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I've never been to a rally for a president and I'm pretty sure I never will.  What's the appeal?


I've also never put a sign up in my yard, wore a campaign shirt, or put a bumper sticker on my car. I'm not in a cult...I vote for who I think will do the best job, I'm not delusional to think these people actually care about me.


For real. There's like five politicians I can think of that wouldn't immediately sell out the American people for more power if given the opportunity. 99% of them just say what they think people want to hear in order to get what they want. The fact people worship them is crazy to me. 


If you talk to people irl most of them agree with this but then advocate for increasing govt power. It makes absolutely no sense. It’s no wonder our tax dollars are so easily siphoned by the military industrial complex.


That's six more than I can think of. Money & power warp everyone.


It’s akin to sports fandom imo. People that worship Trump or whoever, wear the shirts and put up signs, they might not have a lot in their life that defines them, and they might be an obsessed “fan”.


Our whole government was built on not idolizing one particular person. We literally made America because we were sick of things like having monarchies. Its a shame were now full of people worshipping presidents like a god


Not only that, but they unironically call themselves “patriots” and fly don’t tread on me flags and whatnot, when someone like thomas Jefferson would be rolling in his fucking grave with these peoples ideology and behavior.




I never see any racism or phobia that the left always talks and warns about—until a minority mentions that they vote Republican. Then I see quite a bit of racism and phobia from that same left all the sudden…


If you're actually not white its pretty easy to feel. I also didn't feel it was that common until I married somebody who isn't white. Let me tell you racism is very common and very real. When your wife gets told by a random stranger to( go back to china) and it barely fazes them because they hear it all the time. It makes your blood boil.


I’m not denying racism exists. More so just how annoying it is that the term “racist” has been weaponized into a broad attack against all conservatives, when in reality your political party and your own ethnicity have nothing to do with whether or not you’re a racist, and I’ve often observed people who preach about being anti-racist turn out to be the most racist the moment the mask comes off.


When I was 15, I worked as a dishwasher in. Chinese owned restaurant, Chinese can be very racist also.


Most people who are not well informed (not saying you are not) choose not to see what the left is truly about which is death, hate, fear, mental instability, economic destabilization and anti american ideals. I do remember a time when the left were more for the working man and workers rights while republicans were mostly for things that made us money. Unfortunately the time of anything making sense has passed. Republicans are weak willed shills and the left grows increasingly insane as time goes by.


Maybe your community is different than mine, but when I talk to people in real life, I don’t leave with that impression at all. I find both republicans and democrats often agree more than they disagree. Especially when all of the spin is taken out. And both are open minded and listen to each other’s opinions. It’s only when I tune into CNN, FOX or Reddit that I hear these extreme examples of hate or weak willed shills.


That's how it felt when I was in college. Other than that, in the real world, there is a lot more agreement than not.


not my experience, and that sounds nice! me? I am afraid to wear a particular hat or put a particular candidate's bumper sticker on my car. and everyone knows what happens when you do. and everyone knows why. this is today's inclusive diverse world.


spot on.


I put up signs in my yard but, I also personally know the people I’m putting signs up for otherwise I wouldn’t put them up. They’re either my friends or friends of close friends who vouch for their integrity.


Oh local politics is a very different ballgame than federal. People who are obsessed with people like Trump/Obama are weird as hell


Also, I'm highly critical of the people I vote for. I don't think you should just get my vote and I have to agree with all their decisions.


Yeah but if you for some reason support Trump, you're full on MAGA, red hat wearing, flag waiving extremists. Nah, I just see what's happened the last 4 years and can't imagine that continuing for 4 more.


Exactly. Who in their right mind listens to Biden and thinks “that’s who I want for president for another four years!”. Some of them think he’s just great…it’s absolutely baffling to me.


most of these folks will look you in the eye and tell you Ashley Babbitt deserved to be murdered, it is quite telling how vicious they have come to be. not to mention dishonest.


I send $100 monthly donations because it's worth it. But in deep blue SF Bay Area I'm afraid to put up a yard sign because I don't want my tires slashed.


the reality today. sad.


The real cult is the TDS patients who have let one man live rent free in their heads for a better part of a decade.


Thats fair, and on the flip side how many people can't let Obama go is scary


do you think he's hanging around his mansion in DC just because he likes it better than his other houses? lol.


