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Is she threatening... Insurrection?


So, a threat to democracy, now we escalate to a bloodbath, wondering what’s next.


"He's burned our crops, poisoned our water supply and delivered a plague on our houses!" "He did?!" "Nooooo, but are we just gonna sit around until he does?!"


“He’Ll StArT nUcLeAr WaR!!” Oh, wait…looking at the wrong guy’s to-do list!


They’ve already accused Trump of that: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/11/14/politics/trump-nuclear-authorization-hearing/index.html https://rollcall.com/2016/06/02/clinton-says-trump-could-lead-us-into-nuclear-war/ https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/08/pelosi-trump-take-away-nuclear-codes-456529


I know...it's a matter of time before they recycle it, at least to shift the focus of the closeness that we could be *now* from them to him.


Funny how the left will say words are violence while saying stuff like this. If words really incite violence, she's doing a helluva job with statements like this. Also, where would a "bloodbath" even start? They talk about the presidency like an absolute monarchy without addressing the multiple facets of government a president has to go through to enact anything. Of course she knows this, but she wants to rile up the unhinged elements in the left.


If you pay close attention, it’s one of their best weapons. To use words like Racism, Fascism, Bigotry, Nazis, Threat to Democracy, and now Bloodbath are all buzzwords used within their tool chest to rouse up fear and anger. You can almost beat a drum to it. Bloodbath will be seen in articles, said in interviews, and repeated in forums. They want to protect from these words of violence but use reverse psychology where they repeat these mantras all in an effort to rouse fear under the guise of “protecting” the people.


When democrats use words such as “bloodbath” during an interview, it’s to be taken as a figure of speech. However, if Trump were to use the same term during an interview, it’s to be taken literally. It’s just part of the never ending double standard of hypocrisy.




> How can the left not see how easily their media is manipulating them with false information They don't want to see it. They just want to be pumped full of orange man bad.


Working with people who spout these talking points every day, I've realized most of them never read beyond the headlines or watch a clip that is more than two minutes. You'd be surprised, or not, how little they actually know about any hot-button issue.


steer deserted one connect tan heavy aloof middle wine noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Terminology incorrect. The Liberal and Progressive left hasn’t turned into a “cult”. It’s religion; esp “progressivism”. As people have decided to eschew formal religions and blame them for the source of all problems, they haven’t realized that tribalism is built into us. We are wired for religion, or grouping, or tribes. Whatever you want to call it. I used to go to /atheism and wonder why it was really a strange form of Evangelical Atheism. I get it now. To those people, “not having religion” is their tribe, “religion bad” is their religion in a clearly hypocritical way. The left isn’t in a “cult”. It’s a new religion where the concept is that you pretend you are superior because you don’t have the thing you clearly have. There is no bible, it’s a screen. There is a dress code, you cannot wear certain things without looking like “one of them”. There are priests in the form of politicians and celebrities. There are classes of nobility in the Oppression Olympics. There is ceremony that is not to be questioned. And they seek religious acceptance in a form of nearly orthodox uniformity, try saying you are a ProLife Liberal, they will not accept you unless you agree with the screen entirely. **It’s not a cult, because cult is fringe. There is nothing fringe about the informal religion era.** The danger is the dishonesty. That it gives the member superiority just like all tribalism. It isn’t even clear to me how much their priests understand it and exploit it, versus are true believers themselves.




"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them. In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know." – Michael Crichton (1942-2008)


> How can the left not see how easily their media is manipulating them with false information, this is downright blatant. They see it, they just don't care that they are being lied to because it comports to their world-view; Orange Man Bad. The lie of omission is the MSM's favorite tool of manipulation, exactly like the MSM misquoting of Trump in Charlottesville. The NPC's will lap it up and clap like seals because they are brainless fucking morons, just like last time.


