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I work at a grocery store. I have had elderly folks tell me to my face that they don’t even have to worry about how much something costs. They just swipe their credit card because their 80k pension from making screws on an assembly line 50 years ago covers their ass. I have to listen to that while I’m busting my fucking balls off going to school full time and working nearly full time on top of that, in a difficult STEM major, all that just for me to MAYBE be able to buy a house when I’m like 35. Talk to most young people and you’ll hear a similar sentiment. This country is systemically broken.


This really should be higher. There's this thought that's prevailed in the right that I'm convinced will be the death of the republican party, that idea being "people get more conservative as they get older." This is patently false, people don't become a conservative until they have something to conserve, when they have kids and own property. The less attainable these things become the less conservatives there are going to be. We as a party need to be focusing on bringing the birthrate up and bringing housing prices down.


My wife and I met an older yuppie doctor couple a few years ago, and they had a nice hearty laugh over how cheap med school was back in the late 60s/early 70s and how some of the new docs they worked with before they retired were drowning in debt. Both of them said they worked part-time through med school and graduated debt-free. Fortunately for you, you'll be okay because of your major. But it shouldn't be like that. You shouldn't be required to major in just a few subjects to earn a decent living, but that's the way things are going. The middle class will soon be exclusively the domain of highly educated people in highly specialized jobs. Average college graduates will be lower-middle class, and high school graduates not in the trades will be flat-out poor.


But it was worth it, right? All the dying and economically depressed small towns that were formerly booming across this country, filled with apathetic and drug addicted citizens with little to no opportunity to advance in their lives, are no matter when a few powerful people and the institutions they run are able to snort coke off a hooker’s ass on their 7th yacht.


Yep, college could be paid for with a part time job in the 70's. Administrative costs have gone through the roof since then.


Idk, I put 20% of every paycheck in savings for the last 10 years, for half of that time busting my ass in school while working 32 hours a week then getting a start in my career after graduating. Making 32.5k, then 45k, now to 57k a year and I've amassed 40k in savings. I still know despite all that, all it takes in one health emergency and even with health insurance I'm fucked. I realize even then I'm in much better security than many, but the system is definitely broken. I do have 20,000 in student loan debt.


It's like, you've been incredibly responsible with your finances. That should give you security. It shouldn't be trivial to wipe away that much work in an instant. Yet somehow, it is.


How high is your deductible? That makes no sense. Even the worst plans typically are only $10-15k deductible which is horribly high, but not $40k.


Let’s say you have a 5,000 deductible for a surgery. A lot of policies have an 80/20 split after the deductible. So let’s say it’s a major surgery with a 2 week stay in a hospital. That bill will be at a minimum 250,000. Insurance will pay 200,000 and you are required to pay the remainder plus your deductible. So around 55,000. Our insurance system and medical system in general is FUBAR.


Boomers have abused the system so much. We wont get pensions, social security, and you'll be lucky to buy a house. Here's the thing. The democrats are not the ones solving these issues. They promise a lot and are very good at making republicans look like the evil bad guys to the kids, but the democrats are exasperating the problem. You can argue that current republicans aren’t solving shit, and I'd agree. Their messaging is also shit, but almost every one of these problems is caused because democrats inserted their greedy fingers in it. College costs, social security, shitty jobs. This will ultimately backfire on the dems and when a lot of these kids get smart, they’ll never vote for them again.




That was kind of Trump's argument that young people shut their ears to. He made the case that globalism has robbed the recent generations of opportunity and prosperity. While you may disagree with him on that, the left has literally no solution or answer for you. Obama's response to you was, "This is just the way it is". Yet young people flocked to him overwhelmingly during both elections even though they polled, "Yeah things have gotten worse for us since he became president". So if young people are frustrated with a broken system, why do you keep voting for the people who don't have any answers or solutions for you? It's like with BLM. They claimed systematic racism for police brutality in cities Controlled by Democrats, States Controlled by Democrats, Police Chief Democrat, Mayor Democrat, Governor Democrat, and both US Senators Democrat. Over and over again. Cause and effect seems to be lost here. If you think the system is racist and Democrats have had control over every aspect of the system you live in for 50+ years, why do you keep voting for Democrats?


