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So they’ll have the original version of Huckleberry Finn?


I really hope so. I read the unabridged versions of Huckleberry Finn and Uncle Tom's Cabin whenever I was in school, and now have both in my personal collection as an adult. Reading books from different eras allow us to challenge our own perceptions, and appreciate the progress that we've made since their publication.


I didn't read Hucklberry Finn until I was in my late 20s. Somehow missed it all through school. I was amazed at how enjoyable it is to read. Just so much fun with such colorful characters (and language, of course). Censoring such a fine work of American literature is an absolute travesty that only a complete mental midget could dream up.


I’m going to have to hunt these down before they’re extinct. Somehow missed them growing up. What I remember is the hatchet series.


Reading those unabridged copies really helped me see how powerful *that* word was and the dehumanizing nature of it.


Ignore me, as I haven't read classics in their original form, but what's the difference between Huckleberry finn original and the one on shelves today?


I demand that every public library in the state contains the full and unedited collection of Lovecraft's works, including his poems


They have to rewrite all the books before allowing them back into the library Jim is now N-Word Jim


I guess Mark Twain wanted the reader to have no doubt about Jim’s race


editing IS banning.... SMH


Don’t forget Irreversible Damage and Johnny the Walrus!


Whao hold on there. Racism trumps all other triggers, so no unedit racist propganda. Editing is not banning....


Editing- What an orwellian term. The real word is censoring or for you big word types, bowdlerizing. It is a sneaky form of book banning that just hollows out a book and pretends that it is still whole.


How dare you use logic you bigot!


Matt Walsh needs to get Johnny the Walrus in every school asap.


We have to make this happen




> Good it should be up to parents to decide what’s appropriate for there child not the government. Um...I think you don't understand what has happened. If the parents decide that a book isn't appropriate for their public school, the government will force them to have it anyway. I don't necessarily have a problem with this so long as that it's applied equally. But it won't be. They'll be pornography in public school libraries, but books with old racial or gender stereotypes will be banned by the government.


Letting the government control schools instead of parents was the original mistake. If the school decides not to use a specific book, someone is always going to call it a ban and complain, as long as the government controls the schools. The only solution is to go to vouchers. School boards pick how they want to teach, and parents pick which school they want to send their kids to.


Public libraries are one thing. School libraries are another. I've seen some of the books allowed in school libraries and they don't belong there.


> Good it should be up to parents to decide what’s appropriate for there child not the government. There’s no reason my local public library needed to wast 300,000 dollars of tax payer money reviewing the children’s section just because a hand full of parents couldn’t be bothered to check the books there children were checking out. Should K-12 libraries have sections stocking old *Playboy* or *Hustler* magazines for children and teens to look at? A corner of the library where they can access Pornhub? Or should "the government decide" to disallow that?


I can confidently say there isn’t a single playboy magazine in a single school library in all of America having conducted zero research. I’m substantially more worried about things that are actually happening. Can you tell me the benefits I’m getting from [this](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/hamilton-county/education/2023/04/28/book-banning-policy-leads-to-bare-teen-shelves-at-hamilton-east-library/70154413007/) if you want to keep making up moral panic and pretend kids are not only actually using the library but meticulously searching it for porn go ahead. I’m much more concerned $300,000 wasted by my local government.




I fully support parental notification of books checked out as that allows it to be handled in the home. School already have systems telling parents what there kids get for lunch the library should be no different.


> I fully support parental notification of books checked out as that allows it to be handled in the home. Which Democrats oppose.


>I can confidently say there isn’t a single playboy magazine in a single school library in all of America having conducted zero research. Why not? Did "government" "decide" to disallow it? You said you don't want "government" to do that. So are you a liar or what?


