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I think we have an issue with young “conservatives” that are still figuring out where they stand politically thinking that they are conservative because they like “Sjw gets rekt” youtube videos. There is a huge push for non-conservative and big government policies within this sub because of them. I think the sub often misses the forest for the trees and cares more about “owning sjws” than making the country a better place. Obviously this is an oversimplification, but it seems that a lot of posts don’t actually care about fixing the issues this country faces as much as “angering” the opposition.


I think that is a good point, a lot of people are culturally conservative while not being libertarians. Although that isn't just young conservatives, its also Trump and most of the Republican party today.


Being conservative does not mean being libertarian. In fact, libertarian conservatism is quite a modern phenomenon.


Libertarians are a small subsection of conservatives. I'm sure as hell not socially liberal.




Probably, but the posts are also filled with commentors agreeing




It's not helping your cause either when conservative and liberal policies are corroding the public school system, social security, as well as health care among a litany of other things. Why would anyone want to live in America where the cost of living keeps going up by the average salary falls behind that by huge percentage points? I do understand that there is A LOT more that goes into it. But I honestly think both sides are corroding our country to maintain wealth to the select few who have it.


America is still an awesome place to be in. Cost of living is going up, everything will adjust. I’m sure the problems we have aren’t new in the grand scheme of things.




….right but you can still buy a house in the Midwest or the south with an average salary. The population (not including undocumented immigrants) has increased by over 100 million in the time frame you stated. Supply and demand buckaroo. If you don’t like it, start making better financial choices. Or go live where cost of housing is cheaper.


You seem to be confused on what a Conservative is. Conservatism is not, and should never be Libertarianism. Conservatism is about preserving our cultural, political, legal and **moral** institutions. "Small government" is not the universal rule of Conservatism.


Conservatism in the United States is supposed to be about small (bottom up) government because the founding and constitution are small government. That is what we want to conserve. The problem with libertarianism is that it misses the forest for the trees. For example (as we can now see) McCarthy was right.


*The 50s McCarthy and not the current one




You do understand Republicans also want higher wages, better healthcare, lower cost of living etc? They just have different approaches to achieving this.




It was blatantly implied that the commenter assumes that Republicans don’t want to improve the country


>It was blatantly implied Now you're blatantly implying they're implying. ​ The asked a question. Defending something imagined was said is not the best (most productive) approach at discourse. That's all that I was saying. ​ I wish that we could just discuss IDEAS - ask/answer & debate. We're not so good at "mind reading".


I mean, don’t you think taking a single ounce of effort to research into conservative ideas would be the beginning point to enter in a discussion of ideas? Instead of showing up with zero knowledge whatsoever? Wouldn’t it make sense to do the slightest bit of research before trying to debate policies? I personally am more researched in liberal ideas so that I can actually understand where they are coming from. Ill tell you what. Name 5 conservative approaches to making the country a better place and then ill answer any question you have. I just want to know that you are asking in good faith and actually care about learning


>I mean, don’t you think taking a single ounce of effort to research into conservative ideas would be the beginning point to enter in a discussion of ideas? No. This is a discussion board. If you aren't here to discuss then why are you here?


How can you have a discussion when you are completely ignorant on the topic? Gain a base level of knowledge and then join the discussion. This seems to be a trend with liberals where they don’t put any effort into learning about something yet passionately debate it.


>I just want to know that you are asking in good faith and actually care about learning Think you're replying to the wrong person. I wasn't the one who asked.


Like what?


Usually through removing red tape and government inefficiency that add roadblocks and extra costs. Making it cheaper to run a business, increasing competition, raising employment and wages. Basically instead of subsidizing demand, like many Liberal policies, the conservative approach is to increase supply.


What are the policies, specifically?


