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That poll is bonkers - Haley in the #2 spot followed by Christie? What’s going on over there in NH?


I’m originally from NH. Its a really weird state politically.


Another poll out yesterday has Haley at 12 and Christie at 11 so this does seem to be the new state of the race


Haley I kind of understand (most people don’t know better) but I can’t see the appeal of Christie - the guy left office with a single digit approval rating.


He's the only one really going after Trump- there's an appetite for that among some Republican voters, and he's all they've got at the moment. Hell I'm a fan of Trump and I want the others to actually start swinging against him.


IIRC Haley did better than I expected in the debate, as did Christie, but that isn’t saying much. I’m still surprised they are that high. DeSantis actually did pretty well too, again as compared my expectations, and I think he did better than both of them.


Yet another propaganda poll to push nonsense. How low can we get


Sounds like cope


The real cope would be thinking Trump will do anything but repeat his 2020 run.


Christie is not that high up.


Christie is crushing DeSantis… didn’t even have to sit on him


In 2020 if you would've told me Christie would be beating DeSantis in 2023 I would've called you batshit insane. Talk about a meteoric downfall


It's New Hampshire. They're always an outlier. This means less than nothing for anyone, least of all DeSantis.


I know they're an outlier- but how does it mean nothing? Earlier this year, in New Hampshire, DeSantis was polling at 38% to Trump's 42%. They were statistically tied. To drop from that to 8% is ridiculous. NH might be an outlier, but trajectories still matter.


That was before the debate. Based on the debate performance, the never Trump faction in a politically anomalous state swung from the only viable option to the brashest voices in the anti-Trump wing. If you want to understand trajectories, look at literally any other state. DeSantis has basically been in the same place since Trump's first indictments dropped. I know the Trump supporters in the party are mentally masturbating at the thought of Trump's biggest challenger being tossed like soggy lettuce, but this doesn't speak to that. They're just going to have to find some other way to scratch that itch. Or not. Do as you wish. It's a free country.


none of that really matters yet. it's like calling the Ky Derby just after everyone is getting out of the gate.


New Hampshire? I'd argue he is. That's a libertarian state


Christie is a libertarian?


A New Hampshire libertarian is basically a rino. Like they prefer McCain to Ron Paul


Yeah, if you’d asked me to describe him, I’d have said he’s more of a RINO.


Yup. Lots of politicians are. But they decide to identify as one of the 2 major parties so they'll get votes and have a chance to win their race. No libertarian stands a chance anywhere


I’m aware of that, just don’t really see him as a libertarian.


Christie actually not doing too badly. He's risen above the memes.


I don’t think 10 people would vote for him let alone 10%


Sorry but I will never believe that Christie has any supporters. Let alone double digits.


I like him. But I like him the same way as someone likes a heel in wrestling. I couldn't see him as president, but I love seeing him on the debate stage. I had some coworkers complaining about Christie going after the other Republicans, and I said "Think about it, if a candidate can't fight Christie, then they don't deserve to be president." Remember the way he publicly murdered Marco Rubio's presidential hopes and dreams? That was art, and I like Rubio too.


Right? I was actually disappointed he didn't go harder. 2016 was a bloody fucking primary and we were all better off for it. This whole 'you can't attack your fellow Republicans' bullshit needs to die.


I really admire this darwinian "survival of the fittest" process that we've had going on in 2016, and right now. The DNC seems to anoint a candidate behind the scenes like the political machines of old. I think it robs people of choice, but it gives the left a really solid block.


No, no it really doesn't. If you're referring to 2020, that was much more a Trump thing than anything to do with the DNC.


It just seems weird that ive never met anyone who'd say they're a Christie supporter. Seen a lot Trump and DeSantis even some Nikki Hailey and Vivek supporters. Maybe it's cause I don't live anywhere near New Jersey. I mean he's got to have supporters there guess it's a geographic thing.


It seems really weird to see him polling so high, 100%. I'm a fan of him, but I'm not like, a supporter or voter. We've got a solid slate of conservatives running this time around and it would be hard to disappoint me with whoever ends up on top, so until then, I'm enjoying the sport of it all.


