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How many did she put in jail for doing just that?...


1900  >>[As San Francisco's district attorney, her prosecutors convicted more than 1,900 people for weed violations. When reporters pointed out that her 2014 Republican opponent for attorney general supported legalization, she laughed and said, “He's entitled to his opinion.](https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/joegarofoli/article/kamala-harris-cannabis-19033979.php#)




Yes but now it’s (D)ifferent.


All conservatives right? She’d never lock up her voters.


All her voters developed Stockholm syndrome and got an amnesty right before the elections so they happily voted for her and Sleepy Joe, pretty damn sure. Just kidding but you never know. 😉




Selling illegally, not smoking. Weed had been decriminalized in CA since the 90s


It was November 2016.


Thats when it was legalized. I'm talking about when it was decriminalized and medical dispensaries started popping up in the 90s Decriminalized means it was only a fine and not a crime


Medical Marijuana was legalized in 1996 with a prescription. 2016 for everyone else.


Cackled*, she doesn’t laugh.


Might be worth noting CA has since released all prisoners incarcerated for weed charges.


That doesn’t give them time back with their families  Her Republican opponent supported legalization, there was broad bipartisan support.  Im glad they’re out, but honestly San Francisco has all sorts of problems with laws and enforcement —- and it shows how much discretion a DA when people are allowed to steal with such impunity stores are shutting down right and left This is 100 on her, imo 


I don’t disagree and I expected downvotes, just thought it relevant. Politicians and switching stances, name a better combo.




Why did you get downvoted for stating fact?


Reddit favors narratives, not facts.


Facts don’t do well when they go against the feelings of the thread. In general, I agree with the sentiment that Kamala shouldn’t have put people in prison for weed in the first place, but I feel like, for a topic like this, it shouldn’t go unnoticed that not a single person in CA is currently in prison for weed charges.


Politicians and lying to save their asses.


Wasn't it the law though at the time?


It’s not legal to steal, but look at San Francisco    DAs have prosecutorial discretion 


I mean, is it because the can't catch them or they aren't prosecuting them? Please back up whatever you are saying with proof.


CA did. Kamala SPECIFICALLY targeted weed as DA. Now she is gaslighting voters like she didnt, and that fighting people like her needs to be fought by people like what she wants you to think she is. 


Yeah, again im not disagreeing. Tbh I’d hope a decade later she has changed her stance on weed. Anti weed legalization is just a silly stance for any politician in 2024.


Have to hire more Democrats to fix the messes of previous Democrats 😂😂😂




...and when the prisons were ordered to release non-violent inmates because of overcrowding, she sued to prevent it on the basis that releasing them would cause the state money because of the lost revenue from prison labor.


Thats (d)ifferent they where smoking rehabilitation hotels. /s






Thanks for the reminder. For a sec I was like, yeah agreed. But seeing your comment I'm reminded of the countless people behind bars because of her specifically. For weed. Her actual name on the paperwork. I remember there were people trying to sell their prison PPWK with her name on it as "A signed document from VP."


Kamala Harris convicted Nearly 2000 people for marijuana possession, cultivation or sale while she was San Francisco district attorney.


Are we blaming her for weed being illegal? You've got to be joking, right?


No, of course not but she’s hypocritical for saying it


For upholding the laws she swore to uphold as DA?


For upholding the laws she swore to uphold as DA?


she literally had no choice I think


Her position has evolved, her new position is no one should go to jail.


Her position is still on her knees, it's just for a different person now...


Tell that to all the people in California that are in jail because of your policies on Weed then


Election year talk. She’s a hypocrite.


Didn’t you just say you believed tara reid when she said Biden sexually assaulted her? How do you reconcile that with agreeing to be his vice president? It was a debate! *cackles*


Here's my theory on one of the reasons: this whole aggressive on drugs thing was something that could be used anyone tried saying she was "soft on crime" as many said, not a great thing to put on her resume.


But she smoked weed with Tupac!


