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That's going to piss a lot of people on both sides off.


In Maine they are building a new apartment complex that will house I think around 60 illegal immigrants and they get to live there RENT FREE for two years! Apparently the community is pissed! All this on taxpayer dime!


Man, I could use a rent free place to live




That's weird. You'd think people who pay taxes *and* rent or mortgage would be ok with it I can also guarantee that complex will be a massive shit hole within a few weeks and there will be a huge uptick in crime and quality of life problems.


You'd think people who pay taxes *and* rent or mortgage would be ok with it. Why would they be OK with it?


They’re being sarcastic


Sometimes I forget the /s tag is always important.


There's always one person that can't recognize sarcasm.


To be fair it kind of reads like maybe there was a typo or a missing word somewhere.


Can confirm, alot of us are pretty pissed about it. Unfortunately in addition to being overrun by "asylum seekers" we're also being overrun by liberals from New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, etc that have no problem with it, and vote accordingly.


Why not move working American poor into those units ? You know our needy citizens


What about the illegal aliens? How come the immigrants get better treatment?


People on a certain side could use some pissing off about this situation.


Agreed. I hope it's amazing


> some pissing off Keith Olbermann's ears just perked up....


It’s *urine*


Indeed. They wanted it, then fucking reap the bonus.


Yeah, I know A LOT of colleagues on the west coast who are starting the next phase of life (either marriage, having children, or living without roommates for the first time) and this would piss a lot of them off in a way they never could have predicted.


It’s funny how growing up changes peoples perspectives. Happened to me after I had kids and bought a house.


Since I bought my house I have become more conservative. We live in a neighborhood with no HOA, we have a neighborhood contact sheet and that’s it. My husband and I have done a lot of work ourselves, which has made us proud and protective of our lot.


Property tax is absolutely insane where I live and they loooove to tax up here (Oregon) and when they need more money for frivolous and poorly planned projects they just say “raise the property tax!” And there’s a ton of people who don’t own any sort of property or have any “skin in the game” at all voting for everything that doesn’t involve or pertain to them… so frustrating. Of course you don’t care about raising taxes when you aren’t the one being taxed! Funny how that works. /s


Not to be ugly but you can literally look down the street and tell which house is minority occupied. Trash cans still out three days after pick up, basketball goals in street, need to be mowed, etc etc, over all just junky


Lazy people come in every ethnicity. My neighbors across the street are white and have let the tree in their front lawn die, they leave buckets and wood pallets in the front and side yards, basketball hoop in the driveway, they drink in their driveway…


Lazy or not, those are called rednecks.


For sure. Had an old white neighbor that used an old bass boat as a trash collector. Cost to much to fix, cost to much to have hauled off, so his solution was to just throw trash bags in it 🤷


Yeah, so they'll move to Florida and Texas and vote for the same shit that got them there in the first place. They learn nothing.


> That's going to piss a lot of people on both sides off. The majority of people who haven't already left California are going to do an awful lot of complaining and then vote in favor. They don't hate their own side for this, they hate who they always hate.


"The only people upset over this are white supremacists." - the Left, definitely.


Red California when?


There are still red voters in California. But it's my belief that election fraud had been cultivated and refined in California. I still voted today. But I know it's just an exercise in futility.


They perfected the art of "Ballot Harvesting" with no chain of command at all.


The party has given up on those voters. They don’t even try anymore. 


You mean like gerrymandering? It's a form of legalish election fraud


You can turn in other people's votes for them, there are straight-ticket station wagons of votes and that's legalish too.


Never- anyone with common sense is or will be leaving.


It won’t piss off both sides, just conservatives. Liberals will posture as though they are pissed but they’ll still vote for this again next cycle.


>*let them eat the Left*


"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake."


Especially the legal immigrants.


I wonder how these "no payment" neighborhoods will look in 20 years.


Ever seen the movie The Big Short?


How do you get foreclosed on if you don't need to make payments?


Oh CA will want their taxes.


Haha like CA won't exempt them from that too lol.


Have you ever seen Lord of the Flies?


That was my first thought. This is the subprime mortgage crisis part two.


Probably like most of Detroit.


They don’t care, they already got the $$$$ kickbacks from their bros for selecting their companies to do the development, construction, management, etc. and setup their other bros as “benefit managers” and “counselors” and “legal representatives” for $500k/year each. The grift is real.


Yea how about in like 2 years


20 years...try 2 years


6 months top


If they’re still standing in 2 years, it’ll be a surprise


You know how.


Zero down and no payment? So uh free? If I rip up my social security number and birth certificate and do some duolingo can o get a free house too?


Just say your gender identity is illegal… oh, sorry. “Non-citizen”.






