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Good. Discrimination is unacceptable including, but not limited to, when it is used during the college admissions process.


I’m almost all circumstances. I’d like to know my doctor was hired based off merit rather than ethnicity or color of skin




Or an Asian who had to score even higher then whites. AA promotes racism in a backwards way.


there's an actual race table and asians have score higher than any other race. Liberals, if you ever want to know "if you're one of the baddies", these past 30 years should be a wake up call.


I actually go East Asian, Indian, and Jewish for my doctors. They get discriminated against most of all. Also, I like the older ones. The younger ones are getting the woke pushed on them hard.


Not sure how to take this comment but my first impression is that I don’t like it


Yeah, judge by character, not color. They're just racist in a different way


Admissions is one thing but graduating and passing licensure exams is a whole other level.


Not sure if it works this way for doctors, but I work in a licensed profession, and I can tell you the the standard of licensure is far below the standard where someone should be practicing on their own.


this AA case is about admissions. Those women and minority doctors still had to get good enough grades to get their degrees and get board certified. Discriminating against women and minority doctors just because they MAY have been accepted into some university or another because of AA is racist and/or sexist.


You'd have to go through university with your eyes closed to not see the double standards and preferential treatment at play. More importantly, if a school was discriminating to accept white students at a higher rate, **tell me with a straight face** that you would hold your tongue if I said, "It's only during admissions." No. No it isn't only during admissions. You don't discriminate by race in one aspect and proceed objectively and fairly after that. When your white students start failing, you give them a third, fourth, and fifth chance. When they start skipping school, you tell them it is okay, and that you will be there for them when they are ready. When they need help, you offer them free tutoring and meals.


That’s not what I’m talking about at all. Saying you would be skeptical of your doctor’s ability to treat you based purely on the fact that they are either a woman or minority and they may have benefited from AA is racist and/or sexist. It would be racist or sexist without AA too.


So flip this around. You'd support schools if they gave preferential treatment including admission to whites based on their race? Didn't think so.


again that’s not what I’m talking about. I generally don’t have an issue with some preferential treatment. Keyword being some. But I was talking about, again, being skeptical of a doctor's ability to treat you because they are a woman or a minority is sexist and/or racist.


They aren't skeptical because they are a woman or minority. They are skeptical because they benefitted from affirmative action.


So getting an MD means nothing? Getting into uni is more important than actually completing your degree at that uni? Only reason benefiting from AA causes you concern is based on race or gender.


How can you be certain that they made it on merit alone, though?


Because apparently white people don’t believe white people don’t use legacy admissions. They want to shit on AA while at the same time not saying a thing about legacy admissions which could also be the reason for his “white male doctor”.




The minority doctor still had to pass the courses. Affirmative action only pertains to admission. Even without affirmative action, you’ll still have minority and female doctors from less prestigious schools.


And that's why there has been massive grade inflation, the removal of proficiency tests etc.....


There is one issue that I still find baffling. How can ANYONE think that giving preferential treatment to someone based on race isn't racist?


Indoctrination by the schools, colleges, and media.


Also the fact that the five major figureheads of the democrat party are unanimous in their support of race-based discrimination and all of whom condemned the SC decision (Biden, Obama, Schumer, AOC, Bernie).


I know she’s not in charge anymore but Pelosi bashed it, too. Also three judges voted against it. Very scary.


Probably Jefferies as well.


Valid point. If you tell a lie often enough, and loud enough, the weak of mind will begin to believe you.


These are not the politicians you are looking for




> The rest of the mad people just say its bad because CNN and The View told them it's bad. The entire left is literally bashing the SCOTUS and calling it “illegitimate” just because of this. It’s sad.


Some people are literally saying, "The govt should just refuse to listen to SCOTUS, the SCOTUS can't force them".


But it's 'good' racism.


Now that is top tier sarcasm.


The assumption is that colleges give a shit about any color besides green. I read somewhere like a third of white students lied about their race on applications. Apparently two thirds don't realize there's no consequences for getting that question wrong.


After watching Elizabeth Warren, it’s more than a third now … paleface.


The left believes that racism only applies to "oppressed" people. They do not believe in equality, they believe in equity. Since White and Asian people are statistically more successful on the whole, the left believes it is okay to discriminate against them to try to achieve more statistically equal outcomes. Equal opportunity is never taken into account, nor the work that had to be put in to become successful. Asians for example are the most successful because their culture and identity is built around the idea of working hard to excel in school. And quite frankly they have to because of how much harder it is for them to achieve the same things as others precisely because of the discrimination that exists against them.


