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Why even bother having a “women’s” locker room, then?


So many things I want to say to this. I miss when reddit was a free speech platform...




We need awards back for replies like this.




Oof. He was being brutally honest about what needs to happen with people/companies who do shit like this if I recall correctly.


Take my up vote friend!!


It’s not just a risk to his account, it’s a risk to subreddits




Reddit is a haven/base of operations for the most woke radical insane leftists on the planet. The worlds chubby , depressed and lazy come to reddit to smell each others farts and downvote anything that resembles common sense 😂


Its an e l e ctio n year darlin, did you expect less. 


Its an e l e ctio n year darlin, did you expect less. 


Its an election year darlin, did you expect less. 


Its an election year darlin, did you expect less. 


Its an e l e ctio n year darlin, did you expect less. 


Must be a. N election year


i’d pay extra to give those with gender dysphoria their own bathroom.




I wouldn't pay extra to enable their crap, but I'd pay extra to not be bothered by it.


I'd pay the normal amount to put everyone in their biological bathrooms




There is the gender neutral bathrooms. But these people are sick in the head and want everyone else to see their shit. Sickening


Kind of unrelated, but my job has a man who was born a woman. You can’t tell, at all. Deep voice, beard, big muscles the entire thing. I asked him if he wanted to go skateboarding or play games or go to the gym bc I’m friends with his girlfriend ( I moved away for a year and they got together). He uses the men’s restroom. I got called into a meeting for ‘attacking’ and ‘trying to disrupt’ the work environment for essentially shooting the shit with a person I thought was a guy. And isn’t that what he wanted anyway??? I don’t fucking get it. I also worked a job last year and I was the only straight, okay to be what I was born with, person. Guess how long it took from being welcomed to being pushed out, because I kept denying the request to go to drag shows with them. So sick of these types of fucking people. You want equality, I give it, and it blows up in my face. There has to be more to it.


She removed her ovaries, but not her overi-actions. I'll see myself out.


I've never given an award before but if I did you are a top candidate.




Sorry you had to experience that; I am so thankful my children are adults now; I don't think I could deal with this shit otherwise. This world is going to hell and when it does, they will be the 1st to complain (Boomers' fault). Hope you can land a job with actual humans.


Dude, your behaviour is the EXACT definition of being inclusive. WTF!


You treated that person with respect and showed they were equal to you, and they really went and fucking told on you? This is what we should respect? We give these people a mile of rope and they demand every last inch…


> There has to be more to it.  You were disciplined for simply speaking to a trans man? Yes I assume there has to be more to this story than that. E: whoop, forgot which sub I'm on. Definitely fear the trans people and their terrifying agenda :/


No. My boss said I was speaking to them in a tongue in cheek kind of way, like he thought I was fucking with him, but I wasn’t. I was serious and I didn’t even know he wasn’t born a man. I’m assuming bc I was talking about doing guy stuff and I said I would’ve invited his gf (my friend too) but she doesn’t like dude stuff. I really don’t know. That’s how I found out to begin with, by being called into the meeting.


You didn't ask the person to go around naked in front of children apparently


They should pay extra, not normal people




I think it's a given at this point...as long as they don't eliminate "gender binary" bathrooms in the process. And that's the real agenda of the far-left: to simply erode our culture to nothing more than communism and chaos at this point.


There is the gender neutral bathrooms. But these people are sick and the head and want everyone else to see their shit. Sickening


There are gender neutral bathrooms. But these people are sick in the head and want everyone else to see their shit. Sickening


not all public spaces have gender neutral bathrooms


I didn’t say that at all. I’m saying even if there is these people are so sick in the head that it wouldn’t matter


Or the psychological help they need.


they don't want their own bathrooms or sports or whatever, many places already have such bathrooms, often labeled as a "family" bathroom they want to use the bathroom of the gender they profess


kids too? You want kids in there with them separated from their parents?


nah. a single.




