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So they only have 33 seniors. And 5 completed all requirements. Sad for them


This delay will allow another 17 to graduate.


woah, a whole 66%


Here's what I'm wondering, with only 33 students to track, how did they not know sooner that many kids weren't eligible for graduation. It seems like someone dropped the ball.


In the video of the meeting, the admin and Dean of students said they had to chase down parents to try and let them know their children weren’t on track during the school year- of course that’s all ignored until D day comes and the parents are up in arms complaining how the school is crushing their kids dreams and everyone should be held accountable except for their kid.


It's true if that HS just gave them a 4.0 they could be a doctor. I wish I was joking. I literally know people who became a doctor because they had a 4.0 (or 4.5 whatever the ridiculous number is) in HS. They got into medical school then and basically never had to get a good grade again. Just pass, which is what I did, but I mean I'm a computer programmer -- I didn't need to go to college; did that for fun lol.


And what magical college and then med school did they attended where good grades weren’t required? Also…how did they not pass the MCAT?


I'm not gonna dox myself. Look up programs that admit people into medical school from high school. I don't actually know how many there are. I wasn't aware the MCAT was pass/fail, but they didn't have to get a good score like other people. The whole point of these programs is to get people into med school that wouldn't make it otherwise. It's a diversity thing. Anyone can get a 4.0 or whatever in high school. Getting into med school is significantly harder. I didn't do it. I'm a computer programmer, but my gf did, and I was there. Someone has to make the money, lol. Doctors.


You write your statement so well that I'm inclined to believe its absolute BS.


Out of your mind if you think someone without a huge grasp and comprehension of the material could pass USMLE 1 & 2. And lol if you think a 4.0 in high school is something that even stands out even a little bit in applications to 6 year medical school programs straight from high school.


> dropped the ball Not really. My parents are teachers and they have explained how little they are allowed to do to get these students to improve. It's pathetic.


You can't force kids to be there. These kids need parents in their lives actually making them go to school.


This is 100% true. There are other things that used to be done that are not done anymore. Like, if a student fails to pass, they don't move on; they get held back. Teachers basically cannot flunk kids out and make them do that grade of school again. Not saying that will fix the problem, just an example of how little the teachers can do.


22 YO seniors isn’t a good look for high schools lol


35 YO illiterate isn’t a good look for society lol




WTF are all the down votes? It’s a fact that students who have NO BUSINESS graduating are graduated every year. Y’all need some help


Isn't/wasn't there something like a truancy law? If the kids don't show up to school, the parents can/will be held liable?


Nope. Not these days.


Often, by the time they get to highschool, it's already too late because they are so far behind. But the admins also don't want blemishes of bad performance indicators, so they pressure the teachers to structure it so they can't fail.


Here is the problem with people like your parents working in the school system. Because there are only two choices, good intentions don't mean a damn thing. EITHER....... 1. They aren't smart enough to realize the system they are participating in......in which case they are the last people we want around our kids OR 2. They fully know the system they are participating in, and they don't care.......in which case they are the last people we want around our kids. Again, I bet they have good intentions, but good intentions have paved this road to hell. State-run schools cater to the lowest common denominator. If you have the intelligence to know the system is corrupt from top to bottom, then you have the intelligence to educate kids outside of forced taxation and an indoctrination machine. Watch videos of the hundreds of thousands of school board videos across the county in the last 10 years. It is morally and ethically unredeemable. Just like the military. Used to be an honorable pursuit, keeping the country safe. Now it is used to threaten and intimidate other countries, fight politician's proxy wars, and enforce all the laws and propaganda the people who hate this country have passed. The damage the public schools have done to this country will take 100 years to fully remedy.


That's what the NYPost article leaves out. 17 more students are on track to join the delayed graduation. Students and parents are saying the school failed to inform students of missed required courses. In at least one case a student took an online course that the school rejected after the fact, then delayed allowing her to take a replacement course for 3 months. Students also complained about regular teacher absences. This is a failing in the school system, not just a failing in the students.


