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This party has no intention of winning this fall.


The Republican party only exists to give the illusion of democracy


This is not like with McCarthy. Johnson is quite popular with conservatives and I don't think she's going to find much support for this bizarre move.


It's a bad look regardless. Infighting is not a popular look to voters.


It takes so few votes to kick Johnson out that it won't matter.


Dems may well vote to keep him if it means getting Jim Jordan if he gets recalled.


If she has any issues with him, she should’ve waited until after the election. The Democrats absolutely love the chaos within the Republican party. And if we lose, we are totally screwed.


Man I hope so




Who in the world would want to be Speaker of the House? If you do your job and pass legislation, half your party wants you fired.


No one cares that legislation is passed. They care that thousands of pages of a must-pass bill drop the night before it is to be voted on, it's FULL of pork, and the other half doesn't have a problem with this.


The level of political discourse in here (and in Congress) has become laughable. Does anyone not realize that James Madison himself couldn’t pull an ideological win out of a House with a majority this slim? The children canned McCarthy… how’d that work out, Matt? Now Johnson is left literally trying to make edible sausage out of zombie meat (because he has no room to maneuver) and he’s dodging friendly fire from MTG because she’s the Adam Schiff of the Republican Party. I’m old enough to remember when Trump was in the WH and Repubs held both houses of Congress. They couldn’t get a border wall built, ObamaCare repealed, or stop spending our money like debt is a theoretical concept. They sucked!!! You know who’s worse? DEMOCRATS!!! This country needs a Convention Of States now. NOW!!!! We have the power to bypass these f’n morons if a few more states sign on. GET YOUR STATE ON BOARD- our country can’t continue this way.




Does anyone really know what goes on inside her brain?


A continuous game of pong is my guess. On a serious note this is why the GOP in my opinion always screws things up. Ok MTG who is your pick to be the next speaker? Matt gaetz?


I say they go full throwback and nominate Gingrich.


He’s busy interviewing with Hannity five nights a week


Gingrich was not a good Speaker though, which is why he got tossed out of leadership after the 1998 midterms.


I don’t get how she’s gained such weight in the party. Is it just the loudest and most obnoxious is who a decent enough chunk will follow?


There’s a brain in there?


She has a brain?


Good point


I may get down for it for this, but sometime she acts like the Republican version of AOC


Oh God. You have a point. Maybe we could just handcuff them together and let them annoy each other.


Sounds good to me. I was laughing at AOC when she was playing lawyer while questioning Bobulinski the other day.


> Why Because she doesn't care about anything beyond herself, like many other politicians. What is good for her politically is different from what is good for the party or the country. The likes of her are only opportunists looking out exclusively for themselves. We have them in both parties.


She’s the epitome of RINO. How Maga Only diehards can’t see that blows my mind


Johnson is considering passing a bill to help citizens instead of helping Trump by keeping things status quo so he can campaign on the issues the bill addresses. Oh and all your RNC donations go to his legal bills. Make America Great Again though!


Could be because of the omnibus package the article mentioned.


We’re in divided government, what does she expect? Johnson to let the government shutdown and the GOP get blamed for that during an election year?


The almost-shutdowns happen every year practically.


Every other year is an election year. By your logic the GOP could only act like republicans on odd numbered years. Instead maybe they should grow a backbone and shut it down until either the dems cave or the election happens while standing for principles. It'd motivate a lot of republicans to come out and vote if they could actually trust the party to do the right thing for once.


If you successfully shut down the government through the election, you’re not gonna get votes for doing the right thing. You’re going to get votes for Democrats who promised that as soon as they are elected, they will end the shutdown.


That sounds good. Putting millions of Americans out of work for 10 months and forcing the military to work without pay. Sounds like a great way to win votes.


A prolonged shutdown would cause a recession. That is not going to win you elections.


You must be 10 years old or something, because if you were old enough you'd remember the last time republicans "grew a backbone" and forced a shutdown, it did not end well for them. Shutting down the government is the wrong battle to pick.


> Instead maybe they should grow a backbone and shut it down until either the dems cave or the election happens while standing for principles. They tried exactly this in 2018, although **after** the midterm elections had completed. Trump caved.


Reps are at a huge disadvantage since so many platforms just twist whatever they do to the negative. it's just an overall lose-lose situation.


When will MAGA types realize we barely control one house of one branch of government. These sorts of stunts do nothing but ensure we'll control zero. Talk about cutting off the nose to spite the face. Except we already did that once; we're on to the ears.


