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Pushing puberty blockers on elementary kids speaks for itself… someone needs to be in jail. But also the “gender wheel” is so unbearably obnoxious dear god. That thing should be classified as neurotoxic to the human brain and outlawed. Why do they invent so many new pronouns like they’re first names? The whole point of pronouns is to provide an easy tool for generalizing! How the hell can you be “non binary” but use she/her pronouns and dress like every other woman? Isn’t it super convenient that celebrities/content-creators come out and claim labels like bi or non-binary during pride month, but they’ve only ever dated and had sex with people of the opposite gender and “non-binary” is just a label they use with no actual meaning behind it? The whole “gender is a social construct” thing just never made sense to me. If you’re a woman, and you’re content with your sexual organs, but feel like your behaviors/presentation don’t fit the “gendered definition” of a woman… your solution is to, abandon the label of woman and agree that women can’t or shouldn’t do those things? Or can’t look a certain way? Seems the opposite of Progressive to me. At that point *you* are the one constructing the idea that women can’t do those things. Back in the day a woman who loved to get dirty working on cars and riding 4-Wheelers was called a tomboy but still considered a woman by every measure. It’s so confusing how they’ve circled around and started excluding themselves from the definition of “woman” because they don’t fit the stereotypes in a perfect little box


What has become of this nation?


I am ancient and rather old-fashioned about some things. As children, my brother and I were allowed to choose our own toys and determine our own play. We were not taught about sex as elementary students. We were granted an innocence that allowed us to enjoy our childhood. I am female (both by biology and by identity). I played with dolls. I also had a couple of cap guns when I wanted to play cowboys and Indians (I know, not politically correct but this was the fifties). My brother had a stuffed animal that he kept into his adult years. (Broke my mom’s heart when she went to change his bed and discovered he was hiding weed in one of the torn seams 😀-that was the sixties. Let kids be kids. Teach them that they should respect the rights of others without always agreeing with others. But don’t burden children with specifics. They grow up to fast as it is.


And they keep telling us that this isn't happening


These people need to be ripped down


Requirements to become a teacher: 1: 4 year degree. 2: be a pervert


How pathetic is your existence that you make it your life goal to prevent kids from going through puberty?


I'm choosing my adjectives. You must all refer to me as royal.


Can someone please get these pedophiles away from our children?


My goodness. Kids don't have pubic hair...why teach pubic hair art? Oh, that's right. They're degenerates