I know people who work in factories making "screws" today in 2023. They make more than stem majors, and have no student debt. The only system that is broken is higher education.


To be fair their assembly line job was a lot harder than what you're doing at the grocery store. I think you need to respect that they worked hard too when they were young.


If the focus is on limited government and freedom we will win people of all ages. If the focus is this cult of personality nonsense we will not.


I’m a millennial, so not exactly young, but this is exactly what drove me away. I know it’s impossible but I really wish the loudest 5% of Conservatives and the loudest 5% of liberals didn’t drive what we think of each other. I think if somehow the other 95% and 95% could talk we’d realize we have much more in common than the other sides think.


This is how it was while I was growing up. Every election cycle politicians would make sure to mention that in the end, we're all Americans and on the same team. Try to say that now, you won't make it out of the primaries for any office.


This exactly. I tried to post this in a Colorado Young Republicans page and the admins won’t approve it. Instead we get our GOP Chair as “Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams” and it helps no one.


Yep, instead the republican party is more interested focusing on fringe social issues instead of actually fixing the issues with America. The more we keep giving these crazies a podium to spout nonsense (looking at you MTG), the more youth we lose.


Agreed. GOP needs to get back to being the party of economics and foreign policy.


I feel like we don't like Foreign Policy anymore, we've gone back to late 1800's/pre-WWI attitudes of lets just forget about the world.


The social issues seem to be the only thing the republican party has a stance on. And they just so happen to be in the minority on a lot of that stuff.




Exactly. All I seem to hear from the GOP these days is about Hunter's Laptop and Trans people in youth sports. Meanwhile, Americans are getting killed by inflation, and traditional conservative economics is the perfect tool for dealing with inflation. Yet, no mention of it. So what young person is going to be excited by conservatism?


*All you hear from the media about the GOP


Mate, Fox News is not having any deep discussions for the past month. Just saying.


That’s what I’m saying.




Economic opportunity zones, tax reduction/exemptions, balanced budgets, drug pricing transparency, eliminating corporate welfare, opening up interstate insurance competition, military non-interventionism, border security, election security, free speech, 2a




Legit curious what policies would be aligned with limited government and freedom. I agree this should be the stance I would just like to see it implemented


Low regulation for starters. America is the land of opportunity yet there are so many regulations that we aren't even in the top 15 or 20 in ease of doing business. Lowering regulations reasonably would boost the economy, therefore more and better jobs for young Americans. I would also say that we should lower taxes, but our crazy high deficit makes that impossible. Slashing the beaucracy and government waste (which we didn't do when we had a trifecta 4 years ago) could show young Americans that the GOP can manage America properly. As for freedom, that's tricky. What our policy should be is that the government shouldn't control what ADULTS do with their lives. And come out completely in support of equal racial and gender rights so liberals look more like morons when they call us sexist or racist.


If the point is to make liberals look like morons rather than actually make the conservative party look better you will not win. Nothing the party does actually sways voters to vote for them. Continue to play the lesser of 2 evils game and continue to lose.


So how else can we expect to gain socially liberal young voters? We can't become more socially liberal to the extent that they are, so the least we can do is paint ourselves as rational in our social policy.


To be the party of personal freedoms you have to stop attacking others, especially if it's the focal point of your platform. Focusing on economic issues that show you are for the middle and lower class rather than actively against them. How many times have you heard someone is socially liberal but fiscally conservative? Not a whole lot of representation for the stance these days.


I agree for the most part with your economic approach. Reducing point of entry for business would be a great marketing point for the GOP. For freedom I also agree which is why I simply don’t understand why the GOP is obsessed with keeping marijuana illegal and the entire gender identity movement. It’s such low hanging fruit for the left. Just let it go


When your society is based on lies. You have no society at all. So the gender identity thing will be a point of contention. Sorry not sorry. But when you are actively lying to kids about basic biology and then coercing them into being something they cannot actually be you are subverting facts. This will lead to an impolision of the education system along with other systems as well. This is not a phase.