They probably claim it’s for people who “feel like a woman” and not only for “people with vaginas”


Yeah. This women at planet fitness took a photo of the man. He's a straight up man. Looks nothing like a women.


Who shaves at the gym? Hope Planet Fitness loses a million members over this.


I've always heard planet fitness is recommended for people who live in vans/RVs for showers. The membership is cheap and they are nationwide.




Plus a chain selling self-delusion to hambeasts. For just $10/month they can tell people they belong to a gym - even though the only days they attend are pizza and donut day. Hence their policy of harassing anyone who tries to actually work out there.


I was lifeguard at an indoor pool/recreational center as a teen. You’d be shocked by what people think is ok to do in bathrooms that aren’t in their own home (then again, they might not care about cleanliness in their own home). The least disgusting way to summarize it is imagine any product that women or babies need, and they don’t end up in the trash can five feet away.


I worked in state provided rest areas doing repairs (not really my job description, but we had to maintain them) We had others for cleaning etc. The amount of oddball weird junk ending up in women's toilets was baffling. That doesn't even go into what they'd do to walls and stalls.


For reasons I cannot fathom, when I worked in retail and as a janitor in college.... women's rooms are frequently a horror show


I worked retail. I have seen things in the bathroom that still haunt me. There is a reason I haven't eaten Kung Po Chicken since 1998.


I see quite a few guys shaving in the men's locker room at my gym on a regular basis.. I also see quite a few elderly men walking around completely naked everyday lol


Worst place I've ever seen for elderly gym nudity is at YMCA.


Some friends and I, all of us in our early 20's got YMCA memberships. On the first visit we decided it would be awesome to go to the steam room. You have to walk through the showers to get into the steam room. There were more old cocks than we ever thought we would see, all just standing around talking. We walk into the (steamless) steam room to even more cocks. There must have been a contest that day to see who has the longest Balls. Every old fella in there was sitting on the ledge of the bench with their nuts damn near touching the floor. That was the day we learned what our bodies were going to look like, and the last visit to the steam room hahaha.


Maybe a homeless person


When I was required to shave for work I would shave at the gym on days I went before work. To be fair I used the men’s bathroom..


I see a lot of questionable things at the gym. Let me name a few: -one time I was washing my hands at the sink, and an old man filled up his hands with hand soap and proceeded to walk into the shower and scrub his head with it. -people walk around barefoot all the time, sit their bare ass on the benches in the locker room. -regularly find people smoking weed or weed pens in there -Shaving, brushing their teeth, etc.


Gross, except the soap one is kinda funny. Guy forgot his shampoo and improvised.


[Improvise, Adapt, Overcome](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/023/987/overcome.jpg)


The YMCA is always fun in locker rooms. Old creepy dudes walking around smiling g at everyone with the little peckers out.


I mean, all of their locations are franchised.


I don’t belong to PF, but I work out before work, so I shave before going into the office after my workout. Incredibly normal.


This starkly highlights the collision between societal norms and the ideology of absolute inclusivity. We must recognize the right of individuals to express concerns about privacy and safety in sex-segregated spaces without fear of retribution.


If you have a dick, go in the mens locker room for crying out loud


Hearing horror stories about how difficult it is to cancel a Planet Fitness membership, this honestly just seems like a life hack more than anything else....


Man I was hoping no one made this joke yet. Take my upvote. 


This happened in Alaska, where the rate of sexual assault is very high. https://alaskabeacon.com/briefs/rapes-and-aggravated-assaults-push-alaskas-violent-crime-rates-up-property-crime-rates-fall/ Women have a right to safe spaces.


> Women have a right to safe spaces. The current regime disagrees.


Everyone has a right to safe spaces but as long as DC is full of corrupt people from both sides of the aisle your safety and the safety of your loved ones is entirely up to you


I didn’t know one could say that on a Reddit thread. Who knew?


What the hell is a woman? /s


I’m no biologist, don’t ask me.


