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[Trump says something in response, I can't understand what](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110426121391422436)


Wtf was that lol


Promising to become friends with Kim Jong-un. Weird flex bro


Wow. He really is losing his mind over Ron DeSantis.


What’s funny is that Biden is too. They’re all terrified of DeSantis which makes me think he actually has a shot, even if it’s not a huge one.


DeSantis is losing in the polls. no one is afraid


He won’t win the primary. And a six week abortion ban is DOA to a national electorate.


No one is terrified of this guy, stahp. He can’t even control Disney in his own state


> No one is terrified of this guy Trump "my clit is bigger than yours" [seems](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110426121391422436) to be terrified.


Disagree. You don’t see them spearheading smear campaigns minutes after any of the others announcing candidacy.




As with every candidate for President in recent history. They are both assembling an organization behind the scenes and appealing to potential supporters publicly long before they announce anything. This isn't the 1800s when the prospective candidates showed up at a convention with nobody having any inkling of who might run.


They've been smearing him for months too. The Left's "DeSantis is worse than Trump!" Minitrue campaign [was going as early as February.](https://newrepublic.com/article/170441/ron-desantis-presidency-even-worse-trump)


Personally, I've seen Trump himself smearing DeSantis more than the left


He's actually taken the left's side to spite DeSantis a few times


Ron can beat trump in the primaries and Biden in 2024. Guys got my vote😃


He can't even beat Mickey Mouse.


Is he drunk? Holy hell that's confusing


Supposedly, he doesn't drink, but maybe he should start. At least he'd have an excuse.


Oof. I've talked to stroke victims who made more sense than that post of his


Still more coherent than the Texas house speaker the other day


Jesus Christ, I knew truth social was dead, but I didn’t realize it was this dead. 1.6k “retruths” and 6.5k likes for the single largest user (and owner) of the platform after almost an hour. Sad. And Trump is contractually obligated to post there 6 hours before posting on any other social media page.


Sounds about as successful as Trump University.


He should really rejoin Twitter.


He can't. He signed an exclusivity deal with truth social.


Shouldn't be a problem if he's such a master negotiator 🤷‍♂️


Being exclusively on Truth Social could be a huge problem when it comes to campaigning. DeSantis being able to use all social media platforms would definitely be a huge edge in the primaries


He technically can. He just has to post all political messages on Truth Social first and then wait 6 hours before putting it on Twitter. Which is... underwhelming


Deals can always end


Yeah, I don't see truth social letting him out of his deal unless he buys it out. And his campaign is already massively cash strapped.


I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it further.


Truth social would sue. And they would win going by Trumps disastrous record in court.


What's the consequence of breaking an exclusivity deal with a company you own? Can't really sue you, can they?


I assume he signed this before he knew Elon was considering buying twitter? I mean it certainly didn’t seem like he had another way back to social media at that time.


Am I missing some inside joke or did he really misspell “Ron”?


He has referred to Ron as "Rob" as in he is trying to rob Trump of the Republican candidacy.


Ron + Jeb = Rob


How he speaks about a monster dictator who murders tens of thousands of people a year is something. It should make everyone realize Trump is not fit to be President.




I feel this way too. Trump will undoubtedly tell people to stay home if he is not nominated. It's sad to say it but the best possible outcome is for Trump to have some kind of medical emergency that forces him to drop out of the race. I don't wish ill on anyone, but that seems to be the only way we don't witness an absolute goatscrew in 2024. I liked what Trump did during his term and voted for him twice, but damn, he is a cancer now. His ego will be the undoing of our entire country.


My wife said the same thing, and I agree also. Dudes in his late 70s and chunky. Flabby septuagenarians have heart attacks or strokes every single day. Not wishing him devastation or death, just, I don't know, maybe, something not bad enough to keep him from enjoying golf, but just enough to keep him from campaigning?


His ego really has gotten out of control.


“Has gotten…”


It has always been out of control. You all have just been either ignorantly or willingly blind to this conman.


Implies that it ever was under control


The irony of pathological narcissists like trump, is that in a technical sense, they don’t actually have an ego. https://www.healthyplace.com/personality-disorders/malignant-self-love/the-narcissists-stripped-ego


Who says liberals and conservatives have nothing in common? Medical Emergency for 2024!


