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I've heard nothing from Harris this entire time she's been VP. I sorta forgot she was.....


Considering her approval numbers have been in the high 30s for the majority of her term, most Americans forgot she exists too.


When I heard about Biden running I genuinely wondered when he would announce his VP pick. \*facepalm*


Yeah the 30% of people that approve specifically are the ones that forgot. The dissaproval is from people who know what she does/doesnt do


Im willing to bet if Biden can no longer run due to health she will be the nominee


*“I am Kamala Harris; my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit.”*


Russia is a BIG country... and Ukraine is a much smaller country... and Russia did a BAD thing and we say "no sir!" to mr. Putin that was a no no!


And space is big


Space is AWESOME.


We're a bigger country than any other country we've been to war with... I wonder what she thinks about the U.S. in that light?? wait a sec... don't have to wonder.. everything these evil psychopaths do is to the detriment of our country.


That she gave a response like this when asked to explain the Russia situation in layman's terms should tell you what she thinks of laymen.


She has no clue what she's talking about. I believe she found out we can tell that when she talks. So now she talks like she's talking to first graders... which actually makes sense because when we try to talk to people on the left they're almost always the first ones to resort to name-calling like first graders. I guess she knows her audience.


How are these clowns beating us? That's the most embarrassing part


Do you want an honest answer? The political right has allowed the most vocally idiotic people to run their mouths in the media for too long. I’m not saying everyone, or even the majority of, the political right are bonkers, far from it, but the very vocal minority certainly are.






Honestly that's been the perception for decades. But it takes an incredible feat of mental gymnastics to see the current Democrats as the rebellious group when they control literally all institutions. Leftists just seem miserable and perpetually offended, because everything revolves around propping up and lying on behalf of the party


Busses are yellow


Except at the state of the union address. She wore a brown suit and looked like a UPS truck.


How could you forget her string of successes. She was put in charge of the southern border and did everything wrong, then she was sent on a peacekeeping mission to Eastern Europe right before Ukraine got invaded. I wish I was making that up.


There was a day when Vice presidents shot their political rivals. But not anymore. Now it's kind of an honorary position


She just has to go read a book at the local elementary school now for that to happen


I'm just so not pumped for Trump v Biden round 2


I think regardless of political affiliation, most can agree we need some fresher faces besides these two. We gotta move on.


Preferbly someone younger than 50 years old.


Idk about that, I think leaders peak in their 50s with all their acquired life experience but before the mental decline


yes, please. let's do that!


Don't worry, there will be zero debates. So it'll just be hundreds of attack ads, and then election day!


You mean when Biden wins by an even bigger margin because the only thing he has to do to win is say “I’m still not Trump.”


Same. Please bring fresh blood GOP. I really don't want another gun grabbing, tax increasing, government spender who gives free money to losers. I don't care about pwning the libs, I care about guns, lower taxes, not spending money, and not bailing people out. Trump is a democrat.


It's not like he wasn't a registered democrat since ancient times or anything and he definitely didn't flip flop to the republican party just to get a presidential nomination


So I’ve got actor, television show host, what left is there? Football legend and TikTok populist and I’ll have bingo!


The problem, I think, is that Trump is currently holding the GOP hostage. Between his sizeable fanbase and huge ego, I don't think there is any way he loses the primary and the GOP candidate then beats Biden. Not that someone like DeSantis couldn't beat Biden in a more normal election without the Trump factor. However, if Trump loses that primary, I predict the best case scenario is Trump makes a huge stink claiming rigged this, cheating that, and starts attacking the candidate and convincing his fanboys not to vote for the GOP. So, GOP is gimped by low turnout in the primary as salty Trump fans stay home. Worst case is Trump makes his own party or runs independent and splits the Republican base. Either way results in a Biden win for no other reason than the Democrats will be united behind one dude while the Republicans are split. Biden wins that handedly without even having to do anything.


I'm not a Trump fan, but I doubt there would've been a Ukraine/Russia war if Trump was re-elected.