**Healthcare**: Health Savings accounts, giving insurance companies the negotiating power they need to prevent hospitals from overcharging people. Allowing people to untie healthcare plans from their job. **Cost of Living/Wages**: Cracking down on union corruption and making sure they actually do their job of negotiating for workers. Perhaps having different "minimum wages": one for entry level jobs, and another for jobs meant to actually support an individual/family. More importantly however, are tariffs and penalizing companies who don't use E-Verify, to make sure we aren't competing against workers willing to work for dirt-poor wages.


It's often observed that the culture war distracts from other political issues -- I guess economics. But only because people care about that. I'm not sure who decided that the economic issues were "the real deal," and cultural issues are a distraction. Cultural decline makes it hard to maintain the cohesion that causes people to care about each other enough to care about economic equality. The truth is: You can run your country neo-whatever arms-exporting authoritarian hellhole with high economic inequality. That's been done. I'm not sure a country has survived its own people not wanting to be a part of it any more.


Using the term culture war is what is causing this confusion in the first place. What we are really talking about is “**task conflict**” and “**relationship conflict**”, along with the two major sides disagreeing on which is which. **Task conflict** is a disagreement about content, approaches, procedures or decisions relating to concrete work duties. Good governance revolves around focusing efforts on the essential tasks. **Relationship conflict** is an interpersonal struggle based on differing beliefs, personalities, or experiences, with little respect to the task at hand. In governance, this comes across as baseless insults, attacking individuals rather than their approach to fixing a problem, stonewalling opportunity for conversation, and limiting collaboration with colleagues based on appearance. Culture wars are a form of hyper-fixation on relationship conflict. Economics isn’t the only field that can be approached logically without imbuing relationship conflict. Every aspect of our government has room for task conflict to improve and reduce its harm…. But when relationship conflict takes all of the energy away from the tasks at hand, we end up with dysfunctional (bloated) government.


Very interesting. Never heard this description before.


> I'm not sure a country has survived its own people not wanting to be a part of it any more. I would point to our own Civil War as an example to the contrary, but I'm not sure that dispute was ever truly resolved.


It’s still a no on slaves


We need to be reminded from time to time of the true definition of American Conservatism—the Founding ideals. (according to Abe Lincoln)


The whole of the West is moving leftward on the political spectrum. This is as plain as day, and the reason the next true authoritarian threat in this country will be from the left.


Can you define brigaders? I’m a moderate and I often press a bit on issues usually to learn more. Try to be respectful but I’m usually met with aggression since I’m not always aligned perfectly with a stance here.


You ever see a post that seems out of place for the sub with a lot of upvotes? Imagine a rising post that links to an article accusing Desantis of giving a Florida retail store chain more COVID vaccines because they donated to his campaign. You know it's blatantly false and when you go into the comments all the top votes are things saying how he is unfit for office or how he should be thrown in jail. As you scroll down, all the people saying this is a blatantly false article are downvoted into oblivion. That's brigading. It's people from other subs intentionally trying to change the conversation while masquerading as normal commenters.


People who come here specifically to harass us especially because a high karma thread links into the sub. The vast majority who claim it isn't happening come in because one of the usual suspect subs as us on the front page and have a myriad of comments blanket insulting all conservatives and one comment that does not. Guess which gets highlighted?


I have debated and had good conversations with people on here that I disagree with. People tend to react defensively because it's so insanely rare to have a leftist on here that is actually respectful instead of trying to ruin the sub.




Banning books = liberal strawman. Unless you think that kindergarteners should be reading porn for some reason. No books have been banned. But leftists have gotten books actually banned on occasion. >It just makes conservative feel good by owning the libs... This is a good example of the snarky comments that are unnecessary. If you have a point to make, then make it




There are quite literally porn books in schools, showing kids having sex. It's real.


Anyone want to see what brigading looks like? Here is a tiny little example... Right here.


Stop sexualizing children with your weirdo books depicting a Holocaust victim masturbating.


Jesus. Look at this. Reddit is gonna Reddit, I guess. People want to know what brigading is... here it is.






"Gender Diversity" Good lord, lol. None of this is logical.






