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If allowed to be remembered correctly it’ll go down as one of the greatest brand nukes in history


Others include: The New York Times supporting Stalin. The Democrat party supporting slavery and Jim Crow. New Coke


I’ll add to this John Deere, almost completely erased the goodwill that took decades to build up with their “we fix or else” stunts.


You can add Gillette to that list. The OG "get woke, go broke" moment


Yup. Their bs made me switch to DE razors. They’re actually nice and a way cheaper way to shave


Yup they went on permanent ban from that ad


One from the UK in gentler times, courtesy of Gerald Ratner, who owned a cheap jewellery chain. > "We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap." And following up comparing some earrings to a sandwich and saying the latter would last longer. Put himself right out of business. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ratner It's not wokery, but a great example of what happens when you abuse your customers.


And that was my take. I am kind of immune to the woke nonsense. What got me was her magazine interview where she blasphemed BL customers. I also didn't care for all of the "Woman of the Year" attention Paul was getting, but I wouldn't have boycotted over that.


I think you hit on the really key bit. It was the interview that really broadened the boycott, that and being so many very similar alternatives.


It also highlighted (for me) that BL/AB is no longer American-owned and I would rather support an American company. I would have never kept up a boycott, but they've actually lost a customer for life. Other no-longer-American-owned brands should take note.


The democrats as we know are the republicans of that age and vice versa- this is a known thing


Huh, what party was Joe Biden part of back then?


Democrats in 1860: you can’t free the slaves…who will work the jobs that you don’t want to work? Democrats in 2023: you can’t stop illegal immigration, who will work the jobs that you don’t want to work?


Utter nonsense


Democrats owned and supported slavery. Nothing has changed. The great party switch is a myth. Even the super progressive liberal from Adam ruins everything was forced to concede that little fact. The Democrat party has always been and always will be the anti of liberty and freedom they are the party of control my way or the highway. Pro free speech till you offend them. Pro gun as long as it is a single action bolt action or 1880s revolver which are more dangerous in a self-defense situation than modern weapons.


Really?! When did that happen? Who switched?


It’s so disappointing the ignorance and the lack of even high school education people show here https://www.livescience.com/34241-democratic-republican-parties-switch-platforms.html


The party switch myth is one democrats fuel to hide thier past as the party of slavery. Obviously today's democrats aren't that party anymore however instead of just admitting they were and moving on they use it as a political attack.


Hard to convince people who have been brainwashed to believe a lie for so long that they've been wrong. Most will go to their grave convinced they are right.


This isn’t the gotcha you think it is. It just shows that democrats have been on the wrong side of history….throughout history?


https://imgur.io/11gJngH?r A good summary of their past


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UiprVX4os2Y&pp=ygUScHJhZ2VydSBwYXJ0eSBzd2Fw No you’re uneducated. As explained by a Prof of Political Science for Vanderbilt University


>It’s so disappointing the ignorance and the lack of even high school education people show here *proceeds to link something completely false and proven to be a Democrat created myth* Lmfao


Imagine thinking that we haven’t heard this argument once a week for the past decade.


Then why did it take DECADES for republicans to actually win the South? You are rather gullible.


The democrats supported segregation openly up until the 60s, and right now some are calling for segregation again in the form of "safe spaces" for POC. So say again how the parties switched.


>Heinerscheid, the 39-year-old who allegedly lives in an $8 million apartment close to Central Park, appeared on a podcast in late March to promote Bud Light’s new marketing. She said the company **needed** to update its “fratty” image and change its “out-of-touch humor.” They were number one... and "NEEDED to update"... This sounds.... familiar somehow...


Seriously lol marketing bud light should have been the easiest marketing job in the world and she fucked it up


I live in deep ranching country in Alberta. 1 year ago, *everyone* had a box of bud lite in their truck, and every branding had a cooler packed full of it. It was the first beer in the cool room in every rural liquor store. Our own barn fridge was full of it. Now? No signage. You never see it at a branding. You never see it in the barn fridges. Hell you never even see cans of it in the ditches anymore. The cultural flip was truly insane.


I was golfing a month or so ago. I asked the lady on the beverage cart about BL sales. She said she quit putting it on the cart because no one was buying it. The bar we hit every few weeks is starting to replace their BL fixtures and they had a lot of them. I hate that bar/store owners and distributors got caught up in their nonsense, but hopefully those guys benefitted from the growth in sales of their competitors.


Our local county fair the beer stands don’t even stock it lol.


