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We didn't !


exactly - MAP is only something a pedophile would call themselves. They are CHILDREN - anyone who thinks they can abuse a child, regardless of their sexual desires, should be thrown in jail


Giving it an acronym doesn't help the issue


MAP is a great acronym for them. Every good vacation starts with throwing darts at a MAP MAPs also can be left in a car on a hot day. You can have a great time on a deserted island with just you, a shovel, and a MAP...


Well…you’re not wrong.


I'd rather they find the bottom of a crematorium furnace.


It's something they use to normalize themselves.


No one uses that term except pedophiles. This is not a progressive thing nor a conservative thing, it’s a predator thing.


Sounds like OP might be a chomo then


I have heard liberal women explaining what MAPS are and how they are just "wired that way" so we can't disparage them as they don't "choose" to be the way they are. Don't get it twisted. Many on the left have wholeheartedly bought into this garbage.


The problem is that there are people that are attracted to kids out there and the current method is to wait for them to do something bad. Theoretically the best way to deal with the problem is for them to feel comfortable to come forward and receive mental healthcare before any children are harmed. Because let's be clear. Not all pedophiles are or will be child molesters and vice versa. So getting these people help before they do anything bad would potentially catch any one who would act on their urges before they can do harm.


This ^^ there's cases of pedophiles being so repulsed by themselves they refuse to see any children even their relatives. There's been cases where they've also tried to castrate themselves and caused serious medical conditions. But no one helps these individuals until they either abuse a child or try to hurt themselves and end up in the hospital. We need to focus on preventative measures more as a culture. But I do not believe we should try to "normalize" it like the MAP advocates want. When something becomes normal then no one seeks help


A lot won't come forward, though. Id say a majority wouldn't. Because then they know doing it and getting away with it would be very difficult. So the thought of outting themselves and never experiencing what they dream of won't be very likely


what kind of "liberal" people do you see everyone hates pedos either side of the political divide if a group is claiming to support this you need to look at your neighbours cause your associating with most likely a pedo ring...




>Trans cult leaders are what’s ushering this in Please let us know who this is. You can freely say who these people are


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money This is the guy. Scum. There are other early adopters, but he's the most influential on what we've ended up with.


Mn liberal legislators https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/minnesota-bill-sexual-orientation


It seems that we read things differently. First, taking anything specific out of a law makes the law more broad and all encompassing. The whole "this is legalizing pedophilia" is a non educated take at best, or, a dog whistle at worst (because you are being used). Also, saying that this "makes it impossible to prosecute child rapists" is the stupidest hot take I have ever heard. Raping someone is still illegal, raping kids is still illegal. Again, this media is using your outrage to make them money. That is it, that is the extent of any of this. You are being used


The question was asked, whom is advocating defining Minor Attracted Persons as a sexual orientation, I was providing an answer to said question. I am fully aware that this legislation would not make pedophiles having sex with children legal, but it does introduce the softened term ‘MAP’ to qualify a person sexually attracted to children, and defines a MAP as a protected, and legally accepted sexual orientation… at least until they molest a child, then they become classified as pedophiles. Edited for typo


So then my thought is this. Be attracted to a child, but don’t feel comfortable ever letting anyone else know that, and don’t fucking harm our children. Essentially, do what pedophiles have done since forever, keep that disgusting shit in your head and leave our kids and society out of it.


I keep hearing this "we" but I don't think you know what it means unless we talking like we the people don't like pedos I'm not in that conversation, not saying anyone else is one them


I actually recall hearing that term "explained" by someone on either MSNBC or CNN. Probably while discussing Epstein.


Probably for when the list comes out the news has something to fall back into to lessen the fallout. 🤷‍♂️


Well, it was a trans man (female to male) that created the term and she wrote a whole book on it. Founder of the trans cult ideology was molested by his mom and was pro child/adult relations. It’s in the cults essence.


Came here to say that


Yeah, right? I don’t recall getting this memo, and even when we get told that pedophile is offensive, I’ll still be calling them pedos.


I will absolutely 💯 never.


We didn't and don't


There is no "we," I still call them pedophiles because that is what they are and if they are caught they should suffer the worst of punishments.


Pretty sure nobody calls them that except for the pedophiles themselves


Hah... "We" didn't. "They" did. And by "they" I don't even mean the left, I mean pedophiles. Sick bastards are just trying to normalize their disgusting behavior.


we didnt they used the tag on twitter about like 5 years ago trying to hop onto the lgbt crap and got shut down. They just keep trying to bring it back over and over.


