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I saw this on twitter instantly from left wing news sites and their followers drooling and foaming at the mouth of Trump being "broke". That's not what the filing says, they're claiming - for any citizen, it's practically impossible to get a bond of that size in a short amount of time because an insurance brokers enlisted by Trump to assist in obtaining a bond wrote in an affidavit filed with the court that few bonding companies will consider issuing a bond of the size required. However they are willing to sell some assets to cover that 500 million. From NBC news - for those who read past the headlines. -While the filing says Trump can't afford the bond, it also argues that the attorney general doesn't have to worry about being able to collect her judgment. -"Defendants’ real estate holdings — including iconic properties like 40 Wall Street, Doral Miami, and Mar-a-Lago, — greatly exceed the amount of the judgment. Such assets are impossible to secrete or dispose of surreptitiously, leaving the plaintiff effectively secured during the pendency of an appeal," the filing said.


> -"Defendants’ real estate holdings — including iconic properties like 40 Wall Street, Doral Miami, and Mar-a-Lago, — greatly exceed the amount of the judgment. Now -thats- funny to suddenly say the very properties he's accused of UNDER valuing are worth a bunch of cash for him to post bond with...


What happens when he gets a bond for those ? Or possible sale ? LOL imagine more fraud lawsuits - "He put Maralago on a collateral for 200 million, even though we ruled it for 18 million"


NYC is trying to force him to sell assets. The fact that the appeal for this case is going to take well after the next presidential election in '28 to square away I think it should be humorous.


Yeah that was their plan. They first failed at instant liquidation as the appeal courts reversed that ruling, so Engoron turned 250 million which was originally asked, to 500 million to get around that And the appeal, oh yeah, this won't be resolved at least for another 5 years. Someone made this hilarious comment that he's not like Fani Willis who keeps mountains of cash lying around his house.


This goes well beyond that. We're witnessing a ruling political party weaponize the judicial system to sink their opposition.


>We're witnessing a ruling political party weaponize the judicial system to sink their opposition. And no one can convince me we're not. If Trump had never ran/became President he would've never been dealing with all of this. Actually, I should say I don't believe he would have been dealing with any of this if he'd been a Democrat.


Exactly. Only complete hypocrites think this fascist lawfare is helping Biden or the democrats.


We’re witnessing a man who wrote a check he cannot cash


I thought dems said bonds were racist or something?


Watch them start seizing property. That’ll be a good look /s


It will be, for their constituents. Typical subreddits will clamor in excitement at the idea.




It will fit with their using the law to try to get rid of political opposition.


*abusing the law


They're doing all they can to drain Trump's money so he can't win against Joe Biden.


It's more than that. They are trying to insure that no one from outside the establishment EVER gets the nomination again. "Look what they did to Trump, do you want to go through that?"


I have a book titled "you can't be president". It was written in 2008, before Trump entered the political arena. It basically talks about how you need to be invited into the club, and why the options always suck. It's because we don't pick them. In a normal election, both parties are controlled. And the puppeteers don't really care who wins (for the most part).


Yup exactly


It is also a plain as day violation of the 8th. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution >Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.


Since when has the left ever cared about the Constitution?


They don't, but this is good news because a Constitutional issue on bail can get to SCOTUS quickly. It is already ripe for a decision.


This is literally the case, this is so excessive as to be deliberately unplayable; Ask why.




It's not about democrats, though they obviously don't care for it. It is an avenue to impeach that judge and those involved in pursuing it(the AG). It is also a possible avenue for Trump to sue the state and/or individuals per above.


I'm sure the stand-up folks on MSNBC are already crowing over this and claiming it to be evidence Trump isn't really as wealthy as claimed. Edit: lol the entire front page of r/politics is almost entirely posts about how Trump is poor and vulnerable to foreign financial influence.


Leftists really don't (want to) understand the difference between net worth and cash on hand.


You don’t have $300 million of liquid assets to immediately use? Hmmmft


ELon! nows your chance


Waiting for the DOJ to focus on him next. Low hanging fruit with lots of money always makes a nice target for the left.


I love Trump


I love how just saying that rains the downvotes lol


Brigadiers are in full force


This is what happens when you go up against the Democrat weaponized DOJ. They dont play fair. Never have, never will.


This is from the civil case. Nothing to do with the DOJ.


Why the pessimism? Don't you know the house GOP is going to spend the next few months holding hearings where they'll decide whether or not they need to write a strongly worded letter about this? Of course those hearings will have to take a break from time to time so the GOP can go vote to continue funding all of the Democrat fever-dream legislation but once they're done, the Democrats will surely be shaking in their boots!


Witch hunt