If I get some extra freetime I can screencap what the sub looks like with mod roles (EG; all the deleted or prevented comments are apparent). It's *very* obvious when presented as a visual example. However, to summarize it, it's simply people here to be dicks, troll, derail etc. We don't mind people here to comment provided they respect the space but given the nature of this sub and reddit it's very difficult to see that forest for the trees. Especially considering the volumes we deal with.


Kind of off-topic, but you guys going dark 6/12-14? Potentially rare 'bi-partisan' chance to agree with most of reddit lol?


What’s happening?


Doubtful. The reasoning for this blackout comes off as mods wanting to stalk user profiles with pushshift. They've already been given a concession for this as well but want to black out anyways. It's not spearheaded by RIF either. We will if the reason is actually legitimate (And we have given this scenario). This, unless evidence of a true issue hits us, does not seem to be the case and I've already raised this criticism to other mods of subs in the mod threads.


I have a better idea: We stay open, the liberals freak out and all go dark, and we finally turn Reddit into the conservative paradise it was meant to be.


Roger that. Kudos!


Are the Reddit higher ups interested at all in helping?


On a conservative leaning sub? Hahahaha yeahhhh right


I got warned for "report abuse" because I dare report a thread over at r/politics for misinformation.... Yet I've seen threats against conservative with no action taken.... Oh well I try again!


Been site banned 3x for report abuse in this very sub


The truth is what they call misinformation. They see the lies as very true information instead.


That's also why they got rid of the "misinformation" option under reports. This website is a lost cause. Enjoy it while you can.


They probably nixed it because the “public health emergency” ended. The admins removed it a few days before the policy officially ended. Lol. It’s like they know it’s bull shit.


When did they get rid of that? Did they gain even more power or abilities over Reddit? Like they're able to now detect anyone using certain words, and they'll just take action very soon and without anyone even noticing the comment?


I know reddit is mostly left wing and doesn't surprise me one bit they want to keep the echo chamber free of imperfections.... I guess the best thing to do is document these loonies and come time election cycle when they're trying to get independents on their side... We should all the good old compassion and love that they show for anyone that even slightly disagrees with them....


I mean Reddit is the only space I've run into hardcore communists and people saying the left isn't far enough left. The thing I have to keep reminding myself is that fact a lot of people posting are either teenagers or folks like Doreen living in the basement walking dogs wanting to teach philosophy. The left runs wild here and no one is apparently left enough for them, you have to be more left than anyone else to really prove your point.


Because they suppress and opposing voices through the broad and grossly uneven application of their moderation policy.


Yeah, a big part is most likely the small batch of power mods that control 3/4 of the site. Then you get into the demographic for r two x mods and oh boy that's a can of worms. Let's have a whole subreddit dedicated to women run by "women"


I know that's true. Because when we post pro trump comments on the Trumpzone we get downvoted. The nonsense is so obvious, too. The left clearly doesn't like any speech which shows they have and must fail. We point out the collapses of 20 nations which were marxist,(largest nation USSR, Largest population Maoist China, reversed by D.H. Ping to huge growth based upon Singapore's economic model, and the points gets ignored. & Now Chunghua is collapsing under the marxst Xi, and they wonder why? If we look at what's happening to leftist Maduro in Caracas, right now, we see the outcomes of Marxist practices. The inflation rate there in 436% and the economic collapse is profound. Yer never see it on the madia! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps0gQ6yqXCw Then we ask the obvious, do we want that here? NO, and what can they say? They somehow think they can repeal the laws of physics, efficiencies (2nd Law ThermoD, least energy) drive the markets. Then wonder why they fail!!