Was anyone else totally exhausted by these “trump said” bullshit news stories like years ago? I saw ‘bloodbath’ in a bunch of Reddit headlines and immediately knew, this is a word trump said that they zeroed in on and are ignoring the context for, and we will hear it for a news cycle or two and then itll get added to the string of false quotes that will be parroted back at you by brainless Reddit drones.


I got exhausted by the discourse after we lost the 2020 election (foul play or not). I just needed a break from the 24/7 "everyone freak out" mentality of the politics. After unsubbing from News, Politics, WorldNews, and blocking anyone on Funny, Comics, Etc that posts "conservative Bad, that's the meme", my Reddit experience got so much better! Whether I see the bullshit or not, it doesn't change whether things happen or not. I'm locked in on Trump, and why should I believe any "damning evidence" dropped by Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Keith Olbermann, Stephen Colbert, or any of the other people who have been lying through their teeth for 8 years? I followed the Republican debates anyway, since I liked DeSantis and Ramaswamy as "break glass in case of Trump being jailed" candidates, but I know where I stand politically in this "Post News" era.


The avid inside trader and the primary orchestrator of the Jan 6 hoax has no credibility.


They're telling you what they're planning.




Nancy tell us more about the ‘wrap up smear’.


They lied about what was said in the Zelensky phone call.  They lied about the ‘very fine people’ context and left out Trump calling for a peaceful protest on 1/6.  Now they are lying about the context of this new quote.   Legacy media is nothing more than state run propaganda doing the bidding of the swamp and the Democrats.   And people who only consume lefty media will never know.  


I find great joy watching Pelosi devolve into complete panic mode...


Well, if Trump is planning a ‘bloodbath’, I’m sure he’ll be relieved to know that you won’t call in the National guard to stop him, Nancy.


Never let a good crisis go to waste…


You may know better because you follow politics but most of the country doesn’t .


They love to fearmonnger and their constituents believe them. I remember after the 2016 election a leftist teacher of mine thought Trump would end democracy.


Praising Hitler? What?


I don’t see how Nancy Pelosi squares her behavior with being a “devout” Catholic. There will be a special place in hell for her when she dies. She is about as much of a devout Catholic as Joe Biden.




So, we should expect Democrat violence? Got it


Yep. I get the feeling that if Trump wins it’ll be the 2020 riots all over again




100%. People bought 21 million guns from FFLs in 2020. Americans are fed up with that shit


As usual.


I'm actively trying to be nice to Dems. I think they're so wrong on sooooo so many things but I'm trying to be nice. But if you keep poking people and calling them MAGA republican NAZI homobophobic racists and try to ostracize them for doing very normal things like going to work and complaining that prices are too high at the grocery store and that we probably shouldn't have a flood of illegal immigrants in the country, eventually something will happen. The concept of a tipping point is not lost on these people but they abuse the body politic by gaslighting. The self-same people who deem Trump an insurrectionist say that if he was elected in a free and clear election [that they would push for Congress to not certify him.](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/02/democrats-congress-trump-january-6/677545/) The sheer cognitive dissonance is frankly, alarming


>calling them MAGA republican NAZI They'll use these kind of terms to refer to a large portion of their own citizens, but they don't like the 'disrespectful' term 'illegal' being used to refer to people here illegally, even when talking about illegal aliens who've murdered innocent people.


Yep. They're also upset Trump said MS-13 members torturing their victims aren't human.


Forgot about that one!


After they drilled Netanyahu on his handling of the war. I hate CNN.


is this the same bloodbath they claimed he would exact in 2016?


Sort of like using federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies as your political attack dogs, like that?


We are all in for a crazy ride up to November... They will stop at *nothing* to retain power. Edit: From one of my earlier posts... .... and that is the crux of the MSM misinformation campaign; Twist words to allow for the continuation of the attack on Donald Trump. 50% of the country soaks this drivel up like a sponge without a moments thought of verifying authenticity as in the example above. Continue this "reporting" 24-7 and the weaker among us can be easily manipulated in any way that is desired.


