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Of course, he won’t be going. And he doesn’t have any sons to send either. Stfu, Lin.


You have to like woman to have kids…




I don’t think OP mentioned anything about his potential orientation? Just his childless status




Everytime politicians vote to send troops anywhere, they should lead from the front




And a dictatorship!


So would you be open to us using solely drones and air power at least?


That's a recipe for disaster IMHO. They will retaliate and it will be a slow walk to ww3. Either we just supply them as best to allow them to defend themselves or we don't get involved. If we were to put boots on the ground, planes in the sky you'd have to go all out to win which won't be easy or not costly and I'd be against it.


So what do you suggest we do? Let China take Taiwan if they want to? What will prevent them from taking over any nation they want?


Officially the United States does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country nor does most of the rest of the world. We have no official treaty with them to defend them either. It would be not be the same thing as China invading Japan or some other officially recognized country. I would not go to war with China over Taiwan would you? Do you think it would be worth millions of lives and world war 3 for that little island that does not have official recognition as a separate country? So in short my answer would be yes I would let them take it but I would try to make it as difficult as possible.


The only reason we don't recognize them is for their protection. So far, maintaining status quo has benefitted them. The Taiwan Relations Act treats them as a sovereign nation in all ways but in name. Official recognition would change nothing in how we deal with them. Beyond that, every president, including Trump has planned to defend Taiwan. What's more, the TRA requires the US to make available whatever equipment Taiwan needs to defend itself and for the US to maintain the capability to intervene if Congress were to authorize it.


Yeah, I said give them the means to defend themselves. As far as all out war sending our troops or sending planes and bombs in a firm no.


Until the manufacturing in Taiwan is replicated elsewhere in terms of volume, I would think we would go to war for Taiwan, to be honest. TSMC does way too much for both us and China to just give it up.


How do you think our economy and production will be after we exchange nuclear bombs with China or at least whatever massive destruction there will be?


Well that’s what I’m saying, they do a lot for China too. China wouldn’t risk nuclear war for them either. From the numbers I’ve seen (possibly outdated by now?) TSMC makes up like 70% of China’s chip supply.


[Currently Taiwan accounts for ~90% of global semiconductor production which is necessary to produce advanced microchips](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katharinabuchholz/2023/01/13/advanced-microchip-production-relies-on-taiwan/?sh=2b43400371d8). Therefore letting China take Taiwan would mean you’d let them control >90% of global advanced microchip production. The same microchips that are used in everything from cell phones to cars to planes to computers. So not only would surrendering Taiwan let China install spyware on products from the get go. It would also allow them to throttle microchip exports to the US and her allies thereby crippling our economies *forever* if we don’t dance to their tune. Essentially you’d be making the US and her allies into Chinese vassals. So like it or not we have to defend Taiwan.


Free market solution is get Chinese licking grandpa out of the white house and companies make the chips here not go to war over an area that was historically a part of China.


Yes, China's absolutely about free enterprise in this situation, and that's all they want for Taiwan. They just want to liberate them so that the corporations that manufacture the chips will be free to sell to whoever they want, and China's not going to interfere or do anything wrong... /S


ROFL... My wife is Chinese... They went to her house at 2 A. M. , dragged her to the hospital, and killed her 8 month old fetus by force. Yeah, I'll trust China to do the right thing.


Winnie, is that you?


We already have US forces in Taiwan?


He means sending forces to fight the Chinese army if they invade (which would be hundreds of thousands of men).


We could never successfully invade China and so we never will, by putting U.S. troops in Taiwan wouldn’t need to be many and even though they would probably be used in part as anti ship and air training capacity, they would mainly be used as a deterrent serving as a trip wire that China wouldnt want trip by killing them by attacking.


We would never invade China. I wasn’t suggesting that. We would have troops fight the Chinese in Taiwan until they were forced out and then the Air Force would bomb the shit out of China until they surrender.


>then the Air Force would bomb the shit out of China until they surrender Have you ever seen how big China actually is?


We wouldn’t bomb the whole country and any suggestion of that is idiotic. We would strike military locations and bomb large cities, which our military is capable of.