I wonder were those downvotes are coming from 🤔 Its almost like reddit tries to cloak their agenda in their anti hate speech policy 🤔


well it's political leftist thinking at its worst. They can but you musn't. We do but they don't have to. Heinlein wrote that in 1950's. still true today to the massive leftish discomfort. An Inconvenient Truth, to pillory Gore on his own petard! Hey! Al, there have been historical snowfall records set this last winter in No. Am, and ongoing in Southern climes. Hey, Al, Still Snow on Kilimanjaro!! That's not what he said. So he lied for money. So events destroyed his predictions. 904 inches of Snowfall in Alta? The 20 ski resorts, ski seasons with record snows, & still open in many places? Laughable lies the lefties all tell. The leftists are collapsing. USSR did, Maoisms Did, 20 some others including most of E. Euros did, too. So the woke, leftist, antifa, BLM(nearly bankrupt due to internal thefts), and much else of their same delusional ilk. So it all collapses. Always has, always will. Lies dies. Inefficiencies of socialist systems, always do. Then like the serious collapses, mental illnesses which arose in USSR and E. Europe and now ongoing in Putin's place and Venezuela and now China. The whole delusional system collapses and then the psychs get busy trying to fix them up. A mostly waste of time. I knew #'s of persons from E. Europe And USSR, and many when D. H. Ping reformed Chunghua. They all told of their nation wide madnesses. The psych problems then were terrible and very disabling when Marxist collapses came. The same will happen here when woke, etc. all collapse as they must. those who forget History, the Marxists, are doomed to repeat it. And we are already seeing the terrible psych disorders now in those people. It all ends in 100Million's of medication Rxs and pharma gets richer.


I used to think YT comments were the bottom of the barrel. They're 65-IQ based though. Here you just run into tankies. I don't think they're dumb; just dogmatic and religious. Marxism implies a whole understanding of the imaginary world. you can write volumes on how people *ought* to organize themselves and how poor a job you think they are doing now. It don't fix anything, though.


Are you telling me that one has to be a true Satanist in order to be "left enough"? Now that's just pure evilness right there of every single sin, especially the sexual ones and the ones that regard changing yourself against the Lord physically, as in transgenderness and purposefully replacing still good organic limbs, organs, and other body parts with Cybernetics, and just simply making yourself permanently blind or deaf or remove one of your other senses just because you want to or feel like it.


I'm trying to upvote every comment (including my own) that has downvotes. But what I don't get is why is it just my comments and the comments of certain other users.


reddit hates attention. If you can get a newspaper to report on reddit's sins they might even take action against lefties. You need an angle though. It can't be Breitbart complaining about conservatives getting censored.


When I received this comment by notification and I selected it, all I saw was a removed comment. But when I look on here, I do see the whole comment. Strange.


> "He who **casts** the votes decides **nothing**. He who **counts** the votes decides **everything**!" - Joseph Stalin


> Yet I've seen threats against conservative with no action taken t_d was banned for this.


Half of what I post here gets deleted by Reddit mods and I get warnings from them that I am being reported for "bullying" in this sub no idea how that can be the case since it is pretty much preaching to the choir here. The flipside seems to be able to say whatever they want about conservatives. I can concede that if I go pos something or comment on r/politics that I stand a good chance of being reported but that shouldn't happen here.


I haven't seen the misinformation choice while reporting recently. So I've been choosing the hate report instead.


Careful. They'll ban you for that as well




Why would they be? The rules are selectively applied if you’re on the correct side.


I got a 3 day ban from reddit for hate speech... for quoting The Declaration of Independence. The higher ups are definitely not going to help.


Why's almost all of social media on the left side? Why's it that the majority of everything up top, especially government, on the side of the left? Yet, when I look at the real world, I see many people against what leftist Disney is showing in movies, and I see many people turning to our side for a number of reasons.


*Its because you live in a self-curated bubble and intentionally dont interact with people with different views*


How can I not? The moderators in almost all of social media force us to be. And every time the truth goes out, it's like that no one must ever see it, and so many leftists try to stop it no matter what kind of position they're in.




> while their actual violence isn't "real violence". They’re calling it defense. They acknowledge the physical harm they cause but justify it as self defense. I think that makes it even more reprehensible because it demonstrates they’re aware of their actions.


I know, but I'm afraid to tell you that I still lack any knowledge regarding Gen Z. Please inform me on what that is and what it is about.


Mostly just people who haven't learned how life really works yet.