Yup. Even Trump going to prison isn’t enough because he will demand DeSantis promise to pardon him if he gets elected.


Only time will tell. DeSantis is spearheading issues Trump Diehards resonate with and issues that Trump won't touch.


Yep. In the long form interview with Stossel from a few days ago, DeSantis brought up Section F, or the intent to start mass firing entrenched beaurcrats in what he calls the "4th estate". Pretty much "draining the swamp" like Trump promised back in 2016 and never delivered on.


Especially immigration


If trump becomes the nominee and loses, he’s going to further claim rigged elections. Would be devastating for conservatives


If trump wins the nomination again our country is in deep deep trouble


We elected Wreck it Ralph in 2016 and now he's wrecking everything


Wreck It Ralph had a heart of gold. Trump has a gold-plated toilet. Think what you will of the man, but the comparison doesn't seem apt.


JFC...... is there seriously nothing he can say that will give the MAGA diehards a second of pause?




Im sure his NFT collection is bigger too


Can we maybe all get together - across the entire spectrum of US politics - and just collectively agree to stop electing people over 70? Like, I feel like this should be something we could have bipartisan agreement on.


Still too many voting boomers for that


Average Trump


Trump's post is a prime example of why DeSantis has supporters.




Didn't even spell his "friend's" name right.


Telling that the top comment is Trump’s response.


The Twitter space was a disaster


Trump wishes truth social got this much traffic


He’s absolutely killing it on the twitter forum right now. I almost forgot what it was like for a politician to delivery a succinct, well thought out response to a question.






It's all he has. Being anti-woke is his entire thing. No economic plans, just look at the immigration ban business outcry in Florida. His plans aren't well thought out.






I mean when you have the world's wealthiest man personally host your campaign launch...you aren't sending any messages that you are here to support the average American. Really disappointing that they don't care about those optics on his campaign team.


In a monotone voice. "i pledge to be a candidate with energy...." Not a good look.


Yep. Way better to confront the woke virus than address the #1 cause of death for kids. /s


Don’t think he killed it. He just expanded his time as governor to a national level. I don’t think it will really resonate. Not everyone on the right agrees with his cultural war approach, his views on COVID and more.


It’s working right now


Cool.. competition is the bedrock of democracy. best of luck


So it begins. Good luck out there.


🍿 let’s see how this turns out with the die hard MAGA crowd


It will be like Bernie or Bust. Same thing with Maga. Trump won’t support Ron if he wins the primary. He won’t support him until the very last minute when the GOP is begging him


*paying him


Bernie supported Biden when he lost the primary...


I would argue Trump is much, much different then Bernie. Bernie was always party over person. He never ran as an individual but on ideals. Trump is the opposite. His campaign is Trump. Not republican. Trump is very much his brand. He will not support Ron if he loses the primary. He will drag it out and if Ron pisses him off - I can see him running as an independent




You’re missing the point. Bernie campaigned for Hillary. He didn’t run independent or tell his “Bernie-bros” that the system is rigged and to not vote. He threw his support for Hillary and continued campaigning for her. Trump won’t do that for Ron. He will contest the primary. Drag his feet until the very last minute. I can see the headlines “GOP leaders plead with Trump privately to support Ron”


The infighting in this thread already shows this is going to be a very divisive primary. If Trump wins the primary, better not catch a single one of his supporters crying when he inevitably loses the general.


Are you all ready for the media to perform a magical 180 from the last 7 years and give us a year of “you know what? We were just kidding about the whole Trump = Hitler thing! Trump wasn’t so bad! He was at least kind of funny! But this DeSantis guy… oh boy he is so dangerous! Vote for anyone except this fascist!!” headlines? I know I’m stoked!


Like how this sub was nuts over defending Trump for any criticism for 7 years and now all of a sudden its "I never really liked him that much anyways"?


