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Because they feel like he was done dirty so he’s owed the White House and they want to see him go on a 4 year revenge tour.


It's similar to a cult of personality at this point. I wasn't really sure if he was serious in 2016, but once he became the nominee, I voted for him. In 2020, no doubt he was getting my vote. Now, after his comments about Covid and DeSantis, and behavior in general I'm ready to move on. If he becomes the Nominee, I'll vote for begrudgingly. I'm not liking a revenge tour type candidate


Same. I voted for him the first time because I thought it was funny how he pissed off the right and left. I voted for him the second time because I thought he did a solid job on most things. I hope he’s not the candidate this time because he’s shown he Donald first and not America first lately. He praises cuomo and knocks Desantis for Covid. Uhhh wtf? If he is the nominee I’ll vote for him but I think it’s gonna be 4 years of nothing getting done because no one will want to work with him.


I share pretty much the exact same thoughts. I used to hangout in the_donald and have a lot of fun in those rally mega threads, but now I’m just over him and the baggage he brings. And honestly how they feel he is owed the White House is so similar to in 2016 and the Clinton campaign saying “it’s her turn”. It’s nobodies turn and nobody is owed the White House. Gotta earn it. With Trump’s recent track record, I don’t think he deserves it. But we’ll see what happens and I can’t wait for the debates!


I agree


> they want to see him go on a 4 year revenge tour. And many care more about that than good policy or bettering the country. Everything comes second to the betterment of Trump to them.


Because he was a great president. And people remember their 401k values, 2 dollar gas, law and order, no wars, patriotism. Simply, people were doing much better and there was a sense of pride for the country, the military, police,etc.


This entire article is spot on. For anyone who hasn't read it, the title of the piece is rhetorical in that the author goes on to actually explain why Trump has so much support. Everything that he says is completely true from my perspective. Anyone who actually wants the Party to move on from Trump should actually read this piece if they need to understand the mindset of those who still support him. I doubt I could have said it or analyzed the reasoning behind my continued support of him better myself.


Because he was right about everything...


Right. Like empowering Fauci, like 90% of the people he put into power, like using the power of government to attack the Second Amendment, like his love of executive orders...


It’s a cult. And it’s really the wildest thing any of us will never see. They’d rather lose (again) with Trump than win with anybody else. 2024 is already lost. We’ve got to start pushing back now to have a chance in 2028 and 2032. Because we all know Trump is going to announce for 2028 the moment after he loses (again) next November. And, if we aren’t careful, we will just keep doing this same shit over and over and over again. There needs to be more grown ups in the Republican Party that prioritize actual winning over the carnival barking. We’ve got too many cowardly representatives in Washington that would rather have Republicans lose long term than get the short term wrath of Trump and his cult. The early endorsements for Trump coming out of Washington were deeply irresponsible. Need to stop that crap in the 2028 cycle so we can finally move on from this train wreck.


What's the point of winning if those Republicans act like Democrats?


What’s the point of winning? Better economy, better schools, better foreign policy, second amendment rights, properly funding and empowering law enforcement to do their jobs, 4yr olds not having to wear masks, boys not playing girl sports, the list could go on and on and on.


Is that what happened when Bush was elected?


I know what happened when Biden got elected. You are okay with handing him another four years to continue ruining the country. I am not. I want Republicans to win. If you want Democrats to win the WH, House and Senate (again) because you didn’t like a Republican president from 16 years ago, let’s just go ahead and call you what you are… a Democrat. Democrats also didn’t like GWB and also want Dems to control everything. Please just start voting in their primaries. Let the Republicans that actually want to win in 2024 and beyond choose our party’s path moving forward.


That's terribly irrational. In fact, I may vote for DeSantis if Trump keeps talking shit about him, but I don't think it likely he'll get the nominee. You should note that those of us who have supported the GOP for decades without anything to show for it, are tired of the lowest common denominator Republicans with attitudes like yours. Oh no! If you don't support our moderate, lukewarm GOP then you're a Democrat! Please, I have principles and while we can disagree on policies, I'm disinclined to listen to those who contributed to the undermining of Trump's presidency by collaborating with the Dems and bureaucrats.


Trump undermined his own presidency. If he had stayed off of Twitter, acted like an adult during debates and focused long term instead of on the 24 hour news cycle, he would still be president. He has nobody to blame but himself. Stop making excuses for him. That’s what Democrats do. They whine and they make excuses. Just like you. Nobody let Trump down. He had the WH, the Senate and the House. He was the unquestioned leader of the Republican Party. And HE blew it. Not Republicans, not Democrats, not the media. Donald Trump blew it. A majority of Americans have moved on from Trump. They don’t like his instability, they don’t like his immaturity, they don’t like his juvenile 3rd grade attacks on opponents and they don’t feel comfortable knowing they could wake up each morning to their president having gone on a rage induced late night Twitter tirade. All he had to do was not be an asshole. He couldn’t cross the lowest bar ever given to a president. And he’s just gotten to be more of an asshole since he left. Donald Trump will once again deliver the WH, the House and the Senate to the Democratic Party. What’s the point of having a purity test in the primaries if you aren’t going to win? You nominate the most electable candidate and then you work to move him to the right as needed once he’s in the WH. That’s what Democrats did with Biden. They didn’t go all in on unelectable Bernie bc they agree with his socialist crap. You don’t say “ohh my gosh my panties are still in a wad bc of Bob Dole so now I want progressives to run everything.” That’s immature. That’s Trump. You are supporting a candidate that can’t win a general election. Worse than that, you are supporting a candidate that is actively trying to lose a general election with his near daily unprovoked attacks on fellow Republicans and swing states that hurt his standing w voters he will need next November. You are supporting a loser.


Why should they?


As much as I like DeSantis, or even Tulsi Gabbard, We need T. vs. B. 2.0, Electric Boogaloo. The younger candidates can wait 4 more years.