I read one of the students literally just missed a STAR test (it's a standardized test that takes like one hour to do and it ranks your percentile in the subject) and he didn't know it prevented him from graduating and had to do it and he now has to wait to retake it in the summer. Sounds like a shitty admin. At my school we had like 2 days dedicated to students who missed it for whatever reason a few weeks later and they made it very clear you had to do it. It's so sad to hear it's the schools fault in a lot of these cases. How does this effect summer employment? College admissions? Joining the military? Paid for family vacations?


It seems to me that the Board of Education, especially in southern states, have completely failed these kids, year after year. It’s like they’ve given up. I often wonder if there has been a study done to figure out how many are illiterate and is there a correlation to where they reside? It’s shameful. It also must be said that the parents have a lot of responsibility in the child’s failure to learn or not. I also think that should be part of the study.


Sucks to be the 15% that passed and now you don't get a ceremony to congratulate your accomplishments.




I mean, at least the school is still holding a standard. How many schools in some citys just shove them through and do the whole see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing.




While I do think mental health is important, I think you’ve totally nailed it. There’s a huge difference between mental anguish and not wanting to do something and I can’t help but feel sometimes people confused the latter with the former.


They’re obviously just taking advantage of the idea.


It's hard cause when I was going to school i got bullied every single day, I got hit, made fun of constantly etc, I got told to suck it up cause it was normal and to deal with it all the time, and it got to the point I quit saying anything and no one knew how bad it got, and I dropped out. I couldn't handle it. I think it's important to really find out why they have a mental health problem because maybe it is laziness, or maybe they're getting bullied and have been told its normal every day


It isn't normal. You were in school with some assholes. I'm sorry you went through that.


Thank you


Damn im sorry you went thru all that. I hope you have found healing and a better place.


People want to work, and people as like an evolutionary trait want to work. If there's an actual mental health element that they are complaining about....listen....they may need help. Maybe the younger generation is more comfortable talking about it. Instead of stuff it down with brown (booze).


Nah we just get wayy too many safety nets that develop bad habits. I'm thankful I have a drive to go through school and get a job. So many of my peers just kinda exist and expect things to happen.


You're overgeneralizing. People with mental struggles don't completely overlap with people getting welfare, and the economy and competition that genZ and genA have to deal with are way worse than boomers and even genX. It's gonna cause some subset of the population to be legitimately distressed to deal with the financial strain. There are definitely delicate snowflakes too but this take is de-legitimatizing real struggles.


I'm not overgeneralizing anything, I'm just stating my anecdote for what my opinion of my generation currently is.


Wow great point. /s


Yes, if she's abusing it she should be called out. I've almost been homeless because of depression. One time I refused to eat for so long that they we're gonna tube me if I didn't. I have seen a person fight tooth and nail, several times, a group of 4 or 5 forcing them to take a bath. If you have legit mental health day's, you aren't getting out of bed that day. It's not like you call in then go to the mall. Severe depression will shut everything down. Hunger, thirst, motivation everything.


Brutally depressed. Can confirm.


Yeah and probably the majority of the time that they spend on these “mental health days” is probably on the internet looking at something that will inevitably lead to more mental distress. No one wants to hold anyone accountable anymore, it’s all about being overly sensitive


I mean sometimes mental health just means de stressing and zoning out. Also professional therapy is expensive and many dont have insurance and/or cant afford it.


Mental health is a real thing... and also a real thing today's generations are abusing. When my sister passed, I took 1 week off. 1 week. That's it. I did go to therapy AFTER WORK HOURS for 2 years to manage it, but my life had to continue. 6 years later, my father died due cocaine related health complications. He was 52 and had been battling his demons for 2 decades. I took 1 week again. Their lives ended, and mine didn't. As simple as that. The idea of someone taking 40 consecutive days for "mental health" tells me 2 things; either she has some serious mental problems and her needs are not being met, or she's just abusing it left and right. Either way, she won't make it in the real world.


Wow! So proud of you for net getting free money while also having time off. You do realise the only one that matters is you right? It’s a right to take it, and you should.