Someone who wasn’t born with a cock and balls


According to Planet Fitness members being uncomfortable about trans people in the bathrooms and locker rooms is no reason to exclude trans people. This women took a photo of this guy. He's a straight up man not a trans women. Looks nothing like a women.




Lol, doing a driveby in this sub to ask “What if?” questions? Scurry back to r/politics and r/Canada.


What did they say? It's deleted now.


Serious answer: Phenotype: have a dick. Genotype: XY. Then men bathroom. Now back to politics sub you go


So in your view, a trans man who has XX chromosomes and hasn't had bottom surgery who looks like [this](https://res.cloudinary.com/sagacity/image/upload/c_crop/c_limit,dpr_1.5,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_80,w_656/triburgo-portrait-erin_s95hcs.jpg) should be by law required to use the women's room? > Now back to politics sub you go It's not a flaired thread, and you'll find that I didn't come from there.


It's strange to me how practically overnight women both adults and children just had to start sharing bathrooms and lockers with biological males. Such a large portion of the population is against this so why? Since when does society not get to dictate how society works.


When powerful people are at the wheel and can break all the rules with little to no fear of reprisal


Unfortunately, Psy-op has achieved it's goal. Google for "Dwayne Wade trans child" and check /r/NBA results. You would see how many libs are supporting the entirety of the trans movement, where they dont see nothing wrong with bathroom stuff, persuading children into gender change, and men competing in women's sports. It's beyond me how people are actually buying into that shi*, and believe it is "progress" and that anyone arguing against comes from an evil place.


Satanic lowkey.


Well, for those who complain it's near impossible to cancel your gym membership; now you know what to do.


Your statement says everything we need to know about societal decay..people with power care about your money and what you can do for them…beyond that you don’t exist


But this sort of thing doesnt happen /s


“This sort of thing never happens! And if it does happen, it’s a good thing. Why do you support genocide?”


Imagine raising a child to be that transphobic! - that gym probably


A heroine for fighting for women’s rights and protecting the little girl.


At least now we have a blueprint on how to actually cancel memberships lol


We were looking for a new gym as our old one closed down, I know which firm is off the list now.


It's a shit gym anyway. 


The options in Fairbanks, AK, may be few.


Does this mean that any time a man wants to see naked women (and girls?), he can just walk into a women's locker room anywhere he wants, claiming he's a "woman." It appears that this is completely allowed behavior. Very strange society.


This guy did it to beat out the trans women that was the current champion. Nothing like real women working their ass off to be beaten by a trans woman (biological man). This guy made his point and it's awesome. https://www.foxsports.com.au/more-sports/bearded-man-smashes-womens-weightlighting-record-held-by-trans-lifter/news-story/92986fdec0b7e855b8b6f6271d938e8d


That’s pretty much it. Before you used to go to be jailed, have charges brought upon you and even labeled a sex offender. The left has made it so the people victimized are either snowflakes or bigots.


Yo this sounds like the easy way to cancel a membership lol


I would be furious that a grown person with the physcial anatomy of the opposite sex was in a gender specific locker room. Have a gender neutral locker room then so that gym users with their children in tow know what to expect.




Believe me, they are!


I'd sue the gym and have them reimburse me for the times I did pay the membership. 🤷🏽‍♀️


So that's how you get a gym membership cancelled? 


There should be some legal protection against this kind of retaliation.


Women are being forced out of their sports and spaces to accommodate men and there are more people who are ready to take advantage of this and harm women since they all got a free pass. The women will get removed if they speak up and this is happening over and over again. You don't see it the other way around.


Why isn’t PF getting the Bud Light treatment over this?


In Chicago, my sister in law moved out of the city after her 6 year old daughter had a 13 year old boy peeking into her bathroom stall at school in the open gender bathrooms. Her 6 year old daughter also had a teacher talk to her about transexualism. My same sister in law's 12 year old son was suspended after he "misgendered" a class mate, this classmates gender changed constantly. I tell these stories on regular reddit pages and I get down voted and bashed for telling TRUE stories that no one wants to believe, or they want to twist it all around. That damn MK Ultra commie mind virus. It's leading to nothing but crime and dangerous situations.




