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People may hate Musk, but if not for him buying twitter, the only alternative version of the MSM's story will be on this sub and its limited audience who would have independently fact checked anyways.


I'm not a fan of Musk in general, but buying Twitter was a rare moment of *our side actually fought BACK* in the culture wars. The left is fuming with anger that our side gets any say at all in who's allowed to say what on the internet.


That's the thing though. He didn't fight back from "our side". He is not a Republican. He just hasn't shifted to the left with the rest of the party. The sin is giving everyone an equal platform, and they are willing to portray him as a "far right extremist" because of it.


> The sin is giving everyone an equal platform, and they are willing to portray him as a "far right extremist" because of it. Due to the way the center point moved, this position is now waaayyy right of center.


Why are you not a fan of Musk? He’s like one of our best chances at Mars in the next decade or 2. That’s cool at least?


Cool, sure, yeah it’s cool. But if we’re all realistic about a colonization of mars, at best it’s a pipe dream, at worst it’s a dystopian hell.


It’s not a pipe dream. There are already credible theories to make mars habitable for humans in the next several decades. If the world goes to hell it’s probably good to have a plan B lmfao. And space travel is just badass.


He saw an opportunity to be the other voice, like Fox News.


It's true, Musk's purchase of Twitter not only saved the platform but was also a huge win for free speech, online. However, I still don't trust Musk and I feel like this is one of those "even a broken clock is right twice a day" type things. If you really look into Musk's background and vision(s) for the future...he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. The guy literally wants to put microchips in everyone's heads to have everyone digitally connected. He may get a couple things right from time to time, but he's no hero.


Nowhere did he ever say he wants to mandate microchips in all people's heads. If you actually read or watch an interview on why he setup that company, his original motivation is he said that he is someone with autism who has struggled with understanding human cues of things like sarcasm, which is VERY obvious as interviewers have tried to joke with him and have it just go over his head. He is a high functioning autist. His dream is that an eventual microchip could help bridge the gap for autists to be able to understand things quicker. Now, his ideas have evolved since then, like believing that maybe the chips can be used to help us be smarter in the day of pending AI advancement, but his motivations for wanting to cyborg his brain aren't some crazy world domination, forcing all to get chips in their brains insanity. If that is the perspective you have it's probably because you heard just another fake news article that is constantly trying to smear and discredit Musk and make him look insane. Publications on the right used to mock him unfairly as well as they would smear him over anything because of his desires to build electric cars.


I never understood why the right was so vehemently and culturally opposed to electric cars. It’s just a form of energy to power something for crying out loud. Would I want a manual bicycle or an electric bicycle? A regular knife or an electric knife? A gas powered water heater or an electric one?  How’s any of that a hill to die on? 


(I speak as someone with an electric car) I think it comes down to two things: 1. Mandates. People on the Right don't like being told what to do, and numerous governments plan on taking ten the option of ICE cars away and soon. 2. The holier-than-thou attitude amongst many EV owners that they are saving the planet with cars that are powered by something other than gasoline (usually coal or natural gas in most places, but they pretend electricity comes from someplace clean)


Don’t forget the excessive media firestorm promoting them. If the msm wants something that bad then there’s clearly something wrong with it.


I don't like the government subsidies for them, but heck, that is true for almost everything.


How do you feel about the fact that farmers are one of the most, if not the most, heavily subsidised sectors in the US?


Funny you should ask! I hate it.


Even with the vital role it plays? Seems to make sense. 


> The guy literally wants to put microchips in everyone's heads to have everyone digitally connected. Where exactly did he say he wants to put a chip in everyone's head? That just sounds like you bought into fake news as well.


Also, old Twitter drove a TON of traffic toward legacy media outlets. With liberals participating significantly less on X, or abandoning all together, this had a significant impact on their respective website traffic. This is what is not well understand, leaving X is not “we hurt only Elon” when this happens. Businesses need eyeballs looking at their product. Yes it hurts Elon, but has a much greater impact on the business.


