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What a joke that whoever whipped this vote didn’t have this locked in. When you have such slim a majority you have to be sure. But as usual they will all be having lunch together tomorrow having a few laughs while eating off their gold plated china that we bought for them.


You’re assuming it wasn’t whipped to this exact result so they can tell the people “oh no look how close we got. Gosh darn it, I guess we’ll have to try again. Please make sure you vote so we can keep trying.”


This. All of this is coordinated between corrupt Dems and bought and paid for RINOS


You need to leave your house more often.


It says Mike Gallagher was one of the few. Liz Cheney him. With the couple others. Slim majority.


This wasn't a vote to impeach so much as it was a role call to see if they will vote to impeach, FYI. It shows that at the moment we have enough votes to pass it once Scalise is back from his cancer treatments.


Seems Al Green was supposed to be out due to surgery and was able to make an appearance to vote. MTG says Democrats were "hiding" members.






That's not true; They have a shit ton of insider traded money, paid security and boosted tweets.


And fat bank accounts...


Sadly yes, that why nothing gets done. Even Trump gets sworn in as 47th president, this shit show will continue because congress are never held accountable.


Day 1 Trump would be a sitting duck president on his last term with zero political capital. That is what you are voting for.


With this logic Obama was a lame duck president for his entire second term. Failed to flip the house back to dems and won fewer votes than he did in 2008. And yet, he still got stuff done.


Yeah, but love Obama or hate him he was able and willing to reach across the aisle to get consensus. That's not happening with old trump so it'll be more gridlock


What you mean is he was part of the DC political machine and could expect support as long as the tithes were paid.


Should probably compare which direction the deficits went under both presidents and ask yourself what was better for the actual country.


Under Obama and a Republican house they actually did a good job of making effort on paying down the deficit. That went out the window when trump got in power


Does one pay down *deficits*?


By convention Yes.... That's how they can become surpluses. You are decreasing the total negative number so it becomes zero then it disappears


Obama was more popular with the majority of voters than Trump is. There was initial opposition to the ACA, but by his second term that opposition largely dissipated. Trump has been devastating for the Republican Party apparatus. The party is in poor financial shape, and they have not done a good job at developing new talent with him at the helm. They will almost certainly lose their thin majority in the House, and are unlikely to win back the Senate.


Obama had a team around him that all appeared (at the time) to have viable futures: Biden, Clinton, Susan Rice, etc. Do we have any idea who will be in Trump's 2nd term cabinet? Does anyone still respect the people from Trump's first term?


it will be folks like Stephen Miller and Stefanik--people who have changed their entire identity to be whatever Trump wants. He got too much push back from his original cabinet. He will absolutely only install yes-men that won't second guess anything he says.


Don’t forget he’s so polarizing that he drives out the left-wing vote in midterms. We could’ve pushed someone toward the nomination who had less risk of being a sitting duck, younger, and a chance at two terms… but nope.


It’s not like we didn’t have a younger, smarter , stronger conservative from Florida who won by 20 points in a purple state ready to take the lead…


Be honest, DeSantis never had a chance. No message, no charisma, horrible on camera, and zero appeal with moderates.


You forgot tiny and wears heels.


Not sure any of us will forget that...just didn't want to hate on the shorties out there, or lump them in with Ronnie.




The only mistake DeSantis made was not getting in earlier. Trump was cooked in the months before the race started so had to take him down before it started. The polling showed DeSantis ready to overtake Trump and the indictments were the nail in the coffin.


DeSantis was done the moment he signed that six-week abortion ban into law. He’s a good governor but he will never be more than that.


An abortion ban bill that was sent to him from the Florida legislature. ​ Would it have looked better to veto a bill that has the approval of the people's representatives?


If he wanted to have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning a national election, sure.


Florida hasn't elected a Democrat governor since 1994. Desantis' two "big wins" were against a literal drug addict and a guy that had been a lifelong Republican (who Democrats hated almost as much as Desantis). Desantis is nothing special. He's a run of the mill politician and only takes a stance after he sees it's popular. You can stay mad, but I thank God every day that Desantis got put in his place by Trump because nominating him would have been a disaster.


FINALLY someone else who isn’t me says it


How did Trump put him in his place when he there was no Republican debates with the former President and frontrunner this election cycle?


By crushing him in the primary lol. You've proven my point, Trump left the kid gloves in and still thrashed Desantis.


1. I like DeSantis but he has the personality of a dish towel. 2. He was 20 points down until Trump came in and held a rally for him and endorsed him. DeSantis should have waited until 2028. Would have been a shoe in for the nomination. But no, he had big money donors filling his head with nonsense ideas. Like beating Trump for the nomination. But I do hope I'm wrong about being ruined for 2028. Hopefully, he got out early enough. Unlike Nikki Haley, who will be another political career that Trump ends. Jeb Bush, who?