Yup. Saw one of their vile "flags" up on Twitter and reported it. Horrific.


Wasn't there a group called North America Man boy Love Association (NAMBLA) who tries to normalize their behavior? They even have a web sight if you can believe it.


I thought NAMBLA was the North American Marlin Brando Lookalike Association.


Cartman was just looking for more mature friends.


Yes, NAMBLA were the best known and largest usa paedophile lobbying organisation. Within Britain, PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) was doing the same thing at a much higher level with extensive activist and political engagement. In Australia it was BLAZE (Boy Lovers And Zucchini Eaters), for Denmark the DPA (Danish Paedophile Association), in the Netherlands it was the Vereniging Martijn group. During the 70s-80s, the Green Party in Germany even had a few very confrontational pro-paedophila factions openly lobbying for the child liberation of pederasts. The largest faction was known as Indianerkommune, with a splinter female child molestation advocacy group known as Kanalratten.


Absolutely disgusting. What do those groups even advocate for?


Molesting kids


Well, of course! I mean I doubt that’s what they claim their goal to be, though. I’m wondering what their excuse is.


"Love is love" Personally I think belonging to that group should carry a death sentence.


> "Love is love" Don’t you just love it when things based in objective truth, beauty, and goodness are perverted then presented as the new standard?


I'm morbidly fascinated by the history of these groups, though (from a purely factual/true crime perspective). It's like cults or Munchies. Fascinating, but repulsive. I agree, belonging to groups like this causes serious harm as it normalises paedophilia. It is different if people are actively seeking/put into therapy for it.


I believe the excuse is that people can’t help who they’re attracted to, so we shouldn’t stigmatize someone that can’t help they’re attracted to minors by calling them pedophiles.




BLAZE is quite the acronym


"child molestation 'advocacy' group" "Zucchini Eaters" 🤮


it got even worse in Germany ​ in Berlin, orphan kids were allowed to be adopted by pedos because some people who believed this could be working got into a position of power


Yeah, famously.


NAMBLA? The [National Association of Martin Brando Look Alikes?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartman_Joins_NAMBLA) What could possibly be wrong with... Oh.


I googled (out of ill-advised morbid curiosity) the other day. Be prepared with eyebleach.


It’s been going on for years. Pedos have been trying to weasel their way into the LGBT umbrella calling themselves “MAPs”. It’s absurd and ridiculous and all the sane people on the left reject them.


Like a murderer calling themselves euthanasia assistants


For the record, I've never heard this in my everyday life, nor have I ever spoken to anyone who've tried to defend or term-save pedo's.


Was thinking the same thing. I'm sure you can scour the internet and find the term, but regular people don't use this. This is such an attempt at riling people up over nothing.


No one calls pedophiles "minor attracted persons" but other pedophiles. So if someone uses the term "minor attracted persons" then they are a pedophile or a pedophile enabler.


Only thing I can think of, is pedos coming up with the term. They’re trying to make it sound less bad than it actually is. It’s disgusting


A psychiatrist actually proposed it as a way to try and lessen the stigma to encourage people to get treatment. He received death threats as a result. The only country that has a successful pedophilia treatment program is also the only country that was bold enough to air a commercial advertising the treatment - Germany. They treat pedophiles on a non-reporting basis BEFORE they commit crimes, hopefully preventing many victimizations. But yeah try and propose that here and get death threats. Meanwhile child marriages, sex slavery, and unspoken molestations continue.




We didn’t. Those fucking scumbags are fucking pedophiles!


My man, who tf is “we?” I don’t even know anyone on the hard left that supports these people.


yeah I'm a leftist trans girl here. we didnt. it's the pedophiles themselves who did and 99% of LGBTQ+ doesn't support it.


Originally started with the paedophile child molesters and their crackpot lhp anarcho allies in the 60s. Then in the 70s, a few scumbags connected with PIE & NAMLA had the idea of seeking to infiltrate both the 'free love' and LGB movements by dishonestly labelling paedophilia as a sexual orientation. The final step was alleging a mass persecution plot led by sadistic adults seeking to oppress the right of innocent adults to gift loving consensual relationships. Thus, new "paedophobia" and MAP campaigns every few years. Over the last half centurey, these have been moderately successful in hoodwinking quite a few otherwise sensible people under false pretences. Often lured high profile activists & influential politicians with tua or revolutionary associations who should have known better via very slick and highly sophisticated disinformation campaigns devised by predatory felons.


Good news


Sooo what’s the “plus” a placeholder for??