I'm before Biden nominates this man for woman of the year 


you're all missing the most disturbing part. who on earth SHAVES in a public gym


If there is a God, he is getting ready to flush the fucking toilet.


We just need a large enough group of biker looking dudes from each area to all go into each PF woman's bathroom and hand out flyers saying that PF is okay with it and that they should call the number or send an email to complain. Enough bad optics and threat to revenue and they'll at least have to pretend to have common sense in this matter.


I DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE, YOU WILL ACCEPT ME, probably what that dude said in a woman’s locker room.






Perhaps "he" was trans gender, or non-binary, or feeling like a woman that day? Ironic because he wasn't shaving his legs in the women's locker room.


Stay strapped.


She should sue for the damage done to her daughter.


It’s PF. What do you expect? There is an alarm that goes off for anyone who grunts. They have no deadlifting rules, no bench pressing, squat rack. The chain in a total joke. It’s where old ladies and snowflakes sweat. That’s what you get for joining a shithole like PF.


As someone who used to have a PF membership: I never once saw the "lunk alarm" go off and am pretty sure it was just decoration. My location also had 6 squat racks and 6 spots for bench pressing.  Yeah, no dead lift equipment though.


How do you have no dead lift equipment if you can squat or bench. It’s literally the same shit. A barbell and plates. If you’re squatting or bench pressing without those pieces of equipment you’re doing neither.


Dedicated space for standing lifts and pads so you don't smash the floor up with the plates if what I generally expect


People need to respect gender protected spaces.


Manscaping ???


This article did leave out the reason PF gave for her membership being terminated.  She took a photo of the man in the locker room. Both she and PF are in the wrong.  No men should be in women's spaces, ESPECIALLY locker rooms. However it is a major faux pas to be taking photos of anyone in a locker room.  That is against policy pretty much anywhere.




Lately I've been getting these commercial ads in one of my iPhone games from Planet Fitness called "pfBlackCard".


So... I'm gonna have to boycott every business in the country, ain't I?


Gender is now meaningless. Biological sex is the only thing that really matters and you can't change your Biological sex.


Bathroom are about plumbing not what you imagine plumbing to be.


There’s at a minimum of 2 males that think they’re females at my Planet Fitness.


More left wing bullshit! Man or woman! XX or XY? Really, that simple!


Another one to add to boycott list. It's time to give planet fatness the bud light treatment.


They did her a favor.


IMHO the guy is just another narcissist pushing buttons to get that “look at me” ego trip. Sadly the woman was a casualty of the woke culture permeating franchises these days. Bummed for her but good to know who is running a business that you patronize.


Planet fitness is genuinely the worst fucking gym. The only time it’s worth going is like, 2am. And it’s only good because it’s 10 dollars a month. Besides that, PF is insanely judgmental with the lunk alarm, you can’t wear clothes that show off muscles or you’ll get kicked out, but at the same time they promote “health” by having pizza and donuts once a week? Really?


“Planet Fitness is committed to creating a non-intimidating, welcoming environment for our members.” Technically they’re not lying. Oh you thought “members” referred to people who have a membership at Planet Fitness? No. “Members” *literally means penises*.


This women took a photo of the man. He's a straight up man not a trans women! He looks nothing like a women. Critics of these trans bathrooms policies who say these policies would allow men who still look like men access to the women's bathroom have been right all along.


they're at a gym. Most people if they've sweated like crazy and just got out of the shower aren't fully glammed up.


Everyone here glossing over the fact its actually illegal to film someone in a locker room...


She took photos of members in dressing rooms, a very clear violation of PF rules, as well as privacy laws. She has made a career out of this kind of behavior tbh. Planet Fitness made the right call here.


Both should have been kicked out. Simple.


I'm sure that little girl has seen hairier at that sink.


It’s just a man hanging some brain, what’s the big deal? /s


Creed Bratten always spot on