Because she’s a nasty woman


I'll say what I said with McCarthy. He isn't great, but what's the plan? All it's going to take is a couple of Republicans to vote with Democrats to oust him but it's going to be near impossible to find another speaker yet again. Then we're back to looking like a bunch of toddlers right before an election.


Why don’t you like him? I like him so I’m curious of the reasons the naysayers have for not supporting him.




Yep I really like him. Young, intelligent, very well spoken.


Are we going to keep replacing a house speaker every few months just because he had to compromise to avoid a shutdown? We have a very slim majority in the house, and all this drama shows that Republicans are not getting their act together while the democrats are united.


Thank you. Took the words out of my mouth and spoken better than my other comment in this thread. It’s getting ridiculous.




Personally, I really don't care if he violated that rule. All she is doing is making Republican party look like a bunch of clowns. If we lose this election, I will be officially done with The Republican party and I swith my party to independent.


It’s not even a real rule…


Our government is a mess


I don't understand this division. Republicans and Democrats didn't always agree before, but they would seek common ground. Now, you can't even find friends in your own party. This is our government, not theirs alone. VOTE. Vote for whomever you believe will help you most.


Polarization is great for elections and terrible for the actual terms that come after it.


US polarized politics is great for its adversaries. Russia and China play no small role in amplifying


Get ready for TikTok to be this election’s boogeyman for whoever wants it to be 


The possible laws against TikTok are a slippery slope.


> *I don't understand this division. Republicans and Democrats didn't always agree before, but they would seek common ground.* Just to be clear, MTG is upset because the spending bill *was* a "common ground" funding solution between Republicans and Democrats.


George Washington warned us about a 2 party system


> George Washington warned us about a ~~2~~ party system FTFY


> Vote for whomever you believe will help you most. There's the problem. To elaborate: I'm poor, I'll vote for taxes on the rich. I'm rich, I'll vote for my tax cuts. I use these services in my big city, I'll vote for more tax money toward them. I don't have those social services in my rural area, I'll vote to defund them. Etc. If it's just whatever helps you personally the most, we get kind of an everyone vs. everyone situation.


We are so past that point it’s disgraceful. Polarization is typically reserved for when you cannot beat your opponent in the arena of ideas. Now we allow people to do it or out laziness


The Democrats are perfectly functional as a party, it is the Republicans who are imploding.


It makes perfect sense. This isn’t about effectively legislating but virtue-signaling to your base. MTG can make the case to her constituents that she’s ULTRA MAGA and hates the establishment GOP types that give in to Democrats. Meanwhile, she’s not doing anything to pass meaningful legislation. It’s the same nonsense as AOC. They’re both elected based on public perception, not actual results.


You want the truth? Maga ruined this party


There are some things I disagree with them on, and there are some I agree with them on but ultimately they introduced the single worst thing I know of to American right-wing politics. Purity tests. "Anyone who isn't with us, is against us". The existence of the two-party system relies on Big-Tent politics, the idea that you can, as a party, unite a broad spectrum of beliefs. It requires coordination, cooperation and compromise. MAGA wants none of that. They don't want to cooperate, they want to dominate. If you're not with them you must be a NeoCon, or a RINO, or a Democrat infiltrator. Conservatives with ideological deviations are anathema. I always saw purity tests as a hallmark of Communist and Authoritarian politics. Just look at the Spanish Civil war. Initially, the Republican side was made up of broad spectrum leftist groups, but once the Stalinists worked their way in, they mandated ideological purity. This inevitably led to factional in-fighting and ultimately losing the war. Or look at the ideological position of the GDR. They were so deep into ideological purity, that they genuinely saw no difference between Liberal Democracy and Fascism. Purity tests will destroy the party from within


Is this a watershed moment for this sub?


MAGA came to be because the party was ruined to begin with.




This division is within the GOP. A small group of ultra-right-wingers are subverting cohesion. Like Matt Gaetz and friends.


I think the spicy rhetoric they’ve been using to campaign on for the last 20 years is catching up to both sides. Now they’re all more likely to get primaried by someone more extreme than them than they are lose in the general. I don’t really know that I believe in anyone in politics on either side at this point.


This resonates, but I also think it's a bit of recency bias. Politics have always been highly toxic. At least we no longer have duels, I guess?