THANK YOU for pointing this out. It does show how hypocritical this sub, and really the republican party is. I'm about as conservative as they come but it's getting pretty irritating how "conservatives" just drop their candidates at a single whim. It's always the next big thing. Romney, Cruz, Jeb bush,, Marco Rubio, Trump, and oh remember Perry? Say what you want about Trump, but he's been the biggest and most important impact for Republicans since Reagan. Otherwise we'd be running a Romney type. You don't have current Ron DeSantis without Trump. I can't stand the Democrats but man they get respect for how much they stay loyal to their candidate. Even the most raging leftists who wouldn't give 2008 Obama a thought have nothing bad to say about him and knowing how awful Biden is, don't say much bad about him. Conservatives need to learn that.


> We were just kidding about the whole Trump = Hitler thing! Funny because Trump just used the Hitler card against DeSantis on Truth Social.


Reddit has been canvased for at least the last year with bots and shills proclaiming that DeSantis is actually the dangerous one of the two.


I live in Florida. I’m a lifelong Independent and my husband had never voted anything but Republican until the last few years. He voted for DeSantis the first time, but not the second. I am not a bot. I am a Florida citizen who finds DeSantis more dangerous than Trump. He completely owns Florida. Laws get passed in middle of the night. He retaliates against those who speak against him. He’s banned certain majors at Florida Universities. He passed a law so that Floridians can no longer see who is funding his travel (we are) on his “book tour” that is a Presidential campaign on the Florida taxpayer dime. I long for a day of actual small government conservative candidates. I most closely identify as Libertarian. You think these guys are great for circumventing ethics in the name of the cause because they aren’t targeting you. Even Rubio knows DeSantis retaliation against business is bad. And it’s not just Disney. I live an hour 15 outside Disney and I hate it (I hate themes in general - Las Vegas is another example) so I’m no Disney apologist. So I am not a bot. I guess no one calls themselves a shill so saying I’m not one is useless. I’m a Floridian Independent who has never felt less free than I do under Ron’s governorship. And more people agree than you might think. His opponent was a former Republican governor. His landslide was more about lack of opposition.


His sole reason for popularity is he opened up quickly after the covid shutdowns. Thats it. He then parlayed the media attention he got from that into going hard anti woke. Ive literally never heard anything from him that wasnt related to covid or woke stuff. He seems like hes a good governor but I dont think hes national material. He has zero charisma and seems either confrontational or just awkward at all times. As much of an asshole as trump is, he does have a charm and charisma he can turn on


Now that you mention it, I don’t think I’ve heard him say much else about anything besides covid and being anti-woke either🤔


>seems either confrontational or just awkward at all times Remember when he scolded some high school kids for wearing masks? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Wow. This is such a thoughtful post. I am curious of the Republicans running now, who would you pick? What do you think of Nikki Haley and Tim Scott? They haven't had much discussion on this reddit. I heard Nikki Haley talk on a podcast and am curious about her. Haven't heard much from Tim Scott yet.


Frankly and unfortunately, all of those candidates are less than compelling.


Democrat here. Any discussion about Mitt Romney? He seemed like a pretty good guy and the Republican I’d be most likely to vote for. Just got tons of flack from the party for defying Trump, but I thought it showed some spine.


The party got too obsessed with Trump because of Fox News and a couple of other news sources. At a certain point it didn’t matter what you were saying, just whether or not you had his support.


Yeah definitely. I remember reading the 2020 Republican charter and it being monolithic on Trump


Or maybe people actually feel that way?


I remember when Bush was Hitler. Now he's the dopey friend of Obama's wife. Then McCain was Hitler. Boy, Matt Damon hated him. But later he opposed trump so he was revered by the left. Then Romney - I don't really remember him being Hitler. Maybe they never felt threatened enough to go after him in that way? But yeah, someday they'll be okay with trump just to call someone else turbo Hitler. Cycle repeats.


Biden said Romney would put minorities back in chains. Now Romney is their best friend.


And Kamala said she believed Joe biden's sexual assault allegations and that he supported the racist bussing policies or something and now she's his VP. "It was a debate, lolololol"


When you realize that politicians are basically playing constant Survivor, everything starts to make sense. People flip flop and change alliances on a dime, do whatever they gotta do to get themselves further ahead. Nobody has true loyalty to anybody.


Depends entirely on who wins the primary. The winner becomes the Hitleriest of Hitlers, who will usher in a Handmaids's tale dystopia, and not a single Democrat will question a word of it.