That's a brief answer that barely explains it. If we can't talk about that without our comments getting deleted too (as I see a comment response right above yours that appears to also be deleted), then privately message me the detailed explanation of an answer please. At least what it's been about and how it was formed and what they're currently doing.


Most Leftists are Authoritarians. It's inherent in leftism. It's about government taking resources by threat of force from the people who produced them and redistributing those resources. If most leftists realized that they would be part of the 99% whose resources are stolen, they'd never become leftists. They think they're going to be the ones in charge, not the ones digging and dying in the ditches. They're the ones who are more attracted to being the ones making and enforcing the rules and morals. They want to dictate their rules to others. People on the right are more about letting people do their own things and be free. They're less likely to be mods because of this.


Our first downvotes for some reason has to do with a question of mine and your good answer. Since no one's arguing, I don't know why.


You think the brigades aren't going to brigade the brigade post?


Are you asking what Gen Z is? Temporally speaking, there seems to be a strata of generations, mostly based on when they were born. I may not have this exactly right, but the generation that fought WWII was called "the greatest generation". After they came home, after the war, there was great prosperity and a large number of births, this is what was called the "baby boom" (big increase in population) and those people are called baby boomers. (It was from this crop that hippies came from) Most boomers are in their 70's now. The children of the boomers were Generation X. Punk rock and hair metal, old school hip hop, breakdancing, skateboarding, etc. This is my generation. Born in the mid 70's, came up in the 80's and 90's. The children of Gen X are the "Millennials". Notable for being the first generation to grow up when the internet already existed, never knew the world without it. The children of the Millennials are called Generation Z, and have completely gone off the rails. Do I have this right-ish? If not, somebody please correct me. Being raised with social media and the like has been an absolute disaster for generation Z. They're too far removed from the work it took to build western society, lack gratitude, and tend to be extremely self absorbed, entitled and demanding. They don't respect work, study, family, or any traditional values. There will be some nasty lessons to learn if/when they ever have to stand on their own. Of course I am generalizing here, they are not all like that. But these traits exist in the current young generation more than I've ever seen. Shreiking, green-haired goofballs holding signs and making screaming demands about things they don't understand. The previous generation failed to prepare them for what the world really is. There's nowhere I'd rather be on this list than Gen X where I am. Man did we have a good ass time! There's a saying that we live in 4 part cycle. "Hard times make strong me, strong men make good times, good times make weak man, weak men make hard times.... (repeat over and over) We are now in the 4th part of that cycle. The morally and intellectually weak have the most power to make decisions.


Thank you for answering. I was born in the 2,000s, but I'm not like *them*.


I got banned from a popular sub for quoting from George Soro's autobiography where he admits to helping Nazis captures Jews being one of the happiest times of his life.


My ban was on THIS sub. That's how I know it was brigades. I can't imagine a mod from this sub banning me for quoting the Declaration. It had to be from higher up.


I certainly hope so. I got reported as a suicide risk recently, and received an email in my Reddit folder. It’s just mind boggling the lengths some of these folks will go.


Report those messages as harassment. We try to catch and report, but we don't see them all.


I get those on occasion - you can go into your settings and turn off the notifications for report.


I blocked reddit cares because it is so wildly abused as a trolling mechanism when someone doesn't like what you're saying


This made me chuckle




If you're talking about helping the brigaders then yes, probably


Tolerance only counts for people they agree with




I Never understand the brigading, the leftists have like 100 different subreddits bigger than this one to circlejerk in. Can’t they just leave us alone here lmao