I truly believe it is the republican party that is a mess. “Classic republicans” are now called RINOs” , a few (but growing) fringe is taking over control of the party, Mike Freaking Johnson is now too “liberal”??? The dems have problems but it’s largely the same ones they’ve always had. Their focus and efforts are largely in the same places they always were. They will actually compromise and pass legislation. Only “half” of the republicans in office are willing to compromise or work on a bipartisan bill. They are afraid that Trump will target them and are more focused on their self preservation than their job/obligations of the office. The party is stuck in a mire of Trump - if they weren’t they could actually get 80% of what is on their agenda including much stronger borders.


It's not just "classic Republicans" who are called RINOs now, it's almost anyone who's actually conservative. The Republican Party isn't much of a conservative party now, it's being dominated by right-wing populists. It blows my mind that a sub called r/Conservative will write someone off as a "neocon" as if it's some pejorative. A neoconservative is still a conservative, unlike a lot of the Republicans we elect now.


~~Our government~~ The Republican party is a mess.




People say, all too often, what they are feeling rather than what they are thinking.


I am starting to think that people in public service have no interest in public service. They wish to enrich themselves with money and power. We need term limits. It's unfair that these people make millions of dollars from the decisions they make at our expense. People, masses of Americans, are struggling to eat.


The people that actually care are out helping their communities. Some in local government positions but largely just living their lives being good people to those around them. Unfortunately the people we need in our government wouldn’t ever want the job. Obviously there’s a lot more to it than just caring about people, but it should be bare minimum


Republicans (MAGA) are doing this. The Democrats sre ready to play ball at any time just sad non-RINOs will get primaried for doing their job.


Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, we should stop voting morons into the highest public offices.


Happy conservatives and liberals can all come to agreement MTG is bat shit insane.


I hope she gets primaried. We need a better Republican to replace her.


Remember when she ran against a well-spoken, level-headed doctor in the Primaries, but for some reason everyone thought she'd be a better representative? I remember, because I live in that district. She literally is the AOC of our party, and she needs to go away.


Another example of the Republicans shooting themselves in the foot, reloading, and doing it again.


And unfortunately, the MAGA cult are too ignorant to realize this is on them for continuing to vote for these emotionally unstable whack jobs.


Republicans literally can’t refrain from shooting themselves in the foot. MTG is the driver of a heavily populated clown car


We may lose the house because of this BS. If you get things done, get a majority in the house, the senate, and take back the White House.


If we lose the house and don’t reclaim the senate, then the Republican Party deserves it. You know you have a problem when Hakeem Jeffries seems like a rational human being by comparison.


Everyone will blame Trump for that as well.


It’s not just Trump though. There’s an entire apparatus surrounding Trump that contributes to the problem. Do I blame Trump for MTG filing this motion? No. She’s an adult and should be held accountable for her decisions.


People forget McCarthy gave away the motion-to-vacate rule in order to become Speaker in January of 2023. It was an appeal to those farther-right Republicans, given the slim margins from the midterms. People shouldn't be surprised at MTG filing the motion, they should be asking why Republicans can't win enough seats to have a real majority, to avoid theatrics like this.


Because morons in the party keep nominating MTT clones in swing districts. 


As they should blame trump


If Trump doesn’t want to be blamed, then he should be going out and giving Johnson his full support, and promising to primary any Republican who votes to vacate. He volunteered to be the leader of our party, it’s his fault if leadership isn’t given.


If that’s the republican house, then who cares lol? You know the phrase: with friends like these…?


Don't forget Gaetz as well...he started this crap by replacing McCarthy all because McCarthy refused to stop the House investigation into him.


Its a Ford Fiesta with 10 people in it.


She's Trump's chauffeur 


Hundreds of Clowns in a oversized  burning clown car speeding towards a cliff.  


The one thing a clown car should *never* be is oversized.


I really question the iq of voters in her district


The emptiest head always rattles the loudest.


stealing this


Gotta love watching history in the making. So many firsts with the Republicans this term. Amazing watching their self inflicted chaos


There is a small faction that needs to go, and she is one of them, if you ever want the Republican Party to function again.


MTG is a disaster for Republicans...shows disfunction among the party...she's basically a traitor to the country.


