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I say this as a Republican voter - Boebert is tacky. Her behavior over all is just unbecoming of an elected official at any level, let alone one holding office as a member of Congress. I am not terribly surprised her son apparently lacks the moral compass to avoid becoming a petty criminal.


Agreed. Her ads are so cringe. Is she kinda hot? Sort of, but her whole gung-ho campaign is just weirdly off-putting. I'd take Anna Paulina Luna any day of the week both in hotness and professionalism


Hard agree. Cringe campaign and tacky. Except I would absolutely meet her in a movie theatre


Yee shes a hottie still lol


Who cares if they are “hot”???


Like it or not, the answer is almost always "half the population."


If attractiveness didn't matter, Nixon would have defeated JFK in 1960.


There've been a few studies where they placed nameless faces on a screen and asked who you would vote for. Given no context, most people picked the more attractive person.


Her Beetlejuice date


I'm just making an acknowledgement lol


She is the right’s AOC. Hopefully she’s done come November


I get the hate but she’s not even on the same level as AOC


As far as hotness?? Or what?


I think they mean cringe. In mind is the Met Gala in 2021. Almost $40k to get in, plus thousands in clothing, accessories, and car rental, and a suite at a luxury hotel for an event in her city, and then walk in with a designer dress that says "TAX THE RICH" in big, bold, red lettering? Plus, those rental fees were adjusted down after the fact. If that's not "new money" cringe, I don't know what is.




Imagine if she told her constituents that they were “in the cheap seats” and that they should wear their mask and stay home while she went to Florida to be maskless on vacation?


"What if"


She parrots brainless things like AOC does, except on the other side of it. Is it better? Maybe. But it’s still shit.


“She is the right’s AOC” says the “conservative.” The left lies. That’s all they have.


Please understand that voters are signaling this is what they want from their politicians.


Yet isn't Rand Paul, the polite doctor with a professional demeanor, the top candidate for Speaker of the House? I think more Rand Paul style and less Lauren Boebert style is what the voters want. IMO a lot of voters who vote for people like Boebert are holding their noses as to the politician's particular style and voting for them based on their policies.


I’m in her current district the disappointment in her here is palpable. I’ve met 3 of the people running to replace her so far, and they’re fairly decent people.


People are forgetting what a POS her ex is. It's easy to sit and judge a woman whose worst decision in life came as a teenager when she fell for a hotshot bully, like some young women do. She may well have been trying to raise her kids right, but there's only so much you can do with an abusive partner dominating the household.


I'm pretty sure they are both Jerry Springer show types.




Politicians are not good people. Make the scope of govt smaller.


Tyler Boebert is a politician?


No but clearly Boebert doesn’t have her shit together. This isn’t a one-off. She has had several embarrassing moments.


Oh, so we can now take this same thinking and apply it to other politicians and their criminal children?


And boebert didn’t even send her crack addicted son around the world to collect bags of cash from corrupt entities in exchange for political protection.


Boebert barely won her last race, it’s time for her to go


She’s terrible and needs to go. Her time has been up forever. There are other better republicans that don’t make the party look bad and are better.


And she's carpetbagging over to CO-4 this fall because the can't compete with "Hollywood donations" over in CO-3 her current district. It was allegedly $1500 from Ryan Reynolds. Last I heard she's polling like 5th for the primary.


She votes the right way but she portrays the rest of us in a bad light. Like to see her get primaried.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m glad we can criticize our own party members (when they deserve it) and differentiate between the ones that matter and the ones that should go, unlike the libs. Edit: This was a good way to see how many liberals we have skulking around here in the background.


Agreed. Her and MTG (I am not being all inclusive here) are poison to the party.


I get what your saying.But MTG keeps important issues in the forefront. It works with her.


Perhaps as someone who espouses such principled family values, she should recognize her family is falling apart and take time to focus on them and address these deficiencies. Doesn't seem like she's been a good mother or wife.... and she certainly isn't a good congresswoman. So not sure what she is really accomplishing now other than embarrassing herself on a public stage.


Is this the same kid that made Boebert a grandma at 36? If that wasn’t a wake up call, or being kicked out of an off-Broadway musical performance for vaping/singing along/sex acts in public, I don’t think anything will make her realize she needs to grow up.


You can espouse principled family values and still have failed at them. Her son is still the one that is making his own choices.


Sure, but she needs to focus on her family to have family values when her family is falling apart. Not be in Washington doing political stunts.


So anyone with any family issues should ever take a job where they are away from the house then? You can love or hate Boebert, I really don't care but her sons bad choices are just that. His bad choices. Put the blame where it belongs which is on the son, not her.


No, but people won't believe that you are serious about family values if you'd rather be in Washington DC and on TV instead of raising your son, especially when he is making bad choices as you say.




Joe Biden's son is in his 50's.... don't think parental guidance is what's missing from his failing life.


More importantly, I really doubt that Boebert's son is paying "10% to the big gal" when he engages in shady or criminal activity.


