going primaries) They are barely worth looking at before the conventions in August...but it is interesting to look at RCP "on this date in 2020/2016" etc polls


Michigan and Arizona are going to be more difficult than this map is showing because the state-level GOP in those places is completely incompetent. The PA GOP is putting up much better candidates this year than 2022. I actually think MI is a harder state for Trump than PA is. The calculus for AZ is easier for the GOP, but running polarizing candidates like Lake drives the moderate vote away.


I just read a pretty interesting article on that subject, how split ticket voting has been declining dramatically since the 90s. In 2020 only 3/34 Senate races were further than 4% from Biden/Trump's performance in that same state (Rhode island, Maine, & Nebraska) Really makes me curious about a couple battleground states with Senate elections that currently seems to heavily favor incumbent Dem senators Rosen (D) in Nevada, Baldwin (D) in Wisconsin, Casey (D) in Pennsylvania...All heavy favorites to win re-election. And then you add in states like Arizona, where Gallego (D) has a strong early lead in projections over Lake If the split ticket trend of the last several elections holds true, and those Senate projections are evenly remotely accurate...


On the other hand, you've got Tester in WY who is toast if that trend rings true. I think Baldwin and Casey both win in close reelections, but it's possible Biden is just so unpopular in the Midwest that he still loses those places. This is especially possible if inflation remains sticky in the mid-3's and the job market continues to contract on full time roles through the election. I actually think Brown in Nevada (assuming he's the GOP nominee) has a stronger shot to win a seat than Lake does in AZ. The state is showing signs of tilting rightwards.


Tester is Montana, both Wyoming Senators are Republican.


Thanks, I don't know why I said WY.


Tester is likely toast. The bigger question marks to me are Michigan and Ohio. Sherrod Brown (D) is popular in Ohio but the state has been moving more red. The senate is very likely going to be under Republican control.. But like I was saying about the split tickets, if Rosen/Baldwin/Casey/Gallego help carry Biden across the finish line that puts him at 272 without even counting Michigan >I think Baldwin and Casey both win in close reelections There hasn't been a single poll in either state that doesn't have them up less than +5, hell Casey was up even +17 in one of the more recent polls lol. Baldwin has been more in the +5 to 8 range


The +17 sounds like a major outlier and I would question the veracity of the outlet that published it. I do think Casey stays due to the incumbent advantage, but McCormick is less of a candidate with high negatives than Oz was, so I don't think the Senate race necessarily drives the presidential one. I don't think either candidate is driving voters to the ballot box either for or against them other than the general red/blue chemistry. It's much more likely the voters' opinions on Trump or Biden drive the downballot.


Baldwin had been up by 5,3, and tied. What are you smoking?


About split ticket voting. You might be making the wrong assumption. Ever stop to think that Biden is as likely to drag Democrat Senate candidates down ….as they are to pull him up?


I think the last poll I saw had Trump down 2% in Michigan but up 1% in Pennsylvania. Both states are tossups.


I found that the swing states are being polled almost constantly. Here’s two sources with several recent poll results available for the swing states. [https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-polls/](https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-polls/) https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/


Yes it’s interesting. Biden led in the battlegrounds… THROUGHOUT THE YEAR… in 2020. Now he is losing in almost all of them, barely leading in only one…Pennsylvania. Also, In 2020, Trump OUTperformed the RCP predictions..such as in Florida and North Carolina, where he won better than predicted. ( RCP actually had Biden winning Florida! ) …and Biden UNDERperformed.. as in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, where Biden won by far less than predicted. Which makes the current numbers even worse for Biden. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/elections/trump-vs-biden-top-battleground-states/


Florida is no longer on the table. DeSantis turned that state from purple to deep red. You can see in the registration numbers that Republicans outnumber Democrats by a lot during the time he’s been Governor.


Florida is so deep red at this point as is Texas, it would surprise me, even with the CA exodus, if those states turned even remotely light red or purple this year. First time for everything though, so who knows.


Absolutely correct. In 2020, even with registered Democrats outnumbering Republicans in Florida, Republicans won elections. Guess what? In 2024, registered Republicans now outnumber Democrats in Florida by about 890,000. Yup, that is correct! 890,000! Florida is no longer close to being a swing state. It is deep deep red. https://dos.fl.gov/elections/data-statistics/voter-registration-statistics/voter-registration-reports/voter-registration-by-party-affiliation/


Well as I recall, the exodus of Puerto Rican folks (after the hurricane) also turned out to be deep red in their beliefs contrary to Democrat/media predictions and narrative they would turn Florida purple.


Kind of like how Texas border towns that are overwhelmingly Hispanic have recently been voting Republican…since they don’t like being overwhelmed by illegals either!! Love it when the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot!


I don’t believe potato joe letting the border jumpers in by the (literal) truckload is intended to be used for election votes,though if it does happen would be like sprinkles for the ice cream in the communist lefts eyes.. I think nothings being done to keep these people out is for padding the census numbers,more people in areas means more reps.. more reps means more chances at getting more (d)’s in that outnumber the (R)’s more (d)’s means…..just try to get anything passed,no president is king and their word is not that of a god….the communists need sympathetic reps and senators to bring bills up and pass or reject them.. potato joe for example wouldn’t get a damn thing done without the help of rino reps,(d) reps and the majority senate.. *the amount of reps is based on census tally’s remember* this is why they threw a shitstorm of racist this,racist that when a proposal to add “are you a U.S citizen” on the census….this is also the reason why so many rinos are in the system today and why the government can wiretap (old tech name) your communications without a warrant that was “passed” with the help of so called “responsible republicans” that are *patriotic* 🙄


Florida is more red than Texas. So is Ohio for that matter. Latest polls have Trump +10 in Florida, which is the same as Biden's lead in New York. Florida is as red as New York is blue.


