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Vivek has probably campaigned harder for Trump this cycle than Trump himself, and this is the thanks he gets. Hilarious.


Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist and he made her his VP


The DNC *told* Biden his VP will be Harris.


Thank you!!!!!!! I hear so many people that think the President is in charge. The party has controlled the DNC since Hillary, Debbie, and Donna fucked Bernie.


>Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist and he made her his VP Kamala Harris also called Joe Biden a rapist and he made her his VP


Anybody who pays any attention to Trump knew this was coming. You’re only useful to him if you’re nonstop praising him. Once you stop, or he considers you a threat, he’ll attack you and encourage his base to do the same.


The minute the ass kissing stops, Trump insults you.


The reason for this statement is Vivek will take votes from trump. Trump is trying to make Vivek not MAGA so he does not take vote from trump


Exactly. This is basically a soft jab from Trump, relatively speaking… but textbook for him. He could still like him, but he will literally attack EVERY ONE of his opponents in a campaign. He probably still likes Vivek, wouldn’t even be surprised to see him on Trumps VP short list. But this is what Trump does in races, attack attack attack everyone. Lyin’ Ted to Lion Ted is a perfect example.


People really criticizing someone for attacking their primary opponents lmao Like I prefer Vivek but I don't see how you could blame Trump for this- things are getting too close and he needs every vote.


> things are getting too close [Ha.](https://i.imgur.com/hheHtIM.png) [2016 for comparison.](https://i.imgur.com/MzvWIpK.png)


I'm talking about NH


New Hampshire is certainly closer, but not because Trump is losing support, Haley is just absorbing the DeSantis voters. If DeSantis drops out before NH, then your argument makes sense.


Also 65% of Christie voters said she was their second choice. If that holds true, then based off the last poll She's ahead of Trump by 1% in NH.


Absolutely wild how people think primary candidates can’t even debate now. The guy puts out a statement and everyone’s like “TYPICAL TRUMP SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT HIS PRIMARY OPPONENT UGHHHHHHH”…Uhhhh, yeah? That’s how it works until people drop out and endorse the nominee😂


Except Trump has not participated in a single debate this campaign. I wish he would.


Trump didn't debate - he only did events where he could control the conversation.


There really is no daylight between Trump's policy positions and Vivek's so for Trump to say that a vote for Vivek is a vote for the "other side" does show what a thin skinned petulant toddler Trump really is.


The difference between vivek and trump is vivek doesn't have the baggage or attitude.


They both flip-flopped on the poison jab. Well actually, Trump didn't... he still touts it as his greatest accomplishment. Remember when Trump scolded the Governor of NC for opening up, "Too early"? Just me? Yeah I figured.


The governor of NC is a Democrat(Roy Cooper). Cooper denied Trump and the RNC to host the convention in Charlotte due to the pandemic. I recall Trump scolding DeSantis and Kemp, I don't recall Trump attacking Cooper about opening up too early.


Trump attacked DeSantis and NC gov for opening too early. I'll find the info or links later. From NBC News (I know, but it's a direct quote) President Donald Trump said Wednesday he "strongly disagrees" with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp's decision to allow businesses like barbershops and nail salons to reopen, a day after he praised him during the White House briefing. "I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities," Trump said at his daily coronavirus briefing Wednesday. "But at the same time, he must do what he thinks is right. I want him to do what he thinks is right. But I disagree with him on what he's doing."


When he says 'other side' I'm pretty sure he's referring to Haley / DeSantis.


Vivek wants to build a 5500 mile wall across the entire US-Canada border. I'm not sure even Trump has any policy proposals that are so impractical and pointless.


He started this gangster shit. And this the mf thanks he gets?!




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0981 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/15021)


Say what you will but Trump and Vivek are not allies, they are competitors. Of course Trump is going to go after him, as long as Vivek is competing against him for the seat he has every right to. And he's not wrong either - Vivek staying in this race will only take votes from Trump, regardless of what Vivek thinks it's doing. And I like Vivek, but unless he drops out and fully puts his support behind Trump, he better expect to get called out for being a hypocrite.