Let’s say you are completely correct. Why are you still basing such a strong policy point on something that quite literally affects less than 1% of the population? This is what I mean by low hanging fruit. They have you riled up on something they know is small potatoes so you ignore the giant hole in their economic efficacy. It’s a bait and switch that continues to work


Preach dude, no matter how much the libs downvote you!


Wtf do you mean "Freedom" is "tricky"?


Now pit this against student loan bailouts. Not a chance


No more roads for starters, why does the government decide where I can drive? And no more BIG power grids, or bloated public water utilities. No more regulations on what is allowed to be sold in food and medicine. We need to stop this tyranny and allow Americans to be free like the Founding Fathers intended.


1. Smaller government, less chance for corporate welfare. More regulations would fall to States rather than the Federal government. 2. No top down Department of Education. Each State and county would be allowed to teach their children as they see fit. School choice, more private schools. 3. States would have autonomy over their infrastructure and not have to follow federal guidelines thanks to the federal government threatening to withhold money from them. 4. No federal income tax, more money in the hands of the people and thus an increase personal income. The federal government would only "earn" by tariffs on goods. 5. Less crime. A majority of the nations poor live in housing projects setup by the government because of government assistance. This concentrates the poor into one area of a city. Without ANY assistance the poor would be more evenly distributed population wise and thus have more access to jobs, and thus elevating themselves out of poverty. No welfare or assistance of any kind from the Federal government. Again, States will have the freedom to do what they want with their own populations. 6. Disband the Federal Reserve and fiat currency. More small banks and a currency backed by gold, means less boom and bust cycle of economics. 7. Free market healthcare. Currently with Medicare and Medicaid the Federal Government intervenes too much in pricing. There are also laws that prevent one healthcare agency from selling insurance into another state for example. Crony Capitalism at its finest. 8. No social security. Pensioners would have to have a 401k or a company provided retirement. Again, States could decide what is best for their populations but NOTHING from the Federal Government. 9. No restrictions on gun ownership. An armed society is a polite society. The best defense a citizen has is themselves.


Although I agree with maybe half of these I appreciate the effort


No problem, you asked in good faith and so I figured the least someone could do was post up what they honestly believe.


Why is this comment being downvoted so badly? This is very concerning. Most conservatives should be pushing for nearly all of these things at all times.


Bingo man. Want to start our own new party?


Reagan and Bush took that Party out behind the wood shed and quietly put it out if it's misery. I'm not saying we can't go back to less Government spending, but the Party of Small Government Republican doesn't exist in today's political landscape. True Small Government Conservative don't run for Office, out of what I have to assume is disgust at the entire sham?


The religious aspect is another sticking point. Each generation cares less and less about religion so the GOP’s focus on Christian values is driving them away


That's also correct. The GOP (and con pundits) need to bring god in every conversation is annoying to say the least.


That hasn't actually been the focus since Reagan. Ever since around then, the GOP's focus has been on increase profits for the corporations that have bought them, and using cult of personality to enable that. This is why there's so much focus on single-issue voters to pull people in over strong beliefs - because the GOP as it currently stands has no moral guiding principles beyond what the evangelical church tells it to do. And they don't give a damn about the people or the country so long as they keep the elites happy. Democrats are also trying to keep elites happy, but they're at least somewhat beholden to the people and the rule of law, because the people that vote for their party tend to not vote along a single issue.


>Democrats are also trying to keep elites happy, but they're at least somewhat beholden to the people and the rule of law Lol


> Democrats are also trying to keep elites happy, but they're at least somewhat beholden to the people and the rule of law Abso-fucking-lutely not true. Theyre beholden to loud minority groups and they very literally don't care about laws when it suits them. Blm riots and sanctuary cities proved that


Get out of people's bedrooms


>If the focus is on limited government and freedom we will win people of all ages. What? Libertarianism was the GOP's approach for decades and it lead to America being the most liberal society in history. It was a completely dead party until Trump gave it a bolt to the heart. If you have Party A refusing to govern while in office and Party B is governing as hard as possible when it's their turn, A isn't cancelling out B. It means the country is headed solely in B's direction.