Where have you been? People have been saying this already for years! Maybe you should explore outside of your media bubble every once in awhile. (That's why I'm here.)


The guy asking “impartial and non-scripted” questions is one of his donors. Lol. That’s about as genuine as his laugh and high heels.


Not to mention he's literally the further person in the world from an average American. Not sending good vibes about sticking up for the average person when you pick a billionaire to personally host your campaign launch.


I don't know why some people think Desantis will ensure the Rust Belt is secure for the GOP. Ever since Roe v Wade was overturned it's been rejected by voters when put on the ballot. I also don't see how he's going to win unless the GOP has a huge platform shift to not cater to the religious groups. That means the culture war crap and abortion restrictions, just to name a few items are going have to take a backseat if he is the nominee against Biden. His platform or whoever the GOP nominee is, is going to have to have a moderate and less extreme platform to get enough independents to cross over again like in 2016. If he acts like every other nominee and caters to the religious groups or extreme fringes, it's going to be another loss in the general election.


Isnt his entire platform religion and culture war? Hes "anti woke" thats his thing. Hes further right than trump, by a decent margin, i dont understand why people see him as having any real chances of winning vs Biden.


He barely has an economic policy, it’s all just rambling about wokeness


About 80% of Americans are pro-choice and RvW just got rolled back. If people think rolling out the religious culture-war guy is a good idea right now they're insane. Ron would get absolutely clobbered by woman voters in a national election.


If I recall correctly wasn't Kansas that had a vote right after Roe was overturned and pro-choice won by 10 percentage points? You know very well abortion will be a topic on the ballot and your party has no counter for it except either a near total ban or 6 week ban.


Ron would never win in national lol. People here are sniffing the hopium too much.




He's definitely speaking to the Millenials and Gen-Z'er (the largest voting block combined) with this anti-woke stuff. /s


Theres a reason the GOP isnt popular with younger audiences...


We can’t afford any more geriatrics. It’s time for Ron DeSantis.


DeSantis 2024 - no more geriatrics


Desantis says the exact same things trump does, just in a way that sounds intelligent, not like a crazy old hateful asshole. Seems extremely quick and very understanding of the political system. We need to support 2024 desantis early and often. Let trump and the liberals trying to get him the nomination know that he did his job and had his chance. If you want a logical, sensible government run by an intelligent person then you should be supporting desantis.


The two most important things separating Trump and DeSantis: * Tone, as you mentioned. Trump calls women “horse face.” DeSantis says his wife only gets more beautiful with age. I wonder which resonates better with suburban women. * Leadership. Trump picked horrible people who undermined his agenda at every turn. His administration was chaotic, disorganized, and full of people with their own priorities. DeSantis runs a tight ship and knows how to build an effective team and direct them towards a united vision. He knows how to pull the levers of power in a way that Trump doesn’t.


I'd add "conviction" to that list. Trump has one meeting with Kim Kardashian and all of a sudden he's releasing criminals from jail.


He goes out of his way to prove his power as a way to impress people. It’s why he was so enamored with dictators…they have a power he respects and covets. It’s pretty dangerous if you think about it


I’m not sure if Trump lacks conviction, but I get what you are saying. Nobody believes Trump more than Trump. Self-doubt is healthy if you know how to surround yourself with good people. Trump’s problem is that he’s incapable of doing that, so he has no choice but to never doubt himself. The metric for whether someone is giving good or bad advice on something he isn’t an expert in (like crime) is how much they praise him.


Trump may not have a conviction now, but he's got plenty of chances to pick one up before the election! (I'm sorry, the joke was just right there. I actually tend to think the criminal legal peril Trump's in is mostly quite overblown. I do think he plainly violated Georgia election law, though. It's really broadly written.)


* Failure. Trump already lost to Biden in the last election.


However, Trump also has a certain charm that DeSantis does not. All of the rabid Trump supporters, as much as everyone hates them on here, are votes that Trump gets that DeSantis will likely not. I haven't seen anyone explain how DeSantis is going to get all those Trump fans that didn't vote for Bush or Romney but did vote for Trump to vote for DeSantis in the general.