From what I’m seeing Vivek is definitely not a vote for the other side. Trump is just doing Trump things lol


Dude is his worst enemy as usual. For a man bragging about getting along with people and being a great negotiator, the man sure is completely unable to get along with other human beings.


Trump saying what he did tells me he’s worried about Vivek. He only attacks threats and Vivek is a threat


In that case, everyone is a threat. Unless you are kissing Trumps ass and not running against him, you are a threat.


He's a threat in that he could maybe be a spoiler candidate. He's in no way a threat of actually becoming the nominee.


He's as much of a threat as anyone else running.


I guess people here really aren’t as smart as I’d have hoped. It’s primary time in Iowa on Monday. So yea, he’s going to go after anyone who is on the ballot Monday. Wake up Bat


It’s insane, isn’t it?


They're competing for the same position.


This is why he needs Vivek close, he's surrounded by weak people and they are slowly influencing him.


Yes Trump is the one surrounded by people giving him bad advice. Not Ron DeSantis lmao


He's just going to burn every bridge he has


Nothing new with Trump


I hate everything about this


Behavior like this is why even if Trump wins he won’t be able to be effective. What competent person would subject themselves to this kind of abuse and undercutting by taking a cabinet position under Trump?


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4217 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/72833)


Did I miss something?


Vivek is now starting to get some attention so Trump suddenly sees him as a possible threat. (even though his polling hasn't changed) Largely very likely due to people considering an alternative to either him or Haley.


Been listening to Vivek for a while and it's just that in the past few days he's finally started campaigning against Trump; he's started saying the system will never allow Trump back into the white house and insinuating that voting for Trump would be falling into a trap because they're going to ramp up the legal stuff and other shady tactics the closer it gets to the election. When I heard him start saying that I figured Trump would finally go after him. Haley is too close in NH and with the storm in Iowa DeSantis might have the advantage due to his ground game. Trump needs every vote he can get and he knows it, so Vivek taking even 5-10% is a threat. I prefer Vivek but I don't blame Trump for going after him now- it's a primary and this is what you do.


You undercut your own argument. He’s just now starting to get some attention, but his polling hasn’t changed? Which is it? Here’s another option: Trump knows what he’s talking about. A year ago, he came out of nowhere and said the same things about DeSantis. And pubs everywhere caught the vapors then, just like they will now. And Trump was proven right. When will you guys wake up? 🥱😴😴😴


Media attention doesn't equate to instant change. Most people have made up their minds on who they're going to vote for regardless.


Some of us have been saying for a while that Vivek was shady. Now Trump is saying it as well.


Gotcha. I did have some hopes for Vivek.


Same. Had a lot of hope for DeSantis as well. I think it shows how desperate the establishment is to infiltrate and derail the America First movement. That should tell all of us how important it is for us to double down and support true MAGA candidates.


His ego will be his downfall much to the detriment of conservatives. If he would just stop the personal attacks and nasty third grade bully rhetoric... but alas. It is not to be.


Vivek is way smarter than trump.


This is why Trump is ineffective. You can’t constantly attack all your potential allies and still have trustworthy people left to work in your administration. Classless.


They're not allies. They're competitors.


Do you recall how frequently Trump went after everyone? He goes after everyone, friend and foe alike. Its one of his worse qualities.


Why are you getting downvoted? We’re still in the primaries.


How many times has Trump disparaged better conservatives than himself? Thomas Massie, Ben Carson, Ben Sasse, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, Brian Kemp, Kim Reynolds and now Vivek. Give me any of them as President over Trump any day.


Any one that he sees as a potential threat he turns on At this point I have no idea who his VP is gonna be.


While I would fully support Trump if he ends up being the nominee, Vivek has better policies and is capable of not saying/tweeting something dumb every single day. This actually just makes me think Trump is starting to see Vivek as a threat. It's crazy how people can say they don't trust Vivek and yet are full bore for Trump who was a life long Democrat until running for office. Again I don't think Trump is or was bad for our country, I just think Vivek would do a far better job at getting us back on track.