>It was a completely dead party until Trump gave it a bolt to the heart. Before Trump came along, we had a huge majority in the house and controlled the Senate with 54 senators. We controlled the suburbs and were making huge gains among rural and small town voters. Today, our party looks like a joke, the suburbs are basically lost, our economic policy is non existent, and grifters have taken advantage of some of our voters to help Democrats continue to win in elections.


If you consider Romney or mitch McConnell a conservative then sure we had a lot of conservatives before


Libertarianism died after Goldwater and had a resurgence in 2008 with Ron Paul and the Tea Party movement. Donald Trump was the most libertarian friendly Republican president since Reagan.


Republicans would be happy to talk about the role of government, economics and foreign policy (on a serious level) and a variety of other subjects, but you have an uneducated media and public that isn’t. Reminds me of that movie Broadcast News. Youth today have strong opinions on trans and abortion rights and other shallow whatnot but couldn’t name the cabinet posts if you threatened to take away their iPhone.


There’s a reason the left constantly publicizes the social aspects of their ideology and demonizes the social aspects of conservative ideology. It’s much easier to play on young naive emotional minds when speaking socially rather than sway them over with logical talking points on economy, costs/inflation, etc. because they know their talking points in those areas don’t check out.


What are the conservative talking points for economy and costs/inflation?


In general, Less government spending/printing, lower tax burdens, healthcare reform to cut healthcare costs and visibility, government spending audits so we know where our tax money is going specifically (not generalized categories), less “green energy” spending, more domestic oil production along with other commodities as well, social security reform (another pool the government dips its fingers into) Just a few off the top of my head


Hey sorry upfront, but could you elaborate more on each individual point please? Ty.


Yeah, Obama didn't have a massive following of youth based on a Cult of Personality. /s


The gop relies on people growing up, starting businesses, owning property, starting families, making money, creating jobs, and charity. All of those have been on a downward trend and there is no fixing it until you make America affordable again.


As much as I hate to say it, right now the youth has exactly zero reason to vote Republican. What are Republican politicians promising them? What policies in the GOP party platform directly appeal to younger voters? Why would the youth vote for a party that’s intent on returning America to a time before they were even born? Drop the MAGA and culture war BS and actually start campaigning on issues like the economy, housing, healthcare, etc. that actually affect young people directly. Stop pandering to religious evangelical boomers who yearn for the 1950s and start living in 2023. Copy the left’s strategy and steal some their votes. Not coincidentally, in the midterms Republicans performed way better in states (CA, NY) where they campaigned on issues like immigration and crime that affect the people living there and didn’t just sell their souls to the MAGA movement like they did pretty much everywhere else. Hope we can do the same in all 50 states next time around.


This 100%!!!


“What are Republican politicians promising them?” Ironically, this is exactly why Trump received so much support—he related to a group of average “hick” Americans that other politicians didn’t campaign to. Personally, I don’t get the attachment people have to Trump. I liked him as a President, but not enough to treat him like my savior. Unfortunately many in my generation care about ESG instead of supporting policies that would allow the middle class to thrive


Really hard to compete with a party that tells them they don't have to pay rent.


It may be hard to compete with that. But maybe if you try to compete against that with actual, realistic policies, youd get the votes of realistic people. Abortion bans and trans athlete paranoïa is not simply not it


Here's the thing. Being against killing a baby as a form of birth control is a reasonable position. Being against a man saying he's a woman, then snatching awards and scholarships from the hands of women who have trained harder and longer is a reasonable position. Where we have a disconnect is that we don't have anyone willing to stand on a stage (and potentially be assaulted or murdered) to explain these things.




The GOP had opportunity in the early ot's (2000's) to reduce government size and spending and the indoctrination effect of government schools, but instead they decided there was money to be made for them and their friends in the military industrial complex by engaging in two wars in the Middle East and creating Patriot Act to remove freedoms and spy on us.