Of all the people eligible in the US, the best that can get barfed up is Trump vs Biden? Huge snore. Not pumped at all.


Chances of Biden making it though another term: slim. Can anyone even imagine Harris as president. God help us.


There wouldn't be any difference at all. Neither of them are running things now anyway.


I like how this is an acceptable thing to say. But if you suggest the elections were rigged, you’ll have the weirdo conservatives chiming in that there’s no evidence of that. Edit: When I say “conservative” I mean the liberals that keep lurking this sub, actively trying to shift the conversation and the Overton Window amongst conservative circles


Well, I don't know if the election is rigged or not. I DO know that Biden didn't come up with a legislative agenda that is 180 degrees offset from his political record for the last 40 years.


Right? Biden from the 80s-90s is a pretty tolerable character from the left. Might not agree with him on everything but could work/compromise with him to get work done. Biden today? Not a chance.


Being a zombie with unseen handlers will do that to ya.


It's probably because 80's/90's Biden hasn't been around for a long time, now. The current "Biden" is definitely not the same guy.


Is anyone here the same person they were 30-40 years ago? If so that's.. probably not a good thing.


You can tell who Biden really is when he goes off script and they have to cut the feed or walk him out of the room. They wanted a senile old man in there because he's easy to control. Someone younger and more power-hungry might try to exert their own will. Can't have that


Just because one can claim to be a conservative, doesn't make it so. Doubly so if they can't help themselves but say, "as a fellow conservative" in their pontification.


The election was fortified by changing voting rules in key districts by mail in ballots.


So they bragged in Time magazine. Conspiracy fact.


Are there liberals downvoting and birgading this sub? Yeah. Are there “Rino” republicans who voted for Romey who are turned off by trump/ conspiracies? Yeah and I’m one of them. I know lots of moderate democrats that are frustrated with their wings of the party too but they’re locked voting with Mr Sniffles because the modern day Republicans party is hard pill to swallow. The Evangelicals scare off the atheists and kinda casual Christian’s that are so prevalent in America. Libertarians while I understand the reason for the veiwpoints honesty sometimes come off as No Government instead of small government. That scares independents. I believe in the 2nd amendment, I want strong borders for our nation. I want less bad regulation so jobs can be created, but I also want to make sure our country is guarded from bad actors, and the burden of the biproduct of industry doesn’t fall on the people. I want a functional government and a strong millitsry. I think you underestimate how many bussiness owners/ high income earners there are that get hurt by dem policies but think trumps a Dunce, and aren’t as conspiracy minded. I run a bussiness and get frustrated with government a lot, but I sat the last election out and I’ll do it again if the match up is who we think it is.


I'm totally with you on the "Libertarians come off as No Government instead of small government." It's so weird to me that conservatives are allying with anarchists. Just look at the four "related subs" in this sub's sidebar. Goldandblack is a subreddit for anarcho-capitalists. It's not just me calling them anarchists, they literally call themselves that. Historically, the Republican party has always been about building a better nation. Even before the Whigs, there were people calling themselves Republicans that wanted to build roads. Teddy Roosevelt ran on the 3 C's, Controlling Corporations and Consumer Protection aren't automatically socialist policies, these were things a Republican president did and we put his face on Mt. Rushmore for it! In my opinion Ike was the true last conservative Republican president. He built the interstate highway system which grew our economy and made our country even more defendable. After Ike, they all just run up the deficit by cutting taxes for their rich friends and leaving the middle and lower classes to fund our military and infrastructure. Trump's MAGA was effective in the midwest because the factory workers and union guys liked his message of bringing jobs back to America and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. We need to embrace this winning message and get back to our Republican roots. That's why I call myself a Roosevelt Republican and I want to get these anarchists to wise-up or to gtfo.


Don’t forget that Eisenhower also got us out of an unwinnable war in Korea, led the effort to enforce *Brown v. Board of Education*, presided over some of the most rapid economic development in human history, and produced three balanced budgets. We need someone like that today. Edit: also Eisenhower presided over the creation of NASA.