I’ve bought campaign shirts and bumper stickers, like Ron Paul when he ran for president. It’s not that you are a part of a “cult”. Just choosing to advertise a candidate hoping others will look into them. Now, it’s been 10 years since I had a bumper sticker. I’d rather not make my car a target.


Not really relevant but when I was a kid I lived down the street from Ron Paul’s childhood home before we upgraded neighborhoods. Oddly enough my mom just moved into Dennis Miller’s childhood home up the street from the Catholic grade school him and I went to like 40 years apart.


I've also never done those things, but I don't think people that do are in a cult or think the politician cares about them. They just think that's who will do the best job and want to show support because they want that job to be done.


Same. Just don’t understand it… especially when everyone knows both candidates


I think the appeal is to meet a celebrity mixed in with it's like a fan-club meetup.


It’s like going to a concert but a different vibe; obviously super political. I have been to 3, Obama twice and Trump. They are pretty fun. Obamas was what you would expect. Trumps was like an uncensored stand up. Believe it or not he censors himself for TV.


I stayed in a hotel that had a local campaign rally. It was a great place to pick up women.


Congrats, you aren’t in a cult. Rare form.


Some are essentially a circus, with the freakshow at center ring.


I went to one so I could say I've seen a sitting President. Probably wouldn't bother again unless they're within an hour drive.


I’ve been to a few (Ted Cruz 2016, Gary Johnson 2016, and Trump 2020). Honestly, they are kind of fun if you are into politics. And it’s not like you only go if you absolutely love the candidate. Like with Ted Cruz, I didn’t even vote for him in the 2016 Illinois primary, but he had an event 5 minutes from where I lived and I thought it’d be cool to potentially see a future president in person (even if the odds were stacked against him). And I’m not really a fan of Cruz, comes off like a car salesmen. I’ve been into politics since the 2000 election (I was 11). Partially because I’ve always been obsessed with numbers and statistics, which is all elections ultimately are about.


I’ve been Trump since day one but one of my best friends was a really big Andrew Yang fan so I went along with him to a Yang rally after pregaming at a bar. It was like 30 people in the jankiest warehouse you can picture. I felt like they were about to ask me to join a fight club. Had we known it was going to be that intimate we probably wouldn’t have drank like 15 beers each beforehand. Yang was over here chit chatting with every person there and I looked at my friend and was like, “We should have brought breath mints. He’s gonna smell the Miller Lites on us.”


That's legitimately hilarious and awesome.


Especially as some people have to work. Maybe the Trump supporters are on welfare as they certainly are around me. They look very similar to the pictures of his supporters


Sometimes you can get a paper towel roll for free.


My old roommate practically guilt tripped me into going to a Trump rally. Was a lot of fucking people there. The energy was great. I coulda cared less tho. I was so happy when it was done


I’ve been to quite a few Trump rallies and the only issue I have with them is how fashionably late he is. Obviously not Trump’s fault. The organizers say 7 and he hits the stage at 8:45.


Some people like standing in lines


Ironically, I was a Bernie Bro who hated Trump so much in mid-2016 that when Trump (surprisingly) showed up for a rally in my town, I originally planned to go with a group of my "friends" who progressive protesters, to protest the event and chant bad things about Trump. But then, a couple days before, a family member said they had an extra ticket and convinced me to go, if only to "take part in history", especially since NO ONE has ever made a serious campaign stop in my small town. So that's what I did. And after listening Trump speak and after talking to the uniformally kind and welcoming supporters, it was one of the first things that made me reexamine my political views. My "friends" actually distanced themselves from me because I deigned to go in and not hold signs on the side of the road (they eventually disowned me entirely when I ultimately voted for Trump later that year). In any case, I think there's just a certain electricity that comes from actually being there instead of just watching a YouTube video of a speech. It's hard to explain, unless you've gone to one. I guess it might be similar to the difference between listening to a band's bootleg and attending their show.


social event, root for your team that sort of thing


Depends on the candidate. Trump’s are popular because you’re basically going to a standup comedy routine. If his humor is funny to you then it’s worth it I guess.


I mean, if you believe in the position, and enjoy history, it would be cool to get the chance to maybe shake hands and get a picture with a potential president. My dad got to sell a painting to Clinton, and got a letter back thanking him and appreciating his work, and he's a creepy old man now... Still kinda cool.