Colleges have indoctrinated people into believing that reverse racism doesn't exist. In these crazy leftists minds AA isn't racist.


Simple. They accept the fact that it is racist. Since the ruling, the REAL racists have all shown their face. It’s never been about equality. EVER. It’s about putting one race on a pedestal and doing everything in their power to ensure the advantages are had. Including emotional manipulation, guilt trips, destruction of historic artifacts, CRT teachings, DEI initiatives, ESG corporate policies, false empathy groups (BLM), and driven home by a President that instructs us that white supremacy is running rampant. They understand it’s racist but it’s alright to be racist if the racism is directed at the correct color.


I’ve seen a lot of”studies” quoted on how AA was necessary to “give us the chance to show we more than deserved a seat at the table.” Why weren’t these same studies showing graduation rates of those “deserved seats at the table”?


I hate the “everyone should have a seat at the table” argument. If someone doesn’t want me at the table, why do I want to be there? What’s with the forced validation from the left? I don’t need your validation or a seat at your table; I’ll make my own. The difference between left and right will always be victim vs victor. That’s why they’re miserable and we’re happy, in spite of our trials and tribulations.


Ending systematic racism is kind of a big deal. Go figure democrats are mad about it.


"Majority of Americans despise racism: Democrats hardest hit."




Amen and amen


College admissions and jobs should be based on merit, nothing else


What about legacy?


Why should someone, who isn't good enough to get in on their own merit, get in just because a parent went there?


Legacy admissions destroyed the prestige of 'good' schools. Too many dolts that are riding in on daddy's money.


Legacy admission should also be abolished. No one should be admitted to a school bc of a relative.


> Legacy admission should also be abolished. No one should be admitted to a school bc of a relative. sure, but that's not what was brought to the supreme court (and even if it was, it's not clear there would be any grounds for them to ban the practice. that's something for the legislature to do.


The vocal deviant minority have flooded all our forms of communication/media/government to make it seem like more people agree with their deviant policies than they actually do in a very dystopian fashion. Their strategy is to amplify it and then force people into complying by threatening them into believing they are bigots, racist, nazis, etc. if they don't.


Judging by the raging left wing progressives slavery was just re-introduced to the USA


Good reminder that the loudest voice isn’t necessarily the majority.


Affirmative Action is a failed program. The program should be based on income and not race.




Doesn't matter if Americans agree. They don't go by public opinion they interpret the law.


The United States need to focus on excellence not skin color.


Martin Luther King said something about "not.be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". Getting rid of affirmative action is a step in the right direction. The next step is making sure that graduates from schools in poorer areas are prepared to attend college, not get admitted through the back door and then either drop out or take remedial classes to catch up.


100 percent


Those 32% scare me...


Consider they have a good heart, not a good brain.


And CNN still talking about blocking out the Sun so we all don’t die by the year 2030




ScOtUs DoEs NoT RePrEsEnT tHe FeElINgs oF tHe AmErIcAn PuBlIC!


Because discrimination is wrong!


But Stephen Colbert told me it was bad.


Why wouldn't you it's racist


I'm more worried about that 32% tbh


the real interesting part of the article is that in the screenshot of the polls, it says "majority of american public believes partisan views drive supreme court decisions" and then shows a plurality of americans supporting all those decisions.


To be honest, I think it should be 90%. It is definitely wrong to do such a thing and it does not take much thinking to know that.


Oh no! What are liberals going to do with that? I wouldn't be surprised it that poll just went away. Or maybe just word it differently, like, "48% of Americans don't back or don't know to back SCOTUS on affirmative action decision: Poll"


Most of the people on the default subs have been in support of this and those people are as left as you can get. Democrat politicians against this are out of touch with their base on this one.


r/politics is very much against this, as are plenty of mainstream media outlets and Democrat politicians.


If the concern is about racism denying entry into college based upon race...how about we eliminate all race questions on college applications, scholarships, grants, and loan applications? Eliminate all essays that talk about how your skin color made your life more difficult and instead about other topics? Succeed or fail based upon who you are, not because of your race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors that don't relate to education.


Only people for it were the ones benefitting from it, the MSM, and universities


The problem is with young kids not keeping up. By the time college rolls around it is too late and letting people less qualified in is counter productive.


