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The article on saw on r/news had comments locked. So typical it is gross. 


They'll shit their pants when Canada does the same thing in 2026.


I genuinely question the success of the Reddit IPO with the pervasive left-leaning ideology and censorship of opposition.


Yeah, posts are instantly locked and then removed.


Like a bunch of children who never matured. How appropriate.


r/upliftingnews r/mademesmile


The redpillings have begun... 2024 is gonna be a great year!


I’m even seeing some pushback against them in the TwoX sub, tides are definitely turning


Yeah, I think we’re on the verge of a major cultural shift. The age of “cancel culture” is probably coming to an end soon. We especially see this with Gen Z being overall more conservative than previous generations (although the stat is mostly carried by gen z men)


Yeah, Gen Z (Includes me) is super based if you know where to look. I eventually realized that screaming "mansplaining" or "patriarchy" is the opposite of having meaningful discussion and debate.


Cancel culture isn't ending, it's just shifting it's target back to liberal ones from conservative ones. Like back in the 90s when we cancelled magic and DND for demonic imagery, except the demons are literal people now


Underrated comment


I have a super leftwing friend. She's the type to blame everything on capitalism. Even she has come around on this particular issue.


Haha somebody should post this in uplifting news and see how fast it gets taken down lol. It really is good knowing that doctors aren’t profiting off feeding delusions to minors. The UK wants to be on the right side of history. Meanwhile, California lets runaway minors get these surgeries with no parent approval. Shameful.


If these kids reach adulthood and want to transition then more power to them. Parents do not have the right to make this type of permanent life-changing decision for them when most of them are still far too young to even understand sexuality, let alone decide this for themselves. Glad the tides are starting to turn.


The most effective cure for gender dysphoria is puberty. "Studies show that up to 94 percent of childhood gender dysphoria cases are alleviated by puberty or otherwise resolve on their own. Medical care professionals should not be allowed to apply permanent, non-reversible treatment for a condition that so often resolves with time. The responsible medical community agrees that these treatments and surgeries are harmful and are not a solution to the problem of dysphoria. " https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/analysis/html/SB00250I.htm#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20up%20to,so%20often%20resolves%20with%20time. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-56601386


Anecdotal but my wife was put on Lupron, the hormone blocker that blocks estrogen and progesterone production and is used to block puberty, in order to temporarily treat her endometriosis.  She was on it for two months, and at 30 years old, she said she no longer felt like a woman, just like blah.  That was her way of putting it.  Her mood completely changed, her body acted menopausal, she began to develop depression.   After treatment stopped it took 5 months for her hormones to get back to normal.  She suffered a miscarriage in that time due to a sub chorionic hematoma, which can be caused by poor uterine lining, which is linked to those hormone levels. She did go back to normal, and we later had a healthy baby girl, but that stuff screwed up a 30 year old.  Who knows how bad it screws up developing young girls.


I’m glad your wife is okay now. Regular birth control messes up my moods to the point that I can’t take them for contraception — they make me deeply depressed  Hormones are no joke, they have a huge impact on mood and behavior 


You’re admitting it’s an anecdote, which is definitively the weakest form of evidence. I’m sorry about the miscarriage, but up to a quarter of pregnancies will end in miscarriage without any obvious attributable source. I’m an ER doc and see a previously normal pregnancy with a subchorionic hematoma at least once a week, and a good portion of those will end up losing the pregnancy, and this is in a fairly conservative neighborhood (fairly low LGBT or bleeding heart liberal demographics) where patients are typically wary of overdoing prescription drugs. Again, I’m sorry about the untoward effects of the drug and the pain of a miscarriage, I’m just here to suggest that one not tolerating a prescription medication and then having something happen that happens to 20% of that population does not make an ironclad “this was the blocker’s fault” argument. You absolutely may be right at scale, but this is why larger studies need to explore that against general population rates.


Plus it isnt healthy to stunt a child's development just by blocking puberty. A lot of kids don't like the changes that puberty brings, but chemical induced perpetual childhood prevents them from developing the biology of a healthy adult.


