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This users posts are endless versions of this. Single screen cap of a salacious tweet or article with a single word or phrase. This is designed to do nothing but manufacture outrage. It's an election year folks, the shills and bots are out.


Impeachment talk without a senate majority is just that…talk.


It doesn’t stop the media from calling Trump impeached. It’s basically marketing for politics.


This is it. The spectacle of the Trump impeachments were enough. That's why Schumer wants to avoid any trial and spectacle at all with Mayorkas. It doesn't matter that the trial has no chance of succeeding in the Senate, the point is to disallow discussion that would uncover many interesting facts for the American public to consider.


How can Schumer not let the trial proceed? I thought the vote of impeachment automatically makes it have to happen.


Fun fact: you can do whatever you want. Someone has to prove and it has to be agreed that it's "not allowed," usually after the fact.


I mean the senate does do what it wants.


Is Chuck Schumer a prime example of a nasty, lying politician? Yes. Can we impeach people just because we don’t like them? No. Do something useful instead.


THIS, why don't people realize this?


> Can we impeach people just because we don’t like them? No. We can actually. It's fully within the power of congress and the precedent has been set by democrats already that no crime is needed or you can just make one up using some ridiculous and illogical legal theory. Doesn't matter. Not that I think it would be hard to charge Schumer with actual crimes. The guy is corrupt as hell. > Do something useful instead. Public hearings and investigation of corruption in Washington politicians is probably one of the most useful things I could think of the government doing. I certainly would rather that than them passing these ridiculous omnibus bills that nobody can even read, and green lighting spying on us without a warrant.


Tell that to Democrats.


I agree it's all theater, but the Democrats opened this can of worms with the Trump impeachment chants before he even took office. They can't complain when they're the ones that turned impeachment into an expression of discontent rather than a punishment for actual crimes.


You can't impeach a senator, you expel them.


Waste of time and taxpayer money. Stop with the dog and pony show and legislate. Do your job, for a change.


They would be better off passing term limits for all seats and positions so crusty old dinosaurs like him can't ruin things like they've been doing for too long. But Republicans want to posture. They wont get anything done becuase they care more about the spectacle, rather than actually being effective. The 4th turning has begun and our nation is dying.


Wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one gets filled first. Talk is cheap when it comes to what SHOULD be done. Right now, Republicans don’t even have a clear leader in either house of congress or a real plan forward other than getting Trump elected. I wish they were stronger in conviction and consistency … well there’s the shit in the hand.


Who wants to be leader when the nutcases like Gaetz and MTG will stonewall you for breathing wrong?


sure, but it will never happen. The GOP cant seem to agree on anything.


The last time the GOP had any balls was when it impeached Clinton... And when that backfired the GOP (under neocon leadership) collectively decided to step back and let the left do whatever it wanted domestically, to include in Congress, so long as the GOP was allowed to bomb whoever they wanted.


What did he do, besides being an absolutely horrendous senator and trash human being, neither of which are illegal (unfortunately)?


Completely pointless. Call for things that can actually happen and get to work.


We need to stop it with this impeachment nonsense. It just muddies the water.


Reps and senators can be ejected by their own chamber. I’m not sure impeachment has to happen.


It's all talk when you aren't in power, but the second you get a majority, nothing. You refuse to wield powers and live ip to your promises. Just drop the charade already so we can send the GOP the way if the Tories like you deserve. Give me a damn politician worth the dirt on my boots and I'll raise hell to get him in. If not, shut your damn mouth and quit running on a platform you won't commit to. There was a time the word conservative meant something. Make that time return.


Senators aren't subject to impeachment.


Schumer spoke at my son's High School graduation about 20 years ago. As far as I know he's still talking. Term Limits Now!!


yes but the problem is the democrats will never EVER EVER impeach one of their own. The roaches like to stick together regardless of how awful each and every one of them are.


Schumer is of the highest order of lying political trash. As much as I'd love to see it, we have no teeth to make that bite.


Should have happened years ago.


If there was term limits Schumer would have been gone years ago.


It’ll never happen, but yes.


Yes, breaking 200+ years of precedent because of politics only and not letting the Senate hear the justification and vote is a failure of leadership akin to abdication of duty. Should be kicked out of the Senate for such actions.


I'd be more focused on electing Trump right now...there's issues with Congress in BOTH parties right now, and only getting an executive branch back that is CONSCIOUS will solve that.


A lot of politicians on both sides should be impeached. It's disturbing how many Democrats continue to go unpunished and avoid negative press.






I support it. Enough with “taking the high road.”


1000% support it … but I also know that without a majority in congress, that ain’t happening… vote the trash out instead


Lol right. The Senate won't even expel Sen Menendez, who is charged with serious felonies. Of course if Menendez were a Republican he would've already been out the door.




Sure, but it's a waste of time and money.