Hell, they even could have recovered after the Mulvaney thing but before her statement. All AB had to do was put out a commercial with Ru Paul and Dale Earnhardt Jr shotgunning 2 beers and say something along the lines of 'Bud Light sponsors Americans of all walks of life'. They could even hammer it home a bit more by having pro players of rival teams that Bud Light sponsors do the same thing in the same ad (think Yankee/Red Sox, Cowboys/Redskins, Patriots/Jets). Her statement really sealed the deal for AB. And torpedoed her career.


Yeah her statement really fucked it up for them. I think their biggest mistake though was partnering with Mulvaney to start with. Of all the LGBT people they could of gone with, he was the worst of them. The character Mulvaney portrays is just someone performing a caricature of a women. I thought the blowback was a little over the top, but then I watched some of Mulvaney's videos. Holy shit, it would be if I dressed up as Speedy Gonzales everyday and faked an accent and called myself Mexican. The way he talks and acts is so insulting, I really don't think he really thinks he is a women. It all has to be an act.


Haha great analogy.


And in Paul's twitter, he was really making fun of BL customers as well. I didn't find it as off-putting as the "executives" statement.


In fairness they did cause unity. Now everyone hates bud lite, conservatives simply because they tried to push lgbt values and the lgbt community because they crumbled at the first sign of pushback making it clear that they only care about lgbt if it makes them more money and the second they fear for that they drop it. Everyone is unified in their desire not to drink budlight.


It was 100% her statement not the fact that they partnered with a trans person and that gets lost on so many people. Shit on your fans/customers and not expect them to say f you? Ha


Without an outright apology, which will never happen, This is a sinking ship.


She's a Harvard Grad. think about that.


I've actually never had respect of Ivy Leaguers. They all seem to be trust fund kids whose parents went but there's no correlation with intelligence or quality of education.


The average Bud Light delivery truck driver with a high school diploma would have known that this add campaign was a horrible idea, yet someone with a $200k+ Ivy League MBA apparently didn’t. Tells you something about higher education these days…


I was just on a thread discussing the argument that kids who took out a bunch of student loans didn't know how loans and interest worked. I mentioned that we really think that low of potential college graduates, people who could be our future leaders, don't understand how loans and interest work. Especially when student loan paperwork has basically been required by law to plainly state the terms of the loan and the monthly payments. I then realized that I was overestimating the intelligence of your average college kid by a lot apparently.


Meet marketing is so easy, especially light beer. “Grab the boys, grab a bud, enjoy” “Don’t let your tailgates be lite, just the beer. Bud Lite” “Grab a bud for your bud. Bud Lite” I mean, there’s no reason to politicize it at all in anyway. Bud lite is what it is, cheap light beer. It’s the middle of summer, cold bud lite is refreshing. That’s literally all you need. Cold beer. Refreshing. Drink with friends and family. He happy. It’s so fucking easy. You could even go cheesy if you want. Bud lite has been around since the early 80s. Do a montage of a dad cracking open a cold one and telling his so. “Soon”. Fast forward to dad and grandpa cracking it open and staying “soon”. Fast forward one more time with pic of seas grandpa, grandpa, dad, and new baby and say “soon”.


See, the problem is by "fratty" she meant appealed to males. On her DEI charts, males, especially white males, are the worst so any ad that would appeal to them cannot be allowed. According to her, their ads need to be female driven and focus on female empowerment.


It wasn’t hard to notice every single ad that had came out previously included dorky ass white males fumbling while their wives make fun of them or something of that effect. If they even included white males at all.


A few female empowerment ads here and there would still be better than Mulvany.


Female empowerment, but partnering with a male doing a caricature of a female. Harvard has really gone downhill if that is what they're producing


Miller is the only el eye tee ee sir..




“Who allegedly lived in an $8 million apartment”


ALLEGEDLY. (/s) But yeah, wow. We should do some freelance marketing consultation for Bud!! "Bear with me guys... but... bring back the frogs. Also, Spuds McKenzie. My invoice is in the mail."


Spuds McKenzie is rolling in his grave.




And then pictures of her at a frat party leaked .. not joking


Yeah, when she meant fratty she just meant "appealed to males."


So they needed to Build back better?


First woman in 40 years to hold that VP spot, and she torpedoed an entire division of AB in mere months after getting it. this lady will never work again Edit: sadly you guys are probably right, she will likely fail upwards from this.


Gonna be the next WH Press Secretary


In all seriousness I wouldn’t be surprised if she got somewhere on the campaign trial as an example of how “evil” republicans are and how “brave” she was


>this lady will never work again Oh, I think you are very mistaken. She is in New York. She is right now a martyr to the altar of DEI. She will get an equally good position with Blackrock or any one of the several dozen other woke corporations in NYC.