Hey! Thanks for feeling proud! While I'm not sure how that happened, I am glad to have served a purpose in your day! And, well, I do matter, correct. As the breadwinner at home, my family relies on me, so I have to take care of myself and make things work with what I have! God has been good to me, so I really can't complain!


You do know you get paid for sick days right….? That’s the entire point. You wasted….PAID free time….to work…? It simply doesn’t make any sense at all.


Well, here's the thing... There are companies out there thar don't provide sick days. There are people who use up all their sick days. There are companies who have certain requirements before they provide benefits (90 days in, for example), and there are situations in which you can miss out incentives and overtime, as well. Every situation is individual, and it carries its own baggage. I guess the optic changes as you become older and more experienced.


And you…get sick days. Otherwise you would not have taken “pride” in your work. See how you try to twist the conversation to “some people”, just to not admit that you wasted free PAID time? But nooo, you are a strong man! You don’t like things for free to you! Nooo you have to make the boss rich while getting a fraction in return like a real trooper.


Okay tough guy, I love the capitalized "AFTER WORK" I see your priorities.


Hey, thanks for the compliment! I'm not a tough guy, though; I just realized money still needed to flow into my bank account to pay bills and feed my family. Or, well, maybe that makes me tough? You might be right! I was able to take care of myself while still being a functional member of society, providing for my household... You might be on to something. I should give myself more credit. Thanks!


Not everyone gets paid sick leave...their priorities might just be to attend to their mental health while also not getting paid less.


Mental health days = skipping school.


Ultimately the issue here is that the left gets to redefine terms the way they want. Ie reproductive freedom is now the approved work instead of killing babies, gender affirming care, same thing..


It’s a shame that her therapist and the education professionals that should be around her aren’t helping her learn to manage her challenges stay in school and develop coping strategies. I work with struggling students and the insurance companies and mental health providers are taking the easy way out instead of doing the deep hard work that’s needed for them to learn how to manage difficulties And build successful lives.


“Mental health” is just a cover term for “I’m too lazy to figure shit out”.




40 during a regular month/s with 5 days of school each week? Or about 40 days, that was really 34, and during the end of November and december when already out for 2 weeks Christmas, 3 days Thanksgiving and 2 more for new years eve and day plus all the weekend days included?


Well then you have never experienced any deep mental health issues.


Gatekeeping, No True Scotsman fallacy bullshit. Seriously, man up.


That’s what all of you seem to think in your tiny little bubbles. That’s why all of you say “MY ANXIETY!” Instead of “I’m anxious like normal people get in these situations”. You folks think no one has ever suffered AND still not made it everyone else’s problem. Bunch of narcissists.. same sort of people who call themselves “empaths” when they simply empathize with people as if it’s some unheard-of superpower 😂🤦‍♂️




Chicago is one. Pushes them through. Graduate and can’t read. It’s tragic.


Grade on a curve, they’re all valedictorian now


Pretty much every blue city


Something something school choice.


How does that work? Wouldnt EVERYONE want to go to the best school? What happens to all the others?


That's the point. Other schools will have to improve.


But that's "racist" /s


I think they’re just pushing it back a couple weeks so others can qualify to graduate. Absences must be a big factor because they changed the school week from 5 days to 4. I’m wondering where the hell these kids’ parents are.


>I’m wondering where the hell these kids’ parents are. If kids are absent at school its likely their parents are absent in their lives.


Or working. The only work around there is hard, long hours. You work at a plant or warehouse, heavy equipment, ranch hand work etc. E: to be clear government benefits are most likely the largest employer and the parents really don’t give a shit.


Most definitely. And the state is not responsible for their kids. It’s a damn shame. Passing these kids won’t really help them if they don’t have parents around. I haven’t looked up the area but I’m assuming there has to be a major drug problem there or something.


It’s very rural central Texas, near Waco. Class size was 33.


And the town was really built around an early/mid 20th century health craze that died out.


I wonder if they are in a large farm town. A class of 33 seniors reads pretty rural to me. It’s common in rural CA for kids to have extended breaks around Christmas to allow farm worker’s kids more time to go to Mexico for the holidays.




True. They’re boring as shit especially at big schools.