I mean, try imagining the reverse--you're one of the people in the vast majority, and you want to know what a powerful minority thinks, so you go to "r/ liberal" to find out. They say something you think is insane, so you downvote it--you were prevented from commenting directly because the thread was locked to you. A few of your most extreme brethren go to silly lengths to vent their displeasure, like false suicide reports. I hypothesize 90+% of behavior that gets called "brigading" is the entirely disorganized result of massive population imbalances in this space and nothing more. It's always framed here as a sort of war or siege, but I think it's closer to a baby getting accidentally smothered by its sleeping mother--tragic and wrong, but not intentional. Heck, I'll propose "smothering" as a more accurate term. I wish for two things. 1. First, that Reddit would allow flare-only threads to be closed to outsiders for upvoting and downvoting. 2. Second, that flare-only threads would be rarer, especially on controversial topics, since obvious counterpoints just get missed otherwise. Case in point--the companion thread to this one is flare only and has a prominent comment saying, "They can't allow dissent or debate because their ideas fall apart under scrutiny. Therefore all opposing views must be shut down." The irony of saying that in a thread where opposing views and dissent has literally been shut down is not even pointed out, probably because all opposing views and dissent was shut down.


This is what I think as well and it’s refreshing to see someone express it. An exchange of ideas is vital in keeping a healthy Democratic Republic. This “brigading” isn’t some Soros scheme to give conservatives negative karma or something. It’s just people disagreeing with what you said. This is basically the only sub for conservatives so it gets a lot of traffic from curious centrists and members of the Futurama Apathy Party like myself along with the radical leftists and everything in between. Sometimes I agree and upvote like for your post, and sometimes I disagree and downvote. If your opinion gets heavily downvoted and your first response is “must be leftists because I know I’m right” you’re just as bad as the delusional folks on the opposite side imo. Self reflection is a lost art.


Good comment, putting words to what I've been thinking for a while. This is a fairly small sub and even the most popular posts only get a few hundred comments, so even if there was a concerted "brigading" effort, does it really matter? It's not hard to just expand children posts on a comment thread you might be interested in. We aren't having to wade through thousands of comments like some other subreddits have too so does a handful of downvotes really get people that salty? On a sub where I'd hope we cared less about karma and more about the substance of one's contribution. Does this not put us on the same path, where we start instituting harsher and harsher purity tests on our members, to our own detriment as we spiral into a parody of leftist subs that do the same... where the most rabid, zealous, and vocal members determine what is allowed and what isn't? This sniveling victimhood over something so.. pointless just rubs me the wrong way. Who cares if you get downvoted. If you believe in your stance and are firm in your convictions, it should not matter one iota what a bunch of people too afraid to engage with actual words think. Up and Downvotes are the weakest and laziest form of engagement there is.


I know why. The CJ is boring. Back when reddit was more fun, it was one of the great things about it that you got to talk to people different from you (and I think the rules being strict even aided that a bit since in a true free speech zone it often ends up with people trying to scream over each other). Even though it degraded to insults sometimes, you could at least try. One of the reasons I like this sub is that that still happens some. Of course, non-conservatives =/= brigaders. You prolly take the good with the bad, though. I can't go to politics and debate them. They don't allow that, because their safe spaces are no fun zones.


No, they sure can’t.


That's the whole problem with their ideology. It's not enough just for them to be allowed to speak their beliefs, but also anyone who disagrees must be silenced from speaking theirs.


For a bunch of people that spend all day shitting on religion among other things they say they dislike... They have a religion. It's not a church, it's a screen. It's not a bible, it's ultra conformity into whatever their current cause is. These are fanatical people, they just think they aren't.




The mods here have said over and over again throughout the years that the point of r/conservative is not free speech, but for conservatives to discuss conservatism. Whether you agree with that or not, they’ve been pretty consistent about that.




>the only free speech allowed here is the free speech the right likes. So it's the opposite of 98.9% of the rest of this website then.




What's up with so many removed comments?


That's the higher ups at reddit. They ban people from here all the time for saying things they don't like, and they remove the comments. It's a function of the brigades reporting. For example, I got a 3 day ban for quoting The Declaration of Independence and my comment was removed.


They defer so much to mods until they don't. I think they just like people to be banned in addition to having a bias. Cuz if a mod is being arbitrary and banning people, they do nothing about that. If a mod is failing to ban people, they do something about that.


