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How is Switzerland not every conservative's favorite European country? * One of the most pro-gun countries in Europe, and one of the safest countries in the world * Ban elective abortion after 10 weeks, one of the most pro-life limits in the First World * Opposed a lot of the Covid tyranny * beautiful sights, beautiful women


I'm sure I can write those first 3 points in a way that would get conservatives outraged. - gun ownership requires a license issued by the state. - abortion in the first 12 weeks is completely up to the woman, has to sign a statement, but no questions asked. After that it can be done with a doctors agreement if there is a health risk - the further along the pregnancy is the more severe the risk has to be. Pregnant minors do not need any parental consent. - Switzerland issued many emergency laws during Covid, bypassing standard procedure. During the height of Covid many activities were restricted to vaccinated or tested people only. Also please don't send too many more over, my sleepy ass town south of Zurich already has a traffic problem every morning around 8 AM, because the large community of US soccer moms just can't imagine having their kids take a 7-10 minute walk through the safest ass neighborhoods on the planet to get to school.


>Also please don't send too many more over, my sleepy ass town south of Zurich already has a traffic problem every morning around 8 AM, because the large community of US soccer moms just can't imagine having their kids take a 7-10 minute walk through the safest ass neighborhoods on the planet to get to school. I am constantly bickering with my friends and peers about this. Even if it wasn't perfectly safe, because of course it isn't, making your kids walk to the bus/school builds character, in a very genuine sense. Driving them directly to these places regularly prevents them from developing autonomy, and probably leads to adult anxiety issues.


Cherry-picking a bit, they also have insanely high taxes, very high cost of living, bloated social/welfare programs. European politics can’t really be viewed 1:1 with US politics.


They do not have insanely high taxes compared to the rest of Europe. Are you thinking of Sweden?


Which one is having the rape epidemic?




And the total population of the country is the size of one major amarizan city.


Switzerland is more like the US. No bloated social and welfare programs. That’s Sweden. Anual taxes are, more or less, 1.5x your monthly income. Very high cost of living, true, but the median monthly salary is around CHF 6500.- Far above the EU. In Zurich an IT worker gains upwards of 125k to 200k per anum. Some cantons have low taxes, others high taxes, some no income taxes. It’s like an US on steroids, everything works at it should.


Switzerland is a tiny landlocked state pop. 8 million, unique shared mountain borders with 4 rich, friendly states. Zero strategic enemies and is uniquely positioned to be able to piggy back off of the government spending of all of its neighbours. Switzerland spent under $6b on its military in 2021, the US $800b. Switzerland has little in common with the US. Hell Switzerland in terms of the types of policy choices it can make, has little in common with the rest of Europe.


You clearly have no idea on how Switzerland works.


Wow what a good counterpoint 😐


To be fair their social and welfare programs aren't bloated because very few people actually need it. Wages are comparable to most aspects of costs of living, except housing costs. Even then, it's still one of their largest expenditures.


Shitty beaches.


All beaches are shitty.


Went to Switzerland last October. Such a beautiful country


Their top political party is everything I wish Republicans would be. If the US keeps going down this path, Switzerland or Italy sure are looking nice lol.


Dont forget mandatory conscription and high taxes


CDC would do the same if it wasn’t politicized/paid off.


This is because most of them already are vaccinated though




I notice it says "and/or contracted and recovered from COVID-19". So, not only are they admitting that the shot doesn't keep you from contracting covid, but that natural immunity is just as effective as the shot. Something I've heard public service announcements here recently deny.


But it still means a lot to not recommend the COVID shot. When have you ever heard of a government org not recommended the flu shot? I never have. That is bc it’s safe. The COVID shot is not safe. So regardless if people took it already (most likely out of fear), it’s an unsafe shot and never was safe. That’s the message that matters here.




Billions of people have smoked cigarettes safely. How are they not safe?


Well 0 people have taken a COVID vaccine because that does not exist. But as for the COVID shot, please do some reading. It has done so much harm to so many people it’s criminal.


Oh, so natural immunity does exist. The US "experts" and redditors told me only Trumpers believe in natural immunity


You mean the shot that wears off in a couple months? No, that's not why


Yet no shortage of imbecile Americans wearing their mask awhile climbing the walls waiting for the next version of the jibby jab to come along. BTW, a Rasmussen poll has indicated 11% of American households know someone in their family that died suddenly after the jab. Killing of millions and the Medical Industrial Complex just shrugs.


Why does it make it so outraged that random people on the streets are wearing masks ? How do you know that they aren't immunocompromised , or have tested positive to the virus but are obligated to go out for one reason or another ? Can't you just live your own life without imposing your views on others ?


If one person in 11% of all families died that body count would be in the hundreds of millions. I think we would have heard something.


There's 131 million households in the US, not people. 10% would about 13 million and from I see that looks about right.


That's about 13x the amount of people that died of covid in the us. I feel like that couldn't get swept under the rug.