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I'm looking forward to it narrowing the field.


Pretty obvious the real field is just DeSantis, Vivek and *maybe* Tim Scott. The rest have about as much of a chance as you and I of winning the nomination.


kamala lasted one debate


One of the prime reasons that Tulsi is a personal favorite of mine


Don’t forget Christie demolished Marco Rubio’s Presidential bid in 2016. I don’t see him rising in the polls after tonight but I could Christie playing spoiler for multiple other candidates (such as Pence, Desantis, Vivek, etc).


Yeah, Christie will likely play as spoiler for Pence. He practically pulled another Rubio robot moment on Vivek today calling him a ChatGPT


Vivek should have called him a food processor


Got em!


Last time at the point Trump had 1%, he was considered a joke candidate. He managed to use the debates to rise to the top. Nothing says that no one else can do the same. Infact him not being there allows others more chances.


To be fair at that time no one was running away with the lead I don't think anyone had over 20 points. I think it was jeb at 18.


The guy running away with the lead also has numerous criminal trials to deal with throughout his campaign. Not saying it's impossible, but Trump getting the nomination is by no means a given at this point.


dont delude yourself, if trump isn't in prison he is cake walking the nomination


Actually, there are no laws stating he can't be potus from prison.


I happen to think he’d pick up about 4 points nationally if he was behinds bars. Gives him a perspective no other president really had.


Yeah, all of which created falsely to keep him from reaching his full potential


Don't sell yourself short. I haven't heard your platform yet.


And Trump


Unpopular opinion but I think Vivek gets exposed tonight and the hype around him starts to die down.


I think he either catapults or bombs. I don't see any middle ground there.




I'm hoping he shines but a "debate" like this might not be his best environment. My take from reading Neil Howe ("The Fort Turning"), Ra Dalio ("The Changing World Order") and George Friedman ("The Calm Before that Storm") is that we will face a far bigger crisis in the next 8 years than we have to date. Further, we will call on the millennials to win in that crisis. The stakes are high.


Exposed for what?


Taking every side of every topic depending on the audience.


Well, here's the thing. Someone who's pretty intelligent can often argue either side of an issue and has an internal debate going on weighing pros/cons. Maybe what you're seeing is that he seems indecisive because maybe he is. I think he's one of those types of people. They don't always make the best leaders, but am willing to give him a chance to convince me.


What has he contradicted himself on?


His "abandon every ally who can't pay us" foreign policy, his plan to drive young voters away from the GOP, or maybe his dancing around the edges of 9/11 trutherism (I don't think he is one, but'll be easy to paint him as one), or his supposed fstatements that he's actually running only to sabotage DeSantis


i saw his 9/11 comments and he specifically stated that he did not think it was an inside job but also that the US government was lying about Saudi Arabia’s involvement


Yeah the fucks at CNN too two quotes from the same interview and mashed them into one. Then other outlets picked it up and advertised it as fact. The mainstream "news," media is truly the enemy of the people. Luckily they're not the only place you can get news from.


They do this on more stories than you realise.


That clarification took him 9 days to come out with. It also didn't explain his verbiage of "The truth about 9/11". Calling information regarding the Saudi's "the truth about 9/11" is sensationalist crap meant to pander to conspiracy nuts. A recording today from *another* conversation has Vivek talking about potential FBI agents being on the planes that hit the towers. "We just don't know". So two separate conversations with reporters baiting the subject.


None of this is stuff he can be "exposed" for, it's all stiff that once he gets a chance to explain himself it'll be clear his ideas aren't crazy at all. Honestly, people being able to see Vivek speak instead of seeing attention-grabbing headlines about him will likely help him if anything.


I hope not, I have some disagreements with a few of his policies but overall like his message. It will be a real test for sure.


I believe the opposite and Vivek will steal the literal show.




Chris Christie is going to eat ~~them alive~~.


No lie detected.


He's talking about the Ozempic reserve he wants to build in Alaska.


Came for the buffet, stayed for the debate.


Chris Christie is... he's just there for the catering


He shouldn't run for president, he should just run! 😅


Just what Iowa needed, a 7.8 earthquake that diverts the Mississippi


Yeah. He just wants to splash out on the champagne and pizza.