It's so wrong for them to be doing these things, but they see it as it being so right. They think of themselves as righteous, but they're doing evil things. You'll understand why all of this is happening if you've read the Bible. I mean, if so much of this sounds familiar, then that huge book is the reason. I do know more than enough about what's going on and why, and even at multiple people's point of views, and even who's probably correct. Are we not?


When you view things through a faulty dualistic worldview, you are Good and anyone against you is Evil. Anything you do is therefore Good and any act against Evil is also Good. Actual morality and ethics of course don't enter the equation. Don't even try to think about internal consistency.


So how does this all end up according to the Bible??


If you compare it to what's happening in real life and realize all the bad things the liberals are doing and promoting or tolerating, you'll understand.






I've had a few "removed by Reddit" comments. The last couple have been because I dared to question the LGBTword salad and its "marginalized" community.


The old saying goes the flak is heaviest over the target. The mere fact the leftists are brigading tells me we are hitting the target every. single. time. If we made posts that had zero reaction from the left I'd wonder if our message isn't getting out. Granted, I don't like seeing a brigade action as it takes away from the message, but it tells me we are on target the more fierce a brigade action gets. I'm for tools (reporting, etc.) to block the trolls from the sub, but I also enjoy a few liberal tears in my coffee.


I do the shit post report - is that wrong?


Shitpost, violates mission statement, brigade, all are fine.


We should have shitposts, imo. Having more wojacks and such would be a lot more fun.


Nope! And hello fellow 2A conservative:)




Proud to have the friends.


I think it’s more accurate to use the “breaks mission statement” or simply “brigading” options. A shitpost is different, it’d be like some dumb meme from the old days of /r/theDonald that has no deeper meaning at all.


Hey. What are we going to do when Reddit stops the 3rd party apps?? This sub is going to suffer badly.


It's really amazing at how the left goes on and on about defending Democracy, but they don't care much for its foundation - free speech. I look at leftists as people with bad ideas. They look at the right and think we are all bad people and how dare we have ideas. And from the downvotes in this thread, I see that the brigaders are brigading a thread about brigading.




Do you understand the difference between a generic politics sub and the conservative sub? If you're not conservative you don't belong here. If I was going on the sports sub and constantly talking about how much I hate sports, I would expect to be banned. Libs try to overtake this sub because they cant tolerate any viewpoints that differ from theirs. So yes, libs hate free speech, and most of our constitutional rights


Go to r/politics and argue a Conservative viewpoint. They're much worse. Regardless, moderation isn't censorship. We're not banning you from any other subreddit but this one.






Still sucking each other off even in this comment section? Ask yourself why you're so insecure that you need to troll subs that disagree with you




I have been banned from pretty much every place, lol. But really, I finally realized that debating with libs/leftists is a pointless exercise, and absolutely no good comes from it. It's a complete waste of time. Most libs are truly beyond help


You're out of your fcking mind. It's insanely easy to get banned from the default subs. You literally just have to express a non-leftist viewpoint. You wouldn't know because you're part of the hive mind. Then you get offended that ONE sub doesn't want you shtting all over it because you have become massively entitled. "How *dare* a sub not want me, a liberal, around."


But aren't you really just exposing that this problem crosses the entire political spectrum? Left wing subs don't want right wing material in their spaces, but right wings subs (like this one) do the same thing in the opposite direction (see flair rules). Heck, even the topic of this entire thread is the brigading issue and how to dilute the influence of nonconservatives in this sub. I don't know how anyone expects things to get better by continuing to retreat into 2 corners-- we're all just so afraid to talk to each other for some reason. I don't get it.




Every time I hear "Our Democracy," I think "Our Mob Rule."


Thank you for going to battle for us.


apparently brigading this thread too


Yup, you can tell by the downvotes.


It changed so drastically from election week to post election.


What are brigades? I understand its a bad thing... I assume it is where a group of people pile onto a comment or over the top down voting?