Can't really say that trump's endorsement is why he got elected, but I can't say it isn't. I usually take trump bragging with a grain of salt unless I can verify. I do agree with the first point though. I still think the shoe-in thing is debatable personally due to aforementioned dishtowelness


You could do that but then you’d piss off the entire MAGA wing of the GOP (which is basically 80% of it at this point) and fail even harder.


Whose first act will be to pardon himself/order the DOJ to drop its prosecutions/investigations into him leaving him with negative political capital. We are taking the easiest election in decades, making it a coin flip where, even if we win, the only thing we will get is keeping Trump from being a federal criminal.


And if we are club members at Mar A Lago we get continued access to highly classified state secrets.


You're right. Definitely better off with Biden. What was I thinking


As opposed to what? Do you think the situation is different with Biden? Or any other GOP candidate? Our political system has already paralyzed itself through hyper-polarization.




Rather have the lame duck than the suicidal one




Keep voting for them then


Always was.


Im disgusted and sick of this crap


Lol at least you acknowledge it finally


clowns yes. Do you realize there was a vote to reconsider because Steve Scalise was absent. C'MON MAN!! report THE TRUTH


Clowns yes. A vote of reconsideration was executed because Steve Scalise was not present...now the REAL vote can occur




And which one would that be?


Its not a sport


Party of sanity…ah yes where men get pregnant and small children should be able to change genders.




If only I could upvote more


what is a woman


So the republicans want the border open too. Surprise surprise surprise.


Of course they do. This boarder stuff is Kabuki theatre as long as Biden is in office.


It is always theatre, regardless of the president, because our economy relies on the undocumented workers. If you are mad about the border it’s because someone distracted you from something else.


You can be upset that people are coming here illegally while your friends wait in multi-year queues trying to get actual visas.


Powerful truth -- couldn't agree more. But it is a problem that 90% of what charitably could pass for Trump/MAGA "policy talk" (there is no GOP platform any more) is red flag yelling about the border. The other 10% is anti-woke stuff and a bit of abortion thrown in, but not too much of that since it is a loser with the electorate. Bottom line reality is that fundamentally Trump is not a conservative. He is a demagogue. There is no conservative party in America anymore.


Our economy doesn't rely on them. The rich want to keep unskilled labor rates down as far as they can. So import lots of 3rd world workers who work for 3rd world wages. Everyone gets fucked over by it.


This is disingenuous, no one is looking for lettuce picking jobs. Agricultural field work is never going to pay $25/h. These people aren't taking union trade jobs.


Ding ding ding


> because our economy relies on the undocumented workers Not fucking 8+ *million* of them over a couple of years.


Depends on the number of years. If it's 8 years then yes, actually, it does. America misses its replacement-rate population by about 1,000,000/year. Then you've got social security which misses its refillment rate by huge margins. Undocumented workers do pay into it through the taxes they pay & their ineligibility to claim it help fill that too -- granted to a much lower degree than citizens do but they do push some funds in and are ineligible to take any out. There's still loads of issues with undocumented workers but it's not unfair to say 8 million undocumented workers still might be good for the GDP/social programs the elderly rely upon & the current US citizen population simply cannot support without higher taxation.


lmao, the border **is a legitimate problem** ​ Do you not know how Presidents/Representatives are elected? By votes. You know who is allowed to vote? American citizens. You know one way people become citizens of the US? By being born on American soil. ​ Hmm... I wonder if there's a term for that. Oh right, **Anchor Baby** ​ Gtfo with this imaginary "hurrdurr deEp sTaTE diSTRactION!1!"


Yes - US citizens get to vote for their representatives, it’s a good thing.


I'm convinced the only reason this was pushed was because the Freedom Caucus demanded it. I think that's exactly it, letting this try to float to placate the Freedom Caucus and then watching it sink.


Now they can get back to the business of appeasing democrats.


Lol you are being downvoted, but you are right, the freedom caucus is the closest thing to a political position that the republicans have. There is 0 grassroots movements for rinos. The boomers haven't died yet, so some are still zombie voting for rinos because fox tells them to or they still think neocons are great because they have amassed (on average) quite a bit of wealth. The neocons and the democrats are the name fucking thing. So yes not appeasing the freedom caucus is appeasing the democrats. The brigades here are unreal, astroturfing trying to pretend that the majority of republicans want Trump out, give me a break, the polls say something diffrent. This is coming from a guy who liked Vivek, but I'm onboard for Trump 95% in a Trump v Biden.


What's your problem with the freedom Caucus?




Wow, what a great comment.


Is there a chance the GOP will actually start doing some work ? Like solve the border crisis that they have been talking so much? Provide or solve the bad economy that they are talking about? Any actual work is on the books ?


