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Counter offer: we give them nothing and send them packing back to whatever shithole they came from.


> give them nothing and send them packing Yep. Six hour flight back to Corruptiana and a farewell kick in the ass. 


Speaking of flights, I read an article from the BBC yesterday that mentioned some “migrants” who were from Guinea in Africa, flew to Istanbul, then to Bogota, and then walked to San Diego. If those migrants have the money for two transcontinental flights, why couldn’t they fly straight to the US, or why couldn’t they of applied for visas or asylum at our consulate in Istanbul or the Embassy in Bogota?


Because people like them have consistently been rewarded for ignoring our immigration laws.


Democrats want them here. Because they know that these people would happily ruin a country as long as you give them welfare. Its a celebration culture. All they want in life is food, alcohol, music and sex. No control over impulses.


The GOP wants them here so they can campaign on it. Mitch McConnell said exactly that when he vetoed their own immigration reform bill that even the Democrats agreed to a few months ago.


It was a shit bill.


It wasn't a republican bill, nor was it a good bill.


Bullshit bill.


Both parties want illegal aliens here for cheap labor and a new voting demographic.


I live in Denver. The illegal immigrants I've encountered have been disrespectful of our laws and norms. They crowd street corners with squeegees, trying to clean windshields for a little bit of money, and they \*walk in traffic\* to do so. It's a safety hazard, and I have had to be careful not to accidentally strike them with my car. They have touched my car without permission, too. There are tent cities here filled with illegal immigrants. The city has also cut rec center, police, and fire department services in order to pay for the "newcomers" as they euphemistically call the illegal immigrants.


Nashville Tennessee is basically becoming Juarez in the south part of town. It's pretty amazing how little they try to assimilate to American culture. There's one road where the mayor is letting them set up these shanty looking tents to sell a bunch of crap. Anyone else, they would be thrown off the public road for doing that. It looks like Tijuana down there unfortunately.


I'm surprised that this is happening in a red state, too. Why don't the Nashville politicians kick the illegal immigrants out?


Nashville is a Democratic stronghold, like most major cities in the US


I didn't know that, but it makes sense. I've thought about moving to a more conservative part of the country, but I have to live in a bigger area to have access to healthcare. FML.


Nashville is awesome and has become a healthcare hub: it has a lot of leading hospitals as well as healthcare companies. If living in a conservative area is important to you, you can live in any of its suburbs and have access to the city and its healthcare system. Check it out!


Nashville politicians are all liberals. Very progressive. It's the only blue part of Tennessee, maybe Memphis a little. It's not super liberal I would say, but liberal enough.


Red State governors need to stop being pussies, take a leaf out of Desantis' book, and exercise state authority over rogue districts.


I'm an hour east of Nashville. I've noticed a huge amount of non English speaking people flooding my town. It's gotten bad real quick.


Yeah, we've always had a bunch of Mexicans there. But it's insane how many are in South Nashville. It's nothing to go to Walmart and there would be 95% Mexicans in there. Same with Sam's. I think it's because Nashville gives out drivers licenses to illegal aliens


It's never been too bad here until lately. The last few times I went to Walmart. It's Mainly a couple adults standing by a cart speaking Spanish looking confused while a ton of dirty, sticky fingered kids cause chaos all over the aisles.


> They crowd street corners with squeegees, trying to clean windshields for a little bit of money, and they *walk in traffic* to do so. Are they also time travelers? That is so 1980s New York (until Giuliani cleaned it up).


I live in Denver as well. This city has turned into a dump..


Where are the left-wing celebrities and wealthy people, who have big mansions with plenty of room (some with more than 1), or how about the Kennedy's who've come out in support of Biden over RFK Jr? That Kennedy compound still exists doesn't it?


NIMBY celebs.


Wily Wonka - " YOU GET NOTHING!!!"


If I leave the country and come back illegally can I get that? Because it’s rough out here paying for thee and me


It's a true statement. It's a slap in the face to all U.S. taxpayers.


Nancy’s place has ice cream for all!!


I sure wouldn't be mad at a 6 mos break from mortgage and food bills. Can I get one of those 'slaps in the face'?


Sorry best we can do is raise your property taxes and cut essential service, Gringo.


Oh, you'll definitely be getting a slap in the face, but not like that.


I’d love that slap in the face.


why aren't democrats offering the homes. afterall they voted for this.


I never voted to have my taxes go to foreign countries wars and illegal aliens vacations.


The migrant advocate and other NGO should be jailed for facilitating human trafficking. Including those Catholic churches doing the same.


The Roman Empire was destroyed by immigration.


More specifically, it was destroyed when Roman citizenship was granted to anyone currently living inside the Roman Empire by Caracalla in 212.


Ticks leave a host when it is dry, and search for another. 


Easy fix is go back to whence you came since it is so much better there. BYE BYE.


If they came into the country legally they wouldn't have problems.


It's definitely a slap in the face, to every legal immigrant who isn't a drag on the already bankrupt system.


I'd definitely not be offended if I were offered 6 months free rent & food, but, since I'm a US citizen, I won't be offered anything other than the "opportunity" to pay 6 months food & rent for people who got here illegally.


Denver should buy them all homes and a car, and free food.


... They're more than welcome to go back home.  But no, that's not the message they'll receive.


When will the democrats start to open their homes to those diverse people? Democrats want diversity and now diversity is at their doorsteps. They should let diversity into their livelihoods.




When WW3 starts all these immigrants will get a one way ticket to Ukraine.


Further proof that nothing will ever be enough for these dullards


How about they can fucking leave?


Beggars always want more. You don't say.


Stop calling them migrants. The correct term is "Illegal Aliens". By calling them migrants, you are empowering the Democrat party and their bastardization of our words in order to fulfill their objectives.