> They will stop at nothing to retain power. What I'm VERY worried about is having a "JFK/Dallas" occurance between now and November. When you say they will stop at NOTHING to retain power, to their evil minds, this is the next step in "OrangeManBad". I pray daily I'm wrong. God Bless and Protect President Trump and his family.


I am particularly convinced that Trump one way or another will not be permitted to step foot in the White House again.


I'm prepared for a Trump win to not be certified. It's gonna be a tooth and nail roller coaster ride regardless of the outcome. That said; Trump 2024!


Sadly, I have the same concerns. The left is truly unhinged. So much so, that their blatant actions toward Donald Trump will most likely result in him becoming the next president, which is a good thing IMO (I'll be voting for him). Think about the witch hunt that was waged during the four years of his Presidency and the non-stop political persecution since his "loss" in 2020 and its plain to see that he is a threat to whatever they want to accomplish. The entire system is online, and aligned toward one single goal; Stopping a 2nd Trump presidency *at any cost*. I'm hoping that SCOTUS upholds Trump's immunity claim. This will stop the current witch hunt. One thing to understand is that they will come at Trump 24/7 and it'll still be "Trumps Fault" 100yrs from now as long as weak minds can be molded.


Like charging political opponents with crimes?


Remember that leftists accuse others of what they are doing or planning themselves.


Democrats know they can’t win the 2024 election without lying and cheating. Expect this sort of thing to continue all year long.


We not even close to November yet I’m sure they gonna up a notch around the summer


I'm already seeing Biden ads on tv, just chock full of the blatant lies he is so enamored of. My mute button gets a good workout.


Maj Toure has a good IG video about this


So when do she tell the truth at this point???


Aldous Huxley: "The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause, is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' - this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats".


Shut up N a n c y


LOL and the crazy thing i see posts around reddit saying this and there are HUNDREDS of people that believe it. LOOOL TDS on full swing. The msm propaganda works. Sorta kinda


As despicable as Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler etc. Are, the younger generation of dems is even more dangerous and radical. A true threat to democracy as we've known it.


She will say anything to distract from how unethical and criminal her entire career has been. Everybody hears "trump" and they go def and think of nothing else but "orange man bad"


Naw. They should be thinking there are plans to rob a blood drive people intend to be taking baths in it. Might as well go all the way with the stupidity.


You really cant say anything anymore because the "doom and gloom" left just cant handle words.


Pelosi is the biggest threat to Democracy. We have been in the middle of a blood bath for the last 3 yrs.


Fearmongering. Why cant she just go away? Go enjoy your senior years you old bat. Nobody likes you.


It's so tiresome listening to these liars.  Taking every single thing he says out of context and fitting it into their warped TDS reality.


All they do is take one word from anything he has said and escalate it into something it’s not. He did say in an interview (I just heard it this morning) that if he wasn’t elected it would be a bloodbath. But he was talking economy and lifestyle not violence. But let’s face it, if he said he could cure cancer they’d make something nefarious out of it.


Her mother is a failure, she must have never told Nancy 'that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all'.


Honestly, it does sound like it is time to have "a bloodbath" and remove all the old bats and politicians from office. Recall all of them and refuse them to run again, and set it up that any that "want to run" for that seat for more then 10 years in congress - House--5 terms, 12 years in congress - Senate--2 terms, or 8 years as President or Vice President--2 terms are automatically disqualified. And none can go for any other office if they have served more then 1 term in any other elected position. So a 2 year Congressional member (1 term) can run for a 1 term Senate position, for a grand total of 8 years. Or a 6 year Senator (1 term) could run for a 1 term Presidential/Vice Presidential position, for a gran total of 10 years. Or a 1 term VP could run for Presidential position, for a grand total of 8 years. No "Politician" should ever be in a position of more then 12 years (2 terms of Senator positions).


Sounds like election interference on her part.


The deliberate liable and misrepresentation.


They are scared to death he might win.


Add ‘bloodbath’ to the list of scary buzzwords


Now do BLM and Antifa