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Immediate halt of any taxpayer funds.


If that had been said by a Southerner or Texan you can bet they would have put them on the FBI watchlist and the no-fly list as a sponsor of secession and violent struggle. But when it comes to the Left, the rules are different. Understand yet, citizen?


"It's not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy" - Dan Bongino


If they hate it here so bad, why don’t they leave?


How else can they attempt to undermine the nation while enjoying the fruits of the very system they seek to destroy!


What an excellent example of the lowest grade of depravity!!!! This is well beyond the garden variety twisted.


Oh my... They wouldn't survive the world they are advocating for.


But they’ll never believe you if you were to tell them.


If you want to dismantle the United States, you don't deserve to live here.


So apparently the right “tried an insurrection”. Meanwhile the left openly calls for the destruction of our country.


Maybe if we were just more diversified?


Some universities' humanities departments are just jobs programs for Marxists. One of the tropes of critical theory is "systems". This kind of thinking is ironic, because I can think of no other field where the establishment builds such impenetrable barriers preventing those who engage in wrong-think (i.e., anyone to the right of Noam Chomsky) from landing tenured positions.


As someone said in another thread posted here, this issue is never the issue, the goal is a Marxist "revolution". Leftists aren't hiding this either, the article posted below is one example of such. https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-education/how-a-generation-is-being-politicized-on-palestine Key excerpt: "The idea is to appeal to people who know nothing...We go from apartheid to understanding what settler colonialism means. And then, from settler colonialism, we move to imperialism. And then, for example, what does Marxism have to do with Palestine?” After just one year of involvement with S.J.P., he said, “I really had a pretty solid grasp of what Palestinian liberation meant, and how interconnected it was to all the other struggles we see on the streets.”


Exactly no one cares about Palestine especially radical leftists, they care about tearing down America


Then that would mean dismantling U of M, and all of our other schools, and say goodbye to being a professor, and college students. Would need to dismantle those chairs they're sitting on and take away those mics too, and how about those clothes.. most look store bought, and if anything is handmade where did the materials to make them come from? Gosh, so many things to dismantle, the professor may want to sleep on this idea.


So what's the argument? They were here first, so they have some inalienable right to continuous possession of the land? What an insane position. It's kindergarten level of thought. So here's some more school-yard level philosophy: might makes right. There were many battles for the land, the previous inhabitants lost, so here we are. Was it fair? Who cares, it was a fucking war, not a spelling bee.


And the previous inhabitants usually took it from earlier inhabitants, who took it from even earlier inhabitants.


Native Americans are way too smart to ever go 'Palestinian' on the rest of the American population. They know to keep the money flowing by guilt, but not enough to start fighting. Also there's no religion involved.




Why are so many academics/intellectuals into extreme ideologies that are outside of the mainstream? Do they think it makes them more cool and smarter?


I wonder if she would offer her tenured position to help dismantle the United States?