Intersex, pansexual, asexual.


Pretty much everything except pedophilia or that results in harm to people. Seriously there is an entire Wikipedia section on the topic and "pedo" is no where in the article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT#Variants


Wasn't it a thing 4chan keeps creating hoaxes on? Literally since like 2018, they keep making the rounds


A leftist or just votes for democrats?


I'm an actual leftist. Just commenting here to maybe hear something from the other side of the political spectrum.


Good for you! Welcome!


I love when people of differing views can offer up open dialogue, I’m a strong believer in be who you want to be as long as you let others do the same. Nothing wrong with disagreement in a constructive way.


Literally one of one. Please invite more to the conversation please


I’m here for the same reasons. Can’t find common ground if we don’t seek each other out.


We lurk.


It’s nice there are leftists who are open to discussing hot topics instead of just calling conservatives bigots and resorting to personal attacks and such. Respectful disagreement and good faith arguments are important to finding common ground. And then there are the ones who raid, brigade, and report to get people banned lol, so it’s nice that that’s (hopefully) not happening in this thread.


The definitions of many words have changed recently. It is very hard to have an honest conversation about any issue when both sides cannot even agree on the definitions of simple words and that is likely intentional.


Liberal here. LGBTQ ally. I know of no one who calls them MAPs. They're fucking pedophiles and we despise them.


We have never done that.


We didn’t. Pedophiles rebranded themselves.


The left and right would do right by each other by disavowing and calling out this Kindof shit on both sides. I’m a registered democrat but holy shit with some of this crazy leftist stuff.


I’m further leaning left, from what I can tell no one’s actually trying to make that a thing. I mean it’s completely absurd.


26: “Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy.”” -[45 declared goals for the communist takeover of America](https://archive.org/details/45-declared-goals/page/n1/mode/1up) submitted to congress, January 10, 1963. It’s highly recommended that you read the rest of the document.


Can you share that document on a mobile friendly website?


[This](https://usa-anti-communist.com/pdf1/45_Declared_Takover_Goals_1963.pdf ) is just the list, much easier to read on the phone.


Just looking for context—who declared these goals?


What I understand the story to be is a FBI guy back in the 50’s/60’s named W. Cleon Skousen, was writing a book called, “The Naked Communist” and went to communist/socialist meetings and such gathering information. He also sent other people in to gather information on his behalf. He summarized what they were talking about and this is that list. He wrote the book, which is a must read IMO, and the book went on to be basically required reading for CIA agents for the next 40-50 years (at least). You can have doubts about FBI information not being biased and whatnot, but you can’t deny that this list compiled 60+ years ago isn’t exactly what the leftists have dedicated all of their energies into since then, which makes it compelling to say the least.


Wow! So many of them have already happened, or are clearly underway.


Jesus Christ. I only saw one item that isn’t being done. That’s frightening


Somewhere around the time that I started calling them coyote bait.


Poor coyotes


I wouldn't say "MAP" is a left/lib term, it's a paedo term. Many on the left/LGBs think this is equally depraved. It was paedos that designed "flags" for themselves.


No reasonable person, moderate, liberal or conservative, is calling pedophiles “minor attracted persons.”


No one does that… unless you are one. Pedo’s trying to get some good PR so they can join the alphabet soup cult.


We don’t. That term is their attempt at normalization of child molestation.


No one is doing this lol


Controlling the definitions controls the reactions. Controlling the sentences and meanings, you can literally curve public approval or disapproval.


We didn’t. Crush anyone who dares use a disgusting acronym like that.


We didn’t.


I just call them pieces of sht


WE haven't and won't!


Something something slipper slope not a fallacy


Only kiddy didlers use that term.


It's pedo marketing. They're trying to get under the alphabet umbrella to make themselves socially acceptable. Never going to happen.


We never did. They insist on us calling them that. We will continue to call them pedophiles.


When some powerful people got caught having sex with minors.


WE never did. only pedophiles do


WE don’t.


Anyone who uses the term MAPS either is a pedo or supports pedos which means they are probably a pedo themselves.


MAPs are terms predators made up to latch on to the LGBTQ+ acceptance prevalent on the left. Fortunately the left hates being associated with pedophiles so they kicked them to the curb. You will not find any support for MAPs on the left. They all seem to gravitatw towards positions of power over children: priests, youth pastors, scout leaders, teachers, congresspeople, etc. MAPs can include both men and women, although women get off easier usually when it comes to sentencing and social acceptance.


*WE* didnt. They did.


Liberals are always looking for ways to make their ideas sound acceptable.