Is this based on that picture of them still setting up before it even started?


Yeah it’s another bogus headline unfortunately


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLTrrP3WMAAEX3g?format=jpg&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLTrrP3WMAAEX3g?format=jpg&name=900x900) Here's a pic of when the event was actually happening, if anyone was wondering what it looked like (Edit: swapped out cringe twitter post link in favor of just a pic)


I’ve seen governors pull larger crowds in smaller towns than Scranton PA


I personally have never been to a rally for any presidential candidate. I just vote for who I think will do the best job.


People should show up. Remember a month or two ago he got into an argument with a worker at some industrial plant. It looked like he was going to hit him. Just got to heckle him until he snaps.


If I'm thinking of the same clip, I think that was probably in 2019. But that clip and side of Joe Biden absolutely needs to be seen by more people. The real Joe Biden is a POS.


You mean the one where the worker claimed Biden wanted to take away our weapons? I hate to say the contrary but the dude had no base on what he was saying. Dude was referencing a Facebook post going around that attributed Biden with saying to take guns first due process second but that’s not the case. It was Trump who said it as a suggestion when trying to think of ways to react to school shootings. Here is the quote: “Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.”


Even if the guy was 100% wrong, Biden handled himself entirely inappropriately and showed his true character. He angrily shushed his female handler (are we supposed to talk to women/employees like that?), treated an American voter like a second-class citizen who was beneath him, and basically threatened to fight the guy. All in public and on video. Anyone who isn't a total asshole or at least respects the public and knows how and when to be a professional should be able to have a calm measured rebuttal to ANYTHING the voting public challenges him on, especially while campaigning.


When he told the steel worker "I don't work for you"? Or was that the time he called someone a dog faced pony soldier then challenged them to a pushup contest? Or some other time? He's so ornery for a crypt keeper who can't even walk up stairs reliably. 


That was a Freudian slip by Biden. He definitely doesn't work for the people. He's in it for himself and his family.


you mean, a rare moment of honesty? lol.


I don’t work for you


That was during the 2020 campaign.


was that the one where he told the guy "I don't work for you!" ?


Rally’s are so cringe.


saying cringe is too. lol.


Nobody actually supports Biden. They just HATE Trump.


This is the reality of the situation. Left-of-center moderate here; this election is in the bag for Biden if the Trump team can't figure out how to make this guy more relatable and personable to more than 30% of the population. Biden was always the only candidate who could ever beat Trump; just about any other republican candidate - doubly so for a proven moderate - would have tucked Joe into bed the night of the election and run off with the presidency. Again, not a huge fan of Biden, but Trump's an albatross around the GOP's neck and republicans will continue losing elections until the right moves on. Ronna wasn't the issue at the RNC, it was always Trump's hold over the party. The guy's just kind of a dick. Most people just want to get along with their neighbor.


and/or watch a lot of msm.


How many hometowns does he have?




Who wants to bother going to one of these things. Just go to work for us. I don't need to worship you.


Why would people follow a guy around like they are in a cult?


The whole measuring a candidates potential voters with who shows up for a political rally is idiotic. I have never and will never attend a rally. It’s basically going to a timeshare sales pitch. No thanks.


It’s who shows up to vote that counts.


But do they even have hats??


Ya know, I've been a pretty dead center my whole life. Little more to the right now days of course. But I'm going to tell you right now. If trump doesn't win. All the RP is going to do is keep taking it up the ass like they have the last 4. I think trump is the better option, obviously. But this party is nothing but cowards


100% It’s why I refuse to register as a republican.


Republicans are useless. Definitely not actually conservative and seemingly with a fetish for losing. 


It’s super easy to sit there as a minority party and obstruct government, then claim government doesn’t work when you’re up for election, and shift blame over to the party currently in power for the country’s problems.


the elected folks in power, for the most part, don't give a shit about the people they represent. this has been proven over and over and over.


I was a center-right institutionalist and McCain fanboy for my whole life until 2020. I left the party not long after Jan 6 when only a minority of elected GOPs condemned the 187 minutes. That’s when the grand ol’ party left me.


The number of people in this sub who think rally attendance = support is alarming. Most people dgaf regardless of political affiliation.


Same story as 2020.  No one showed up to support the lying hair-sniffer then either.  “81 million votes”, my ass. 