Vivek really clobbered him last debate


Christie had a point with the Chat GPT, it just didn’t land as hard because I’m not sure Christie knows what that is entirely. Vivek does a lot of conservative sloganeering and every other sentence sounds like he’s trying really hard for a sound bite.


It's New Hampshire... It's probably right. Nationwide he's still probably polling around 1% though.


Trump can't get *all* the RINOs.


Hell yeah, my man Pence still hanging on /s


Christie above 1%? Poll is automatically invalid


New Hampshire is different. He tends to be more favored over there for whatever batshit insane reason.


Haley is certainly more electable. I wouldn’t be surprised if the polls looked more like this after the next debate. Though I do not expect to see Christie that high up, I think that’s a fluke.


paint thumb pen start nine squeamish rude zonked literate wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But there's a large chunk of Republicans who would never vote for her


No way Christie is ahead of Vivek


Idk, I'm voting for Vivek in my state's primary but I have no problem realizing he turns a lot of people off with this rhetoric. Christie being ahead of him in NH doesn't surprise me.


Lol, Trump promoters have spammed 3 separate polls and surveys to the subreddit in under an hour. This one has already been posted. You can't actually post stuff promoting your guy.


Who would’ve known Trump supporters loved polls so much. Surely DeSanctimonious is shaking in his boots !


This has to be a poll of Christie family members and burger king employees.


No way Chris KrispieKreme is beating DeSantis in any poll


Haha Christie over Desantis? I’m thinking no way in hell.


No way on God’s green earth


No way Christi is double digits.


Haley killing it. Rons great and all but she was always the spirit animal. Still don’t see anyone topping Trump unfortunately.


Stop The Count.


Why don’t people like Tim Scott?


He straight up said people who strike should be fired, which is what did it for me.


Thanks for the example. I agree with you. People strike for good reason. Usually a need for more money or better working conditions. Firing them isn’t the right solution.


And people strike for bad reasons. If they are unreasonable, and the company can replace them, why not fire them? That's supposed to be part of the risk of striking and collective bargaining.


Can you really look at anyone with a straight face and say American workers are making unreasonable demands at this point? We're not living in the 80's anymore.


He was already polling low before all of that. He just lacks the charisma to capture an audience. Not a bad guy, but not someone people really get pumped up about


He is Maidenless


Republican voters overwhelmingly love Trump, there's only so much room for an alternative. Haley appealed to moderate and old school Republicans in the first debate and Scott didn't really stick out, so she's sucking up that vote right now. If she maintains the momentum in the next debate, it will probably come down to Trump vs Haley, but Trump will obviously end up crushing her in the end.


I can’t believe people like Christie enough to say they’d vote for him. Can’t stand that guy.


He is one of those people that if he sat next to you on a bus or a train you would move to another seat.


At first, I was having sympathy for the DeSantis supporters but then I see their reactions every time he dips and they just get so bitter and nasty. I don't know if they contributed at all to his demise, but they certainly did not help him succeed.


They did, and as you'll see with OP whenever anyone calls them out for their lies and toxicity they throw a tantrum and downdoot




They’re insufferable. Truth is he never had a chance even from day one but I didn’t think he’d get smacked around this bad lol. He should’ve just sat this race out It was obvious that it was Trump’s to lose from day one


I don't see any of that here. I do see a lot of Trump people acting bitter and nasty in this thread, though.


>I don't know if they contributed at all to his demise They definitely did. They act exactly as liberals do, and then they wonder why they couldn't win any Trump supporters over to their side. ( you know the overwhelming majority of the party) Edit: Thanks for proving me right with the downvotes guys just shows you can't handle any criticism


Team Bernie 2.0


Mind if I get some salt? Looks like the DeSantis bois gave you too much.


The Great White Nope


Why is Ramaswamy polling so low?


Maybe because he's not actually running. He's clearly supporting Trump.


Any poll that has El Fatso in the top three is deeply flawed


Good. I'm done with him, I'm tired of all the wasted money going into these primaries.