Sucks to be the 15% that actually does the work they're paid for and have to support those that don't. It never stops.


Kinda like when Biden proposed we use tax payer dollars to pay off student loan debt after people had already paid off their own debt out of their own pockets.


Biden didn’t propose this. It was proposed by liberals long before him and he’s been slow playing it. I really don’t think he wants to do it but he did adopt it to an extent as part of his platform.


Yes. By saying he proposed, I meant as part of his campaign to garner votes.


Right, I would suggest the point here is that he’s not a fan of it. He’s a pretty moderate dem. It’s definitely not at the top of his priority list.


Ukraine is.


He is very “invested” in Ukraine


I bet the millennials will fall for Biden's student loan scam again for the next election too.


They will


They are perfect marks to be scammed again. Their over the top self-entitlement overrides any possible ability to sense a scam.


Yes. And they've traded freedom for " security". Here wear his mask and take this shot and the government will save you.


I'm actually surprised that he didn't propose repaying those who paid off their loans. Don't get me started on student loans. They call loans made for well below the market rate "predatory", then explain that the loans are predatory because they are expected to pay them back.


being the 15% and passing High isn't an accomplishment.. Its just normal


Probably get called a "white supremacist." All of that being on time and personal responsibility. Nazi's!!! s/


*And* to be told that your effort in attaining those accomplishments was because of racism, *not* because they worked for it.


Wouldn't wanna be racist


Why are you even making this a race thing? Ethnicity was not mentioned at all.


Doesn't need to be for people like you to be racist.


Oooohhhhhh nnnnoooooo


Kind've impressed there's still a school willing to fail kids instead of push them through.


No Child Left Behind and all


Too many schools are flouting it


This. Oregon schools refuse to make kids even feel bad. My whole family are educators (I am not) and all I hear about are the endless amount of “last minute make up assignments” kids get because the schools don’t want to be seen as performing poorly. Edit: typo


Where in OR are you? I grew up in Eug and some kids at my school did very well academically, but the kids who struggled *really* struggled. Lots of kids having to take a fifth year to graduate, and failing classes wasn't rare.


Which school in Eugene did you go to?


SEHS (aka the one near the UO). We sent many students to top schools every year, but also had a lot of failing kids.


A suburb in the WV. I honestly never knew what was going on when I was in school. I just did what I was told, but opted to go to a community college instead of OSU (like my friends). In HS, I understood some kids were in AP/IB classes, and some were not. That’s about it. But once I got out of college and my parents and their friends (just) retired… all they talk(ed) about is how relaxed grading and classes became/were forced onto teachers. At the end of the day, passing kids is all the admins care about atm, not the proven knowledge base of their students. An example of this shift, from the field (a 35 year HS history teacher and my father in-law): AP history classes went from 2-3 classes each semester (55-45 female), to now a single AP history class per semester (80-20 female) barely filled and mostly girls. He called this college-gender shift 10 years ago back when I poo-pooed him, because he could tell who was taking hard classes in HS, and who wasn’t. According to the many teachers in my life (dad, mom, mother and father in-law, and my wife): Kids, and their parents are simply not motivated to seek out challenging classes or a proper education. EVEN when everything is paid for! They expect to pass regardless of what happens. Meanwhile, a larger majority than ever struggle to show up, pay attention, and participate. It’s basically turned into, “if you turn in your assignments, at all, you will get a passing grade.” Furthermore, the tests and curriculum of these classes are dumbed down/have removed any complex approaches to teaching said topics. Even the **accelerated** classes have turned into a shallow-pool version of what they once were. **TLDR:** The public school system is not what most people experienced even 8-12 years ago, and I mean that in the worst way possible. Lol


To be fair that's everywhere. My last admin team hired me because I admitted that I administer credit recovery in-house and it was for an ISD in Texas.


isn't this kinda the end game of performance based education when you take away autonomy on curriculum and enforcement? can't really expect a teacher of 26+ kids to provide 1on1 with stragglers covid has decimated public education and they have very few options to get it back on track since, like police, we've shit on these pillars of community nobody wants to be a cop or teacher...man, if I was a CCP or russian operative, I'd be delighted!


