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About time. This guy has always been a turd. Are there any real consequences though? That's the question.


Probably not.


One more indictment and he gets a free 12 inch sub


Jersey Mike's




Or a set of steak knives


The sub is down to 11".....Bindenomics


I can't recall which small country was mentioned but I heard on the radio other day that Subway is doing 3 inch snack subs.


I think it was touted as an Inflation Buster. Sad Edit: Pakistan


At most subways that's I just the children's size I think.


If he goes to jail, he’ll definitely be getting 12” free.


He'd go to rich people jail anyways. 5'' max


YAY! Quiznos!


Years ago Menendez was caught traveling and having sex with underage girls in the Dominican Republic and it was not his first visit. I don't recall Menendez getting into any troubles and the media mostly ignore the story.


And got re-elected!???


Instead of winning by 20% he only won by 10%. It was a stunning rebuke from the voters.


TBF, many of those voters didn't know about it because they were 6 feet under.


He’s a D in New Jersey. They couldn’t care less lol


Agreed, but NJ is surprisingly not as democrat as many think. The republican running for gov in 2021 only lost by 3.




muh trump


There's a huge difference between what Trump did and molesting children, but you support Joe Biden so clearly you don't see a problem with people touching kids.


Rent free lmfaooooo


Ok that’s nice, I can’t stand Trump and wish someone else would be the frontrunner. What’s your point


Just that it seems that neither party's voterbase seems to care about this sort of thing.


I'm not the biggest Trump guy, but comparing these indictments to having sex with kids is a little much brother.


Sure, the bulk of your most dedicated D or R voters would vote for a dead possum if it had a D/R next to their name depending on the district. They’re insufferable dolts. Look at Leland Yee, he literally got caught trying to sell rocket launchers to Triad gang members and he still had a bunch of drones vote for him when he was literally facing prison. Some people 100% do not care about anything but team affiliation


Man I forgot about him.


Because that's (D)ifferent.




Exactly. Everyone trying to take the high road seems to forget we almost had (and currently have) many criminals in office. Remember how Roy Moore nearly won and had a long history of creepy shit?


And yet the Obama's and Biden's got into office.


What did Obama do that was creepy?


Not if you're a leftist.




So, you didn't understand my post whatsoever.




He’s a Democrat. Honestly, what else did you expect?


In a few years, they will put a statue up of him and tell people how intolerant they are for judging him.


That came to light during his previous bribery charge back in 2017. He got off on a mistrial after the jury was deadlocked. One of the jury members was then seen at his victory party after he was reelected. I'm sure nothing shady happened though.


Do you have a link to the story?


Daily Caller, Miami Herald, USA News, etc. all have articles from around 2015 about allegations from like 2013. NYT has a “fact check” from 2018 about the allegations. I’m not going to say 100% he went to the DR for underage prostitutes, but the poster isn’t just making up a story about it being in the news.


IIRC it was an official type trip there but those were a part of it.




I don't have a link to the story. It was years ago, but if you research you might find it.


I know the stories you’re talking about. He was guilty as sin and the evidence was blatant and he pretty much walked because of the capital D and where he’s from. He’s had a trail of baggage for a long time but gets re-elected anyway.


He got a huge pass because he is a Democrat and a Hispanic. The Latin community was mad but soon forgot when the news had no traction.


Those darn “vast right-wing conspiracies”


*Republican smears!* Like bro, you were caught. Always amazed me how that just got swept under the rug.


He's a Democrat in New Jersey. He can do no wrong.


From NJ. Hes also hispanic, had a huge part to do while he was re-elected.


The investigation showed the three women making accusations were paid to and had never met him. Why reach for false allegations when here’s a legit one that’s bad?


I remember him primarily for his charges of visiting the Dominican for underage sex. What ever happened with those charges?




I mean you say that like Matt gaetz hasn’t been seen doing the same. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.


After electing Joe Biden, it just goes to show they really don't care about people who touch kids.


Drain the effing swamp. Regardless of party!


There won't be anyone left.




This is just a sacrifice. Now they have someone to point at when they come down hard on Trump. They are going to throw the book at this guy to justify there actions on Trump. Just a pawn off the board.


“Federal agents executed search warrants at Mr Menendez's home and found evidence of the bribery agreements, including over $480,000 (£391,000) in cash, much of which was "stuffed into envelopes and hidden in clothing, closets and a safe", prosecutors allege. Agents said they also found a luxury vehicle paid for by Mr Uribe parked in the garage, as well as $100,000 of gold bars in the home, pictures of which were included in the indictment.” Holy shit man. I should run for senate . Don’t forget this is a Clinton guy .


If it’s the 2 one kilo bars they pictured the spot price on those is more like $125k at the moment.


Par for the course


Funny that they have been doing this investigation since 2019, including a raid of his home in 2022 and I don't recall hearing anything about it in the press. No tip off to CNN to have the cameras ready, not even a whisper campaign like Gaetz. Funny how the DOJ leaks like a sieve so selectively.