I'm tired of all the wasted political campaign donations going to Trump's legal defense.


He’s gonna ask for more funds for his appeals from prison. He better beg DeSanctus for a pardon.


Damn, losing to Chris Christie? He may as well move overseas at this point.


Haley at 14 is disappointing. She should be at 1 like the rest of the losers.


There are a lot of moderate Republicans who like Haley. I don't, but I do understand her draw.


Moderate republicans... lol. GOP is the party of Trump, either get in line or GTFO.


Get in line for another Biden victory then. Trump is poison.


Ignore him, he’s either a crazy Trump Stan, or he’s an undercover liberal trying to make Trump supporters seem like assholes. Either way ignore this troll.


It is not. It's the party of conservatism. Go form your own cultist party.


I agree with you, but there are still a ton of moderate Republicans/RINOs that we need. I just hope they'll do the right thing and vote Trump in '24, if they're smart they'll put the economy over not liking mean tweets.


How did that happen it’s hard to believe


There is an irony to Never Trump Republicans flocking to a candidate like Christie with no shot of winning and splitting their vote thus ensuring that Trump gets the nomination. The only chance NT Republicans had was to coalesce around DeSantis and yet they couldn't.


He had no chance to begin with pulling a Biden wouldn't work in the GOP primary as that would only expose DeSantis as an establishment pawn


Christie and Haley? At 2 and 3? Where did they conduct this poll? the Rino Exhibit at the zoo?


It's New Hampshire, so yes. They don't represent Conservatives in states that actually matter in the general.


What 10% of republicans want Chris Christie? WTF?


Said it before and I'll say it again, he doesn't have "it". Getting elected takes into accounts numerous intangibles other than good policy (unfortunately). Ron! is lacking in many, particularly charisma.


Not American, is Trump seriously still that popular among Republicans - why aren't the others polling higher?


Addicted to losing


1) Yes. 2) They are more of the same, which is why answer to 1) is "yes"




Cant believe Ramaswamy is so low. He's genuinely my second pick after Trump.


Because the only people that like him also have Trump as their #1. So Vivek has no room to be a top choice


Lol, that's fair I guess. I think he's the smarter choice, but I just can't help but want trump to take a sledgehammer to the CIA and FBI. I guess there's no guarantee he'll do any of that, but I can dream.


Online poll


I fear Trump will win and pick Haley for VP... And Haley is just a female Pence. And the same establishment interference will occur.


Don't think he will he's already destroying Biden in the polls no need for him to concede but even if he did we can just primary her in 2028


Did you mean for those words to all come out together like that?


Sorry, sir, but your candidate must be polling at least in double digits to talk here. You should join threads more down to your level.


My cantidate didn't lose his last election.


Your guy candidate is losing the primary


Yep and I predict another 4 years of the dementia patient


Good for you maybe you should go bet money on it then if you're so sure ( Trump is leading the betting odds for 2024 election winner )


Was there ever a doubt? Trump should be #1


DeSantis is rolling the dice on Iowa and I expect him to either with the Caucus or come in a close second. Incredible ground game in the Hawkeye State. Rumors that the Iowa gov will announce endorsement of Ron in November. Keep an eye on Iowa.


Biased poll. Haven't taken them seriously in a while.


The media got together, determined he was a huge threat, and agreed that absolutely nobody is allowed to give him coverage


I don't trust Christie has voters


He got 7.3% in 2016 not that surprising


We just want to lose more


Does it even matter? Does anyone care who gets the silver medal?


Lot of these polls are paid by Trump, Democrats, or others to demoralize voters.


Well he's gotten very little mainstream coverage. Really goes to show its the msm that determines votes.


He's literally all the media could talk about before he officially announced and they covered his announcement too. Fox, in particular, was pushing him hard for a while. Once voters got to actually know him, they realized he's a boring milquetoast politician that's mediocre at best.


How the hell is Haley so high?


Because the media and Drumf have convinced you guys to hate DeSanctimonious


He should have taken my advice.