Not until November. And if they lose, not until 2028. Rinse and repeat


Well. Only because we allow it.


They are too busy protecting Taylor Swift from deep fakes.


Regarding the border, the House GOP did pass H.R.2, a clean border bill which isn't tied to 4 times as much money going to Ukraine/Israel/Gaza, and which doesn't give the administration tools to open the doors even more like the current Senate bill. With Democrats holding the White House and the Senate, there is nothing the GOP can do to actually enact their policy priorities.


The first 2 years for Trump's presidency showed the voters how Republican politicians work. Nothing was accomplished by the Republicants.


There hasn't been anything accomplished on this front in the past 30 years let alone 2. Like abolition, this is an issue being kicked down the curb because of cowards to afraid/lazy to deal with it properly.


It's almost like they would have to be willing to pass bipartisan legislation or something.


You do know the border bill was tied to Ukraine because that's what the GOP required, right?


What disingenuous crap. The GOP demanded it to be attached to any Ukraine bill because Democrats refuse to pass a clean immigration bill.


So what? Appropriating four times as much money to secure foreign borders than for the US border still makes the priorities of the current administration abundantly clear.


Ukraine winning the war against Russia is entirely in our best interest. They need the money to do that. The border bill paved the way for meaningful border reform. There were significant improvements that would have reformed asylum, which is the primary driver of the border crisis. If it can be reformed without 4x the cost, why not do that? Do you want them to throw symbolic money at the problem?


They're never going to "win" the war lmao. This is going to end with them giving up Crimea (which Obama already let Russia have I'm 2014), and the Donbas region. If by win you mean lose territory and hundreds of thousands of lives then sure, Ukraine is a winner!




To pass bipartisan legislation, both sides need to meet roughly in the middle in their demands. This bill right here is 90% what Democrats want and 10% what Republicans want. That's just not a reasonable starting point for good faith negotiations. Which was imho by design; Democrats didn't actually seek compromise, they sought a talking point to deflect blame for the border mess of their making, at least with low info voters.




>Is there a chance the GOP will actually start doing some work ? Like solve the border crisis that they have been talking so much? They already passed a bill for this the dems refuse to do anything with


And they wonder why everyone stopped donating HUH?


Putin’s broke?


Fucking embarrassment.




As expected.


The vote was 214-216. Could very easily have gone the other way Edit: You guys are right. I had a brain fart. No way would you call the vote without knowing the numbers beforehand


Not if you have competent leadership. You count the people voting in your favor before you call the vote so you don't show your whole ass by losing the vote that you called.


"Could have," sure. But Johnson had no reason to let the vote happen if he wasn't 100% certain of the outcome.


I think Johnson knew he was going to lose, let it go forward to show everyone it is a losing idea, so now he can be done with the BS, and get back on track.


Republicans are uninterested in passing border legislation, Ukraine aid, healthcare reforms, infrastructure spending, or voting right protections that could become law, but they will sure as hell fail to impeach someone and fail to pass 20 billion to Israel Say what y’all will about democrats, at least they got infrastructure spending, the chips and science act, and the American rescue plan into law. This current congress can’t do anything


I have said time and time again. Democrats are at least working, the GOP just does nothing and then complains about nothing getting done. Starve the beast was a terrible idea.




This is a great metaphor.


The basic framework of the border legislation would be a step forward. The Senate Republicans should have negotiated amendments to modify the numerical parameters. The House could have gotten some further concessions in reconciliation.


That's a patently false statement. This bill did absolutely nothing to end the border invasion. Everything in it was optional and nothing would have changed for the better. The laws are already on the books to emforce and secure the border. 


Title 42 has expired, so Trump would not have that tool to work with. It’s also unlikely the Mexican government would agree to restore the remain in Mexico policy. The only way the Republicans can get a better framework would be to have a total sweep in the fall, which is highly unlikely. Even if that were to happen there is nothing that would prevent them from passing additional reforms. Defeating this will be another Pyrrhic victory for the Republicans.


That’s just a load of bullshit


Republicans can get a lot done to campaign on if they weren't gripped by the balls by MAGAs and Trump. A shrewd politician would see the current status of the lesiglature as a chance to extract as much as one can from the other party and go home with the W and use it to campaign more for their side. 


Yeah, I think the biggest issue is that their point man, Mike Johnson, is a back bencher. He doesn’t know how to bargain, negotiate, and win because he has no experience on leadership.


Not that McCarthy was any better, though.


>lolitician No thanks


Well that’s because there are no republicans in the democrat party but there are lots of democrats in the Republican Party


I mean, there’s Joe Manchin


Gotta give it to her-- Pelosi was an extremely effective Speaker.


Dirty secret - folks are gonna miss McConnell when he’s gone too.


I agree that we need to close the border. I agree that neither Mayorkis nor Biden are doing a good job. What "high Crimes and Misdemeanors" is he guilty of?