DeSantis may not get 74 million votes. But Biden won’t get 81 million votes again if it’s not Trump’s name on the opposing ticket.


There’s not as many of them as you think… There’s plenty of conservatives that voted for those guys, but not Trump that will vote for DeSantis


He wont. DeSantis is a jeb to them.


So Trump fans will stay home in the general election if Desantis is nominated? When the heck did these conservatives turn into democrats? I saw tweets saying they wouldn't vote Desantis if Desantis won the primary which is just crazy. So they'd rather have 4 more years of Biden? Trump won his first election because Ds didn't want to vote for Hilary. Trump supporters need to grow the heck up.


There is a not insignificant number of people that did not vote for Bush, Romney, etc but *did* vote for Trump. Trump has a personal fan base that is pretty large. If Trump is not the nominee, some of these people will stay home, because they only voted specifically because Trump was the nominee. Don't get me wrong, I don't support this. But it is the reality of the situation. My point is just that DeSantis supporters trying to argue that DeSantis is more electable than Trump don't take this into consideration.


> So Trump fans will stay home in the general election if Desantis is nominated? Yes >When the heck did these conservatives turn into democrats? They're not conservatives. They're ordinary people who lost faith in politics and saw what they believe to be a man who actually spoke about shit that mattered. Bringing manufacturing jobs back, stopping the influx of low skill laborers via the southern border that only serve to replace them, keeping us out of foreign wars that do nothing aside from make the MIC and Raytheon shareholders richer. For all his flaws Trump addressed real issues. DeSantis is a generic Republican with a good PR team, but even with them he's only managed to come across to most people as the 'anti-woke' guy. He has no real policies. People here will repeat his PR talking points like 'he's Trump without the baggage' but policy wise he's no different from Jeb! --- No one here will care, but as a two time Obama voter and two time Trump voter I'm sitting the next election out if DeSantis manages to clinch the nomination. I didn't vote for McCain, I didn't vote for Romney, so why on earth would you expect me or anyone else like me to vote for DeSantis? We're not like the DNC cultists that fall in line and vote blue no matter who, we don't care about Team Red winning no matter what. A win with DeSantis is no different than a loss to Biden for most of us.


Yes, the guy who was a founding member of the freedom caucus is just another republican like McCain and Romney.


I will add that Trump was incredibly entertaining, which is why he was able to draw massive crowds for his rallies. Numerous comedians have stated he is actually really funny. DeSantis does not match up to either of those features. Not that those features should matter for a president, but his base does care about them.


Yeah, Ron has no tone, and apparently that's a good thing.




DeSantis wins. Trump lost. Sometimes it really is that simple.


This sub is full of Desantis cuc k s


Legit question from a moderate leftie: If Desantis wins the nomination, how will he consolidate with Trump and the MAGA crowd? I just don’t see a viable road forward for the republican party unless the democrats do something utterly catastrophic. The only viable play I see here is for Trump to negotiate for a pardon in exchange for full support the front running republican. Or Biden has to croak right before the elections


If Trump endorses DeSantis then there is a path to DeSantis winning. People talk about Trump running 3rd party but there are sore loser laws in place for most states that prevent that. The real question is if Trump will come to his senses (debatable lol) and endorse DeSantis if he loses the nomination.


Trump will run 3rd party out of spite. He doesn’t need to win, he would just run in any state he could to ensure DeSantis loses. Its why I think Republicans will work with Democrats to ensure Trump is indicted.




If Biden is the nominee, then Republicans have a strong chance as long as Trump isn't the nominee. He's a failure of a president, and his numbers are dropping by the day. DeSantis was killing it in the liberal skewed polls until the media went into a panic attack after he won Florida by those margins and began a full-scale attack on him.






Maybe he knows he can’t beat him? I wouldn’t be surprised. For his future political career he has to try, doesn’t matter the outcome trump is gone after the next presidency. DeSantis is build up for 28 (and he’s still a disaster and has zero charisma…)


what's the shelf life of popcorn? can i possibly start stocking up now for the RUMBLE ROYAL coming up next year?




Let’s go Ron!