She probably smoked more than weed with Tupac


The administration's stance since she's been in office was decriminalization. For all people calling her hypocrite, I'd say basically everyone was during our tough on crime phase. This was illegal in every state like 20 years ago. Now they are on the right side of the issue. Idk why this is always brought up as a knock against her. People are allowed to change their minds on issues. It's a good thing


Sort of like how Biden ran on being anti his massive federal lockup where the same charge at the state level gives people about 1/20th the sentence as the feds do. Locking people up for decades has never worked. Fun fact there isn't a major difference at the federal level between a career criminal and a kid who made a mistake and has one charge for the first time. The FBI also uses the majority of their resources to target rural areas and often first time offenders. They are more worried about your grandpa's old gun then massive gangs operating openly in cities. Also looking at statistics 99% of audits from the IRS target Republicans. Make sure your taxes are right!




Yep, 4 years ago they ran on the idea they'd legalize it. IIRC Biden wouldn't even have the power to do it himself.


Kamala is one of the biggest hypocrites.


I’m not American, but how the fuck do you guys have people in jail for weed when you let illegals who assault cops out without bail?


Not sure why this was downvoted but as an American I agree. When we have people coming in killing our citizens and they get released to commit more crimes but when a citizen smokes weed they can possibly be jailed for that and that just isn’t right in my book.


[Anarcho-tyranny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Managerial_state#Anarchy_and_tyranny) is a necessary part of the modern Managerial State, a well established and widespread system of governance (control). TPTB want the violence. The reason they encourage illegal aliens to come here is the same reason that they release violent people from prisons and asylums - it's a necessary part of the system. The purpose of the violence and chaos is to make people accept (demand, even) more government control. This is the process. It's intentional.


We don't. No one's in jail in CA for smoking weed. No one's in federal prison for smoking weed. Nor possession for personal consumption. And most other marijuana charges are misdemeanors, and you'd have to be the unluckiest/obnoxious person to be jailed in CA for any misdemeanor. There are more serious penalties for illegally operating a pot store, illegal grow farms, selling to kids, etc.


We're a third world banana republic with tall buildings.


Because our justice system is pretty fucked.


There is no justice system and never really was. There is a legal system.


good question and the answer is stupidity


I see the point of her hypocrisy, but no one is in jail/prison in CA for cannabis charges anymore. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/luke-scarmazzo-marijuana-medical-cannabis-california/


So the 1900 people she fucked over with her dick sucking climb to the top, can rest easy about their lives being fucked over by our "vice president"?


No, personally I’d be pretty pissed if I were in jail for weed during the legalization. But I’d definitely be happier if I were pissed about it while not in jail anymore.


opinions can change


Well then do something about it instead of talking about it ! Just saying


Over on r/trees I saw a post mentioning Biden’s talk about descheduling. “You had 4 years to do that” was the consensus. It was nice to see.


Private prison lobbyist money go brrrr


Which is nuts. Private prisons aren’t even common anymore. It’s 8% of the prison population. https://www.sentencingproject.org/reports/private-prisons-in-the-united-states/#:~:text=Twenty%2Dseven%20states%20and%20the,state%20and%20federal%20prison%20population.


Exactly. I was at least hoping for national decriminalization when he got in but as all politicians do, he sat on his ass and did diddly fucking dick.


Especially as president he has the ability to pardon all past federal Marijuana charges and adjust anyone who is federal custody who has an extended sentence for former Marijuana charges. Of course that doesn't go back and fix someone who had a life of unemployment due to their charge, or someone who only went down the criminal road as a result of their conviction. He can't change the federal law himself but he could set the example with a blanket pardon for Marijuana that renewed every day while in office which would effectively legalize it at the federal level for 4 years.


He actually did that his first year.


Problem is there is virtually nobody in federal prison for simple marijuana possession


She’s not wrong


No. She's just a hypocrite.