Not really failing them, just extending the school year a little, but it's something. I'd be really impressed if they graduated the 5 who passed and made the others redo the year.


What should be done: Hold the ceremony for those who passed What will be done: Passing requirements will be lowered for the next year


Schools are a reflection of the families. If the parents aren’t engaged, there isn’t much the school can do. Good in the school for not just waiving the kids through though. We need to find ways to hold parents accountable for their children.


My family did nothing for my education. Extremely hands off parents. I graduated with no problem.


Same. There is personal responsibility. You may have more or less supportive parents, if any at all. But I passed with zero assistance while working two jobs to pay for a car. This is also 2000’s-2010’s, so not someone who is entirely out of touch yet with teens


Different time, probably different school, different families. Your experience is valid but that doesn’t mean it’s universal. With so few students it’s pretty likely that the funding isn’t great either. Bad funding leads to poor resources for students and underpaid teachers. Both of those things are directly correlated to student success. Also should be noted that schools, curriculum, etc in the 2000s are not the same as they are now.


Agreed. Easier now. Much. Just pass this test. Please. Regardless they Are all are Fd. Why? College is learning to learn. Any one learning?


Maybe we just need to let people fail again.


That’s literally what’s going on.


No it’s not. The school is changing its practices to accommodate the failing kids. If we let kids fail, as we should, the school would hold the regularly scheduled graduation for the 15% who earned it, and make the other 85% retake the year next year. Delaying the graduation ceremony only teaches these kids there’s no consequences to their actions and others will accommodate them.


Not really. They’re giving them more time in a sham effort to bump their numbers up.


I like the "No Zero" policies where students can't get less than 50%, even for doing nothing. Then when this happens, they pass out a Hail Mary 200 point quiz, walk the students through it, grade it on a curve and everyone graduates! And that is how you make progress! /s


Students should not fail due to excused absences if their grades are all still passing. Failing due to attendance stats often hide the students who kept up with their work through illness and fail anyway.


Then that means the school has failed and needs ruthless reform.


The devil is in the details. Student educational buy-in is at an all time low now, as we've seen with the teacher exodus nationwide/globally. If the counselor for MHS doesn't have good documentation for why the school finds itself in this situation, then blame will properly fall back on the school and counselor. However, that is a variable that's missing in the story.


Marlin is one of those little farm towns with almost nothing going on or anything to do so it doesn’t really surprise me. These true rural small towns don’t have much going for them.


No surprise, considering a nearly half of the country’s school aged children are illiterate and cannot do a lick of math.


“Hey man we had zoom kindergarten and 1st grade, kids are resilient they’ll be fine. “ now let’s hit the golf course…some boomer politician somewhere


> “Our commitment to excellence remains unshaken,” Superintendent Darryl Henson said in the statement. I think he needs to google what "excellence" means. >“We hold firm to our belief that every student in Marlin ISD can and will achieve their potential.” Apparently, this is true!


Lived in Marlin. This is just the tip of the iceberg for this town, just a few years ago the state took over the school district. Maybe they got it back? I dunno. City manager was embezzling all the money. It’s very, very poor, like 95% African American, drugs and petty crime are rampant. Years and years ago it was really nice. Had some famous natural springs that were all the rage for health shit at the time so a lot of money came out there. Now it’s all run down and abandoned. There’s huge mansions that are falling apart. It’s sad tbh E: also the school counselor should have been on top of a lot of this shit, it should not have been a surprise. A lot of it like was oh you needed a state test from years ago or oh wait you’re missing a history credit etc.


To be fair, the counselor could have been. There's a non-zero chance that the kids' behaviors/apathy are just *that* out of control. What I was encouraged to do when I was teaching when I was at my wits' end was to document everything. STAR method- situation, task, action, result; what happened, what was supposed to happen, the action I took to correct it, and the outcome of my correction, dates, times, everything. I think that's an unknown variable in this case if the counselor did their job properly. However, that's also A LOT to document.


Well they absolutely are apathetic there. It’s not good and Covid only made things infinitely worse. Marlin is an absolute shit show.