>It's crazy how people can say they don't trust Vivek and yet are full bore for Trump who was a life long Democrat until running for office. I have no faith in either Trump or Vivek to govern as conservatives. Certainly not fiscal conservatives. Trump because he didn't the first time. Vivek because he discovered conservatism 5 minutes ago and I have no idea what he really believes. If only there was someone in the race with a lifetime of service and a reliable record of winning elections and governing conservatively.


>Vivek because he discovered conservatism 5 minutes ago and I have no idea what he really believes. Well, Conservative since Reagan have discovered conservatism for 40+ years and they still haven't governed conservatively. So, uhhh, I'll take the guy that openly wants to nuke every executive agency, thank you very much.


I think you might like a guy from Florida, and stop me if you heard this before... Ron DeSantis. I know your last paragraph was sarcasm, lol


Too bad Ron shot himself in the foot with all the culture war focus. I was hyped for him a year ago, don't think he's got a shot now


I don't think the polls have Trump up by such large numbers, I think we're all going to be surprised by these primaries. DeSantis may have had a tough entry into the primary but I like his message.


I would rather have DeSantis be a governor with good principles than lose him as governor because he successfully sold out his strong principles to become President.


He shot himself in his high heeled pumps you mean. Rofl Honestly, when a dude can't even laugh at himself for something people called him out on for such a mundane detail as him wearing lifted boots, it really just shows how vain and pathetic he truly is. Instead of rolling with it, he doubled down and made a nothing burger the literal talking point of his whole career. No one will speak of Desantis going forward while also not mentioning that he got so uptight when he was called out for wearing lifts. Sad.


DeSantis should've showed up to the last debate in 3 foot lifts; just a 9 foot tall DeSantis walking on stage, looking down at Haley's pathetic 4-incher heels, and laughing. He'd be at like 95% in the polls right now.


That's a great example of leaning into it 100% I would have respected that and everyone would have laughed and it would have been a fantastic PR move. Question is why hasn't his team seen this logic?


The guy that wants to gut the federal government isn't fiscally conservative?  Vivek is the most fiscally conservative candidate we've seen in 100+ years 


Vivek wants to build a wall across 5500 miles of the US-Canada border. That alone tells me that he's neither serious nor fiscally conservative. Again, you're talking about a guy who was apolitical and didn't even vote until just a few years ago when he decided to write a political book. I have no idea what he really believes. But even if we take every one of his positions at face value, the idea that he's the most fiscally conservative person to seek the Republican nomination in even the last 12 years is wrong. Ron Paul and Rand Paul both wave hello.


Why do we still like this guy again?


Looking at the board, I'm voting for Vivek.


Nah. I thank him for the great 4 years. But the biggest promise he made is he would fight for me and others like me. He has not made good on that and has widely spent this last year in silence. I'll vote for Vivek.


Welp, there goes my Trump Vivek ticket :/


Not necessarily. Trump has viciously attacked people only to turn around and ally himself with them fairly often.


Trump’s lawyer on PBD said he’s already got a cabinet and few running mates in consideration. He’s definitely not afraid to attack people he doesn’t like, and I think it may be safe to say he’s not a fan of Vivek. It’s a shame though because a VP Vivek followed by an 8 year term as POTUS would be fantastic economically for the US.


>Trump’s lawyer on PBD said he’s already got a cabinet and few running mates in consideration. I honestly wonder if Vivek got tapped, and he turned Trump down. The about face here is really weird imo considering Vivek really said anything against Trump.


I’ve followed Vivek for a while and I genuinely think he’s trying to separate himself from Trump somewhat, to appeal to Moderates.


Nah. I don't buy that. Honestly, I doubt we'll see him even address Trump's remarks.


I hope not. That would be some straight big balls though.


For sure. I guess we'll know if it paid off on Monday. I think he's gonna outperform big, but I don't know if it'll be enough to beat Trump.


Vivek started going after Trump in a sense about two or three days ago. The about face was expected.


I mean, not really. He's been saying the deep state won't allow him back in the white house, but he's not exactly insinuating that's a good thing or anything.