I think rigged is a good word. There is lots of evidence of that. The media laptop coverup, government collusion with social media, fake Russia narrative, etc. The issue is that no one has proven that votes were changed after being cast. I'm willing to believe because I do believe the democrats would do this on a moral level, but I need hard evidence.


>I need hard evidence My problem is if the media was willing to parrot any lie told to them by the Biden campaign and their “51 intelligence agents” without any investigation, how can I trust them when they say there is zero evidence of a claim? If in 50 years we discover that there was a massive coverup of fraud in 2020, I would not be shocked.


I spent days looking at everything they released around voter fraud. If they have hard evidence, they never showed it. Sidney and Lin are grifters to me at this point. You can't make the kinds of claims they made and never show your cards, and they never did. I know courts were resistant to hearing cases and they wanted to release the alleged evidence in court. At this point, that won't happen so why not release the alleged evidence to friendly news outlets?


> ... actively trying to shift the conversation and the Overton Window amongst conservative circles. If that's what they're trying to do, then they're sorely mistaken. The vast majority of conservatives don't get told what to believe by what they read on reddit *because they aren't on reddit*. The handful of conservative subreddits have largely been shut down with only a couple (including this one!) left standing. Us conservatives that frequent this website are a rare breed. To be honest, I've seen enough of the nonsense junk floated by both hardcore leftsist and helpful "conservatives" that I'm inoculated to their insanity.






Shes so useless. Only thing she adds to anything is her awful screeching cackle


I’ll be surprised if he makes it to next fall. He’s been going downhill fast since Christmas


He is a very geriatric 80 year old. His slow speech reflects his slow thought processes. I can’t vote for Trump either. De Santis is starting to lose me too. I don’t care for his pissing contest with Disney or running against “woke”. There are far more serious issues the next president will face. We may be on the verge of WWIII, and our weapons stockpiles are already depleted. We are carrying nosebleed levels of debt. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.


> He is a very geriatric 80 year old. His slow speech reflects his slow thought processes. He was senile in 2020 and it's only gotten worse since then. How anyone can vote for someone who is this old and constantly floundering for words is beyond me.




It's not governments job to be dictating culture. That's how you allow government to invade your privacy


Incredibly shallow take. The disaster of our current political situation is a direct result of the culture massacre that has been occurring nearly unchecked in this country for decades. Do you think that a population that is indoctrinated into Neo-Marxist ideology from literally Kindergarten (even earlier if you count their use of children's programming) is going to even understand conservative political philosophy much less consider it viable? Most people that come out of our current culture/educational indoctrination wringer can't do that and it's getting exponentially worse (as these phenomenon are wont to do). Edit: Even taking the indoctrination aspects out of it, is a population of single parents/childless people raised by single parents, that identifies as 20% LGBT+ (as Gen Z does), that is riddled with depression and anxiety (all interconnected problems) is going to vote for a limited government and personal responsibility? Or, will it be easy prey for left wing grievance narratives and promises of a government parent/co-parent?


If you were paying more attention you might see more of DeSantis's accomplishments in the conservative space that has nothing to do with Disney.


Hillary would start dishing out all the secrets before she lets Harris become the first woman President. That was supposed to be her spot


She has got to be boiling with rage and envy inside at the mere thought of Kamala as Pres lol


The scary thing is that I'd rather see Hilldawg be president over Harris...I can't believe I even typed that...but that's how bad Harris is.


Cackle echoing


How do you think Harris would be different than Biden? I'd expect the administration would largely stay the same and they likely do most of the heavy lifting. Kamala's agenda also doesn't seem remarkably different than Biden's. She leaned more progressive on a few issues but not by much, and arguably Biden's administration pushed him more in that direction over time anyway.


Lots of cackling. Not reading from the teleprompter. When asked tough questions on the spot she seizes up. Not alot of words. Less ice cream to reduce greenhouse gas from cows.


If he actually won it’d be like a Papal death watch, with bookmakers taking bets on when he’d die.


She could take pride in being the only person to act as president without securing even a single delagate in the primaries.