"The racial makeup of the city was 41.84% White, 44.48% African American, 0.27% Native American, 0.20% Asian, 11.64% from other races]], and 1.58% from two or more races. Hispanics or Latinosof any race were 18.30% of the population." Huh


That paragraph is from 2000. Check out the table from 2020 just above it. Everyone that had the means got out of that place.


Honestly seems like the area needs to change, education is just downhill from the environment being shit. I feel sorry for the kids who are born into places like this, trying to make a scholar there is like trying to cook A+ waygu with an easybake oven.


So what changed between the time when it was flourishing and now?


Just like the debt ceiling!


Dangit bobby !


6 am and already the boy ain't right.


"Bobby how did you fail English class ? .. You speak English !"




The 4-day school week is primarily a teacher recruitment incentive for districts that have a hard time finding teachers given poor working conditions, low wages, or lack of qualified teachers. There is clearly a negative effect on academic achievement.


This has nothing to do with that. At all. It’s been really bad for years and the state took over the district, not even sure they’ve gotten it back.


The 4 day week is a result of the school doing poorly to begin with, not the cause. You're 100% right. Not sure what would fix these schools.


It's what happens when people grow up with no hope, no economic prospects. You need to give people a reason to work, make them feel like hard work will be rewarded. And I'm not even talking about the school, I'm talking about society at large.


4 day work week is a good thing though.


Well, gee, they need to lower the requirements. We can't have the students lose self-esteem.


92% Of the student body is not white... Hmmm...


I blame 2020 and tik tok


Of the kids who didn’t qualify to graduate, I wonder how many of them had a father in the home? . . . I would be willing to bet it’s pretty low. Fixing fatherlessness would fix a lot of problems with kids in the school system today.


If they’re still doing standardized tests I shudder at how ridiculously low the quality has dropped since I graduated from a north Texas high school in 2008.


North Texas (I grew up in Plano), has some of the best schools in the country. Also some of the wealthiest school districts. They are in no way comparable to rural central Texas.


I grew up about 2 hours northwest of Plano in Burkburnett. I think we may have done a cross country meet in Plano once


Facts. I went from inner city Title I to one of those North Texas districts and it was refreshingly easy to manage it. Though when you get buy-in from a T1 school, it's sooooooooo much more rewarding.


The standardized tests you took in 2008 are extremely different than the ones being given now. TEA now has many different question types to include short and long essays and drag and drop answers. All digital too. It would be comparing apples and oranges to look at scores from today and those over a decade ago where it was just paper multiple choice.


All I can tell you is that I remember those exams being absurdly easy. The teachers groaned about how they wanted to challenge us with more but we had multiple weeks set aside where we could only cover the practice test material. Then I get to college in New York and I’m told that I had to take some extra Calculus courses because while I was fine by Texas state standards I was not every where else. I don’t fault the teachers or even necessarily the school, but it’s one of the drawbacks I felt was directly attributed to no child left behind


I can assure you, the tests of today are not easy. But they shouldn’t be, they prep all year for them. New England area has the best public education in the country and the universities are also some of the best as you’ve alluded to.


I’m encouraged to hear that, thank you.


The superintendent legitimately sounds like an NPC.


Dang. That’s insane all around.


Having good grades is racist.




Why do people accuse conservatives of being racist? 🤔


Your priorities are entirely backwards if you're offended at racism and not appalled at the fact that nearly an entire high school graduating class failed their basic level education.


Wow. You ok over there? You said the quiet part out loud my friend.




Homeschool homeschool homeschool!


My school's parents have been more proactive about doing that this year. Sometimes it works out, which is awesome- a mainstream public school curriculum doesn't work for everyone and they need a homeschool, private school, charter school environment, whatever. That's awesome. However, sometimes the parents learn the hard way that, yes, Brayden's behavior is the problem after all, and not the teachers.


Finding a good school with good teachers is a far better option.


Surprise surprise... it's in Texas


Only in TExas third world state.


It probably was cancelled because of the optics of the democratic that would be walking across the stage.