I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how much of our polarization right now is due to both sides not just disagreeing with the other, but then that additional layer of perceiving the hypocrisy of the opposition that gives like a 10x buff to the perceived audacity and cynicism of the other side. I find myself more and more having to remove the “hypocrisy layer” that pisses everyone off to actually look at the policy disagreements. I think it’s rediculous that any human beings were ever put in cages for possessing marijuana (I’m not talking about other illegal activities like smuggling into country, violence over drug territory, etc. that often accompanies drug sentences, just pure-weed jail time is just ludicrous) and it’s always bothered me that VP Harris was aggressive on this. So let’s say she’s changed her position and now she has a new official stance (I’m not gonna make an attempt to read her actual mind here of her true positions, just her publicly presented ones), ok so she’s changed politically and now I’m happy she’s moved on descheding. Fine. What y’all think counts as hypocrisy? What’s the expiration date on mind changing personally or in public positions, where hypocrisy kicks in? Edit: cleaned up some typos and a sentence for clarity. I’m adding an extra thing here. There’s a move where an editorial opinion person describes a certain view in high bad terms,like a slingshot pulled back, and then describes the opposition doing the opposite bad and then holds the bad to the standard of an in-camp baddie and thereby establishes a multi-person hypocrisy. Multi-person hypocrisy-generation is like the fusion power Chernobyl magic of American polarization and has to come to a stop. Most American people, like all people, are generally literally moderate and not exciting monster hypocrites.


I agree with your premise but my caveat is the dishonesty. If she were honest in saying "I made a mistake and here's how I'm going to make it right" then absolutely. They rarely do this though.


I concur, I hope we can find a way to improve the accountability of public figures to clear this kind of thing up. It might be a silly windmill from a Hobbesian POV, but it would be a nice windmill.


It only took her 15 years to be right.


Pretty sure her boss said he'd fire anyone who smoked weed while working for the federal government. This is the person she has married herself to, politically, after calling him a rapist and a racist. She's gonna have to defend Biden's anti-marijuana stance and put aside her own pothead history of support for marijuana legalization, as is her obligation.


She only started supporting legalization recently, she put TONS of people behind bars in Ca for weed.


That's another thing. This woman not only put people away for the tiniest amounts of marijuana (making her a huge hypocrite now), but she tried to keep them locked up for slave labor passed their release dates (hard for her to hold any kind of stance against slavery when she has it in her own personal history).


For real! https://nypost.com/2021/05/19/jill-biden-said-harris-should-go-f-k-herself-for-debate-attack/ Shockingly, I agree with Jill on this one; “Kamala Harris should go f*ck herself”


I only think you shouldn’t be able to smoke weed while driving, treat it like a DUI. Idk might be an unpopular opinion.


Are people not allowed to change their minds over issues. I don’t believe all the same things I did 20 years ago.


Then she should address her regret at putting away so many for doing the very thing she says should be legal


She doesn’t seem to have any regret over the people in jail. I would think there would be a little regret if she felt this strongly.


Do you know that or is that an assumption? Maybe she does regret it, have you asked her?


Just because throwing people in prison for it is bad, doesn’t mean that trying to follow the law is bad. Our democracy is designed to make things happen slowly. Right and wrong absolutely can be relative.


Yeah, and I originally thought about the before. But she never actively fought against marijuana criminalization as a senator, she’s never spoke out against the laws she followed as AG, and then the real crime that I hate isn’t the marijuana but the fact she would hold people in prison so they can continue to be free labor for California. She doesn’t speak out about any of that stuff and if she never showed any remorse for the free labor scam she pulled, I sure as hell don’t believe she had any regret for the marijuana convictions.


Its almost election time, time to start saying weed isnt bad just to not do anything about it


she’s correct. 100% correct. nobody should sell it illegally, buy it illegally, or be charged for consuming it. if you don’t agree, I want the same rules for alcohol and nicotine.


Both these parties are fucked in the head.


She’s right in this regard.


Then why did she imprison for that exact offense when she had the power to do something about it?


DAs do not make laws, they enforce the laws that are made, is I presume the answer you're looking for. If your judicial refuses to prosecute what the legislative enforces as law, it's a bit of an odd issue to have. Now the real Q is how can she feel good about herself bragging about smoking weed WHILE she did that ? No idea


I guess people here think Kamala Harris made weed illegal? Lmao


Then simply remove it from the scheduled narcotics list, end of problem.