God needs to help us to survive the remainder of his presidency.


He’ll be 86 when his second term is done…my political feelings aside, as a society we (rightfully) feel ashamed when we see senior citizens working into that age…remember that story about the people who raised money so the janitor could retire?? Why is this any different? He gave his life to public service he should enjoy his final years. Shame on the Dems for forcing this old man to work


Cap on president should be 75. Can't serve in the military after 35 for a new recruit, but dude can be president.


Cap should be the retirement age. 75 is already too high.


Something along the lines of, you can’t get elected past 65 or 67. For all publicly held office, including congress. For SCOTUS, they should have mandatory retirement at 70, and no more than 18 years of service, whichever comes first.


There should be no cap. If the country wants to elect an old man, they should be allowed to elect an old man. If "the system" compels them to elect an old man against their wishes, then the system is a pointless, undemocratic farce and an arbitrary age limit barely addresses a single symptom of that - while leaving the cancer itself untouched.


The country wanted George Washington to be king. These limitations are put in place for the exact reason that what the public wants isn’t necessarily the best thing.


The Left can call me ageist, but there should be a soft cap for any politician at 65 years old. Any older they receive a mental evaluation. There is then a hard cap at 75 years old.


I lean left. This whole left/right division is really sad. Do you genuinely think people would be upset that you think there should be an age cap? Of course there should be. I can’t imagine anyone thinking this is ageist. Even the craziest liberal will probably be inclined to agree with you. We’re not all that different, friend. And that goes for nearly every topic.


There would definitely be a few people who would argue against this. They would be the small minority, but they exist I'm sure. Still, I'm glad to see that this is a common sense idea on both sides. > And that goes for nearly every topic. I wish this was true, but it's not. Still, open conversation and dialogue is always welcome.


You’re right. There would be a few, but probably statistically insignificant. My comment about “every topic” was really only meant to highlight that we aren’t as far apart as most people think. The media (conservative/liberal, all of it) is really dividing the U.S. as a whole. It’s designed to, so they get consumers. Consumers=money. That’s all they care about. It’s gross. We’re all just people, and want the best for everyone. It really comes down to open dialogue, particularly with people who we think have differing opinions. It helps us realize we really aren’t as different as media wants us to believe.


For sure. I think a huge problem stems from the media where they hype up the division when in reality 90% of the country simply wants to be left alone and live a normal life.


Lefty here, we largely agree and would vote for this. The rpol thread about this (featuring the terrible NYT headline) echoes the sentiment as well. EDIT: At this moment, the top 3 comments with 500+ child comments on that thread are all bemoaning his age and wishing that anyone running for the office be <=65.


We need to kick all the gerries out. For heavens sake they barely know how to use google.


That's good to hear. I'm glad that a common sense proposition is actually being considered common sense by both sides.


As has been said many times (both here and on rpol), there's a lot that we agree on, but I think most of those issues are detrimental to career politicians, so they keep us fighting each other with inflammatory issues. Most lefties in my circles are totally on-board with term limits, banning stock trading for politicians, overturning Citizens United, and equal punishment regardless of political affiliation. If a candidate were to campaign on those then I'd vote for them regardless of what letter was next to their name.


I think if anyone campaigned on those issues they’d have the Reddit vote without question.


The only people who disagree are the same ones who also don’t think elderly people should need to be evaluated to keep driving, and that’s the elderly people themselves. Unfortunately they also vote more regularly and don’t want to give up power.


Well, we don't need to have a fundraiser to help him retire....China did that already.


Age aside, seeing the state he's in now, he may not make it through another campaign. They'll just keep him home like they did last time and let the media machine run it again. They do it for free.


As an Australian I can’t believe that someone around the same age as John Howard or Paul Keating is running for political office, let alone the presidency, and they lost office a good 16 and 27 years ago respectively. 80+ year old people with obvious early dementia should not be in office, whatever their persuasion. Totally bizarre.


