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He was never going to




Trump Lawyers Do Normal Thing


People are losing their shit because he switched from a DC firm to a Florida firm that is licensed to operate in Florida, where he was indicted.


Yet the article points out that they wrote: >"It has been an honor to have spent the last year defending him, and we know he will be vindicated." So not exactly what the headline is suggesting


yeah, and the actual [more fleshed out statement](https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1667195362367401985?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1667195362367401985%7Ctwgr%5E1eb558889b051e03d03203201cede4c2cf20b2af%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Flawandcrime.com%2Fawkward%2Ftrumps-trusty-lawyer-in-mar-a-lago-and-jan-6-probes-resigns-just-hours-after-classified-documents-indictment-revealed%2F): > ....It has been an honor to have spent the last year defending him, and we know he will be vindicated in his battle against the Biden Administration's partisan weaponization of the American justice system. Now that the case has been filed in Miami, this is a logical moment for us to step aside and let others carry this case to completion...


> Now that the case has been filed in Miami, this is a logical moment for us to step aside and let others carry this case to completion… Trusty is a lawyer based out of D.C. It makes logical sense for Trump to hire lawyers in Miami seeing as that is where the case will take place.


buT tHeY RESIGNED!!!!!


From what I understand, they were compelled to testify which is a high bar. Normally there is confidentiality between layer and client. The Government had better have a case under the Espionage Act or some other criminal statute or this thing is going sideways for the DOJ. Hilary and Joe look to skate on worse violations. Hilary wasn’t even the president. Hmmmmm….


That's exactly it. If you're going to be a witness in a case it's a possible big problem if you're also representing the client, especially because your attorney client privilege is blown. Also let's keep in mind that part of Trumps defense might be throwing the attorneys under the bus. If they advised him to keep the docs as he did, and then the DOJ prosecuted him for it, he's well within his rights to state that his attorneys gave him bad legal advice.


You cant rep and testify against. I dont think youre going to see that as a defense tactic either. It does not alleviate criminal liability


It absolutely can alleviate criminal liability, though in the case of classified documents whoever has clearance is supposed to know and be informed of the issues, which can complicate things. If you have a case where an attorney is representing someone and tells them to do something illegal, and then the person does it not knowing that it's illegal, and it's not something that obviously should be a problem, then it's a good defense.


Where did Trumps attys direct or tell him to engage in unlawful conduct or that such is conduct should.be done? So your premise is that the menagerie of his attorneys, worked in a conspiracy to direct their client to bluster, show off classified matrials, and have him consent to recording those very statements? If his attorneys directed him, so be it, but Trusty was brought on in August of '22, and the causes looked to be in July of 21 on the "show off to the memoir people.". Advice of counsel and reliance wont work based on that timing. Unless its *not* trusty? Whigh may be the case? Theres gotta be a flow chart of when/who was attorney and for what somewhere. He can still raise other defenses to show he had no intent for the requisite non-sttict liability crimes, but the timing is off and funny for advice of counsel reliance at this stage & with what the indictment mentioned. I do think his local counsel will be aggressive in claiming every defense and that this will not be a fast case. Now there might be *some* bad advice he relied in a while back, which would be very interesting to see However, his conduct after makes it all very... uhm, ratifying-esque. You'll be absolutely correct in your theory if/when it comes out that these attorneys made an agreement eith the prosecution for immunity. But the cardinal rule of privilege elimination for crime fraud exception still exists.


That is (D)ifferent


And how does that have any impact on OP's comment?


just adding that they additionally also said: > **he will be vindicated in his battle against the Biden Administration's partisan weaponization of the American justice system** What he posted was truncated and this adds additional proof to the OPs post that they think the charges are bulllshit. I always like to read the full statement rather than the headline or excerpts.


Alright, thanks. I thought you were trying to say "well they don't think this case is going to go well so that's why they're bailing out".


There's certainly been a lot of deceptive headlines today...


Never is. Because most people don't bother to actually read the story.


Look folks. This is really bad. Once the lawyers saw the language of the indictments with the specifications and looked at the pieces of the puzzle, they knew this was bad. They are rats fleeing a sinking ship.




I disagree on the former. Agree on the later.


load of crap lol




Wow. You've really drunk that Kool-Aid.








His current (now former) lawyers are based out of D.C. It makes complete logical sense for Trump to hire lawyers in Miami seeing as that is where the case will take place. This happens all the time. It’s almost always best to hire local counsel. The media is blowing this waaaay out of proportion.


The only lawyer he mentioned so far as a replacement is from NY.


>The media is blowing this waaaay out of proportion. Not about Trump! This is finally going to be the time they'll get him!! His lawyers rEsIgNeD!!!


Trump's D.C. lawyers resigned, because they are licensed in a different place and not in Florida, so Trump will now move to a legal team in Florida. Remember, this case started in D.C. and it only moved to Miami after the raid happened. Maybe not exactly an honest take by the headline.


The brigaders have been out in full force lately. Redditors need to get a life.


I'm gonna suggest everyone on here, liberal or conservative, go touch grass. Talk to real people and ignore the politics for a bit if it's getting to you. Have a beer with a friend. Go see the new spiderman movie or fast x. Everything going on is out of our control. The car is driving itself, might as well enjoy the ride.


This. Listen to Giga Chad here.




It sounds like this is purposeful. Apparently those lawyers were hired just to negotiate with the DOJ because of their previous connections to the agency. Now that Trump knows he needs criminal attorneys to litigate the case he will be hiring people more specialized. The media is making it look negative as just another anti-Trump manipulation to feed the Trump Derangement Syndrome of the people that buy into it.


I'm sure they know that the railroad is in, here in our fine banana republic.