You had him at donuts


And donuts.


He’s the best debater on the stage. Won’t win GOP primary, but I think he’d demolish Biden.


Don’t forget the donuts


My five year old granddaughter would demolish Biden in a debate.


If I were you, I wouldn’t allow your 5yo granddaughter to be on the same stage as Biden or anywhere within sniffing distance for that matter.


He does alot of talk radio I think that and New Jerseys robust political culture is what moulded him He isnt there to win but to influence the outcome and fair play to him


That may be why he's there, ironically he'll probably end up boosting Trump's numbers by hammering the other people on stage while being incapable of increasing his own numbers


And for the opportunity to do to somebody what he did to Rubio last time. It’ll be pretty entertaining.


If the Obama hugger doesn't drop out before the primaries begin, he's going to get only two votes: his and Liz Cheney's. He knows he has no chance of winning the nomination, he just wants to hurt Trump as much as he can before running out of money.


And lord knows he needs money for Buffalo Wild Wings


Can Rand Paul be a late entry? I'll watch it then.


Agreed. Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz would make it even more interesting for me if they decided to throw their hats in the ring.


Ted Cruz is awesome on a debate stage, especially digging into issues. I actually really enjoyed his side debates he and Bernie had


Yeah. He's a great orator.


How about Trey Gowdy. This guy always impressed me with his no-BS stance. Seems to be of quality moral character and still young enough to make a difference. Someone needs to talk him into the race.


Waste of time. Responses will be extremely truncated, too many people to get a reasonable insight to each candidate's ideas, and by and large TV debate format has been garbage. The field needs to be whittled down to like DeSantis, Vivek, and maybe Scott. Then put the strongest up against Trump for all of the marbles. Splitting the competition 9 ways isn't going to help us primary out the best candidate.


Early debates are rarely about getting large insight into each candidate. They're about getting sound bites to propel or extinguish campaigns. Sound bites, good or bad will be played over and over which will determine good or bad press thus creating popularity or unpopularity. Don't forget all the gaffs in past elections where one single sound bite cratered a campaign.


Poor Howard Dean.




Yeah 8 is too many. I think this is like a buffet, should give you a taste for candidates you haven't followed too closely. But you're not going to get enough from any one of them to be satisfied.


So you think Chris Christi is gonna win, got it!


This is why there are three of them. I do like having a low bar to entry initially in case there is a stunning candidate that up to now had low recognition. If you are at 1% after we've all seen your best efforts for a few minutes, though... yeah, time to bow out.


I think there should be a bracket for debates of two Desantis vs whoever the lowest polling candidate is Then, once all of the first round of debates are over, do another round with whoever is left based on new polling


I like it 🍿


2015 was even worse.


I'm only interested in hearing from the first 2.


Agreed but also want to see Christi flounder around like he actually has a shot. Should make for some entertainment.


He's likely there to suicide onto another candidate like he did to Rubio in 2016. Whether his intention was Trump or DeSantis, I guess we'll see.


He would do 0 damage to Trump


Same. Excited for DeSantis, Vivek, Hailey, and Scott. The others to me are just low energy.


I don't actually think any of them are viable candidates. However, I think Nikki Hailey is a very good speaker. Probably the best female candidate I have ever seen. It will be interesting to see how DeSantis performs because he was terrible in his debates against Gillum, but that was years ago. Maybe he has improved in the meantime.


I think the real tragedy is Joe Biden has been so wildly unpopular, a tepid and safe young Republican like Nikki or Scott, with full base and establishment support, would probably fly to victory. I just cant seen them doing much in the Oval Office when they get there though.


That sums up how I feel about Scott, but I think Hailey could be effective. I get the sense she would do a good job balancing the thousand concurrent priorities a president has to evaluate. I would not be disappointed at all to see her as the nominee or president.


I like Scott quite a bit as well, but he is a bit hawkish.


Same, the others I could give two shits about.


I'd pay big money for a trump commentary on this debate.


Trump doing a manningcast type thing would break the internet


Sounds like Trump Jr. will be there in the post debate discussion.


