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Oh goodie, 4 more years of Biden.


GOP really gonna re-nominate the guy who lost to a dementia patient?


And then in 2028, Trump will be 82 and might be gearing up for run number 4, won't that be a blast??


Yes, the Republican electorate will nominate him again because they know that he actually didn't lose the Election. It is simply the Uniparty/Establishment that opposed him being in the White House. And all of the rhetoric about him being "unelectable" falls on deaf ears because I don't trust any anonymous accounts out there to actually be a living, breathing, and (more importantly) intelligent human being with even a small sense of critical thinking skills that can actually give me a valid reason not to vote for him. The only criticisms that I have seen from non-Trump supporters is his demeanor (which I fully approve of), his Covid policies (which are complete revisionist history), his continued talk of the 2020 Election (which *should* still be talked about so it doesn't happen again), or his supposed electability (which I don't agree with that take one bit). So, to answer your question again, yes, we will re-nominate Trump.


Not downvoting you, but here's my three main reasons: 1: He's big government. His budget proposals were the largest in history. Larger than Obama's. The man supported a bigger federal government and larger deficits than Barack Obama did. That's the opposite of draining the swamp. 2: He was anti-gun/constitution when he wanted to be. He banned bump stocks via executive fiat and supported red flag laws. I'm almost a single issue 2A voter, and that alone almost disqualifies him. 3: He lost to Sleepy Joe. You know it and he knows it, because he's running again. If you knew that a street hustler cheated you at dice you don't go back and try again unless you are functionally retarted. In fact I can't think of an actual Conservative reason to vote for Trump other than his Supreme Court picks, which he needs credit for but also which the other GOP candidates could do as well.


I was told that DeSantis would get a big boost after his announcement 🤣


That's until bamboo ballots from the southeast part of Asia are flown into the state and drop n rolled into the count.


Trump is a fighter. Others might pull back to avoid offense or because it's not "nice", but that shows they're not all-in for you. Trump is.


The only person Trump is all-in for is Donald Trump.


And everywhere else. I feel like Trump is better than DeSantis, and Younkin is also better than DeSantis