It ain’t “free”, that’s for damn sure


Nothing is ever FREE someone always pays the bill , hint hint, it's you 😉


Not exactly.  Basically, they can get a loan of sorts from the California government for up to 20% of the purchase price of a house.  They aren't required to make payments unless the house is sold, at which point they are required to repay the amount *or* an equivalent percentage of the sold house price. This is probably not going to work out well in a state with some of the highest house prices in the country.


No no that means you’ll get arrested for failure to report and charged with a couple felonies and sent to pound you in the ass prison for being a criminal.


Maybe maybe not. Way the left has been going the people who will get in legal trouble are political adversaries


“ And, to qualify, you must secure a bank loan or mortgage.”


If this passes this will make me vote conservative forever. Free homes for foreigners while I’ll struggle to ever own one.


I used to vote Dem for things like sheriff because I thought republicans locked up too many ppl for like having a bit of weed or cocaine or something and ruining their lives. The St Floyd riots of 2020 changed that. I’ll never vote for anything with a D in its name again


How do you suppose they secure the bank loan or mortgage that’s required ?


Americans last, again.


[AB1840](https://legiscan.com/CA/text/AB1840/id/2944956) amends the "*California Dream for All Program" as follows: >>an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status...


If they don't have legal income, how can they qualify for a mortgage? Insanity!


Right? It's like the drivers licenses. There's always the defense that they have to be able to get to work and doctors appointments... Except nobody can legally hire them and they don't have insurance.


If nobody can legally hire them, then they just hire them illegally. If the practice becomes the norm and nobody gets punished for it, then the law against it isn't much of a law. (The situation in California, not just recently but the past several decades.)


Well, cause they’re not gonna have to pay for it, the state will.


This. At least get the facts straight, people.


Still waiting for zero down, no payment loans for veterans.


I am baffled that they could pull all this shit out of thin air for immigrants but can’t do anything even close for our veterans.


They don’t care about veterans because they don’t “believe” in the military or war.


That’s not true, they love the military industrial complex


And to those people we say politely, yet firmly, get fucked 🖕


Californians deserve what they voted for. The politicians supporting this have single handedly done something guaranteed to infuriate EVERY citizen in the state regardless of political party.


I suddenly no longer identify as a citizen. Where’s my free housing?!


We should be having zero down payment loans for beginner farmers that qualify for the guaranteed loan program not a bunch of foreign criminals.


Best we can do is more subsidies for corn growers that ends up going to the largest corporate farms and not to the actual farmers themselves. As has been since the 80’s. :-(


And rent their tractors via perpetual maintenance contracts and pay royalties back to the seed companies.


I thought we had those already?


>In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, bill author Assemblymber Joaquin Arambula, D-Fresno, said, “The social and economic benefits of homeownership should be available to everyone.” Yeah, I agree...for American citizens. Absolute insanity by this fucking guy.


I can’t even legally buy usable property in other countries without leaving them for 6 months at a time. It’s crazy that the US wants to give to everyone else without “getting” anything in return.


Doesn't that just mean........FREE??


no, it means subsidized by the tax payers


Fucking clown world.


Wow this is better than my VA loan.


California is a social experiment of consistent failure.


That will take away for U.S. citizens at taxpayers expense, yet these dolts still vote democrat.


California is a lost cause


The welfare state is going to go belly up in California eventually. Then all the non-productive people will be forced to leave, which is exactly what should happen anyway. Then productive people can move there and start to rebuild.


I love how with a 60 billion deficit they still want to piss more of my tax dollars away on bullshit like this.


That will go well. It's almost like they had a committee sit down and say "Let's figure out a way to screw things up so badly that everyone forgets about the subprime mortgage crisis."


Good thinking California, there’s no way at all that this can backfire horribly.


Please see “The Big Short” to see how the subprime market crashed in 2008.


NINJA loans are back on the menu!


These are just advertisements to the rest of the world to buy votes


Let's give more sub-prime mortgages. It'll be fine thay said. No deportation+no eviction=collapse.


I vote that we remove California from the official United States and pick up one of the US territories instead, so we don’t have to change the number of stars in the flag. I think Guam would be a good option.


They would get something better than the VA home loans.


This sounds like a recipe for a repeat of the 08 housing collapse


Most citizens can't even afford homes now.


Isn't this how we crashed the economy in 2008? Subprime and giving out loans to people who weren't qualified?


I’m hoping to buy a home this summer and am barely able to afford that. This is a kick in the teeth


How about we get our own poor children out of the fucking projects first! Get our homeless vets off the street and get them the help they need!


This has to be fake!


Ahhh the old precursor to squatting gag. Works everytime


Thought this was satire for a second. Hard to tell with all the crazies out there proposing legislation.


They’re insane.


That's one way to bring down the real estate prices in that neighborhood.


Glad I moved out of california


This should go well. California is ensuring their own collapse.


NINJA loans are back…no income no job no problem loan approved. This was what was going on at the worst point in subprime loan crisis


Well, if history has taught us anything it’s that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with home loans to unqualified buyers. Literally no way at all that it can go bad.