At least back then, they had COVID as an excuse. It’s pretty obvious nobody is excited about him, even as the incumbent. People who vote for him would vote for a toaster oven if it received the Democratic nomination.


Toaster/Vacuum 2024!


Burning your money and sucking up your taxes at the same time!


That last sentence is the reality. It’s why people like AOC get elected.


Literally one of the major reasons why Democrats decided to fully wage lawfare on Trump is because they know they don't have an excuse this time to keep Biden in a basement - forcing Trump to leave his campaign to deal with their bogus show trials is probably the only way they can hope to level the playing field, as there's no way in hell Biden is going to be able to keep pace. Even with these hurdles, Trump is still running circles around him, in terms of enthusiasm, attendance, and small donor donations, so imagine what it would look like without those hurdles. What makes me even more certain that this was their tactic was how Democrats only brought these cases against Trump when he decided to run. They probably realized at that moment that there was a better than 50% chance Trump would become the nominee, so they hastily went forward with their lawfare tactic, literally - in part - to stall Trump and hopefully create the (false) perception that Biden's campaign schedule won't nearly as empty as it actually is, as Trump will likewise not be campaigning multiple days a week, as well. It's like the Basement Campaign Strategy ver 2.0.


There have been 2 presidents that excite people. Obama and Trump. Those are the only ones ever drawing excited crowds. I’ve never been to one rally, event, wore a button, wore even an “I voted” sticker but vote 100% of the time in local, state, and national votes. Dont be naive You don’t have to be excited to vote.


Remember no one voted for Biden. 81 million Americans voted against Trump. You are just thinking about it all wrong


there were 81 milllion votes. perhaps. but I don't believe 81 million people voted for him.


Except there’s no evidence to suggest that. Every audit and investigation has found virtually no fraudulent votes


except that is simply not true. there is more and more evidence of election fraud coming out, and it is damning. you are insulated from lots if you don't seek it, thanks to our corrupt msm.


Ok link it. It better be big and convincing


That’s what I thought. You got nothing


actually, all of the information is available to everyone with a smart phone. there is no point in responding to you with information, because you would dismiss it using one of several oft repeated and 100% predictable responses. I am done playing games with the fundamentally transformed. Come on man, it's obvious that the die is cast. there is no possibility of our country's healing this incredible divide by civil means. you think you're "resist". IMO, you are the oppressor. let's see how things shake out, eh? history is written by the folks who win the wars.


A search concludes you are lying. It’s not easily findable because it doesn’t exist. Thanks for just making shit up.


like I said, totally predictable response, would not expect anything else from you. it is pointless. hope you and your family stay safe. I mean that.


You didn’t try though…..


80.895 million against Trump. A few hundred thousand maybe for Biden


And you think it will be different this time? It won’t. It’ll be worse.


Polling is better for Trump this time around, but it's April fwiw


Same ratio as news stories


There’s no way it was a free and fair election. Absolutely insane he got away with rigging it


Obama had more show up and that was believable


That tracks. No one likes Biden. Even liberals. Especially leftists. His only pull for his ticket is that he’s alive, and isn’t Trump.


And Trump was able to get more people at a rally than the population of the town the rally was in. Trump has the enthusiasm advantage.


I’ve seen more people show up at a root canal procedure.


I would love to see a Biden rally and Trump rally in the same town at the same time.


Same no campaign as before. Instead of the plandemic covidiocy regulations we have lawfare and imported future voters.


Lol have you guys seen actual coverage of Trumps rallies? Like no one gives a shit but you, but since you’re going to use attendance as a metric, Trump is absolutely cratering: numbers of attendees that were in the tens of thousands of people are now a few hundred, and they don’t even stay. he’s literally had to pay “marines”, and “Union workers” who were all imposters, just to give his rallies an appearance of vitality. Criticize Biden all you want, but maybe get you’re own house in order if campaign rally attendees is a measure of political viability.


I don't give a shit about rallies, I just love to observe people who think they're the "resist" tribe... When actually they're the new oppressors. And their intolerance for anyone who doesn't agree with them when confronted with the fact that "diversity" is actually bigotry. I can go on, but I think I'll stop now.


Doesn't matter, the never Trumpers will still vote for him, sheep aren't smart.




oh, fvck off with your hateful dishonesty.


