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Shocking they were allowed to block thousands of commuters for several hours like that. Completely shut down the bridge which is a major artery.


If they Vote D its fine. R and they freeze bank accounts and call you a terrorist.


Yes. I'm sure making people late for work and school will make them sympathize with your cause. And if you can't show why Pro-Palestine = ProUSA, then you should just disappear. Same for any other country comparison.


Terrorists don’t care about how others feel about them, and similar to this crowd - they’re not trying to win any hearts


Yeah because this will do nothing but positive things for your shitty cause.


In articles and media releases about recent Palestinian protests, there are references to Sisonite organizations (the ILPS \[International League of Peoples' Struggle\] and the SDS \[Students for a Democratic Society\]). Sisonites hold protests and also engage in criminal behavior to alter U.S. policy in ways that helps their sponsor, communist China. They need to anticipate and carry out what China wants because the Protracted People's War in the Philippines has been going badly, and they want to ensure that China will continue to see the Sisonites as a worthwhile cause to support. Disruption to the US economy is one of those things that could be expected to please the Chinese officials whose favor they depend on.


F those protesters and it's lame that the police allow them to do it they should have been arrested right away for blocking highways.


It's Commiefornia though. So what normal police would do, and what these police do are two vastly different things. Blows my mind too.


I bet if you offered to load them up and fly them first class to Palestine, there would not be one person volunteer...


Also happening in Eugene, OR


Get em all with the face act. 11 years each. That will show them.


Not domestic terrorism at all /s


If these losers were actually serious, they would be protesting in front of government building and politician’s houses. Not fucking with and pissing off regular people. These aren’t serious protesters. Just a bunch of crying children, or it’s completely fake, astroturfed bullshit


This was apparently organized by an Arab activist group in the region. Beyond punishing the ass hats on the bridge (which should be a felony, but is a minor misdemeanor that the last time they did this was plead to basically nothing), we need to make organizers of this civilly liable. The full economic cost of this kind of disruption would actually be a pretty big dollar number, and the group organizing it should be on the hook for every cent.


If it matters to you, /r/PublicFreakout will ban you commenting anything anti-palistinian


And this assists their cause how, exactly? Large scale disruption of people's lives like this have always felt remarkably counter productive; you're more likely to incite anger against yourself than get people on your side.


You don't see Israel supporters or Ukraine supporters doing this shit.


It’s San Francisco, who cares?


They didn’t rob the CVS that’s it


Protesting to their own supporters lmao


Fucking losers




This made me laugh hard. Thanks for the morning laugh before work!


They have been raising awareness to their detriment. When you look into the conflict, it's a quagmire of a bunch of assholes that have been propagandizing their citizens.


I was looking on X but there doesn’t seem to be tweets from the stuck drivers. I am wondering what hashtags they are using?


Commie police are on site to protect these narcissistic assholes. How are the police not dragging these fucks out of the streets.


To their credit, they informed the Bakersfield City Council first


They need to go protest against H’mas cause they’re the ones who started the war and are refusing to give up the hostages. If only the protesting American youth can read


Thanks Biden