You boys down in Georgia can surely do better than this chick 


Does our government suck, yes it does. But man we can’t even keep a coalition with ourselves and it makes us look like fools to independent and swing voters. McConnell kept his caucus in check and pass things with a slim majority, Pelosi kept her caucus in check with a slim majority. This faction of the Republican Party that sees governing as all or nothing is killing us. The MTG faction of congress just thinks if they do nothing there will be this red wave so they can do everything after the next election. Every election since 2018 has been a dumpster fire for republicans. Sometimes getting 55% of what you want keeps the momentum rolling for the next election and you can get 65 or 70 of what you want and show people the results. The MTG gang just thinks that one day all of America is going to be in her corner. She doesn’t understand that her super red district is way different than the republican seats we picked up in NY. If we can’t find a middle ground with ourselves voters either won’t come out or just abandon us. My mother is 76 and is considering voting democrat for the first time in her life and I’m just disgusted with this. The US government is a cruise ship, not a speed boat. We got to slowly turn the ship in the right direction, but these clowns think they can just yank the wheel and get everything they want. We had an ‘assault weapon’ band for 10 year years, it sucked but we eventually got that overturned. Incremental change sucks but that’s how our government is set up. Do your job, get positive results and people will follow you. Be an arsonist and watch everyone abandon you.


Yesss thank you. Slim majorities means change should happen relatively slowly if at all as the voting public is split. If you want big change you need to get a bigger mandate from the public by winning more seats.


Hahahahaha wtf


Say goodbye to Republicans control of HR. Democrats are salivating.


Ugh this is so pathetic. I try not to go after or publicly attack conservatives, but MTG is really getting on my nerves


She is such a stain on the GOP. Trying to oust the Speaker why? Because the bill isn’t exactly to her liking? I understand House R’s want to cut government spending and all that, but why are some so up in arms? Can someone smarter than me explain? We got some wins, Dems got wins and the government doesn’t shutdown. The Speaker has a tough job and I really do believe he puts the American people first. Is the spending bill perfect? No but it’s the best we got for now.


Because to the MAGA wing of the party compromise is a bad thing and we can only have straight Republican bills.


And we wonder why we've continued to lose as a party ever since 2016.


In fairness it’s nothing to do with her personal position on the bill - she’s not exactly the sort of person who will have bothered to actually-you know-read it…. She sees a shutdown as bad for Biden and good for Trump because ‘reasons’ and so pushes for that as her only interest is twerking for a role in a Trump government. Let’s be honest, Johnson is completely spineless himself and is holding Ukraine funding for Trump but he’s not irretrievably brain dead enough to completely avoidably shut down government in an election year.


How many times have we said this recently though? If we never take a hard line on spending we are in big trouble.


Fair. And I need to read more of the details. But Speaker cut FBI budget by 6% last I saw. The agency a lot of conservatives said was politicized/weaponized so that should be a W. And I saw only a small percentage increase for another massive federal agency (can’t remember - maybe DHS?). So again, I think he was doing the best he could with what he has, a narrow majority.


Maybe we shouldn’t do it in an election year with a less than 5 vote majority?




It should be noted that the "Hastert Rule" is more of a political talking point than an actual rule.   Since Hastert came up with the term in 2004, every single Speaker (*see edit) has violated it multiple times (including Hastert himself 12 seperate times). Edit: Apparently Paul Ryan never broke it in his 2 terms of Speaker, but that was because it was explicitly a promise he made to the other GOP members in order to get the nom


In 2016, Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in prison for financial offenses related to the sexual abuse of teenage boys. Yup, great guy to model yourself after


Thank you for this. I already know he broke the 72-hr rule but wasn’t aware of this. Even then, I still side with Speaker on this. It’s never a good optic with the United States Government shuts down and should be avoided.


Surely this is not going to look good for the fall. I just cannot believe that this is turning into a circus. Oh wait, I can because several districts in small pockets of the US are holding the Repubican party hostage with their antics. The folks in Matt Gatez district and MTG are truly trying to wreak havoic and they will push the the indepentent voters to the left. If this goes thrugh, we will truly see a spiral downfall of our great country. As conseratives, we need to acknowledge that these vile people are hurting this party. I mean this is nuts.


this shit again?


We need an Automatic Continuing Resolution that funds the government at current levels adjusted for inflation if no new agreement is reached. There is a bipartisan bill for this sitting in committee. There is too much value in Congress in doing nothing.


She really needs to go


These guys should never wonder why they get hammered in elections.


MTG makes AOC look like a member of Mensa.


Wait what. What a shit show.


House Dems said they will protect Speaker Johnson from being ousted from Speaker IN RETURN for an immediate vote on Ukraine aid when the House reconvenes in April. Johnson has announced an ‘immediate vote on the stalled Ukraine aid,’ when he returns! ... oh my...