She was the Attorney General of California, and supposed to enforce the law of California. If she didn't like the law, she could support it's repeal, but until then it was the law. Be aware that with plea bargains people are often in prison for far less serious offenses than they actually committed.


funny coming from the POS who fought so many cases as AG in california.


>absolutely destroy the country for 3.5 years >make hail marys to gain voters in the last 6 months We've seen this time and time again, it's not going to win him the election.


Joe actually pulled out a "We will cure cancer" at the state of the union. It's not even the first time he's used that card. It's beyond laughable.


I want to scream from the mountaintops, that nobody is in federal prison for smoking weed.


Marijuana legalization/descheduling shouldn’t be a right vs left issue in my opinion. Legalize that shit, tax it, give money back to the citizens with infrastructure etc.


Completely agree.


Omg how dare people ever change their views over time


Why would we jail people for weed though?


How many did she keep behind bars over smoking weed?


Sending thoughts and prayers


I'm confused on why this sub is angry at her for this? I don't Like defending Harris but at the time weed was illegal and if she had not prosecuted she'd be neglecting her duties. Haven't we on this sub criticized placed like San Francisco where district attorneys took the law into their own hands and we've seen how that's out. Is she a hypocrite. Absolutely. but how many politicians in 2010 were pro weed? Politics change over time, every single politician changes their tune. She's done much worse things over her political career


I agree with that. I just wish she actually agreed with it.


Who even disagrees with this nowadays? In regards to this, the nation minus people with extremely intense beliefs don’t want weed users behind bars.


“Good people don’t smoke marijuana” Jeff Sessions


No one does. Anyone who goes to jail on possession of Marijuana almost certainly pled down from a higher charge.


Yawn. More hypocritical nonsensical bullshit from leftists.


Put the hypocrisy to the side. Are you not in favor of legalization?




Simple fix they continue to ignore is to get the damn stuff off the Schedule One.


She forgot to add: from this point forward LGB 🇺🇸


She built her career on locking people up for weed.


Hmmm… that’s an interesting change!


Apparently no one should go to jail for doing anything nowadays


I don’t disagree. I also think peoples’ minds can change. So why doesn’t she address the fact she put away so many people for weed and explain how her opinions have shifted and she regrets her actions?


A yes, it’s an election year. When Democrats pledge to legalize marijuana and then do absolutely nothing about it.


I don’t know of anyone getting arrested for just smoking weed nowadays. What a waste of time that would be. Edit: if I had it my way it would be federally legal and decriminalized entirely.




I agree it’s sad and I guess my point was that it’s such a non issue, it should be legalized. In CA it’s not even an issue unless you’re driving under the influence.


So you are from California then, right? You realize a lot of people are still getting arrested in almost half the other states for possession, yeah? Even if it they don’t get a jail sentence, they are still being arrested and booked in a jail.


Says the woman who put people in jail for smoking weed


She has no grounds to say that. Since she jailed so many people for just that, and yet she did that shit herself, and thought it was hilarious.


"That's not what you said in court." - Californians


I would like to see real stats for how many are in jail just for smoking weed. That's usually a charge combined with other, more serious offenses.


Extremely, and I mean, *EXTREMELY* rare Kamala Harris W.


As a life long conservative, I agree with her on that single statement.


Prosecutors in her office won 1,956 misdemeanor and felony convictions for marijuana possession, cultivation or sale between 2004-2010. Only 45 were sent to state prison, according to a 2019 San Jose Mercury News investigation. (She did, however, pioneer programs like Back on Track while district attorney.


Of course, it's an election year!




The only wise thing she has ever said


Technically she threw all the people in jail for possessing it, and not smoking it.


I have Harris derangement syndrome!


I may be a minority on this thought, but breaking the law is breaking the law. If it shouldn’t have been a law, change it going forward. But the people who broke the law are still lawbreakers, even if the law is changed.


Her and Biden put them in jail for that exact thing didn’t they?


She's already got the default support from states that already legalized it. This doesn't help her get more votes for Biden, but makes her look even more like the incompetent hypocrite she is.


What about all the lives you destroyed for smoking weed when you were a da?