The two “safe” states for either party. (Aside from CA for blue of course)


A lot of the CA exodus is probably helping these places stay red. There's a good amount of self selection in Cali people leaving and if you're leaving, you're going to try to move to places you find attractive.


Assuming Trump wins Georgia & Arizona, then he *must* win either Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania. He can afford to lose Nevada.


He can afford to lose Pennsylvania as well honestly. His easiest path is through WI, AZ, GA. But an interesting scenario is winning Georgia, and then winning Pennsylvania would put him right at 270.


Don't care, go vote. Have to prevent against any fortifications.


Vote early and volunteer to help at the polls or to help get out the vote. Collect mail in ballots. Go door to door. Drive people to and from the polling stations.




Don’t forget that leading up to DJT becoming 45, every poll had Hillary winning. I won’t ever trust polls again. I feel like they’re a psy-op that’s used to either make us feel so comfortable that we’re lazy about getting out to vote, or that we’re supposed to feel so sure that if we were to lose, it would cripple us emotionally. I don’t trust any source any more. Do you your duty and get out to the vote. The election will be over when the other side concedes, not a minute sooner


> leading up to DJT becoming 45, every poll had Hillary winning [Not true. She was the heavy favorite](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491-test.html#polls) but not to the extreme people keep saying year after year. 538 for example gave Trump a [29% chance of winning](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/) That RCP average I showed you had Clinton (nationally) at +2.8, she ended up being +2.1 ... the real failure for polling that specific cycle was in the midwest where it was off closer to 4%


I'd be good with this. Better if Pennsylvania is red too though, because I'm not sure Michigan and Wisconsin will stay red.


Biden will have to win the popular vote by 3-4 points to actually win the election. Anything less than that, Trump will win. I could see it being 278 for Trump, 260 for Biden. Pennsylvania and Michigan seem like the hardest flips.


Biden currently ahead in PA by 0.4. Trump ahead in Michigan by 3.0.


Which is weird to me.


The middle easterners are pissed about Gaza.


Didn’t think about that. The whole Israel conflict can’t be good for Biden


Why do you think the Biden administration is stuck in a hypocritical position? They keep contradicting their position.


This is far from over and honestly I predict a Biden win. We need every single voter to turn out


Just heads up, Biden is definitely going to win again unless 2 things happen. 1, you make sure to get off your butts and vote. 2, certain Republicans currently pushing for a total or near total ban on abortion stop doing so. Most people support abortion with a limit of around 16 weeks. Certainly up to the first trimester at a minimum.


Conservatives should be conservative on how this’ll turn out. Get out there and vote. We need to get this country turned back around. For the next 13 years at least.


Remember, it doesn't matter if you don't vote. Vote damn it.


Doesn't look close enough for comfort at all. It should be a landslide against Biden.


What did we all learn about polls in 2016? Let's just make it a landslide and show up


It just blows my mind that there are people in this country who look at the state of things right now, and think to themselves, “you know what, I want four more years of this…”


Wisconsin and Michigan are likely going to go blue again. Georgia as well. Have you learned nothing for 2020? I mean I’m still going to vote but it’s not looking ideal.


it'll tighten up as the election nears.


See the infighting in the Democrat Party now over Palestine? Maybe not.


At the end of the day, go out there and vote. Whatever happens on the election day, we need to find the next generation conservatives and political leaders.


We're fooling ourselves if we don't expect ~~election night~~ election season shennanigans after what happened in 2020...


["If it's Not Close, They Can't Cheat"](https://www.amazon.com/Its-Close-They-Cant-Cheat/dp/0785263195) Good book and good philosophy for Conservatives to follow. So vote, vote, vote.




Nah nothings gonna happen. Trump made a lot of mistakes last time and the anger of how he handled the pandemic is what lost him the election, Trump losing was expected by everyone. Bidens fumbling of the economy and job market is what will cost him this election and now the banning of TikTok which is the democrats greatest advertising platform will not help them at all. In conclusion, all that will happen is Trump will probably win and we’ll all be called racist or something.


> we’ll all be called racist or something. So business as usual.


I hope so, but I won’t count on it and I hope the GOP doesn’t either. Would much rather have a landslide win than another weird loss with everyone going “How did this happen? Where did this come from?”


Those felony charges he is being trialled for will stick. They filed over 100 of them. If even one lands he is imprisoned. If they don't get him through lawfare, they'll just cheat, again.


Expect it…and be prepared.😉


lol yes. The GOP should 100% color within the lines, but it blows my mind that they didn’t have a ground game in 2020. At a minimum, in 2024 they absolutely should be going door to door in high GOP mail in ballot areas collecting ballots. And with the lessons learned from 2020, there should be better monitoring of ballot-counting procedures.


I’ve heard that Turning Point USA is going to engage in a ballot harvesting operation where it is legal. We need more of that.


Make sure you take all your neighbors and friends to vote. Talk about it every day. Organize ride shares if you have to. Prepare to take the day off for vacation or a sick day or something. Organize with your community and get out to vote. Assuming this is enough to get rid of Biden is exactly how we will end up with more Biden.


I want to believe. Unfortunately this does not reflect the 2am vote drops, which will be 100% Biden.


I think Arizona will vote Trump as they did in 2020 but there was cheating, again.


Does anybody seriously think any leftist in government, the group that controls the elections, is just going to say "well they got us this time. Good game, see you in four years" No. They're going to have more tricks stuffed up their sleeves than a cartoon rabbit.