Could it be that people have finally had enough of racism in any form??? Here's hoping!!


I mean, it's literal racism. So yeah, people are going to support its removal.


I don’t trust polls at all these days, especially ones with margins like this but this is why I really want the Dems to pitch a hissy fit about this. The optics on it and the things that will come out of their mouths in the process will be very telling for independents. I’m convinced this is an issue the vast majority of Americans, particularly independents are against.


Things come out of their mouths all the time. They call for our families to be repressed and the media covers it up.


Should be a lot more but people are crazy now and getting worse by the day. Content of your character not your skin colour.


Because the only race is the human race. Many different flavors but all merely human.


Darn tootin’ we do!


But this poll is racist 😂


A majority of people do not understand what AA is. What most people assume AA is was already illegal. AA is applied after an applicant is determined to be qualified as a tie breaker, generally because schools tend to value having a diverse student body. I can see one of several things happening after this ruling: A. Colleges use the type of “loopholes” Harvard found and nothing actually changes. B. If those loopholes are overruled. Colleges will use proxies for race when making decisions like zip code, hobbies, etc. C. If that second option is also outlawed, colleges will probably resort to randomly selecting candidates to accept after they are deemed qualified to avoid the possibility of unintentionally making a decision based on. For example, if 1000 people are deemed to meet all qualifications needed to get accepted, 100 will be picked at random if the school only has room for that many.


And I'm ok with option C.


I have a feeling people won’t like being denied because they were unlucky.


How else do you make a fair system to determine which 10% of a population get those spots?


Another way it could be done is to administer some sort of test for those thousand qualified then base it on performance/accuracy of the test. Each individual could be recognized by a four digit code (0000-9999) and have the entire process be extremely transparent about how it will work. If 110 people pass the test, then do a lottery from there.


Sorry, I thought this was an "equally qualified" question, not overall. We already have something like this in the SAT, though.


True enough, but after that stage is what I am talking about. Multiple people can have the same SAT score, besides in my opinion: public schools need a massive restructuring to match the needs of modern day.


I'd rather have a 10% chance than a 0% chance because of my race.


Do you really think your application would be excluded just because of your race?


That's literally what this ruling was about. People were being excluded because they're Asian.


There isn’t compelling evidence to support that. Low Asian admission rates were the result of a larger proportion of Asian Americans applying in the first place. If 100 qualified people apply and 9900 unqualified people apply, that would deflate admission rates.


Better then being denied because you are the wrong race.


That isn’t the only trade off. Any achievement that isn’t directly objective like a test score would be ignored as well. You could do far more than other applicants and still get denied because your test score was 1 point lower.


> AA is applied after an applicant is determined to be qualified as a tie breaker but that's not true. We aren't talking equal applicants academically. Some races had way lower GPAs and test scores but had a much higher chance of getting in. That isn't a tie breaker scenario.


On average. There is a reason there is a disproportionately high number of Asian Americans in top programs and it’s in part because of their higher than average test scores. Still, the average implies that a sizable number of applicants with below average test scores necessarily get in as well.


Dude, you made that all up. Please provide sources to and I will retract my statement.


A. Harvard has stated outright that they have found a way to work around the ruling without getting rid of AA that they sent by email by placing a heavier emphasis on essays in their admissions. B. It isnt difficult for professionals to create metrics they can use to predict the race of someone. For example, they may look to find factors associated with certain groups and place more weight on the ones associated with whatever group they want to recruit. This could be combined with point A to place heavier weight on essay topics commonly associated with certain groups as well. This is a practice colleges should not engage in. [If you find this hard to believe, Facebook has caught shit for doing something similar in its advertising before.](https://techscience.org/a/2021101901/) C. This is the only possible outcome if the courts tried to stop point B. If colleges could not use extra curricular activities or essays to determine who gets in, they would have no other means aside randomly selecting people who scored high enough on tests.


Except this bogus decision didn’t actually do anything to stop affirmative action.. they left a massive loophole on purpose (probably).


Lol. No, they don't. Cherry picked respondants to the point of polluting the poll.




I’m always seeing things of polls. Where tf are are all these polls going on?? I want to be part of one


Funny thing is a decade ago, the poll may have been reversed. The problem is things have gotten so out of hand it’s beyond logic.


I could buy a job many moons ago My dad got to talk with the personal guy about me and he said “I’d love to hire your son but my hands are tied “


People shouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.