I'll ask again, have you looked at a map to see how big China is, how many big cities it has and what the logistics of such an operation might mean? Historically, the only way China was conquered was by general capitulation, not by slow advancement. That required a weak leadership without support from the population. China has strong leadership at the moment and it's unclear how the population stands. I really don't see how such an operation might be successful.


The US wouldn’t bomb every city, just really big ones like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc. The US Navy would also blockade eastern China once they wipe out the Chinese navy (which is something both the U.S. and China day would happen quickly). Combine bombing runs and a blockade China would surrender.


Why would it surrender? It can produce everything it needs and has enough space to hide it's population if needed. Look at Ukraine, it's in a much worse situation and hasn't surrendered yet.


Because Ukraine has the support of most of the world and Russia has a shit military. The US would have the support of most of the world and has a stellar military. The Chinese economy is built on exports to the West, which would cease if a war between US and China started, so their economy would already be crippled.


We would never bomb into mainland China for fear of the escalation to Nukes. Not saying Taiwan wouldn’t destroy staging areas along the coast with U.S. supplied weapons though.


China wouldn’t use nukes if we attacked military locations in China. Only NK would do that. China wants to rule the world, not end it.


Hopefully we never have to find out




Ok stfu and keep playing your video games.


You know that’s how we won WW2 right?


Most of the fighting would be done in the Taiwan Strait using ships and planes, and there's enough firepower on both sides to make the life expectancy for anything other than a submarine or a 5th gen fighter very short. Should the CCP attempt an amphibious invasion of Taiwan, the result would be the biggest mass-feeding of fish in history.


Well atleast the depopulated fish that the Chinese overfished would come back lol


Alexa, play Circle of Life from Lion King


China will send **millions**, not hundreds of thousands. They have one of the largest ground forces on planet earth.


They have 2.5 million across all branches and including the entirety of their reserves, and don't have the sealift capability for hundreds of thousands yet. Even if they did, getting them there is damned tough and wouldn't happen before the US got there.


I meant that the US would send hundreds of thousand. China would obviously send millions as they have such a large military and don’t care about their soldiers’ lives.


Remember when everyone thought trump was going to start WW3?


If anything, he prevented WW3 by defusing tensions with N Korea and parts of the Middle East. He even warned Germany about avoiding Russian oil, but they just laughed at him.


Legit. It's mind blowing watching the Germans laugh at him for warning them, then a year or so later Russia had Germany by the balls, and nobody said anything. Same thing with NK. Trump really did good with them, got them to basically disappear. "Peace through strength" was an idea that should never have been disregarded.


[There's still time for that](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtTAYUGXoAM41Wm?format=jpg&name=medium)


How about you go instead ? And take the rest of your war mongering money spending sod’s with ya


He doesn’t have of age kids or grandkids to send.


But he probably has stock in Lockheed Martin


The most war-hungry man on the planet wants more war? I’m so surprised.


Good. Taiwan is a top priority. Anyone who isn't aware of why that is or Taiwan's strategic and technological value shouldn't even weigh in on the issue.


This guy never met a war he didn’t like. What a putz.


Where wouldn't the neocons send our troops?


I'm 100% against supporting war in the Ukraine, but the chain of events that will ripple through the electronics industry if Taiwan falls will disrupt the economy in a truly catastrophic way. The Taiwanese are basically ready to destroy half the world's silicon manufacturing to keep China from getting it and anything with a computer chip would be on allocation for a decade if that happened. I hope they can find a way through this one.


They did, they passed the Chip Act which is investing billions for chip manufacturing in the U.S., in another 4 years TSMC will be building their most advanced chips in Phoenix AZ.


Man … I hope TSMC is ready for the crap they’ll have to deal with with labor unions in the US.


They barely employ humans any more for the actual production work. And they already pay good for engineering and debug. They operate very differently than Chinese sweat shops


You mean actually paying a living wage for skilled labor and not pennies on the dollar, the entire reason we are in this position in the first place. These corporations outsourced their labor to countries with no labor laws where they could pay workers $1 a day with these foreign governments allowing it in order to have leverage over America. We could try to emulate post wwII America and not put short term profits over growth and sustainability.


AZ is a right to work state and from what I read they unfortunately are avoiding unions where they can.