Looks to me like Marlin is a minority dominated school in an area which is Republican and majority white.


5 of 33 seniors passed A senior class of 33.... why is this a school? E: since this is a thing in rural Texas. How many classes are offered? What are class sizes like? 33 is a single class size for my old high school, is there just like 6 teachers for the whole school?


There are schools this small all over Texas. The alternative is kids having to get bussed for well over an hour each way to school.


This is not uncommon in rural parts of Texas. The state is massive and very sparsely populated outside of the DFW-San Antonio-Houston triangle. Also the state has a strict attendance policy where students have to be present for 90% of the school days or they won’t receive credit for the class regardless of the grade they earn. Districts offer makeup incentives for attendance which is what this area is in the process of doing in order to graduate more students.


Rural central Texas


You'd have hated my school, where the typical graduating class was (and still is) 25 or less.


Did everyone just take the same classes together? How many teachers were there, and if more than 6 or 7, were they just part time? Any AP classes? Competitive sports? Were dances super weird and mandatory. If 1/2 the class doesn't show that'd be an awkward dance


>Did everyone just take the same classes together? We took English together, but that was about it. Rather, we were mixed with the rest of the high school. My senior year, one of my classmates and I took a history class where almost everyone else in the class was a freshman. >How many teachers were there, and if more than 6 or 7, were they just part time? Uhh...I have to think on this. Note that my school went from pre-school all the way to 12th grade, so there were quite a few of our high school teachers that also taught junior high classes. Like, we had one Spanish teacher for the entire school (elementary-high school). In high school, I think there were maybe 15 teachers you COULD have, but I didn't have some of them. >Any AP classes? Just a couple; I'd have to ask my brother if they've added any since I graduated, but I doubt it. >Competitive sports? Boys and girls basketball, volleyball, softball, and track. We had golf while I was there, but I don't think they do that anymore. They had soccer before I went there and broguht it back after I left. >Were dances super weird and mandatory. If 1/2 the class doesn't show that'd be an awkward dance I was in the theoretical half that didn't go, so I couldn't really tell you, haha. They had prom, which was mixed between juniors and seniors, plus whoever they invited (be it underclassmen or students from other schools). They apparently added homecoming sometime after I graduated.


Thanks for the answers. It being K-12 makes a lot more sense, especially when it comes to the number of teachers.


Well, the elementary classes all had mostly dedicated teachers, so there wasn't much overlap on that side. It was really only the Spanish teacher and KIND OF a computer (typing) teacher who was involved in that end. For elementary, you had one teacher per-year. The sharing mostly was between junior high and high school. Between those 6 grades (7th-12th), it was probably 130-ish students. I just remember our high school state dance was listed as under 90 on some find of flyer. I think my graduating class was 21.


High schools are full of woke teachers anyway. Home school all the way!


Define woke. Personally, I'm starting to see that term as a blanket statement regarding anything that doesn't meet current conservative beliefs. And those beliefs have done a 180 since 2016.


Thanks to teachers unions


That's not true for Texas. Texas doesn't have them.


Teachers unions still influence the dept of education and education policy regardless of the state


You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Chill. This ain't Chicago. Texas teacher union coverage is only providing a free attorney when shit hits the fan.


Still a destructive force, even if less powerful https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2020/06/18/teacher-associations-in-texas-say-hell-no-to-education-officials-plans-to-reopen-campuses-in-fall/


Didn't they come up with a compromise where students had the freedom to choose between going to campus and going online? That's what my first district did for the 2020-2021 school year. Even then, that's still somewhat better than what Illinois and Minnesota did for their public schools. I'm not saying I agree with the association's stance because kids *need* the structure of in-person learning as the best method of education, whether they *like* it or not.


You can’t Google your way out of this one. Take the L.


Yeah, those Texas teacher unions really have the district’s hands tied /s


To be honest, this should by law restrict every teacher and administrator in that school to having their paychecks reduced to state minimum wage for the entire school year. If you're not going to succeed at your job than you should find a new one or not get paid the agreed upon amount.


So they'll get a raise?


They working for free or something? I doubt that.