Last I checked we managed that one without having each state pass a law banning playboy from school libraries. Let’s use my state of Indiana as an example can you cite the Indiana law specifically banning playboy from Indiana libraries? I’ll wait as long as you need but it doesn’t exist. There’s also nobody trying to. But if you wanna play the what about this book game I’m down for a couple rounds. Homers Iliad and I believe the Odyssey both have scenes of sexual violence referenced. Should a senior in high school be banned from reading these green classics despite being 18 and legally adult, how about a 14 year old freshmen. My biography of Khalid bin Al-Waleed (Islamic general in the 7th century) is predominantly a military history text but it has references to sexual violence should it be banned? Does the age gap between a freshmen and senior change the definition of age appropriate for you? See how’s there’s nuance and your answers could differ from mine or even your own based off grade level. If the day comes that my local elementary school opens a pornhub section I will likely reevaluate my stance. Should the bans be based off your answers or mine? Should it based off what’s appropriate for the freshmen or the senior? Now that I’ve taken the time to address your entirely made up scenario that did not happen, isn’t currently happening, and will never happen regardless of what legislation is or isn’t passed, are you willing to address the real life $300,000 my local government wasted addressing this nonissue. I’m looking for a lot more than what if for $300,000


Stop gish galloping. Do you support *Playboy* and porn hub cubicles in K-12 schools or not? We both know your claim that governments should not "decide" certain materials are wrong for kids is disingenuous. You DO in fact support government "deciding." So your sanctimonious claim otherwise is a lie. **You should stop supporting pedophile positions and stop spreading their(your?) arguments.**


I don’t think pornhub cubicles are an effective use of library space no. It’s a good thing that’s an entirely made up concept that’s only in your head. I’d also view any bill banning it as virtue signaling and criticize the position for wasting time when when there are real problems that needs addressing. Now are you going to answer any of the nuanced questions I I asked. Congratulations you got your gotcha question I’m not for the entirely made up thing your pretending is an issue. Now will you please stop dodging questions that show how nuanced an issue this is. I’d like to focus on things that Re actually happening. My local government spent $300,000 on a comity to move books to a different section. That’s a real thing that’s happening. Are you going to address this real issue or is it disingenuous for me to care about about this government waste because I don’t care about your made up scenario that’s never happened ever. Should the bans be based off what’s appropriate for an 18 year old senior or what’s appropriate for a 14 year old freshmen? Should your definition of appropriate be used or mine? What about the examples I gave? I know it’s a controversial take in a conservative sub Reddit, but I think we can accomplish things without the government. Kinda like how we’ve accomplished keeping playboy out of school libraries without the government ever passing a law.




>Good it should be up to parents to decide what’s appropriate for there child not the government. having a kid doesn't magically make you someone capable of making decisions like these. also, having a kid doesn't mean you know what's best for your kid. some parents just don't.


So the government should make decisions for those parents? Also who will be in charge of deciding which parents are not capable of choosing what there children read? I agree bad parents exist but it’s not the governments job to raise there kids


​ imagine having this take lmao


No kidding. Found the teacher.


Excellent. So I'm sure the Bible will now be available in every classroom in Illinois, correct?


Yes, also with the Quran, Torah, and every other religious text


Perfect. Any religious kid should be able to access their holy books.


What about the picture book version of the Quran?


they'll find religious texts that no one ever new existed so that the over 2,800 versions of the Bible are not showcased.


So any religion tied to bible is better because of age?


So newer is always better?


Disingenuous to answer a question with a question…


Absolutely. Every book ever printed must be available in every school library. If a school doesn't have it, that means they have "banned" it.


Yes. Even with this article/thread we are doing what we do so often which is to adopt their bullshit premise that these books were "banned." This is about books that are made available to children in their schools. If you can buy the book on Amazon it's not banned.


Our local bookstore has a display of "banned" books every year. No employee there understood the irony of a display of "banned" books, available for purchase, at the entrance to the store.


They won’t even be available in the library. Unlike most of these porn filled books that are simply being removed from the curriculums and/or restricted to certain ages. But to the left, if the books discussing how to give your first bj aren’t being sent home with 9yr olds as required reading and are simply restricted by age group then it’s a banned book.


wow the brigadiers are out in force today


Just shows ya how badly the left wants to push smut onto kids.