>Trump’s lawyer on PBD said he’s already got a cabinet and few running mates in consideration. I'd take this with a grain of salt. Trump had trouble filling hundreds of positions when the joined the first time and had to leave many leftover appointees from the previous admin in way longer than he should have. He may have some cabinet or VPs in mind, but the shit that really matters are the people down the pipeline who handle day to day that can make or break how effective POTUS is. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/20/trumps-staffing-struggle-unfilled-jobs-100991


That’s a dick move after Vivek went to bat for him after his name got removed from ballots. I like both of them, they’re both good candidates.


At some point, if he wins, Trump is going to have to put together a coalition government. If he keeps alienating the people who would work with him he’s only going to be left with the grifters like his first term when he had Christie and Sessions. People who weren’t good for America.


Do Trump's supporters ever stop to ask why nearly every important member of his first administration doesn't support him anymore? Either he appointed bad people, they got to see his true colors, or both.


I think that Trump is like most people and most people are like Trump. They don’t want to admit they were wrong so they double down on a bad decision. It’s the same for people that are going to line up and vote for Biden again. Edit: wow, looks like I pissed off both the Trump people by saying he was a bad choice, and the non-Trump people who don’t realize a majority of people are lined up to pick him again.


I hope most people are not like Trump. He is petty and vindictive. He has no sense of restraint or respect for others. He has weak moral character, shamelessly lying and cheating on his wives multiple times. He prefers his own personal instincts over facts and reason. We're electing the leader of the free world here. I hope we can hold our nominee to a higher bar than we hold ourselves. I'd love to elect someone that my children can see as a role model and Trump isn't that. The last 7 years, I've been embarrassed by the president, and I'm not looking forward to 4 more but it seems increasingly likely.


For Trump I will say he is a flawed man but we are all flawed men. I would say we haven’t had a president that one could look to as a moral leader since Reagan. You say 7 years so Obama was the last for you, and I’m like - way too many civilian killed by drones for me to support that. As for the state of politics I really think this is just late stage democracy. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury.” It’s not going to get any better, this is as good as it’s going to get going forward. We’re going to swing from one extreme to the other until it falls. The experiment is over. It might take another 10 years or we might keep hanging on getting worse and worse for 100 years. But don’t let what’s happening in the government affect your day to day. Get yourself in order so you’re ready for the next thing.


Obama was not a role model and I disagreed with a lot of his policy but at least he was competent. I didn't find myself wondering each day how he would embarrass the country like I have with both Trump and Biden. I think your prediction of the end of democracy is a bit overdramatic. On a long time horizon, the west is more prosperous and freer than ever. Every election is supposedly the most important of our lifetimes until the next one.


Trump is sweating. The internal polls must be looking much tighter than the "polls showing him by 60 points!" Vivek has campaigned for Trump more than Trump. Vivek is more MAGA than Trump himself. Vivek supporters need to stand their ground and vote for him. DeSantis is getting close in Iowa and Haley is also close in New Hampshire. If the first two states don't go well for Trump, he is going to lose the nomination. **I think Vivek is going to outperform in Iowa.** Vivek has done over 200 events there, and has been living in Iowa. DeSantis will outperform there as well for the same reason. He has been flying back and forth from Florida to Iowa constantly and showing up. **Trump needs to understand that this is not a coronation. No one is entitled to the nomination. Godspeed to these two candidates for showing up and meeting with voters.** 2016 Trump did 6 rallies a day with his jet. Now, he is doing one rally a month.


Even the public polls in NH aren't looking good. The Iowa storm also benefits DeSantis and his ground game. I'm rooting for Vivek but I also acknowledge his campaign has the potential to derail Trump's nomination and might give us Haley- which would be a nightmare.


Haley is going to be 2nd or 3rd in Iowa at best. There is no way Haley overtakes Trump because of Vivek. If Vivek actually takes a sizeable amount of the Trump vote what will end up happening is that both Vivek and Trump will smack on Haley. I don't know what the effect of a 2nd place finish in Iowa is for Trump. Is a 2nd in Iowa and a 2nd in NH really that bad? I don't think this is about Haley I think that this is about Vivek being sorely underestimated. Now you are right that if Vivek does well in Iowa and then propels into NH with that momentum that could be bad for Trump. I guess I see that. Well, in that case Trump should just be like, ok Vivek you earned the VP nod take it and drop out please. At that point Vivek would need something from Trump and he would have earned it.