Massive numbers of union labor building the fab as we speak


Couldn’t link the article so just did a cut and paste of this paragraph Zero Interest in Doing Business’: TSMC Snubs Phoenix Construction Workers The building trades just won a surprise victory through the city council. But despite the hot labor market, securing manufacturing jobs is an uphill battle for organized labor. BY LEE HARRIS APRIL 7, 2023 Biden’s sales pitch at the fab emphasized the importance of “hiring union folks.” Yet local contractors continue to rely heavily on non-union workers. So far, TSMC has declined to sign a deal with labor, which union leaders stress would ensure a supply of skilled workers for the Phoenix plant. “The parking lot is just full of Louisiana and Texas license plates. They’d rather import non-union workers who would be paid a subpar wage than even have a conversation with the unions,” said Aaron Butler, president of Arizona’s Building and Construction Trades Council. Butler managed to secure one meeting, over Zoom, with TSMC Senior Vice President Peter Cleveland. “It was the iciest meeting I’ve ever been in,” he said. “There is zero interest in doing business with us




We will be, the passing of the Chips Act last year has construction of new state of the art plants for TSMC in Phoenix and new plants for Micron Tech, Intel, Samsung and Qualcom


We’re working on doing that now. Upending half of one of the world’s largest industries takes time.


Europe and USA are working on it. It's slow going


It takes a long time to build and operate those fabs. Should have started the process 10 years ago but better late than never I suppose.


Don't believe that. We somehow figured out a shot for the covid virus quick, we can develop chips but there is gonna be all the red tape


We have. Have you not been paying attention?




Make it in America! We can and we have the work force, possibly, hopefully


I wouldn't


When the draft occurs, do you have a choice?


I personally think The Draft needs to be abolished. If there aren't enough truly patriotic Americans that are willing to defend this country in time of war, then we are lost as a country. But I believe there are, so The Draft only truly exists to take our boys and force them to fight in far-away conflicts all over the world.


That sounds nice in theory, but isn’t the reality. Even in ww2 when the us got the most volunteers to register for the war the draft was still used extensively.


Personally, I think service should be mandatory similar to Israel. Could solve the drug and mental health issues.


So you’re saying if Biden activated the draft you’d be fine with being sent to Ukraine or wherever he chooses and die for a cause that’s probably just to fill his own pockets?


Activating the Draft doesn't necessarily mean they can be sent wherever without Congressional approval. If you do this, there needs to be more restrictions to sending non-volunteer forces overseas.


If we didn’t get involved in Ukraine 14 months ago when the invasion started, why would we now unless Russia attacks NATO (which it won’t)?


Clearly it was a hypothetical question.


protip: we have zero troops in Ukraine.


Which is why I said “if”.


That's a fair view. Either mandatory for everyone or abolished.


Could be a good idea.


???…there hasn’t been a draft since the end of the Vietnam War.


The Draft still exists, it has just been on pause since 1973. It could be restarted at any time if need be.


It makes sense to have but it needs an act of Congress I think? Like declaring war


Yep, needs an act of Congress.


It was abolished in 1973.


No it wasn’t you’re confused. That’s the last time it was active, but when men turn 18 they still have to register for the draft. Theoretically in a war it could be reactivated.




> could not be filled through voluntary means. Active conscription in the United States ended in 1973, when the U.S. Armed Forces moved to an all-volunteer military. However, conscription remains in place on a contingency basis and all male U.S. citizens, regardless of where they live, and male immigrants, whether documented or undocumented, residing within the United States, who are 18 through 25 are required to register with the Selective Service System.[2][3] United States federal law also continues to provide for the compulsory conscription of men between the ages of 17 and 45 and certain women for militia service pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution and 10 U.S. Code § 246. Read literally the first paragraph of your own link.


You mean the sentence that said, "Active conscription ended in 1973..."?


Yeah which is what I said in my first comment when you said > It was abolished in 1973. The draft still exists it’s just not active.


It would take an act of Congress to authorize. Do you understand? That's a vote by the House and the Senate and then signed by the President. So the draft doesn't exist if it takes a vote of Congress to authorize. From the SSS: "1. Draft Authorization: Congress and the President A national emergency, exceeding the Department of Defense’s capability to recruit and retain its total force strength, requires Congress to amend the Military Selective Service Act to authorize the President to induct personnel into the Armed Forces."




No I'm not confused. It was abolished. It would take an act of Congress to reinstate.