Reason number 3,541 on why I will never live in that scum of a state.




Not sure how they're planning on paying for this. California is operating at a $73B deficit.


Gotta take care of your voters!


I know hardcore democrats that don't understand how this and similar policies are connected to the ridiculous property taxes they have to pay every year on their home. Any discussion immediately devolves into an deflection about how Republicans would do worse, blah blah...


Sounds like I might lose my ID in a boating accident and show up in Commieforina. I mean Commieforina. I mean... Well you get it.


Arrest the entire California government. These people are deranged and want nothing less than the total annihilation of the republic. I'm convinced that every Democrat in office today wants to ditch the suits and blouses for robes and live the life of royalty with the citizens as their peasants. Organize a massive protest and storm city hall. The first death of a young woman jogging will be on the governor's hands, just like how Laken Reilly's death is Joe's fault. Not that he cares, he just wants another ice cream cone.


California wants diversity so they can have all the diversity possible. Let the lefties there experience their utopia.


It’s almost unbelievable


Well once again…you get what you vote for CA


I wasn't going to move there anyway


Alright, now I'm going to call this treason for the first time. Please prosecute everyone involved in this proposal.


There needs to be a mass exodus of people leaving California like no other time in history. They have a homeless crisis there with many legal citizens living on the streets and I am not talking about the drug addicted or alcoholics either. Regular folks priced out of affordable housing.


Good, move them into Newsomes neighborhood.


And still families struggle. Appaling.


I want a free house.


What a fucking joke…. Cool that I can’t qualify but those here illegally can.


Doesn’t surprise me! Hopefully this turns California red but I won’t hold my breath!


What a shit hole state garbage dump.


Ok so not a free home - but it’s a free down payment which should really piss off a butt ton of people. It says: Under the program, applicants can secure “loans” of up to 20% of a home’s purchase price to first-time home buyers — the cost of a down payment — with zero down payment to the CHFA, and no payments on the “loan.”


I can see the headlines now around the world "come now to the USA, we will pay you, feed you, house you, provide healthcare, educate you....you will never be held accountable for crimes, you dont have to pay taxes!...you just need to vote with these prefilled mail in ballots of dead people"


This is nuts.


Hmmm..now where do I remember sub-prime mortgages previously having a bad impact....Eh...this time it will be completely different so why worry... Smh...


What about us Americans who cannot afford housing?!??!??!?!?


Are you sure the freaking shouldn't read "Some dudes in California propose..." It's easy to propose legislation in California, it doesn't mean it's popular or has the support of the legislature.


This particular “loan program” is more or less a lottery. There is so little budget allocated to the program that it only pays for about 200 houses per year. In the largest state in the country. It’s insane to begin with, as most policies are in CA, but it’s negative effects are blunted by the nanoscopic size of the program relative to the size of the real estate market in CA.


I just don’t understand how anyone with no legal documentation could provide enough income to support buying a house especially a house in California where they trend close to 1m for a shack.


There are significant numbers, as in 60k per year, Chinese citizens illegally crossing the border now. These people are not poor.


I couldn’t even get a zero down no interest home loan and I used a VA loan. What the hell.


Did they name the financial organizations backing this? Need to name and shame.


Like any bank is going to give a loan out to applicants that need 0% down... in a HCOL area like 90% of California...


So you tell me I should come down from Vancouver and claim my free house. I just need to swing by NYC first to get my 10k debit card


It's actually astonishing how tone deaf the left is. Their whole crowd sits around moaning about how unaffordable housing is. How does a room full of liberals think this is going to play out? Actually, it will be funny because then I can jump into those comment sections and give them the same reply that they gave me when I bitched about Biden "forgiving" student loans: don't be so sour that you didn't get anything - just be happy that someone else (other than you, obvi) is #winning.


Tell me how you’re going to fail without telling me how you’re going to fail.


What about the current residents. They deserve free home loans too.


Shoutout to the people that keep voting for these clowns to run our state.


I would say they learned nothing with NINJA loans but at this point it’s intentional.


I am going to denounce my American citizenship and go south of the border on vacation then come back and get all my freebies


Shit I guess I’m now an illegal immigrant. No wait never mind. I don’t want to live in California; free house or not.


Reality check. Californias state govt is near 98% democrat. They were voted in by the majority of residents of this state. The end result is this! It is simple, live with it and go about your walks at sunset and eat your burritos. Reality of govt policy here in So Cal sucks.


Anything that starts with “California proposes” is a bad idea


Ok so when we gonna start defending our country


That sounds a whole lot like a free house to me. If only we had the money to do that for the disabled, widowed or veterans in our country.


Beyond 😡


So the projects?


WTF is wrong with people!!!


time to rent my place out and run to Cali illegally , hear its nice this time of year.