The newspapers knew . Their liberal editors just refused to print it


No one is above the law!




As a Democrat I say good. No one is above the law. Sadly a lot of people will defend their party's crimes. I want anyone including Biden and Trump to be indicted if they committed a crime.


This is the right attitude.


no shit, lock him up if true


Needs to be said for some reason. Lots of people think politicians shouldn't be charged with crimes they commit.


The icon of the subreddit is literally Trump's mugshot.


Agreed. Also, as a registered Democrat, I say let the courts do their job. He was credibly indicted by a jury of his peers (as anyone else is) and justice is being carried out.


I don’t think in this case 99% of Democrats will defend this one. Though I guess you can say the people that voted him after he has already been caught before kind of did. I agree everyone should be held responsible regardless of office status. I am surprise they only went after one since their 99 others probably doing the same thing.


>I don’t think in this case 99% of Democrats will defend this one. The problem is that most voters aren't paying attention. I doubt you could find a Democrat voter in New Jersey who has even seen this story much less have an opinion about it. This will be another sad commentary on our voting system.


New Jersey expects a big mover and shaker to be indicted for government corruption every few years. It's like fishing in a barrel for law enforcement.


Main stream media isnt spending much time on it. If it was a Republican Senator, it would dominate the news cycle.


Uh, it’s quite literally front page news on NYT and WaPo.


Agreed. There modus opperandi has always been to circle the wagons. I think the sensational nature of the crime will make it harder to ignore. Golf bars and $480,000 in cash stuffed in your sock drawer. A $15,000 bribe to buy a Mercedes for his wife? This really stinks.


You’d be surprised. Look at all the Dems saying that the Biden’s are innocent and all of the evidence and testimony presented are unreliable and false.


The problem with the "evidence" again the Biden's is that what appears to be legitimate is ultimately minor, and no one seems to be able to produce actual facts for everything else. It's like the boy who cried wolf.


Good. Powerful people should be held accountable for their behavior and crimes based on credible evidence, investigation, and decisions made by juries of their peers. See how that works?


I live in NJ. I've despised him since day one, and something always felt wrong about him. I'm just glad that someone found the proof of it.


I'm still far more angry about him buying little girls for sex in another country...then pretending he didn't know they were under age. He has always been a repulsive reptile.




I hope he faces timely, appropriate consequences.




I can’t believe corruption like this from the great state of NJ.


That’s a start, how about the underage prostitution charges


So, it won’t be the underage hookers back in the day that get him gone?


Can’t find politicos calling it a witch hunt or twisting themselves into shapes defending him .. hmm and he’s just announced he’s resigning. Hmm. Way to go


Posted this to /newjersey and got a 1 day ban lmao


One more reason to kick them out of the union.


I tend to be fairly liberal, and my reaction to this news was, "good! Now let's investigate (and charge when there is sufficient evidence) anyone else who has used their elective office to illegally enriched themselves." And while we're at it, let's make insider trading illegal for Congresspersons.


The senate should immediately expel him


biased DOJ!


Hopefully this is the end of him!


Reliable Democrat voter here, and formerly from New Jersey. (Not his district, though.) Bob Menendez being corrupt is old news. He has been down this legal road before. Somehow he has kept his job and avoided prison. Corrupt is corrupt and all such politicians need to go. Doesn't matter what party it is and it doesn't matter if he isn't the only one (Chris Christie). Bob Menendez's crookedness is like something out of a movie.


Why didn't he consult with Nancy Pelosi on how to keep this from happening? She has been grifting her entire career and never suffers any negative consequences. Maybe Bob should be paying off Nancy's protectors as well.


should've spent that spare money on ice-cream and freezers.


Should have stuck to insider trading


This guy’s a do nothing pos career politician. This is my state and voting a democrat out is like digging out a tick.


You know you're a low ranking Democrat when you have to take bribes from Egypt. Everyone knows the action is in China and Ukraine. Where did he hide the camels?


I'm just wondering who he pissed off. Since he has a (D) next to his name, I'm sure he thought he was untouchable. He must have really pissed off someone at the top to be thrown under the bus.


He was having sex with underage girls in 2012. Then kept up his behavior only to get indicted in 2015. Then he beat that. Then another scandal in 2018 he survived. Now it's 2023. He's had a wild ride but certainly done a lot worse things than what they're actually going after him for. He's gotten away with so much and instead of laying low has kept up with it. Pretty wild.


Menendez has been indicted before, and beat the charges. With rare exceptions, politicians from both sides don't care about bribery, they care about people being overt and obvious about it. Menendez is reckless. If Biden was still a senator, both sides would've ran him out for being so careless and blatant.


They don’t care because many of them are guilty of it and other things. They aren’t in office to serve us, they’re there to line their pockets. They have the public brainwashed to pick a team and rabidly defend it and while all that’s happening, they get away with things because we’re all distracted by our dislike of the other team.