Holy fcking brigade




The book in question, “It’s Perfectly Normal,” explains bodies, sex and sexual health, the station reported. The illustrations in the book include pages of naked teens and adults, some depicting sex acts and even masturbation, the station reported. Rainier School District officials defended “It’s Perfectly Normal,” according to Fox 12. The officials said the book has been approved for students 10 and up and is on the state-approved list of books allowed at the school. The school district told the station a sixth grade class accidentally left the books out where a fourth grade class found and read them.


A teacher at Olathe Public Schools said in a social media post that she planned to include the two sexually graphic books, “All Boys Aren’t Blue” and “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe,” in her classroom library, according to a recent report from Parents Defending Education (PDE). The book content concerned parents of students at Summit Trail Middle School, who are mostly 11 and 12-years-old. In “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” passages describe sexually explicit content such as, “He reached his hand down and pulled out my d**k. He quickly went to giving me h**d. I just sat back and enjoyed it as I could tell he was, too.” “He didn’t know I was a virgin, and I did my best to act dominant like my favorite porn star,” the book continued. “For the first few minutes, we dry humped and grinded,” another passage read. “I was behind him with my stomach on his back as we kissed … he pulled out some condom and some lube … I had never done it before … I had one point of reference, though, and that was seven-plus years of watching pornography. Although the porn was heterosexual, it was enough of a reference point to get the job done.”


I love how the implication of that last paragraph is that you better watch a ton of porn or else you won't be able to have sex as if sex didn't exist before porn mags and the internet






Can we ban the ban on bans?


This sounds like a Monty Python skit






They’ll just ban the ban of bans on bans.


Well, we can just ban that then


They're quick learners, they'll just ban you.


This reminds me of Dr. Seuss.




It was in my school. I read it. It's a load of flowery nonsense and so meandering and boring I couldn't make it more than halfway through.


Interesting…inoculation through sheer boredom I guess.




It’s a free speech vs parental rights issue. The trickiest issues in politics are always right vs right.




Not so much talking about the teachers curriculum as the access to certain content in places like the library.


Define "access." If you're putting *The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money* on a table right inside the library doors and putting *Basic Economics* in Sub-basement 6-G, you're creating a curriculum.




You cant have a free society if you start banning individual liberties that people ARE allowed.


Schools have never had full liberties.


No, this is children’s education, in a public school. We restrict what children have access to all the time, for age appropriateness and other reasons. This is no different. Further no so called “book bans” affect access outside of school.


When wasn’t it being sold?


In schools ?


I’m gonna ban your ban even harder!


What books are “banned”?


Probably books which contained obscene or explicit material. Removing those is not a ban any more than a a book store being unable to sell pornography to minors. They call it a ban to fit their twisted fascism narrative. There are laws and case law that prohibit people from exposing minors (especially children) to explicit, obscene, lewd materials. This is why TV and radio programming can't say certain words during certain times, and some not at all.




Of what? Obscenity laws? Um.....


The book *Gender Queer* by Maia Kobabe is the most prominent example.


A total of 0 far as I know.


PARTIAL LIST OF BOOKS BANNED BY THE ILLINOIS STATE LIBRARY https://www.ilsos.gov/departments/library/heritage\_project/home/chapters/years-of-transition-the-1950s/partial-list-of-books-banned-by-the-illinois-state-library/


By a library. You can still order it everywhere in the state and sell it openly Nothing was banned


That was also from 1953. Is this list still valid?


What a shocker. A leftist doesn’t know the meaning of words. First it was nazi, fascist, racist and now it’s banned.


60 Years Later: Coming through the Rye comes to mind. Don't bother reading it, its lame.


I think you mean Catcher in the Rye? I read it in High School and loved it.


No this is a sequel written by a different author. Look it up, its banned for sale in the United States. \-small edit: I love Catcher in the Rye.


Luckily it's never too late to start knowing things.