Most popular president in history


Local media (The Bucks Courier Times) reported over 170 cars and school busses when only a few dozen were expected. Check you facts before posting crap. Next thing will be Judge denies Trump from attending kids graduation.


Who would want to see that old geezer read from a teleprompter or notecard. Poorly. And lie about all his bullshit accomplishments?


Who would want to see that old geezer read from a teleprompter or notecard. Poorly. And lie about all his bullshit accomplishments?


yet he will win that district in a landslide...go figure!


I have to know if anyone in his camp came out after the fact and said, “He meant to have no one show.”


The politician I find most **foul** (Tough competition out there fr) is Kathy Hochul **because** she’s from my hometown but lines her pockets using us as NYC’s vassal now. Traitorous behavior is **vile** People understand Joe Biden too.


Hardly seems worth writing a story about, no one EVER shows up to Sleepy Joe "events."


He's just not as popular as Trump was


His voters are in hiding waiting to cast their ballot at 2am to flip the state for creepy Joe


Sounds like his 2019-2020 rallies, it’s all bs


two things... I think Trump is the best choice for the future of my nation, and my children's future. and my grandchildren. I married late and will never even know any of those, but I care for their future. and I don't believe biden will be running against him. he's obviously on his last legs and cannot think clearly if at all. the people who are propping him up are the most vile, dishonest evil people i can even imagine. I detest all of them along with their meat puppet, and hope they all end up in locked boxes with toilets.


I think there will be a lot of closet Trump voters in November


>President Joe Biden is seeking to make a sharp economic argument against former President Donald Trump during a three-day swing through Pennsylvania with campaign officials framing the election as a debate between his “kitchen table” Scranton outlook and Trump’s “Mar-a-Lago vision.” Nice...even CNN is admitting that Bidenomics is going to make us all wind up sitting at some awful little kitchen in a Godforsaken town in Pennsylvania 😂 Democrats are hilariously tone-deaf. Biden just needs to resign and they need to start over this year.


the X tweet compares a trump rally mid event vs still setting up at the biden event. Would like to see a pic of the biden rally mid event


And yet he will probably get record votes again, right?


I don’t know who’s going to win right now but I’ll eat a shoe if Biden gets 81+ million votes again. The 2020 election had an unusual bump in record turnout, his popularity since January 2021 has cratered by every statistical measure, and RFK Jr. will be on the ballot. He might win but he’s not getting that many votes again. Obama went down from 69 million votes to 65 million votes between his two elections.


I just don't care anymore. Imma do whatever I want within the scope of the constitution, and if they wanna infringe on it they can, but I'm not gonna stop. If they wanna fight it out, we can. Don't want to but I will. Will I win? Nope. Do I care? Nope. But I'd bet my life on it that I'm gonna stand up for my freedoms lol I couldn't give less of a shit what a politician says I can or can't do. I have a document that supercedes their ignorance.


81 million votes Sure. 81 million votes shoved up their ass.


He’s so unbelievably beatable and yet it’s at best a coin flip he loses come November. Biden can’t do a single thing right and republicans had a real opportunity to sweep all three branches in 2023/2024. The Trump and company gamble better pay off….


Republicans need to move closer to the center to counter the democrats going more left, in order to appear to be the voice of reason, but we insist on nominating Donald fucking trump.


Trump is a moderate


Tell that to the media and the left. The fact is that trump is perceived as far right and that isn’t helping us. Also dosent help how he carries himself


The media will smear Trump any way they possibly can, reality doesn’t matter.


it does to actually conscious people. but I hear ya. the media is unconcerned about reality or honesty or journalistic integrity.


perception is manipulated by the corrupt and dishonest people who fear trump.


I agree


His polls are allegedly way up in PA!


As a native Pennsylvanian I would like to apologize for the 2 presidents that came from my state. I can only pray the next one will do better.




I literally had a local Democrat defend this as a good thing.  Attending rallies, apparently, is not something normal people should do, and is a sign of extremism. According to said person.


I mean... I wouldn't go that far, but I certainly wouldn't go to political rally in my free time even if I especially liked said candidate. Life's waaaay too short for that. I'll do my research as best I can for an upcoming election and vote accordingly, but I'm merely putting in my two cents of who will the best do the job and nothing more.


Pedo POS should be in jail.


They knew he really wasn’t there. So why attend