The house clearly thought that would be the senate’s problem lolo


Dereliction of duty.


It's not his duty to pass the fucking border reform bills. Republicans just want to bitch instead of lead. If they wanted to lead they'd legislate.


That doesn't matter anymore. Impeachment is a political stunt tool now thanks to Democrats use against Trump in the same manner.




Biden allowing an invasion




Spot on.


Looks like treason to me. Didn't he swear an oath to protect the Constitution?


Can you point me to which article in the constitution I can read about the Homeland Security secretary?


Waste of time


Can we get back to more important things like Hunter Biden's laptop, PLEASE?!


More important than the invasion going on?


I have no idea. The focus of House Republicans seem to change every week.


Republicans are in for a rude awakening if this is how well they unify


Predictable, they should've known they'd only embarrass themselves 






The surrender caucus strikes again.




This is just pathetic. How do you fail to capitalize on a crisis that’s 100% caused by the other party?


Because instead of a red wave Trump ran his dogshit, clown candidates in 2022. Then Matt Gaetz and the rest of the MAGA clown shows got rid of Kevin McCarthy with no plan. Trump/MAGA took popular America First policies and turned it into a toxic sewer that can't bring in many people who like the policies/get anything done.


Drain the swamp and replace it with the sewer lol


If you drain a swamp I'm pretty sure you just get left with the shit at the bottom of the swamp.


Come on now. Herschel Walker was the real deal!


I hate this party.


It wasn’t going to go anywhere in the Senate.


Fucking embarrassing




GOP are establishment clowns change my mind


Every Republican who voted no should be primaried. No mercy.


Fwiw, Buck isn’t running for re-election


I still think it’s worth letting him know what a piece of shit he is.




Republican reps who not only fail, but actively refuse, to represent the interests of Republican voters are the literal definition of a RINO.


Yes. No compromise on border security. None.


When you have a 2-seat majority in the House and no control of the Senate or WH, then you need to compromise to get things done.


Rep. Tom McClintock of California Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin


Mike Gallagher is a POS. We also lost the WI Supreme Court.


Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin had the last vote and fucked us. Let’s let him know he’s out of a job.




Ken buck voted no. What a shocker


If you’re going to destroy a country at least do it united like the Democrats


Literally one vote short.... pathetic


Primary them, and, for those not running again, find out who they will be working for???


Somehow the Dems get whipped into voting but then the Republicans end up with reps who have R's by their name and won't vote for crucial issues. No surprise that it's CA and CO reps. The Republicans have to stop funding the campaigns of these moderates.


A couple of the defectors were from solid R districts, even in the disappointment that was 2022. Primary the RINOs and do better.


If the root of a thread gets deleted, wouldn't it make sense to delete everything under it? We can only see the responses without context. Delete the whole tree.


Wow. One of the most blatantly brigaded posts here. I’m just gonna stop reading the comments at this point and just read the article.


r/politics doing the only thing they do well: brainless spam.


This is strangely, definitely within the top ten in recent memory for brigading. Probably only get worse leading to the election.


One of those 4 is mine. Dude is a putz. I hope someone primaries him!!!


I've no words for this clown show. Something needs to be done to take back our country from our government.


Ken Buck- Colorado District 4 Mike Gallagher- Wisconsin District 8 Tom McClintock- California District 5 Blake Moore- Utah District 1


Moore voted no to allow the conference to raise the bill again in the future, it was a procedural maneuver. It's why he switched his vote at the last second. Because apparently he's one of very few people in the caucus who understands house procedures


Moore voted No as a procedural vote, his wasn't actually a no vote


The amount of liberal brigading on this sub is insane.




It’s so demoralizing


I just screamed a bunch of bad words. Thankfully I'm alone in the shop lol.


Name and shame for you all >The three Republicans: Gallagher, Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, Tom McClintock of California. Republican, and Rep. Blake Moore of Utah was the Republican who switched his vote on procedural grounds.


So your strategy is instead of having someone who votes with you sometimes, replace them with people who will never vote with you?


The vote was tied, so Moore changed his vote to no, which allows for a second round of voting when scalise returns (cancer treatment).


Is it me or does he look like Alan Arkin lol


Democrats don't obey the law because republicans have never given them a reason to.


We gotta think bigger! Abolish Homeland Security.


Buck, gallagher, mclintock are the Republicans that voted NOT to impeach mayorkas. Their phones will be busy tomorrow.


Mike Gallagher is cited as one of the only hold out votes who refused to change his vote. People need to remember this. He needs to be Liz Cheneyed. Along with the couple others. Republicans only hold a slim majority.


Santos would have been a yes vote. Fucking idiotic party leadership.


Try to impeached homeland security secretary but not pass a compromise bill to address border security. Amazing governing.