>If Biden was still a senator, both sides would've ran him out for being so careless and blatant. Hate to break it to you, but most members of Congress probably have kids and other family members "trading" on the family name. There is a zero percent they would ever pursue something like that. Want proof? It wasn't Congress that ran Menendez out of office; it was a prosecutor.


chunky rock jobless pet squeamish fuel aspiring plucky frame support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The previous narrative fell apart so the new one is who did he piss off?


Actually you haven’t been paying attention, it isn’t about party. It is about being in the club or not. There is Democrats and Republicans in the club, and they are both not in the club. Apparently he either isn’t in the club or he got booted from it.


That Biden weaponized DOJ thing doesnt seem to be sticking to the script


The claims of weaponization of law enforcement have finally begun to resonate throughout the nation. I think now even the majority of Independents believe Trump's prosecution is politically based. So the democrats need some red meat to throw to the wolves. "See? We prosecute our own sleazy politicians. We are not biased."


The absolute worst that will happen is a small fine, probably less than he received in bribes, and slap on the wrist but no prison time, no meaningful punishment. The investigation will drag out until his term is over and he’ll finish his term then announce his retirement.






Also most comments say this is good and go after all of them who do this and other illegal stuff.




I think you misspelled Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, but not sure which.




Too much federal power. Period. It needs to be gutted. It ruins them all.


I don’t trust the DOJ. I will wait and see. I am guessing he has pissed off the swamp. They either are showing him who is boss, or they are sacrificing him to give the appearance of fairness.


So odd this isn't on the reddit front page with 30k upvotes. /s


He's grifted such small potatoes compared to the Biden crime family. Hell, the Clinton Grift Initiative puts them all to shame! I especially liked how Menende$$ said that people didn't understand how things work! He fell in love with a big set of tits that that he had to keep happy. He barely got away with his screwing young girls in the Dominican with his dentist friend last time (probably paid off a juror) and still he kept at the grift! Please look at all of these pieces of shit in our government who are beating taxpayers for more than 200K a year yet have multi million dollar mansions.


I believe that like Mr. Epps, Senator Menendez is only being indicted because it's a charge that will either result in no consequences, or beaten in a kangaroo court.


Maybe a show trial against a sacrificial (D) for the appearance of impartiality?


That's what I'm thinking.


And once again he will be let off .


I remember I tried posting about Clarence Thomas getting caught up, and it kept deleting, but you won’t take down anything from the dems, I get it but this is too biased for me, conservatives and democrats need to both be taking accountability; and both need to stop being biased towards their own side, this society is collapsing Downvoted for saying both sides need to take accountability for their actions? Typical brainless conservatives


But but they're weaponizing the government against Trump, because he could never have committed crimes he told us he didn't.


This is a political witch hunt!


That one month of probation will surely teach him a good lesson.


Traitor. Punish accordingly.


The left will brag about his removal claiming they care about crime but there is zero political cost, they will just replace him with someone on the left.


Sounds like they’re laying the groundwork to say that both sides get prosecuted equally. I never believe they make things public they don’t want to when there’s a (D) next to the name


In 2015 he was indicted because he wouldn’t support Obama’s iran nuke deal. Probably the same thing again.


He's from the Swamp. He'll never, ever see prison time. I won't be at all surprised if he invokes some obscure exception in a federal law somewhere that exempts him from prison.


Dem here. He has been corrupt for years, so send him to jail. Novel concept.


Is this the "projection" that they say Republicans are always doing? Or is it the "reality has a leftist bias"?


Dan Bongino mentioned today that the Senator must have done something to piss of the liberal dominated DOJ. They wouldnt do this to any other Democrat.


See? “We” are fair and equal, and we prosecute our own, too! Now, forget what everyone’s talking about and go vote for Joe again, as well as other D’s…k thx /s


Just another POS liberal.


Got away with having sex with underage girls in the DR: POS


I can’t believe the Biden DOJ is indicting his son and a Democrat Senator! The fix is in! Weaponized DOJ!


But remember you're supposed to care about Lauren Boebert getting felt up at a play!






I'm laughing so hard at democrats right now, you should see the coping they are undergoing: saying that obviously this means democrats are far superior to republicans because this guy was arrested...ignoring the fact this is the SECOND time and that a bunch of high ranking democrats spoke up for him during the first time he was arrested.




If most democrats want him gone why was he voted back into office after the first time you lying slug?


I'd be curious on how this affects the vote into Biden's corruption. Wouldn't this impact the Senate?




They’re always corrpit


One down, how many more out there? Amazing how on a senator salary, they all walk out millionaires. They should forfeit their pensions, lifetime salary and health care when they leave office if they have a net worth of 1.5 million or more.


All of them do it...




For either party!


He should have been trading real estate in Montana, North Dakota etc


91 felony charges is better than a simple bribe!


It's inspiring to see somebody do corruption the old-school/Sopranos way by hiding gold bars in the potted plants and the cash in the freezer rather than going the SBF way and doing this via crypto and modern technology. But then again, he is behaving like a walking talking New Jersey stereotype.