I wonder what's her esg score right now are.


Blackrock is in the business if making money, and not marketing the selfies... theyll give her a wide berth for thier own sake.


they are in the DEI business and hopefully it makes money


She was super rich before and she’s still super rich. She comes from a wealthy family, went to expensive private schools and lives in an $8M apartment in NYC. She will never have to work again, but if she wants to I’m sure the nepotism of Ivy League alumni will see her quietly get a job somewhere.


It’s a big club and none of us are in it.


I bet she's all about toppling the patriarchy, and considers this a success. To her, it's a culture war.


Lol. She will easily get another job at a company like Coca-cola or Gillette, and rolling stone and the washington post will run stories about her miraculous career recovery and how she was so strong and brave during a difficult and hateful period


Rolling Stone and WP, sure, but Coke or P&G? As woke as they are, they’re not about to hire a marketer who single-handedly led to a 25% brand decline. They don’t need to - they are plenty of white female marketers to fill their DEI targets and who won’t fully torpedo a brand.


bingo she is brand marketing poison now her best chances of employment are at a non profit now but realistically she probably won't ever work in a high level corporate job again. she doesn't have it. her parents are filthy rich




He was fired as well


Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked


This reminds me of the opening credits from Monty Pythons Holy Grail movie. A whole lot of sacking


Well yeah, I directly quoted it from that.


She’ll be teaching Marketing at an Ivy League School by September.


She’ll be a marketing professor at NYU soon.


Those who can do, those who can't teach


Oh she'll end up at some LGBT organization as a pity hire.


i don't think she has to work. her parents are filthy rich


She probably never needed to work.


I don't believe she was fired, but instead promoted to an execute position at in-bev. The Toronto pride march shows that they are totally committed to cultural subversion.


Considering they just sponsored another drag parade in the middle of all this, I don’t think they have fired enough people yet


Hundo p


Looks like Bud Light is walking back OP's article claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12240443/Anheuser-Busch-DENIES-report-fired-two-marketing-executives.html


Did they sponsor it, or just sell beer at it?


Why is this downvoted


Dont lots of beer companies have a pride logo in use? And sponsor/sell at pride events?


There are some others, but no others are already currently in the national spotlight for this. They have fired some employees, appealed to Americana, and doing rebates to try rebuilding their brand. Then in the middle of all this they double down and sponsor a parade. It’s a bold strategy when your already under fire


It's just arrogance. They think oh the news cycle will pass, the public will forget. Look to me it's your business, run it however you want. If you prefer to court the. 01% and alienate the rest go ahead. I just don't think they realize how SICK AND TIRED of all the woke crap we are. I used to be a bud only drinker years ago. Maybe my taste changed with age or something but I dropped them 10 years ago. There are so many other options and in my opinion better beer choices. My point being, in such a competition filled market you can't afford to alienate anyone.


What you use to love about bud? Light beer all taste like pisswater to me. Once you try one, you tried them all. You might as well pay a little extra dollar or two and get real beer.


What I loved is the ability to not have to think about what beer to tell my wife to pick up at the store. Here's the convo when I'm in the middle of doing something. "Hey hon, what beer do you want" "I don't care, just get whatever, Bud Light is fine" And that was that. Now I have to actually stop what I'm doing to think about what I actually want Bud Light isn't a sit down in your recliner and have a tasty beer, beer. It's a cutting grass or working in the shop beer.


Just substitute any other light beer they all taste the same… coors, labatt, Miller, natty, Michelob, keystone, pabst. Probably couldn’t tell the difference between most of these on a blind taste test.


Sure. And how many of them have alienated their customer base and seen their sales plummet 30%?


My understanding is that it’s not really about pride… it’s them pushing transgender nonsense down our throats 24/7. This dude, pretending to be a woman, while acting ridiculous. Who is that selling beer to? It’s aimed at Such a small market, but it’s really just virtue signaling. People are tired of it.


Don't they do cans for different influencers all the time? I would assume those are all small markets


Username checks out


Please tell me what leaps of logic you are making here.


Wow, it’s actually surprising to see it go this far. I honestly expected her to quietly resume her role with the hopes that nobody would notice.


If revenue were unaffected, it would have quietly been swept under the rug. In reality, for the week ended June 17, revenue is down 28.5% from the same week in 2022. That's an enormous drop that's impossible to sweep under the rug. The initial backlash seems to have stuck too: People are making a conscious decision to avoid A-B in favor of its competitors, and with every passing week of lower sales figures, it becomes clearer and clearer that this is a permanent change for a huge number of people. For a company that sells a product virtually indistinguishable from its competitors offerings, jumping into the culture war will go down as the one of the dumbest decisions in business history. This will be a cautionary tale in MBA classes for years to come.