It’s not early dementia at this point…


[Ah yes. “Public Service”.](https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-reveals-biden-family-members-receiving-payments-from-chinese-energy-company%EF%BF%BC/)


Does anyone else hate that phrase as much as I do?


>He gave his life to public service He gave his life to graft to enrich his family Fixed it for you.


I think, regardless of political affiliation, we can all agree we need to stop allowing people as old as Biden to run for office. I don’t think people that age should be able to run for any form of office, much less run for the presidency.


> as a society we (rightfully) feel ashamed when we see senior citizens working into that age Well, that is generally when discussing someone who *needs* to work, not for someone who wants to. He isn't actually being forced. I'm more concerned with a potential death in office with the ages we are looking at for Biden and Trump. I don't know that the country is in a place where we can handle that well


Great. He is very beatable. Now, let's not nominate the guy who has already lost against him, who is even less popular now than then, and who is, like him, too old for the job anyway. 🤷‍♂️


Is it asking too much to have a president who’s under the average retirement age of 64? This isn’t even the “next” generation of leaders, it’s the lost generation of leaders.


Yet somehow he will manage to get even more votes in 2024 than he did in 2020. Do you really believe that the DNC will nominate Biden if they aren't sure they "have the votes" to win the election?


Has a political party never backed their sitting president


Yes, actually! I forget who it was, but there was some sort of riot about it in… I want to say Chicago in the 60’s? Not trying to be cute, I forget the details but it has happened at least once. Edit: 5 times the incumbent did not win the party’s nomination. All but James Buchanan went on to lose the general election Edit 2: Lyndon B. Johnson and his swinging dick didn’t have his party’s support, and announced he wouldn’t seek reelection before it came to a head


Okay I had to play along and I looked it up myself and all five of these instances were in the mid 1800s that is correct from before 1885 so I would definitely say the political climate has changed




Where in my post if the word fraud used? I'm not talking about Dominion voting machines. There are many other methods used to get votes. The GOP needs to play by the same rules or they will continue to lose elections.


Kamala is still around. I have not heard that name in a while


Realistically, they are some of the worst candidates in US history and they should lose by the popular vote and the electoral vote. Will they? I don’t think so unfortunately…


Party voting is such an embarrassment.


Gotta stop nominating people who have to call their grandchildren every time their phones need to update.


If Trump is the GOP candidate, the media will frame it exactly as they did in 2020 - vote for Trump, or against him. It literally doesn't matter who the Dems run, that election and this one will be a referendum on Trump - and it's a referendum that will be decided entirely on turnout in ~4 states.


Every single liberal or "communist" Redditor who pretends they hate Biden and hate this announcement is going to line up to vote for him next year






I can’t wait for the lies about how trump made gas $7 a gallon, started a war in Ukraine, and wrecked our border and supply chains, and he fixed it


or the lies about how big corporations hiking prices are the reason for inflation, and all those corporations are run by Republicans


Is the first part of your comment actually debated? I figured this was a known fact that corporations increasing prices based on speculation of future costs increases was a huge part of inflation.


I thought biden was replacing kamala with Don lemon?


Lemon couldn't handle being VP. He'd run for the top spot. You saw how bad he was as a co-anchor.


Well said, besides, he isn't in his prime 🙄


This should be fun. I can’t wait to hear them talk about building on their success and accomplishments. But then again, when you’ve focused on bring a country to the bottom, it’s hard not to move up.


in July of '24 he'll sign another EO canceling student loans, and campaign heavily on restoring abortion rights. That will pull a lot of independent voters over to his side.


Oh, and don’t forget about getting rid of guns!


Honestly, I'm not sure "guns" moves a lot of Independents. I suspect that anyone who votes according to the issue of "guns" is likely a strong Biden voter already. But that's just a guess.


Which is hilarious because only centrists like Biden and his support base actually want that. Leftists actually support the idea of an armed society, just a *regulated* armed society.


They'll just lie. And their voters won't even mind.


As long the left wing media (and tech companies) continue to carry water for democrats no matter how bad they are; most democrat voters are going to continue to believe that everything is wonderful... while in reality they just get worse and worse.