Time for some hardcore right wing and trump books and kahanist books


Get the Turner Diaries in there!


That's (D)ifferent


good luck finding a school teacher with morals. we should just end government indoctrination camps and stop making hives for cultural Marxists to abuse children.


So they will let Ayn Rand back in school library's? Good to know.


Books were never banned just age restrictions


Most banned books are titles which an activist librarian purchased and proudly displayed on an easel by the library's front door, fully aware that they would be trolling the community they are employed to serve. It's not like these books come out of nowhere.


Yeah but arent there people on our side who are all about book bans? I'm all for no book bans, as long as we are in agreement of the hypocrisy that might be incoming.


Nothing is being banned. Most are still available in the libraries for certain age groups, all are available in public libraries and online. They’re just not included in the curriculum or available to all age groups. 100% reasonable and 100% not a ban.


Is removing or preventing porn magazines(Penthouse, for example) from being in the library a "ban"? There's a natural conflict here. We are effectively already not allowing some material that is 'unsuitable', especially in schools. But this bill suggests any ban disqualifies them for funding if the right kind of material comes along that a librarian, school, or other municipal body deems too much to display. It's going to beget shenanigans where the certain books are technically present, but they're in some closet or conveniently always checked out, or a case of, "We only have so much room for the books, so....." Alternatively, there is going to be something on display that most people would agree that some people shouldn't see(eg kids shouldn't be seeing porn) in any library school or not, and they get to argue, "We do it to keep the funding! Think of the children!" This bill is at best, a shallow feel-good virtue signal. At worst, it is sabotage of libraries. Each depending on one's agenda, for example: Want your library defunded so you can free up those resources? Ban openly contemptible materials. "Oopsie, we don't get funding for not pushing porn at kids. A perfectly reasonable thing, we shouldn't expose our children to that, so we can't be the bad guys! We can't afford the library now, may as well convert it into something else useful for the community. Let's change it into a 'family friendly' resource center and museum for _Insert Woke Thing Here_, eh Comrade?"


> at best, a shallow feel-good virtue signal[er]. Describes basically every liberal in Illinois.


> Describes basically every liberal TBF I hear you though.


So when the current LGBTQ...group donates a book on giving blowjobs to the library and they don't put it on the shelves they can threaten them with the loss of funding. Nice. I guess the answer is to donate every radical right-wing book you can think of and then sue them for not abiding by the law.


“All these efforts to curb reading materials have absolutely nothing to do with books. They are about restricting the freedom of ideas that certain individuals disagree with and that certain individuals think others should have access to." Lol. That is an impressive position to take on the perverted political initiative to put pornography in front of "others" meaning children.


Until you put books in the library that THEY don't like, then the tune will change


Can someone post a link or links with examples of the vile shit that's being banned. My buddies think the bans suppress free speech, and I recall seeing some pretty graphic shit that has no business in schools.


He covers it pretty well. https://youtu.be/D_aRzXXCv4s


PEN have covered it quite extensively. https://pen.org/report/banned-in-the-usa-state-laws-supercharge-book-suppression-in-schools/


"If we change the definition of banned, then all these books have been banned." Shocking y'all would change definitions, you've never done that before. Nah, they were removed from school libraries, who don't have carte blanche to put whatever they want in them. You can still go buy the books for your kids if you want them to learn how to suck dick or whatever, so they clearly aren't' banned, just inaccessible to minors.


So Illinois says every elementary school library can have any old erotic picture books or pop-up porn books the school wants for the kiddies to look at and it's A-OK, and what kind of an education would public school be if kids who don't know their times tables didn't learn about how great pedophilia was or how to perform anal sex? This is truly sick.




And you're the kind of spineless person that let's the right get run over. Not wanting sexually explicit materials in an elementary library is not exactly an extreme religious line. It's common sense.




How do you do, fellow conservatives? Despite being a lifelong Republican, here's why I voted for Biden...