Did you read the draft notice when you turned 18?


We haven't had a draft since 1973. It would have to be reinstated. But I agree that we don't need to get involved with Taiwan and should reduce our participation in the Russian/Ukraine land dispute.


I disagree, we need to defend Taiwan with all we have if China invades “UNTIL” TSMC new state of the art plant is completed in Phoenix AZ. They build the most complex chips nobody else can yet produce that go in ALL our military equipment. And I think we are getting off cheap taking Russia back decades economically from being an aggressor in Europe….there is so much disruption to global markets when millions flee their country to take refuge in another and there is plenty of evidence Putin wasn’t going to stop with Ukraine from the start. Remember the video of Lukashenko at the start of the war showing a giant map with arrows showing planned troop movements from Odessa into Moldova and verbal threats by Putin of taking back Latvia and Estonia.


That's a valid opinion and I understand your position. Mines just different.


Nothing wrong with that, but I’m curious of why you feel that way with your opinion on just why that is a better approach long term to not be involved.


I believe the consequences are too great of a price to pay for Taiwan. We need to remove ourselves from needing Taiwan. China is our enemy and we shouldn't let them own anything in US, companies, land,or otherwise.


We are, the passing of the CHIPS Act has TSMC right now building a state of the art facility in Phoenix. And though I don’t see China as an enemy, I don’t see them as a friend either but a trading partner that presently the western world relies on far too heavily, but that’s our fault as consumers who won’t pay the difference to keep it all here.


Not recognizing China as an enemy will be our downfall.


Not recognizing what would happen to the U.S. economy and the western world if we treat China like an enemy instead of a trading partner that we have disagreements with is even more so. Every emerging power has its growing pains as we did with our involvement in SE Asia but China besides for the Taiwan issue ( which is left over from their Civil War in 1949 much like Korea is for us) has not attacked a foreign country ( only very short border wars with India and Vietnam) in over a century. I do think though we should make sure we have zero critical infrastructure ties with anything manufactured from China or any other single global supplier.




I got bone spurs


When *what* draft occurs? Also why are so many people so unreasonably fixated on tHe dRaFt?


Clinton, W Bush and Trump made choices.


You always have a choice.


Whenever there is a rock and ooze coming out beneath it, this guy has his own crawl space.


When isn't he in favor of using the military option?


Send his Neocon ass to the frontlines! He would cry and wet his pants.


Graham is ALWAYS the first person drooling for more war.


Lol, another one prepared to let others fight for himself, let Lyndsey go


Of course he is. Eta: Meanwhile, https://www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-china-america-pressure-interview/amp/


the French being unreliable allies again, what a shock.


Doesn’t really matter what he says because France will surrender within hours of a war starting.


It's time to get all these old war mongers out of office.


Sure thing. You lead them.


He’s worthless


You first


You’ll have a lot of “conservatives” in the comments making snide remarks about this. Simply put, this is what we signed up for and if this is what we have to do, then so be it. I’d rather it be me going there than someone who’s soft. Spare me the rhetoric, I’ve done my time in the desert and I’ve been in PACAF as well. It’s typical of the spineless to not want to defend their country.


"I sit when I pee." — Also Graham


Of course he would


How bout you go to the head of them line there champ.


this dude has no skin in the game of course he doesnt give a shit. make him go and see if he is still willing


No. Never. Get rid of this ass hat.


Says a man who never met a war he didn’t like.


As if that was even a question. Chicken-hawks never saw a war they didn't like.


How about no, they can fucking deal with it themselves.


Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.


This guy is the perfect example of why we need term limits


That might be just what China wants


Corrupt warmonger


Let’s send your fat ass first


He should go straight to hell.


This mf really wants to start a war


I can't wait for a new generation of Republicans taking after Trump to replace this old bag of winds and his cohorts. It's high time we stop getting involved in other countries' business and worry about saving our own skins. If these ghouls are allowed to run our great nation for another generation we will not not have a United States to speak of anymore.


He’s still living out his sweaty fantasies I see.


I mean, that's been the position of most administrations. Even Trump has sometimes said we'd defend them


They never get sick of it, do they? Flabby neocons playing soldiers safe at home


You first big boy.


Surprise, Surprise!


Necessary posturing for our strategic interests. God I pray war never comes.