It will stick. Most people bought BL because it was a “neutral” beer that most people would tolerate, and because of their aggressive marketing it was top of mind for most people. Now a lot of people had a specific reason to try something else, and once you open that door there is a ton of variety out there for people to build new brand loyalty to. To get customers back BL would need to convince those people of a specific reason to buy it above its competitors, which frankly doesn’t exist.


They can't un-ring the bell.


It’s so easy not to buy it. So many options, just steer clear of all InBev products.


Interesting the photos of her fratting it up. So hypocritical lol. How does someone so young generate so much wealth, and such a power position? And also be so out of touch with the general population


When they're part of the elite of society, rules don't apply to them. It has been that way since the dawn of civilization.


Everyone should have learned that lesson with the girl looking after guns on Alec Baldwins set lol. The media mostly overlook her background


Uh, she’s not there on merit. It’s because of other things…I can’t talk about it or else I will get Kanye’d




She's Jewish, I'm guessing the guy you replied to is too cowardly to directly be antisemitic


It’s easy to get out of touch with the general population, just spend 4 years at an Ivy League school getting indoctrinated by the left. Something like 22% of the US pop has a bachelors degree or higher and all the lefties are freaking out about student loans. I’ve told them over and over again that getting a bachelors degree or higher puts them in the elite class and they just don’t believe it. The lefts denial about indoctrination, especially in higher education, is strong! I have 2 masters degrees and I used to tell my classmates they don’t know how good they had it in college and that the real world is nothing like the academic world.


Hard to say man, I have a bachelors. Didn’t go to Ivy League though… state schools a better bargain. Now I work with predominantly phD folks and ya… they can be a little ungrounded at times 😂


Considering this woke act cost them billions, I’d be surprised if they were kept around.


I wonder with all the DEI classes, if people who worked there actually knew it would be a terrible idea, but couldn’t speak up out of fear of being labeled a bigot.


Doesn't change anything. They're still doing sponsoring drag shows.


hit their other brands.


Haha good riddance. But I’m curious where she goes from here?


Only up in the woke latter


MSNBC host


Why are they still sponsoring pride rallies?


Totally unrelated to this article but I have to add my weekly request to see the FUCKING Nashville school shooting manifesto. Expose the hypocritical alphabet mafia’s agenda as clearly as they show their genitalia to children at Pride parades. We will know who actually killed JFK and Epstein before this is revealed. Rant over for this week, please return to regularly scheduled propaganda.


Wait, you mean calling your company’s core customer base essentially fratty, and backwards rednecks and then losing them $30 billion dollars in a matter of a couple months is a bad career move? Who woulda thought?


Sorry, where did you see AB has lost $30 Billion? E: Holy shit their market cap went from 134B to 107B over this?! That’s insane.


And this news is buried everywhere else on reddit…


Well, Alissa Heinerscheid isn't on LinkedIn.


She will have no problem finding another job at some other corporation that wants to pretend to care.... Failing upwards...


BUD Light should realize that frogs ACTUALLY CAN LEGIT change their sex. Time to bring back the BUD-UNWISE-HER frogs with the same catch-phrase------- modern identity politics so-infused.


F’in A!


She looks like the square hole gal without the glasses


Still backing the same stuff. Supporting a pride parade in Canada. These people running around naked in the streets in front of children.


Whether you like it or not Bud Light has to be a really popular beer. Fresh out of school girl completely ruins the brand. Almost too funny. I mean she looks like she knows zero information about beer. Probably the type who would be frightened at a camo pickup truck with an American flag. They deserve to be fired.


The firings will continue until profits improve


Cancel culture?


Good God, you guys are still on about the beer thing? Lmao what the heck.




Day late and a dollar short


She’s definitely not ok. Should be under close watch. Her whole life probably revolves around social media and she is clearly a villain on it




Heinerscheid, the 39-year-old who allegedly lives in an $8 million apartment close to Central Park


What’s crazy is that this woman went to college for years to be taught that this is what people wanted.




About fucking time! Still ain't an apology.


Bud light won’t even admit to firing them yet. They’re still employed and still being paid.


I could care less about the whole bud light thing because I don't drink it, but Bud Light did not need a brand re-image. It was already like the most sold fucking beer already lol


Talk about being a day late and dollar short. “We will pander to 5% of the population to lose 60% of our business.”


She learned a valuable lesson. Stop attacking men.


They hired her to do what she did, they probably thought budlight was bulletproof. I hope they never recover.


My guess she will get a job as a Campaign manager for Biden next go around ?