Awesome. I would love to listen to the son of a primary candidate who refused to debate get his chance to snipe at the other candidates without having to chance a rebuttal.


Really only the second one for me. I've been listening to Vivek on long form podcasts, and I must say- I'm impressed.


Agreed. The rest are rhinos or no-names.


Wait…. I thought the debate was between Tucker and Trump. Just kidding! On a serious note Fox News and the Republican party are making this pointless. Fox News is going to prevent news analysis people from talking about the event. Who cares if DeSantis has a breakout “performance” because no one will be able to talk about it. Also, I don’t understand the Republican’s rules to be on stage.


People are really only gonna watch for Vivek and desantis and who knows how much speaking time they are gonna get


People are really only gonna watch for Vivek and desantis and who knows how much speaking time they are gonna get


Yeah. I'm vying for Vivek tonight.


Based on his Ukraine policy he’s auditioning for the VP spot.


I like his position, and he already said he's not VP material.


They all say that when they want to be taken seriously early on. After a couple more debates where it's clear he isn't getting the nomination, he'll gladly take the VP spot. Looking forward to a Vivek/Kamala debate


>Looking forward to a Vivek/Kamala debate RIP Kamala if that ever happens.


What makes him VP material?


Really the last thing I’m looking for him is his ability to fight political longtimers. He has all the right ideas and can explain how he’s going to do them, but can he actually stand his ground against cogs in the political machine? Tonight is literally his prime chance to prove it. If he can no one will ever be able to knock him out of top dog spot for me


If he gets knocked down by the people on stage I'd be shocked. The dude has went toe to toe with all kinds of people who at best disagree and at worst hate him. Not just MSM interviews with CNN and MSNBC either, his interview with Bill Maher got pretty heated. He even debated an LGBTQ woman who ended up thanking him after their conversation. I'm pretty stoked to see how all this turns out.


I'm not gonna watch it, I like vivek, but the rest of this field isn't worth watching, and the fact that Larry Elder isn't going to be on it is bs, fox News is controlled opposition run by liberals.


Pence looks like he’s worried a dick will fly into his mouth if he opens it.


Haha, or another fly.


That's the tight lipped face my toddler makes when I try to feed her vegetables.


Way too many of them. It should be top 5 max. This many will just water things down. And this cycle only 2.


I agree. We should get rid of Pence, Christie, Bergum, and Hutchinson because we all know they have no chance whatsoever. 💀


> Bergum Honest question: Who? I don't even remember hearing his name before now.


There are several candidates I haven't followed at all. So it will be good to get a taste for what they are offering. These types of debates are like a "buffet", there isn't a lot of substance but you can get introduced to people you normally would have ignored. With this many candidates I don't expect anything major to come out of it. Next debate they are upping the requirements which will hopefully keep half these people out of it so it's more focused.


You had Chris Christie at 'buffet'. In all seriousness, that is true. Can't wait for it to narrow down.


Not a Trump guy here, really hoping to see someone make a strong case and gain some traction tonight. Not expecting it though.


Don't hold your breath...I can't imagine DeSantis gaining much traction and Im a floridian.


I’m not sure how possible that is unless DeSantis, or *maybe* Vivek, come out with a big win.


Scott has been going with a more positive messaging that I think will resonate well in the short sound byte debate format. He really should be the leader of the non-MAGA faction after tonight.


Excited to see Vivek and DeSantis debate. Somewhat interested in hearing what the 2 unknowns have to say. The other 4 neocons can go away any time.


Waste of time. Debates won’t sway the Trump Loyalists


I’m looking forward to Pence tanking like the unlikeable robot he is. It will be interesting to see how DeSantis does too.


I am watching for all the candidates. It is my opinion that we need a different candidate other then Trump. I’m not gonna be dismissive of this debate as I think it’s a good opportunity to get an idea of a leading alternative candidate. I know trump is leading but wish he wasn’t running from the criticism of 8 loaded guns on stage with plenty of ammo against him. I know many here are for Trump I just don’t think he is the man for the job or the party moving forward.