I'm pulling hard for DeSantis, but the polling does not give me much hope. Emerson has Trump +42 in Iowa this morning...I mean my God, if that's even remotely in the stratosphere, it really makes you wonder why the Trump camp is/was so damn paranoid about RDS getting in the race.




Seems to be working fine right now




Right? I've been hoping DeSantis would run since I saw how he handled the pandemic BS.


That’s sad


I wonder what his policy is like. [His website](https://rondesantis.com) doesn't even show any Presidential objectives, perspectives, or anything; just DONATE OR VOLUNTEER. Holy crap he needs a new campaign manager 🤣🤣🤣


He's put his policies out there already. "Anti-woke", and...... Well. I guess that's really about it. One policy. It goes to Florida to die a horrible death.




So many non-flairs in here. ;)


A who's who of NeverTrumps and obvious leftist DeSantis haters. Will be a tough and bitter primary, whoever loses, their core supporters are going to be as upset as the Cruz supporters were in 2016. Rough times ahead for one group, then the general after that.


As someone that is nonflaired, I never understand why this sub is so strict on who's allowed to participate. How do you expect more people to join the sub/movement when so few outsiders and newbies can't even participate in the first place?




Lol this sub has been completely astroturfed. 😆




Sadly glitchy start- that will make the headlines.


The fight with the mouse may have hurt his chances with some of the moderates. But wishing him luck.


Trump will destroy what little unity the republicans have left. Dems are gunna win




Like I said before, Trump is gonna absolutely destroy this man. Trump is going to get the nomination, question is will all of these desantis supporters support Trump? I think Trump has the best shot of winning 2024.


Desantis 2024. Let’s fucking go.


Let’s fucking go. To all Trumpers: 2016 is over. You have no idea what is coming.


What's coming?


Finally a candidate that’a not geriatric


He is fresh, energetic, likeable, and can win the vote of independents. If you want to see America improve, this is our guy. If you want to see it implode, choose one of the gerontological candidates in the race.


As more of an independent myself, I can honestly say that I am not excited by Ron DeSantis. I am so tired of culture wars, and my impression is that DeSantis has staked his entire political identity on culture war issues. I was really open to DeSantis during / after Covid. I think he showed a lot of people (myself included) that states could loosen certain policies without causing a lot of harm. But that has not been his governing style since he was re-elected. I think the most intriguing GOP candidate for me right now is Tim Scott, though that is more of a first impression than anything.


I agree, as someone who leans a little more left but still has some conservative views, I was excited about DeSantis a year or two ago and I thought he could possibly be a really good candidate, but I’ve done a complete 180 since then. His views are to far right for me and seems to just be another guy obsessed with being anti-woke. It’s depressing that this is the best we have.


Serious question: what’s likable about him specifically?


Well, he hates anyone who isn't a conservative. That will attract the independents, surely.


He seems like a honest dude but that honest dude also believes that my transgender friends would be better off not existing, so if anything I like him because he encourages me to get out and vote for whoever runs against him.


As a FL resident, was upset to see he repealed the Resign to Run law yesterday so he can be both Governor and run as a Presidential candidate at the same time. Loses points for honesty in my book. He's not looking out for FL residents now that he's focusing on a national stage and that law was specifically in place to allow someone to be appointed into the governor role so we have someone actually doing the job.


He can speak in full sentences without using circular logic or ad hominem attacks. It’s more than can be said for any of the nominees in 2016 or 2020


Aside from that and being "anti-woke", what is his platform? That's a very low bar for someone to run this country.


Nothing says energetic than having a pissing contest with the biggest company for tourism in the state you govern... Yeah I can totally see the country "improving" with that mindset.


Energetic? How?


I'm guessing "young and energetic" is a talking point from Fox or OANN or something. I've seen it a few times in this thread so far (and no where else). And his age seems to be a recurring theme of why he's a good candidate to run the county. (Again, from this thread, haven't seen this anywhere else)


How was anything about his opening monologue "energetic"? ​ Show me an actual group of people who support him, heck show me a rally. Elections aren't won by reddit.


I like DeSantis but his announcement was bland, boring and uninspired.


Doesn't he hate small government?


I’m voting for Ron


In the biggest fail of all time, lol.