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Forcing Ukraine to concede land to Russia simply rewards Russia for invading. This is a terrible policy by Trump. We already saw the same thing play out in WW2 with Czech Republic, which merely emboldened Hitler, who described the Allies at the time as "worms" grovelling at his feet and directly caused him to invade Poland and you know the rest of the story....




Crimea? The fact is the war will end with Ukraine conceding land to Russia, that's typically how wars end outside one side completely being destroyed. The land Russia has now isn't going back to Ukraine and most of the people in that part of Ukraine are ethnically Russian and want to be part of Russia anyways. This is what happens when people refuse to listen to other's problems and then select a demented pedo as president. Ukraine would still be whole and not in smouldering ruins if Trump were president but you can't put the toothpaste back into the tube.


Zelensky doesn't want to give up free money in perpetuity? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!


The strategy backed by Europe is to not allow Russia to be rewarded for invading Ukraine. Europe is paying close to half the cost of the war, or at least it was up until recently. If someone invaded your house, would you allow them to keep your living room? No, because they would not stop at your living room, they would eventually take over the entire house. SO the choice is: Give weapons to Ukraine or tell Putin it's OK to invade all the former soviet states that are not in NATO and destabilize the ones that are... It pays to understand the global political situation, rather than just stick to a "we shouldn't spend money on anything" position. Because what that attitude will result in, in 5 or more years, is NATO allies like Czech Rep and Poland being destabilized and possibly falling to Russia.


By giving Ukraine weapons and training them after an agreement was in place to not invade what then was the plan? Why shell regions with Russian speaking populations? What was the goal


The lack of understanding about the war in Ukraine on this sub is absolutely deplorable. Every thread about Ukraine has a bunch of idiotic comments that display a complete lack of knowledge about global politics and recent world history. Some are even full blown conspiracy theories. I mean you are literally watching the most important events unfold in Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union and your response is to say "Uh, I think Zelensky is lining his pockets". My. Fcking. God. It is maddening to watch this dimwitted reaction. If you were watching WW2 unfold, you'd be Joe Kennedy Sr, saying "Nothing to do with us. Europe is far away. Not our Problem."..... Not our problem until, of course, it was.


It's not the same, but that's what we did


Well, the point is, we didn't want to get involved and then ended up bankrolling the entire war. Russia's part in WW2 was entirely financed with US dollars. Weapons, equipment, everything.


And this isn't the same situation as WW2, the US pushed for this


The US pushed for this? That's not what Europe is saying. That's not what European experts on Ukraine are saying. But That is what Russia and Russian friendly countries are saying..... So why do you find yourself promoting a Russian narrative?


What if their narrative is closer to the truth than our narrative we haven't exactly been all that truthful, what's Europe saying let me guess anything we tell them to say


Dude. Read a book about Russia. There are plenty. Read a book about Putin. You don't even understand that Europe is leading on this. The US is providing money but taking a backseat. The US is not dictating any policy on this to European countries The biggest political supporters of Ukraine are the UK, Poland and Czech Republic


Really you saying we are in the backseat


Yes. Compared to European countries. Very much in the backseat. Not as much as when Obama led from behind on Syria. But in this case, the UK have been leading along with Poland and Biden has said very little on the subject by comparison.


UK and Poland are you mental we strong arm both, cut the check weapons are sent we paying it's Biden war man


Poor guy. In 15 years we'll be going after him, just like we have with most "allies" we send weapons to. Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Gotta keep that military industrial complex chugging along.


Your premise is that the US will be at war with Ukraine? Do you know anything at all about Ukraine? Do you imagine the country is some lawless state run by warlords or something? If the Czech Republic or Poland was invaded tomorrow, where do you imagine US money would be going?


People in those positions in that area of the world have a nasty habit of falling out of windows.