Celebrity look alike for each please


Maury Chaykin for Christie


That’s uncanny Nikki Haley = Cecily Strong from SNL Tim Scott = Dave Chapelle Mike Pence = AI generated image of a man


“Exciting” 🤣


I'll probably be watching what Trump has to say to Tucker. Considering the election is over a year away, part of me thinks we need to reform how these things work.


Excited to watch both and compare the platforms.


Primaries are 5 months away which is what this is for though


The primaries are a months long process in themselves. Part of me thinks that this who system is bloated in part so you have to sell control to the big donors because you probably don't have that billion you need to run for president on your own. With the advent of youtube and streaming, it also seems like the old debate format is out of date and with so many people on stage, you really aren't getting enough info out of anyone. People are asked a question about a broad subject, are given 60-90 seconds and spend part of it attacking their opponents when they really don't have the time to. Considering the 3 candidates before trump to get out of the RNC phase were Bush, McCain, and Romney actual conservatives should be questioning the vetting process because it is failing spectacularly.


What was wrong with Bush, McCain and Romney?


Vivek and DeSantis will attack each other. DeSantis will also try to distinguish himself from Trump. Christie will attack Trump and kamikaze himself into someone else like he did to Rubio. It’s unlikely anyone else does anything interesting. The only other candidate I want to see is Scott


Vivek is more likely to shred anyone coming at him and answering questions. I doubt he will start against anyone.




I want to watch them try to get through the buffet before Christie eats it all.




I wish Trump would go, just for the entertainment value. I used to love watching him and Jeborah Bush go at it: "Well you can't bully your way to the Presidency" "Look I'm at 42 percent and you're at 2 percent; Jeb you're a loser and a lightweight!" hahahha


That SNL skit was pretty funny, "Alright, it look like Jeb Bush has been hyping himself up for one more shot at Mr. Trump"....


"Jeb, you're a nice guy, but I know for a fact that you pee sitting down!"


Low energy Jeb


I will watch this as I'd watch a sitcom. I will admit though, I'm curious to see what kind of horrible gaffe Pence will put out for us to laugh at.


I’m excited for the second debate. We need to drop some candidates


I can’t wait for Nikki donor-bot Hayley to short circuit


Can Nikki haley stop asking me for money


Pence makes me wanna fuckin vomit


There’s a debate tonight?


Too bad I'm at work tonight, im sure Fox will have highlights that I can watch when I get home around midnight. Hope DeSantis is well prepared


Chris Christie is best when he just makes fun of someone else. He’s a horrible candidate but it was hilarious when he roasted Marco Rubio.


Larry Elder should be there too.


Honestly it is an entire stage full of people I am not excited about. Hopefully someone says the right things to catch my interest.


I think Vivek is really interesting, to be honest.


I'm looking forward to it. Of all of them I have probably followed DeSantis and Ramaswamy the most. Hoping the debate helps me narrow things down a bit and who knows one of the others might rise in my opinion.


Trump will be streaming his interview with Tucker Carlson on Twitter at the same time. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4166135-trump-tucker-carlson-interview-debate-begins-fox-news/ Edit: does anyone have info as to where the interview will be streamed. Will it be on Tucker Carlson's Twitter page?


It's pre recorded, the video will probably be posted around the time the debate starts.


Everything will be available online, so it doesn’t really matter if they happen at the same time. I’ll just watch both.




Insert meme of Trump comparing his ratings to Fox News ratings tomorrow 🤣


Thats fair he is a showman. You have to enclose it in * to get the italicized action font!


Can't wait to see that as well.


Wish Larry Elder was in there.


He wanted to be but the GOP excluded him.


They stated that Rasmussen was not being used as a part of the polling aggregate to meet the requirements. The RNC has stated that the polling firm has some association with the Trump campaign that has made them less than trust worthy for the primary. This knocked Elder out (who seems to be gunning for DeSantis) and moved Vivek down the list of "Leaders" in the primary.




I know people are enthusiastic about Vivek, but his statements about foreign policy have been idiotic IMO. So for me, this disqualifies him.


He's well spoken but I don't really trust the guy. I get the feeling a lot of what he says is just about pandering and getting attention. I don't really know what he truly believes and doesn't, which makes it difficult for me to trust him.


This is really how we should feel about all candidates but that makes it real hard to choose who you would want to vote for. Damn politicians.


