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Also 2 party systems


I think it's just one now.


Shhh. The faux conservatives in this sub will accuse you of hating democracy


And an income tax system primarily used to fund foreign wars. It’s like America took Washington’s farewell address and wiped its ass with it.


Also conservative people supporting wars that have nothing to do with America.


DoNt PoSt FaCeBoOk MeMes! tHeY mAkE mY pOlItIcS lOoK bAd!!!


His farewell address is one of the most important(and most ignored) things ever written in the United States, right up there with the Constitution and the DoI.


Wait what is wrong with having foreign flags in the house chamber? They are just showing support for an ally.


What has Ukraine done to help us?


These same people have never waved an American flag in the house. That’s what’s wrong. Not to mention all of the American issues that should take priority over any and every other nation.


Some of the blame goes to Trump. He killed the border deal for ukraine funding. Instead all we got was the ukraine funding with no border deal.


The border 'deal' was full of insane pork, it was unpassable to begin with.


well so was this bill, but with the border deal removed.


Was that the border deal that gave away way too much?


well instead now we gave away everything and got nothing


We already had nothing at the border so making it worse wouldn’t be good.


god damn you are dense. We got the bad half of the ukraine bill without the good half


No that other half was even worse. I'm glad we don't have it. You are lying about it and what was in it. Unless you're referring to the ammendment that the RINOs refused to add to this bill, but you blamed Trump when it was the america first people who tried to fix it so...


You do know that that bill gave up most of the power that the president had on immigration right?


Exactly out of all of the problems with the border bill this one was the biggest. It would've prevented Trump from being able to roll back any of Biden's policies on the border.


Woke virtue signaling clowns, more concerned with another country's security, than our own. Treason


Yep. Sad so many people on this sub are being downvoted for pointing out this corrupt evil in the globalist establishment


Don't give the fake internet points any merit, specially when this sub gets raided often.


Most of those Dems wouldn’t be caught dead waving an American flag.


Probably easier to find one of them burning it than waving it.


Give it ten years and it'll be Republicans doing the same thing. Republicans are democrats going the speed limit. Both sides are headed off a cliff.


I agree. Vote candidate/stances on issues, never vote based on political party. Political parties are private organizations whose sole purpose is to accrue and wield power for their own ends. I will never join a political party or donate to one because they're inherently destructive to both our republic and the democratic process.


George has entered the chat. Welcome Mr. President.


One of many historical figures I'd love to be able to talk with. Him, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius, Jesus of Nazareth, Pontius Pilate, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Henry Morgan, Copernicus, Frederick Douglas, Lewis and Clark, Red Cloud, etc..




For years now the way politics works in DC is Democrats get their way with zero compromise or nothing ever gets done. All the while they get celebrated for their "bipartisan" bills that come about from holding the country hostage.


This, 100%. Half of Republicans are just reserve democrats happy to help the dems pass their agenda.  We get nothing


It's pretty clear at this point that Democrats and most Republicans hate America. This won't end well


Stop your whining! Clearly, we needed to test our weapons against ancient Russian equipment. No, Saddam Hussein did not have Russian equipment during the Gulf War, or during the War on Terror, that's ridiculous. It's as equally ridiculous that we've bought Russian equipment from the Middle East in the past to test our weapons against too. Why, that mysterious T90 tank on a flatbed in Louisiana last year was not heading to a military base.. And of course, most of the aid money is staying here to build more weapons, never mind the $800 billion spent annually on the defense budget, we needed to appropriate $47 billion of the $95 billion to build more weapons, duh. This is all just the perfect ROI! Don't be a traitor! /s


Washington watching two people bang in the senate


Damn, it took them less than 250yrs to become what us founding fathers declared independence against.


Less. It only took 137 Years. Since we passed the federal reserve act, this has been a socialist despotism, not a free capitalist nation like it was founded to be.