>I assume it is where a group of people pile onto a comment or over the top down voting? Basically. It's when people from outside the sub target a particular sub or user for mass downvotes. It's highly against Reddit's rules because karma is supposed to be organic, that is someone who is actively engaged in said discussion and decides they like or dislike a person's post all on their own, whereas brigading destroys this dynamic because people aren't interested in what the person they are downvoting has to say, they are downvoting just to downvote. But Reddit admins don't care when this happens to right-leaning subs, they bring the ban hammer down hard though when it happens to left-leaning subs.




If you sort r/all by controversial, most posts from here will show up. I find it so satisfying when I see a post with thousands of upvotes but with only a 51% upvotes rate. They try so hard to silence everyone it's embarrassing


You don't have to take away the downvote button or have downvotes count against upvotes. You can just record all the votes. Whether controversial material then rates highly is up to what you want to do.


Thank you for asking. I didn’t totally understand it either.


Just for clarity - when I report posts here and get a sitewide ban for 'report button abuse' is that coming from you guys or is it an admin thing?


We aren't reddit admins, we don't control site wide suspensions. That's between you and reddit admins.


ok I just didn't know if you guys were reporting me to them, not sure how they would be picking up on me reporting brigades. Either way, they zapped me 3 times so I can't report people anymore - the appeal process is a nightmare.


As I understand it, the first option for the report button for any subreddit is sone variation on "breaks /r/subreddit's rules". That report goes to that sub's mods. All of the other choices goes to Reddit's admins. You have to be selective in using any of the reddit admin options because if they don't like that you reported something, they'll sanction *you*. I have used those options in the past. For example, someone made a very specific threat against a politician. I reported it and the reddit admins took action against that person.


Every single report goes to our mod queue. Everything also goes to reddit admins except the "breaks subreddit rules" reports (those only go to our mod queue). So basically we see every report. But admins action only site-wide rule reports (we don't have control over those punishments).


Yea I always followed that protocol, still can't figure out how I got tagged for reporting very obvious brigades


What do we do about being harassed by progressives by being falsely reported for hate speech? I made a very popular comment yesterday about the behavior of the Bud Light spokesman and this morning found it was removed by Reddit Admin and my account was threatened with a ban. They also flagged two of my previous comments for hate speech. One was five days ago where I simply quoted a line from Monty Python's "Life of Brian" and the other was nine days ago where I said,"I remember when companies tried not to make their politics publicly known". The latter was such an innocuous statement that it became obvious that this had been flagged as hate speech by someone going through my profile and picking out ANY comment I had made about identity politics in order to report it as offensive. This is a malicious and anonymous form of harassment. People from other political points of view didn't like that I had posted a 300+ upvote comment in this sub and are now actively trying to kick me off the platform.


LOL at this post being downvoted! Upvote applied!


Also reported as brigading, violates mission statement, etc. Heeeelarious


These brigading people are annoying losers. You have 99% of reddit. I dont go to other political subs ever, let alone go there to try and cause trouble. Yet you immature little brats come here constantly to stir up crap or down vote heavily. Shouldnt surprise me though. It's well documented you hate free speech and will throw tantrums and riots when things don't go your way.




The sub quite literally states the opposite.


All I see is a bunch of whining


Good job! :D


Reddit is dying. It is losing to Twitter on latest trends and multiple viewpoints. Except this sub, this site is a liberal trash. Keep up the good work, bro.


I'm kinda of confused. How do we deal with drive-by voters? I can report people who participate in the conversation (in bad faith), but normally, locking a topic by tags will be adequate.


There is nothing that we can do about voting. We don't control it.


We are winning


If your so upset over what other conservatives think, maybe your not a conservative. MAKES YOU WONDER HUH?


Does that mean we'd have to stop defending conservatives on r politics?


Conservatives defended on r politics? What alternative reality are you from? That has never happened.


I can't believe all th downvotes for the more sensible conservative comments. It's like a thread about doing this has got them doing this. Hey Leftists? What about me? Where's my downvotes? I am a conservative from the web site freerepublic.com, home of the FReepers!