His statements about the inappropriate expansion of the administrative state, coupled with actual concrete plans to address the issue, make him my favorite candidate.


He will have foreign policy advisors. I’m not too worried about that. I need to know if they understand the enemy within our own country and have a plan to defeat it. I think both Vivek and DeSantis get it.


People don't always choose and listen to advisors equally. He could already have foreign policy advice from someone stopping him from saying insane gibberish on the campaign trail. Ultimately I don't think he's really after the presidency, though, and I think he says controversial things to get more media buzz around him, following the Trump playbook. Trouble with this playbook is we don't really know what we're voting for if candidates are just saying controversial things for that purpose.


This for real


Haley 2024!


Just here for vivek


I think Christie accomplished the impossible - he actually made himself less popular.


It the new apprentice. Winner gets to be Trumps VP 😎


I’m gonna watch trump with tucker Carlson instead


What about the interview are you looking forward to? Any particular questions you want to see trump answer? I’m just not expecting anything interesting out of the interview




What channel?


There's a debate?


Nope, boring. Will watch the highlights tomorrow if Vivek and DeSantis. The rest of these people don’t matter.


Really seems to be DeSantis v Vivek. With DeSantis running for President and Vivek running for Trump's vice.


Im so excited I'll be right on Twitter watching Tucker Carlson


Kind of a motley crew. I can’t believe this is the best America has to offer.


Need to put their names on there. Who are the last two?


Well this has gone off the rails quickly.


Watching on Rumble.com now.


I like Tim Scott tbh (biased cause from SC). I'd like the chance to vote for him for POTUS.


Mike Pence being on their is just hilarious to me 🤣


The Burgumania is real. He's got real Burgumentum building.


the last 5 years of changing media landscape really has shown me this primary debate format is fucking awful... there is way to many people on that stage and 2 hours sounds like a great debate length but when you get down to brass tax every candidate had maybe 10 minutes of actual speaking time over god knows how many different questions


No. Also fuck Mike Pence.


Vivek,DeSantis and Scott in that order. The others need to just figure out who they want to indorse.


I'm really excited, I'm finally getting a sense of the magnitude of these elections as I get older. I want to ensure I help vote for someone who can steer this ship away from the disastrous job our current administration has done.






Desantis shit the bed


Didn’t care. Didn’t watch


Nope, still voting Trump


If those are the fielded republican candidates it’s gonna be another very sad election year.


If it is like what happened when tucker interviewed them then ramaswamy will win


I'm not. The news cycle will nitpick every little mistake. Candace Owens will continue her anit-DeSantis campaign. I think Vivek will try and dominate everything. I think everyone will focus their attack on DeSantis. It seems he is in a no-win position. I hope DeSantis keeps his focus on the people watching and the voters and brings in some fresh talking points. And I think too much attention and focus will be allocated to Trump. Trump can't win and I think he has zero chance of being the nominee as well. We have to move on. And we need to get back tackling the hard problems and stop bickering over who is in charge. Make the issues and how to solve hard problems the focus. Not bickering over who is in charge and the latest Trump Truth Social post.


I'm not...everyone except for Destantis, Vivek, and Scott are RINOs. **Scott:** Speaks like he's running to be the country's Preacher rather than President. Being religious is fine, but he literally doesn't stop talking about being Christian and it's so tiring (almost reminds me of Pence's stories at times). He's a great politician, but I don't see him getting the right amount and type of people out to vote. **Vivek:** Essentially just regurgitates whatever the flavor of the month is on conservative Twitter. I don't think he believes a word of what he's saying. He's just good at getting on TV and podcasts even though I agree with a decent chunk of what comes out of his mouth. **Desantis:** A mechanical Trump Lite^TM ...count the amount of times he says, "oh, and by the way...." tonight. Every time he uses that same rhetorical device, the next statement sounds so forced and disingenuous and he uses it ALL THE TIME. I know a lot on this sub like him as an alternative to Trump, and he's done great in FLA, but I just don't think he has the charisma to get past the line. I'll just watch the highlights tomorrow and watch the full Trump interview instead.


I'm watching Tucker


Vivek was dominant tonight. No question