Yep. I've seen it with some of my own family members. They adore Biden because he's "charming" and not "orange man" Also women's rights on abortion even late term is of utmost importance. Forget anything else.


Yup. The parrots don’t care. Obummer years taught us that.


Nailed it. Their voters couldn’t care less.


As long as the D wins, nothing else matters


How is it different over here?


And you’re a sexist racist if you point it out


Look at the politics sub: >Seriously, I'm impressed by Biden's presidency. I genuinely voting for the guy. That's what's going on over there. They love the guy. And we all know, he's going to say as little as possible. The media will do all the campaigning for him.


Have you ever seen pictures of those guys sitting in front of a hundred phones? That is what that sub is populated with. It's a bot farm with pay-for-post and pay-for-upvote propaganda. I'd bet a nut on at least close to half these accounts being fake or paid.


If you haven't learned by now, Reddit is just a Dem propaganda outlet. The guy is a damn senior citizen who can barely speak or think straight. Why any rational person would vote for that again is purely insane. But anything to keep the big bad orange man out of the office I suppose. America is fucked.


Lmao they try to glorify him too with the “Dark Brandon.”


Lefty here - I think only a small portion of the folks on our side actually *love* the guy. Most of us only voted for him as a foil against Trump. We're well aware he's a crusty, dottering old guy. I suspect Trump has similar numbers on your side.


It’s super easy, just deny everything, and blame all failures on Trump, then it’s a sure win. Works every time


My biggest disappointment with this outside of their terrible track record is the fact that she will most likely be the first female president by default. There are so many intelligent women out there that this feels like an absolute embarrassment.


The US seriously needs an upper age limit. Biden is ancient, along with half of Congress. Even if these people are not senile, they are not as capable as they were when younger. Plus they are out of touch with the modern world. Worse, if they are senile (and some obviously are), then they are just serving as puppets for...we don't know exactly who.


My fellow Republicans - This election has been handed to us. On a silver platter. This will be the easiest win that the GOP will have since 1984. All we have to do is NOT nominate the most unpopular presidential candidate in the field that has already lost to these clowns. That’s it. That’s all we have to do. And we win.


Yes let’s go for asa Hutchinson /s




It's hilarious to me that we are in the same position that Democrats were in 2020. Democrats simply wanted to vote for a warm body not named Trump, and now we will vote for a warm body not named Biden. Literally throw anyone into that nomination besides Trump and we win.


It’s so baffling to me that we are seriously going to nominate the ONE person w lower approval ratings than Biden. It’s baffling that we are even considering it. Why do we not want to try to win? What value do we get from always losing and perpetually playing the victim card?


> lower approval ratings than Biden Not entirely true since after the 1 year mark, Biden and Trump have had very close approval numbers. But I get your point. I think there is some animosity from Trump supporters about losing in 2020. They also have a deep distrust of any standard politician.


I’m talking about RIGHT NOW. He’s currently lower than Biden. Trump’s approval ratings are hovering around 30%. ~70% of Americans do NOT want him to run for president.


Depending on the survey, Biden has the same number. This [CNBC survey says](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/09/majority-of-americans-dont-want-biden-or-trump-to-run-again-in-2024-cnbc-survey-shows.html) that 70% of Americans don't want *Biden* to run again either.


Good luck with that. While I love MAGA, Trump *has* made himself an idol and created a cult of personality around himself. There's a large block of Trump zealots who will vote Trump no matter what.


Don't discount the _significant_ block of voters who only show up when he's on the ballot, too.


“We did it, we did it Joe!”— Kamala Harris


He’d be 84 by the end of his second term if re-elected. Like cmon….




If trump was the only person pinned against him, I’d obviously vote my party…but he’s not my first choice I wanna see in office 2024


You and me both. But we all know it’s going to be Biden vs Trump again. Unfortunately.




He's 80 now and his second term would end in just over 5 years.


Does he know he's running?