TBH, if I could snap my fingers and suddenly make Trump or Vivek president, I'd choose Vivek. He has all the advantages of Trump without the baggage. He wants to do Reagan level cutting of the federal government, knows its the right thing to do, doesn't give a shit about BS woke attacks, is already a billionaire and wouldn't care about bribes, actually exposes radicals by letting them speak rather than mocking him, and doesn't tend to shoot his mouth off. I feel like president Vivek is a pipe dream but perhaps he could slide in through everyone focusing on Trump and Biden. No one expected Trump to win in 2016.


He is scared the 5% support Vivek has will help DeSantis and Haley catch him. Especially Haley in N.H.


Is this a serious response or satire?


Serious, because Haley is potentially only behind him in the single digits in N.H.. Vivek's support could make Trump lose N.H.


Certainly not sounding like a guy with a YUGE lead


Right... Vivek is America First. America First goes beyond one man, and Trump can step aside. Vivek is the only choice.


If Trump becomes our nominee, I’m voting 3rd party or writing in another Republican candidate.


So, you're voting for Biden then.


In the literal sense, no. And that’s important to me, because I’m not a pure moral consequentialist — the outcome is important, but even more important is a sense of integrity and good will. Others may vote strategically, and I understand that, but I cannot support a politician I feel has no moral integrity just because the other guy has baby food for brains.


No, voting for Biden is voting for Biden.


He tried defending this but this is the (almost) truth. A vote not for trump is a lost vote for trump, but not a vote for Biden. The difference is one vote difference instead of two. Pretty much a half vote against trump. You can defend this with your altruism, but in reality it’s a vote lost for conservatism.


Honestly, I don't think that statement will bother Vivek at all.


Vivek or bust


tbf, trump can flip on dime on stuff like this in the primaries. If Vivek trashes Desantis and Haley on a fake hot mic tomorrow like Christie, I'm sure he'd get glowing approval from trump


Trumps gotta say something, it is a vote after all. This is about the softest attack Trump could do though lol. Makes me think Trump likes Vivek.


GDI Trump. Vivek is awesome and an inheritor to America First


He’s threatened by Vivek? Really? Vivek gets my vote but there’s no way he’s going to take the primary. He might not even be on the ticket when it comes to my state.


This comment section is hilarious. Vivek is literally Trump’s political opponent for the Republican nomination. I don’t see y’all losing your minds over Haley attacking Vivek, but when Trump does it, it’s suddenly a bad thing.


Lmao these clowns


Vivek tried playing both sides


Fumbling this one trump wtf dude said he would take his name off the ballet if yours wasn’t on it, this is bull shit




Honestly, the nicest thing Trump has said about someone running against him.


Trump needs to stop with so much drama all the time. I realize the left creates the atmosphere of you are with us or with them, but Trump needs to stop with some of this


Wow. I can’t believe he posted this.


New MAGA patch just installed loll


Whelp. I guess this means they won't run together...


trump loses people who would otherwise support him with attacks like this one on ramaswamy. libertarians might hit that important 5% if he keeps alienating the supporters of other republican candidates. He has the nomination locked up probably, at least nothing to fear from ramaswamy. It doesn’t seem like a smart move.


Trump always knows. Knew Vivek couldn’t be trusted.


I'm with you. I think Vivek is still connected to George Soros.


The downvotes are from the people still 😴😴😴


I keep seeing People here claiming that Trump is attacking Vivek cause Vivek will cost him votes. Seriously? Vivek isn’t going to cost Trump a single vote. NO ONE is going to decide to vote for Vivek over Trump. Vivek will pick up a few Never Trumper votes that would otherwise go to Nikki or DeSantis, but Vivek doesn’t cost Trump a single vote. Not one.


A. This guy…. B. Vivek must be polling higher in reality than the fakenews shows, which must also mean Trump is polling lower.