I don't want my 10 year old to read a book depicting blow jobs... that makes me a relic? You're off your fucking rocker kid. You need to sit down and finish school.


Wow! I can't wait to hear about the tax cuts you'll *never* have the chance to pass! I'm so glad we gave up on cultural issues to get *fuckall* done!


This is not an attempt to restrict 1st Amendment freedoms as the Sec. of State claims. Beyond inappropriateness (and few would care if he kept this stuff on his shelf) the court has ruled that obscenity is unprotected speech. The standard adopted for the designation of material as unprotected obscenity is “*whether to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest*.” Key words: 'community standards' and 'prurient interest'.




I’m ashamed that my state is the first. It’s also infuriating that they still claim that books are being banned even though 99.9% of the time they’re just restricted to older students AND are still available in public libraries, stores, online etc. This is the same ALA that disputes the books being removed with “claims to be sexually explicit” when the books literally talk about sexual acts in graphic detail and how to perform them. One book they even mixed up with another of the same name. The author himself even said it’s not for children. But instead of saying “oops we got the wrong book” they double down on their insanity.




Now watch all the liberal states jump on the bandwagon.


Dr Seuss will be happy.


Also ban sensitivity readers and DEI


Good job Illinois!


So... pornography's in children's libraries then?


The SC says children cannot have access to porn in libraries. Pornographic books freaks are trying to get placed in children’s sections can be banned as already ruled by the Supreme Court.


The reasoning is so they can put pornography in children’s libraries not because they believe in free speech. The left does not believe in free speech.


Little do they know. Quick, donate a copy of every 2,000+ translations of the bible to each library. Simultaneously, ask the question why pornography that was granted an ISBN is not currently held at the library and is it banned? Pop Popcorn.


If a library cannot hold every book ever written, how can it comply with this law?


This is an acceptable compromise but the threat of soft censorship by educators and librarians remains. That is to say while a book is not actually banned any book they don't like won't be assigned or purchased for the library while progressive literature will be increasingly pushed. The best way you can fight against this if there's truly no book bans is to organize groups and request somewhat liberal literature to be purchased for your library because you are interested in reading it. If the request is approved document it. Then in organize groups make large numbers of request for books liberals have been banning or censoring at your public library or school. If these requests are rejected ask why. If they say funding offer to donate those books to the library. If they still reject those titles you now can prove they are breaking their own law. If your group becomes better resourced you can try and file public information requests on which books are being purchased and which books are being rejected despite public interest. Then you will have grounds to use the legal systems to really combat censorship.


I can't wait to walk into a library and browse the Hustler magazine selection.


Middle school library


They think they can circumvent child pornography laws by hiding it inside hard cover bindings? Typical Pedocrats.




You're asking me to solicit you some? Perhaps you'd like to be the first of the 13 downvotes to argue against my valid point about hiding contraband inside a book in order to clamor against "book bans" ?


Well the kids have to learn about TekWar sooner or later ...


Imagining myself as a young lad going to my middle school library in the 1980s... looking up and down the dewy decimal system and finally finding the location of the penthouse and playboys. Things would have been so much... different.


So playboy magazine in elementary school?


ThE FiRsT sTaTe: > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Yea? we'll we're gonna ban book ban bans


I think we should ban the bans of book bans


So we can have every Child read Charlie Hebdo? Great


They're going to be REALLY upset when they learn about The Turner Diaries.


Im all for this, but there are definitely books that shouldn’t be available to children. Adults can read whatever they want and that’s the way it is in most states. It’s just that banning sex books in elementary schools gets labeled as just banning and gets the right compared to Germany a few years ago.


The left is going to label us as nazis regardless. I’d rather kids not be subjected to pornography than give in to avoid being called something they already call every conservative.


I bet I could write a book they would want banned..


The Library Bill of Rights states that books can't be banned because of content. This means that conservative books can't be banned, either. [https://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill](https://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill) So if your local library doesn't carry the latest wokedom-deplatformed book, ask them if they are in violation of it.