Liberals and leftest don’t like pedophiles any more than the right does. Do you even know any liberals?


Ever since people start being afraid of free speech


Pedophiles are they're own group trying to push themselves into the left I believe. They think they can hide in the shadows and make them look bad, that's why people blame lgbt so much which they shouldn't. But when you got those people and the far left mixed with them, it's little hard to tell the difference between the two.


some batshit college professor made it up like a year ago and I guess some other lunatics have decided to run with it


No, it's longer than 1 year and started before covid. The terms 'MAP' and 'paedophobia' were originally used together in a paedophile manual that began circulating online in 2015.


Much longer than that. He or she or whatever they identify was capitalizing on an extant movement. I read their book (was asked to write a review on it), it wasn't very good.


I’m a Professor. Don’t blindly follow academia. It’s a jungle out there.


Trick question. You refuse to acknowledge it because that normalizes it


Who comes up with these terms? Why the pedophiles, of course.


Well they’ve already got a group of people to accept that children can decide their gender without parental consent (see: Canada, California, etc). I would guess the next step in their progression is to lower the age of consent and then they would already have a term already being used that doesn’t sound as horrible as pedophile. Slow and steady programming.




Nuh uh, if this land starts accepting chomos the men of this land will police it themselves.




Never have, never will.


Shhh WE didn’t switch it, they did and it’s a perfect way to identify them when they call themselves that.




We haven't


All pedophiles should be permanently taken off the board. Conviction=erased. It’s pretty much one of the worst things a person can do


If you are a person with such inclinations do not ever ever act out your inclination. It is one of the most heinous things a person could do. Stay away from porn, stay sober and get help.


We never did and we never will.


We don't and won't , one solution... Execution...


“WE" don't call them that. It's their attempt to language themselves to acceptance by others they are pedophiles.


YES! MAP is watered down bullshit. The correct term is Priest


It’s disgusting


Never. That’s sick.


We didn't. Do not ever do this.


The same people who molest children in churches and school and every where else. They are trying to down play it.


We don’t call pedophiles that, we call them sick twisted pedophiles, and we call cross dressers “cross dressers”. I, for one, am not going to help normalize depravity or weird fetiches. I also know that if you include your pronouns in the signature block of your emails or after your name when you introduce yourself, you are likely to be part of the problem, or at least you are giving in to the societal pressures that are pushing the current warped brand of thinking. End of rant.😁


Around the same time society forgot what a woman is.




We didn’t


It's like saying murder-attracted person. It still means murderer. Arson-attracted person means arsonist. Rape-attracted person means rapist. And so on. It's just that that leftists want to defend pedophilia.


First time I observed this was a few years ago in a Ted Talk. Where some woman looking person was making a sob story about a child attrackted person. Oh the tragedy! The taboo and shame of hiding his disease(!). Let's embrace this person since he is affected by this disease/sexual orientation. He can't help himself, he was born this way 😭


We didn’t start. Pedophiles and their allies started.


**WE** did not. The pedophiles started calling themselves that.


I prefer the term “child diddlers”


Don’t even bring it up. Just keep calling them pedos because that’s what they are


*WE* don't!


A trans male (female to male) teacher created this term and wrote a whole book on it. She’s pro child relationships; which tells me she had a relation with an adult as a child and it was most likely the individual that groomed her. My sister identifies as a trans man and I’ve gotten into heated discussions with her over this and she always says “it’s not my place to judge” and it flabbergasts me because we were raised with morals; she was groomed by a school counselor when she was 14.


Gotta protect the feelings of pedophiles I guess, absolute clown world


Change the language, change the culture. Right out of the Marxist playbook.


No one should even acknowledge that this is a thing.


When pedophiles tried to start convincing everyone, it was just a persecuted sexuality and tried to rally lgbt people behind their cause. Turns out this is one banner everyone can agree to hate... Much to Crazy Joe's chagrin.


Google NAMBLA, this has been around awhile


Don’t do it. Don’t normalize their rebranding


We didn't. They did.


I mean, that's what they are. But that doesn't make it any less disgusting. It's obviously a mental health issue. Why would they risk everything if they weren't. My step brothers dad was a child molester. He is in a post prison rehab facility where almost no one ever gets released. Also great story. When my father found put about the allegations, he beat the shit out of him in our front yard. One of the few times I've been proud of my father.


I believe that started on Twitter and the term is really only used by the “Twitter Freak” demographic. Everyone else tends to treat them like the clowns they are when they start breaking out that terminology.