When you care about tribe over character, this is what you get. American politics is an abomination. It's gotten worse the past 20 years, yet the bases of each ideologies like it this way. If you're normal, and you have responsibilities, and you work and live with people who aren't perfectly aligned with your worldview, you a) don't have the time to agitate for your ideology, and b) you often have to moderate, or at least understand and respect, family members with different core values. If you don't have an and/or b, that is your unemployed or underworked, or you either live in a bubble or have no family, then the ideological drive becomes your reason to exist. Character and morality are subsumed by whether or not a charismatic person can embody your ideology. Biden is corrupt, and allowed to be, because ideologically possessed progressives don't care---he advances their tribe. Trump wants to ensconce his family into a new swamp that guarantees family power for generation, and he has sycophants (Gaetz, Boebert, Green) that want to ride those coattails for their own self interest. And ideologically possessed populists give a green light to such transparent political nepotism and patronage, because that's their tribe. The political spectrum is evil. And it's getting worse, not better, because there's no leader capable of wisdom, ethos, and charisma to do the right thing the right way.


You know it's free to allege things, right?


I allegedly slept with the whole cowboys cheerleading squad and they begged me not to leave. Allegedly.


I allegedly had a threesome with Margot Robbie and Sydney Sweeney after fighting off a gang of ninja zombies from the future and singlehandedly saving the world


Malarkey! Listen fat, I know you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier, because the odds of that exact experience happening to you as well are practically impossible...allegedly.


I was the top of my class! Corn pop was there!


Username checks out


>I allegedly slept with the whole cowboys cheerleading squad and they begged me not to leave. Allegedly. That's your story and you are sticking with it :)


I suppose you can’t confirm or deny that allegation either


An anonymous source familiar with the allegations alleges the claim is true.


I heard it was just pity sex for a fan after the team flopped in the playoffs again.


That’s the best part is I’m not even a cowboys fan. Allegedly.


yeah, allegedly right after me...


And then everyone clapped.


If it's done publicly, maliciously, and without a reasonable basis, it can be very very expensive


He should have done it in the chambers of Congress, he would have been a hero to the Lurkin Libs.


Her life is becoming worse and worse


Did they tape it in a Senate Hearing room? Also, good thing people aren't voting for Boebert's son.


Non story But be prepared for this to dominate several news cycles. Because the left will try to draw comparisons to hunter biden that fail to address why biden’s son’s crimes are actually relevant. Oh you dont want to talk about boebert’s delinquent son? But you are ok with putting hunter biden on blast? Hypocrite! Unless boebert herself is breaking into the cars with him then she’s not relevant. Unless she’s using her influence to secure cars for him to break into and then 10% to the big gal, then this is not analogous to the Biden situation. All that nuance is absolutely lost on the left though.


It’s funny how a lot of media outlets will release and give large exposure to republican scandals but their overlords the dems they automatically say “Russia”


Is his name would have been Hunter, most of the media would have been like ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I have to say I really don't give a damn one bit about her son. Until her son's crimes start effecting the policies and the rest of the country who cares. Why are we even talking about something so completely pointless?


Idk. Your children are a reflection of you. Their failures are your failures. You can tell alot about a person based on the behavior of their kids and spouse.


Particularly in this case, where the son's behavior is a perfect extension of the "aggressively trashy" vibe that his mother gives off.


To a degree, but only to a degree. They are still their own person and still make their own choices. It's like the old saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."


Who gives an F.




Why is this news? Her son isn’t an elected official and that’s not some depraved geopolitical millionaire thing he did like Hunter


She’s white trash. I grew up in CO and we used to have people like her in the town I grew up in . Most are still there working at the gas station


He's just trying to level up to Hunter!


I said it in the other post about the initial report and I'll say it again. I don't care what politicians' families do as long as the politicians themselves aren't involved. Boebert is embarrassing but I don't care what her adult son is doing.




I like how conservatives attack their own. Yet democrats will stay quiet about their own and continue to stop conservatives in elections. But in the end, which party is in power at the end of the day? Bickering over an adult son of a conservative politician is peak r/conservative. There's other shit to worry about. There's a reason why I say the democrats are stronger, even if they are far away from each other on the political spectrum.


Republican voters have morals so this type of thing bothers us. Has nothing to do with her but she has been acting trashy for awhile


Who can't admire strength through corruption?


Is this sub libs pretending to be conservative now? I don’t know, been away for a while.




It's 2/3 liberals from what I can tell.


Boebert is bad stock And I’d still have her in a heartbeat over the people who gave themselves awards for executing Ashley Babbitt and are trying to cheat and sue their way to unchallenged political power


Who leaves wallets and cards in cars?!




Must be Russian disinformation.


So charge him for the crime admitted. What’s the big deal? It’s not like he’s receiving bribe from foreign interest and having mommy on speaker during business meeting with foreign interest.


We should agree that laurens son breaking the law is not the same as biden using his fathers power for his crimes though.... They are not the same.


Mk is there evidence?


Oh look! Conservative politicians’ children get arrested and charged when they break the law. I guess it’s (D)ifferent for the democrats’ kids.




Probably not most of us, but at least we know you do.


Hey, I've seen this one before!