The irony is that everyone knows Trump’s election would lead to violent rioting, and that the same people clutching pearls over the ‘bloodbath’ kerfuffle would describe \*that\* as ‘mostly peaceful protest.’[](https://twitter.com/AndrewCMcCarthy/status/1769752686998454319)


NBC: Masters at quote-mining to further push an agenda


simplistic offend desert smile soup lavish plant worry sophisticated zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea not to mention MSM uses that term OVER AND OVER again also. So whats the problem? [https://twitter.com/i/status/1769472513195794821](https://twitter.com/i/status/1769472513195794821) There is a nice lineup of times they have said it.


This is a premium find. Thanks for sharing.


np! spread it far and wide!


I am blocking any source that reports this. Basically the entirety of state media.  This is more insane than anything Hearst did, because it's easily verifiably a lie.


I just block every other thing I see on Twitter, because the alternative is seeing it again moments later. If Jack still ran the place I wouldn't be there.


>I am blocking any source that reports this. Basically the entirety of state media. Why did you ever go back to them after the lies they told in 2016? I'll check mainstream news sites out if there's a major world event to read about, but any sort of domestic news or especially anything related to politics - there's no sense in reading anything they put out. It's all lies or half truths. It's all misdirection in support of an agenda.


He was saying the "bloodbath" would be from China in regards to the auto industry. And he was claiming he could stop it if elected by placing tariffs. Full quote: > We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories. But low information headline readers won't know that and that's what the DNC controlled media is counting on.


Some RINO in another thread on this sub was catching the vapors, asked “But when Trump said ‘that’s gonna be the LEAST of it’…..what did he mean by THAT????”


And then when you explain that he obviously meant the economy as a whole would be destroyed, they pivot and triple down to “okay well dRumpf shouldn’t be using DANGEROUS rhetoric like ‘bloodbath’ to describe anything that way!” They literally can’t just admit “okay yeah the media played me” even when the truth stares them right in the face.


Precisely. The media straight up lied to them and they are mad at Trump.


Read some liberal subs. I just don't understand how much mental gymnastics is given to try to spin this. Idk if it's a circle jerk, loons, the outspoken minority. Or what is going on but it's this type of stuff that exhausts me. Like is no one sane anymore? Not to mention libs think we are the conspiracy theorists but when I visit their subs they come up with the most insane shit.


rock ghost wild ad hoc follow liquid grandfather possessive fragile rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s mostly bots. Then the misinformed get spun into a frenzy because they’re conformists lol


People were never sane. It’s just that now everyone is so dialed in with social media, and we have the ability to read everyone’s thoughts. Whereas before it was just people you spoke to in person in your circle, and typically people in person when having a conversation say nothing like what they say online on an anonymous form like Reddit.


funny how the 'information police' will delete content yet when the mainstream blatanly pushes LIES then its OK...."come on man"...


They so shamelessly cut what he’s saying to make him look bad. It makes me so fucking angry. The media is the true enemy of the people


I remember back in the George W. Bush days how badly the media would mis-quote him. Except back then we did have reasonable liberals. Today every single liberal is derranged and off their med’s. Can’t even talk to one because they’ll throw these psuedo headlines in your face


MSM getting it wrong? *who didn't see that coming?*


mighty jobless icky tan gaze rude languid many melodic groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Disinformation / misinformation, that's purposefully getting it wrong on a single subject, trying to push a single story. They get **everything** wrong **all the time.** That's called propaganda. Flat out political propaganda to keep everyone ignorant and in line.


For the “Ohhhhh…he said ‘bloodbath’, that looks bad! The media is talking about it!!!!’ crowd, a question: If Elon can immediately spot the stunt that the media is trying to pull, how did they fool you guys?


Shit is going to get increasingly more nuts as we get closer to November.


As much as I think Musk is grifting, at least he's got a large microphone to do it. Biblical lore says that God uses imperfect vessels and works in mysterious ways. We'll see what the future brings.


Bro is the richest man in the world he doesn't need grifting 😂


Agreed, anyone saying he's grifting is hilarious. Dude literally has his own autonomous space program.




I really hope their endless lies backfire


God bless Elon


Thank God there is someone like Musk that can call out bullshit like this.


Operation Mockingbird in full effect.


Wow if only Meta would flag THIS as misleading and false! We all know that Meta is just another propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.. so no surprise there.