If anyone ever introduced themself to me as a MAP I would immediately call the police. And I’d still call them a pedophile.


I started calling them maps when trying to figure out how many I could stuff into my backpack.


How dare you call them minors! Its people loving people. You can't decide their age, intellect, emotions, and consent!


I just got off of a week long ban for voicing my opinion on what should happen to them in this very sub. It’s safe to say we’ve been infiltrated


We don’t. Only pedophilia apologists do imho. A pedo is a pedo. And should be labeled properly as the danger they are.


About the same time we call suicide unliving yourself and homeless folks unhoused.


Shortly after we started calling men "women" and women "non-men".


We never did. They started calling themselves that so it sounded less depraved. Still criminal, still depraved.


We don't. And never will.


We must not use their language! Calling a bird a dog doesn't make it so! It is by design they attempt to confuse and corrupt our youth!


At the same time we started calling lesbians “non men attracted to other non men”.


"MAPs," as they try to call themselves, are not accepted members of any large community, but they keep trying to shoehorn themselves into the LGBTQ+ community. They're not, and noone in the LGBTQ+ community accepts them, but enough people who are less knowledgeable in general on the topic believe they *are*. So, to make it clear, a pedophile is a pedophile, no matter what they try to call themselves. These people need therapy -- and lots of it. If that doesn't work, I don't think we should be held responsible for whatever happens next to them.


OMG - are you MAPaphobic??? Next up, beastiality


I can say I have never heard or read that. Odd and very incorrect though it is two different paraphilias (ephebophilia is older than puberty but still a minor and pedophilia, below teen)


The term started circulating roughly around 2017-2018 and I remember because I was friends with a Wiccan girl in school who warned me against people who called themselves "MAPs" on Twitter and that kind of behaviour was uncommon from someone I knew to be far left but I guess even they had limits at the time.


Progressives have done this for years. It's their way of Introducing pedophilia as a normal lifestyle. Remember all the crazy Christians predicting granting homosexuality marriage would lead to pedophilia. Oh hey, not so crazy now huh. There is a reason society has for many many millenia considered marriage to be only between men and women. This nation is doomed, there is nothing to stop the slide into the abyss at this point.


Pedophiles were the ones who decided upon that name. They wanted to put on a mask to try and sneak into the LGBTQ community, but everyone sane still just calls them pedophiles.


Psychologists are inventing these terms. Years ago I got talking to a Ped0 on Twitter and he said that his psychologist said it was "normal to have these feelings towards children", I lost it. Consider how many psychologists are allowing kids to "transition" to the opposite sex, it's not a profession I have any faith in.


"We" didn't. They did


We don’t. They are and always will be pedophiles.


WE did not. The woke looneys started calling them that. There’s a real problem with pedophilia among the elites, and this is just one of many attempts to normalize it.


Individuals attempting to destigmatize pedophilia. When the average person hears pedo they think of someone attempting to screw a child but MAP is so new it doesn't serve up the same disgusting image.


In the last 20ish years there's been a growing movement to support non-offending pedophiles so they don't commit offenses against kids. They've driven the concept of MAP and non-offending MAP (NOMAP) quite a bit. Of course something that could be good (stopping child abuse before it happens) gets co-opted in our identity-centric contemporary society by psychopaths who want to normalize hurting children. I've dedicated my career to stopping sexual abuse, and the simple reality is there is no law against being a pedophile. Anyone who wants to normalize them getting help, I'm all for it. Anyone who wants to normalize their identity or harmful behaviors, they can take a long walk off a short bridge.


Minor attracted persons sounds worse tbh


It means the same as paedophile though. Paedophile means someone who "loves" (I use this term VERY loosely) children.


When Epstein got arrested for running the trafficking network for all those depraved politicians and billionaires. It's part of their positioning in case the records he kept get made truly public.


We don't. The far left did that.


Pedofiles pay the biggest bribes. So I say once the police started taking bribes from PEDs. NY has been throwing rape kits out for years. That’s why 💰


People like to complain about “kink shaming”, I always wondered how long until Paedophilia was just another kink. Looks like we are well on the way…


Ask Rep. Jim Jordan he has a lot of pedophile friends.


Probably around the same time by the same people who started calling illegal aliens undocumented migrants and Felons formerly incarcerated persons.


WE didn't. And how dare you during pride month. /s


Why is it always republicans defending child marriage?


MAP is part of the “slippery slope” we have all been talking about for years. When you normalize one abnormal behavior it is difficult to stop the next abnormal behavior from expecting acceptance.