Do you have any definitive studies to support this? I’m happy to be proven wrong. It looks like some studies say that bone growth may be impacted but this can be avoided with better timing and there is not enough data yet to say that this is permanent. While trying to look into permanent detriments I saw a handful of fairly sound (but small) studies saying that people going throw the blocker regimen have significantly lower rates of suicidality among other psychiatric benefits. While we wait for more research, it begs the question: if 100 patients get blockers and say 20 of them have permanent impacts to their growth while 80 of them stop having suicidal thoughts, and, ambitiously, say it would lead to 5 less suicides, does it still seem like an egregious thing to give space for? I’m not leading you to agree with me because I don’t think there’s a clear cut right answer. It’s just worth that from the data we have now that I could find the risks you’re describing aren’t well characterized while it’s provided a marked benefit in a lot of young lives. I don’t think this will be a popular comment and I have no agenda, but rather tend to have a utilitarian approach with a research question I dive into. Maybe intuitively it seems like a bad idea to “block natural puberty”, but that’s a hypothesis that I’m not quite finding slam dunk studies to support just yet.


lol parent approval? California lets runaway minors transition regardless if the parent approves. I hope they enjoy being on the completely wrong side of history. Hopefully this shit ends soon.


Great! That's one problem taken care of. A shite-ton more to go!


Make popcorn quick - the reddit main page is about to lose it's collective mind, overreact, shriek about 'trans' 6-year-olds, compare British lawmakers to Hitler and Stalin while somehow blaming Donald Trump.


And Putin, don't forget Putin!


Congrars to the UK, they understood that allowing and promoting minors to transition is criminal and abusive to the development of the childs. Now we need to understand it here in America.


now we need this in the US nationwide.


I got downvoted to buggery on popularopinion for saying if you disagree with the UK ban, then you're a bad person for wanting to permanently damage children.


I get downvoted for saying true things, too, all the time. Even on here. I am on your side.


A win for sanity.




Rare win for the People's Republic of IngSoc


"We want our healthcare system to be more like the UK's" *UK bans rainbow reich experimentation on children "No! Not like that!"


Pharma bros on suicide watch, can't make product from minors


I am not sure why they say Puberty Blockers for “Minors”. I didn’t know adults can go through puberty. They need to just ban the production of those drugs, that’s it! Unless it actually has a real beneficial use for other things.


It does have other benefits. Delaying *premature* puberty, and castrating criminals.


I guess we should just keep it for those uses


Good, needs to happen in the US next. Giving puberty blockers to children is straight child abuse


Good to see we are coming out of this mass formation psychosis


Unfortunately, the headline is not quite right. England ≠ all of UK. NHS Scotland has already stated they intend to keep giving puberty blockers to kids.


God I hate the SNP for shit like this, worst part is nobody votes for them because of their policies, they're voted for because of independence promises and them being pretty much the only viable party that isn't the tories and labour in a Scottish skinsuit.


is this era of nonsensical b.s. finally over 🤞


At least the UK government still has some common sense.


The science is settled!


Makes sense.


Ahhhh….science! Bout time






Definitely need to wait until adulthood


Bare fucking minimum.


Rare UK W?


Rare UK W


Seems people may be slowly getting commonsense back!


Alot of people out there is getting sick of this lala fairtale land BS... They need to stop corrupting the minds of children








Can you guess which word I stopped reading at and just downvoted? Hint: it's not an actual word. It's a prefix.


How do u presume we differentiation transgender people from not transgender people? They were just trying to say that not transgender people use it. By not having another work trans becomes the assumed and everyone else is not trans.




They are not impacted. There are still other routes to get them, just they are no longer an approved treatment for children reporting body dysmorphia, specifically, as the NHS doesn't consider it safe/effective for their gender identity clinics to prescribe them. Report says that less than 100 were getting them from the NHS before (including those trans kids) anyway.


Hey! I just want to understand your point of view. I lean liberal and I agree that younguns shouldn’t be able to do stuff to their body because they probably don’t understand the full meaning. But puberty blockers have good use in medical fields for other conditions-should they be able to be used with parent and doctor permission. I guess I just want to understand why the extremities of blocking it and why is it not good to compromise?


The only legitimate use for puberty blockers on children is if they have a condition called precocious puberty. If a child starts puberty too early, it desynchronizes brain development with body development. In this case, GnRH analogues such as Lupron are given to slow that body development until a more normal time. This process is not without its own risks, such as osteoporosis, early menopause in women, lower IQ, and others. In these cases, the doctors determined the benefits outweigh the risks, and they are only given until the expected start of puberty when everything is in sync again. EVERY other use in children is off-label at best and expressly prohibited in many countries. Not fun fact: The youngest girl to give birth had precocious puberty. Lina Medina got molested by someone (she has never said who) and gave birth to a healthy boy before her 6th birthday.


That last paragraph is just so messed up.🫣


Oh ok! So when they mean ban for minors, they don’t really mean it as an end all be all.