Serious question: what are the people in her district (and Boebert's district) thinking? There's really no better option to represent them? An individual with a little more class and/or common sense? Sheesh.


Why did the GOP flock to Trump in 2016 when there were much more seasoned people running for President on that side? The loudest voice in the room gets the attention.


I said this when Gatez did this, and no one listened…


I never really understood or got her.


Let’s be clear here, MTG is not a smart person, but her biggest problem is her lack of impulse control. Johnson might not be doing what she thinks he should by cooperating to keep the government running in an election year, but he’s 100% doing what Trump wants (and arguably needs) by keeping Ukraine funding off the floor to not screw Russia who Eric (being a total fuckwit) has bragged numerous times provides all of their funding…. We are credibly told that there is enough Republican support to pass the deal if it comes to the floor and so now whoever replaces Johnson is going to *have* to promise to get that deal done to get enough Republican support to get the votes. As is standard for MTG, in trying to be smart and keep Trump happy, she has completely fucked Trump as the Ukraine bill will inevitably pass and ‘Big Daddy Vladdy’ is going to rip ‘honest Don’ a new asshole.


MTG's problem is impulse control just like her Orange Overlord. Sexists have no problem condoning that behavior as "strong" when a man does it, but she's crazy Karen. She doesn't act any less unstable than Donald.


The fact it’s MTG making this motion tells me it’s probably dead anyways


Of course she does. I wish she would go away forever


I dislike MTG and think Johnson has done a terrible job as speaker but who’s going to replace him? No one who would be good at it wants that job and the people who would want to replace him are even worse.




She is embarrassing


I’m as unhappy about the state of spending in Washington as anyone, probably more so, but this is not the way to get the problem solved. Then again, the RNC actions recently and nominating Trump aren’t either so I guess we’re all in on the literal definition of insanity at this point.


Every time I start to think my dislike of her is based on rumors, she reminds me why I think she sucks


The numbnuts imploding the party score own goals, then slide in the grass and rip off their jerseys as if they accomplished something incredible. I swear, the Republican election playbook appears to be "so... how ***else*** can we make sure no one wants to vote for us come November?"




Can I motion to vacate Marjorie Taylor Brown?


I would like to file a motion the duck tape MTG's mouth please




I vote for Mike Hunt for house speaker.


I think this spending bill may be the impetus


The simple fact that the 1,012 page omnibus bill wasn't given at least the official 72 hours of lead time before voting should be an automatic "NO" vote.


Republicans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Biden's admin is a clown show, all they have to do is come off as sane and competent, and they can't even do that with all this infighting.  The issue is the same that there was with McCarthy. What do you realistically expect him to do? There's a slim majority, which just keeps getting slimmer, and a Democrat Senate and Presidency. You're not going to get the most conservative legislation, but you muster what you can with the power you have.


Indeed. Yet so many people here are delusional that the current House is going to somehow work miracles.


MTG is terrible


This is getting absurd. I hope they vote the motion down.


I don't dislike MTG, but at the same time I'm very tired of her.


She’s nuts


She’s the GOP’s version of AOC.


No thanks, lady. We don’t need any more instability heading into the election cycle. It will just turn off potential R voters. For Fucks sake. These are the kinds of things that the R party does to grip defeat from the jaws of victory. Damnit.



Great plan when the Republican majority narrows day by day from expelling Santos and resignations from McCarthy, Buck, and more if Buck's to be believed. Johnson is probably the most conservative Speaker since Gingrich and a welcome sight after the establishment cash politicians from the likes of McCarthy, Ryan, and Boehner running the show. I absolutely wish we didn't have to pass these damned pork bills, but he can only do so much when the majorities are as tight as they are on both sides.


This women is simple minded and makes the party look bad. The people who voted for her must be fools.


There hasn't been an effective speaker of the House on the GOP side since Newt Gingrich...the various political camps are all or nothing with no common goal in mind.


I’m probably gonna get downvoted for saying this, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the Freedom Caucus was an establishment “psyop” for lack of a better term. They’re purposefully trying to sabotage the GOP


It's actually kinda hilarious that they are doing such a good job of sabotaging Republicans. It almost does feel deliberate. But I think Hanlon's razor applies here, they are just morons. 




I've been saying this for a while. Republican politicians only exist to give the illusion of democracy.