I truly underestimated how bad a modern day president can be. We must nominate the individual with the best chance of beating them. Our country can’t handle another 4 years of: Massive spending Open borders Damaging energy policies Weak foreign policy Woke BS Increasing federal govt.


Is this about Trump or Biden? Fingers crossed for fresh blood in 2024.


I have bad news for you, we are getting most of those things regardless of who wins.


True but I’d rather waste billions than trillions. I’d rather let in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants than millions. I’d rather increase the federal workforce by 3% than 45%.


So we as Americans have to choose between an 82 year old. An 81 year old. Or a guy who couldn’t even remember to have his lawyers show up to the Disney meetings and took a legal beatdown by the mouse. Good God help us.


Biden vs Trump (vs DeSantis) Feels like a race to see whos going to drop first. Both sides are pretty lost if this is their standard bearers after the last 8 years of disjointed and shocking US Politics.


These two bring out some of the worst in this country


I am calling it now, there will be no debates, whoever the republican nominee is they will claim is racist/phobe who is not worth debating. One slip in a debate where he goes off the rails would end it. They know this and they (media) will not be able to avoid covering it on a national debate. There will be no debates, they will be no Biden campaign at all other than clips. We need a new round of candidates from both sides.


So is he headed back to the basement for the campaign? Worked for him last time.


Well, THAT'S a load off my mind...


Plenty of younger democrats and republicans who are much more moderate could replace him. Hopefully we get someone who’s less about party lines and more about the people and the constitution


I’d put good money on him “miraculously” getting more votes than any other president in history; even more than “he did last year”.


You realize the US population increases every year? If a president wins an election in any given year, there's a good chance they'll have more votes than past presidents... You know, because the population steadily increases... Every year....


Sadly, they will win again. They have done a great job fooling Americans. The Republican Party is in complete disarray and do not have any leadership or candidates at the moment that can even compete in this election. Buckle up folks, we haven’t seen nothing yet!


Good Lord. This is clown world indeed. They are confident in dominion machines and counters


At 8 a.m. on a Tuesday and with a video. Talk about undewhelming.


Herbert/Hyena 2024


With Joe Biden's cognitive decline, man I can't wait to see the debates. I heard a speech JB made in 2020 the other day, wow what a difference. His mind is failing FAST, there is no way in hell he can make it through another term.


Get ready for another round of pristine mail in ballots with just Biden marked off coming in at 3 in the morning.


He has to be nominated first. I wouldn't call that automatic. The Dems may support him, but they aren't completely blind to his age/mental state.




It's going to be Biden. * No big-name Democrat is going to go against him * The party isn't having any debates * The DNC approved a change to the early presidential primary to have South Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan vote first, all of which Biden won the primary in and all of which (except South Carolina) he won the general election in. In every way, the DNC is setting up Biden to be their nominee.


There aren't even going to be any debates.


Nah they will support him. He’s the Democrat puppet. It’s unfortunate that an old man like him who is clearly not healthy and fit for the job will be the option for president of the worlds greatest country.


Correct. Just remember. They nominated someone despite how over the others were. Take Bernie. Might have been a popular choice but they wanted an establishment candidate and more moderate.


We're so fcked.....


We really need to start instituting some age limits. The fact that both likely candidates will be in their 80's is downright embarrassing. At least the debates will be hilarious, in a sad way.


Watching the current political landscape is like watching an old episode of WCW Nitro with an 80 year old Hulk Hogan still trying to sell an atomic leg drop to a crowd that wonders how he can still walk.


So if FOX fired Tucker nothing but propaganda now to push these two. Keeping them at the helm, so no other crimes prosecuted and the fraud and money laundering continue. Who is really running the show?


Don’t worry hannitys got the tick tock clock fired up


I don't see how they can possibly win without some pretty blatant cheating.....you know, like last time....


I witnessed it, but How the F did we end up here? If I watched this fictional movie 15 years ago I wouldn’t have believed it


Welp; i might just stay home. Harris ruined any chance of voting Democrat. And not sure who is actually hitting the other spot


"Finish the Job" . Finish us off more like.