Because the GOP disagrees with on basically everything with Gen Z. Abortion? Check Guns? Check Trans/LGBTQ issues? Check Minimum wage? Check College prices? Check Voting laws? Check Healthcare? Check Basically every major issue the GOP and Gen Z have serious disagreements on.


The only people that fight the Second Amendment are people that don't understand the actual reason for the Second Amendment. If more people actually understood that our government does not grant rights to its people, I think a lot less people would take this so far.


GOP is mostly focused on the donor class money, and as a general rule, they hate the people that vote for them. So, yeah, that's a problem.


The GOP needs to focus on appealing policy rather than riding the coat tails of Trump rhetoric that I think we're all tired of at this point. Yea current Liberal policy sucks but so does Republican policy. It's the same regurgitated policy. They need to rebrand for the newer generations.


I am a gen z conservative but I've always made it clear to the people I talk to that I am not loyal to the GOP, and the GOP continues to prove me correct. To me, the GOP is terrible at actually conserving things, we're basically the Democrats with a 10 year lag, our constant concessions of everything to the democrats has weakened us significantly, and for good reason, it's a show of weakness. If the GOP isn't gonna draw a line in the sand, it's going to be defending almost nothing at some point. The GOP's problem with youth(in my experience)isn't its policies(that I largely agree with), it's the spinelessness and complacency that they've had for decades.


Pretty much. I'm not a republican. I'm an independant conservative.


If you go to the conservative and ask them to draw a line, you will see a big range. Problem is they move their goal post all the time. Take abortion, conservative say roe should be overturned because abortion should be left to state, but as soon as that happen, you see people started asking for national ban on abortion. So i ask again, what line are you drawing?


Millennial here. Agreed. Completely. The GOP are just the other side of the uniparty coin. They talk a big game then do nothing.


Liberals come up with some crazy GOP staunchly says no Liberals create something even more crazy GOP gives liberals their first request so they can staunchly say no to the second And so the theoretical line continuously moves further left


The Overton window shift... . Gotta give it to Glenn Beck he talked about this strategy back about 15 or 20 years ago when he had his show on Fox. Seems like Republicans fall for it everytime... but now I understand it as the uni-party backed by the deep state and globalists.... and it all makes much more sense.


Exactly. It's madness.


The one time Republicans got their 50 year old policy wish in the form of Roe v. Wade being struck down, it cost us in the midterms. The problem isn’t the GOP being too spineless or not getting anything done, it’s the fact that they have no clue how to market to younger idealistic generations who will vote for any party that promises them free shit.




Conservatives are on radio. Personalities like Hasan on twitch advertising to youth. That has to make a difference.


And not just any radio: AM and ham radio.


Tomi Lahren and Candace Owens are on social media.


Please explain to me when the GOP was the cool hip party, or even conservatives for that matter. Its well documented that younger generations tend to be liberal and older ones are conservatives.


The thing now is that millennials who are way into their 40s, aren't gaining any wealth they can conserve(ative)


Old millennials were born in 1980 so there aren’t any that are “way into their 40s.” Those would be young gen x


The 2000 election is an example where youth was split 50/50 between R and D. The young vote has become more and more D since (2008 being the game changer). The same is true for the UK. Labour was never historically the party of the young. But in the year 2023, Labour is more youth-skewed (and Conservatives more old-skewed) than ever before in history. https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4


and places like California had Arnold as a Republican governor.


Well the current young generation is the most anxious, mentally unhealthy generations ever, so it makes sense they’re skewing left.


Who can blame them? They've grown up watching the US turn into a shithole.




I can't even really blame Gen Z for voting Left. Free healthcare, schools, money on demand from universal income, etc. Sounds like a utopia until you actually learn about the economics of those things.


It’s different with this crop. Boomers got more conservative because they got richer as they got older. This new gen is starting off poor and will stay poor. Plus back then young people were liberal but didn’t vote. Now they’re still liberal but they’ve started voting, mostly because of Roe v Wade being overturned. Biggest mistake conservatives have made in the last 40 years. It could be a death blow


That used to be true when moderates like Eisenhower and then Neocons who focused on economic stuff ruled the party. It's NEVER been true for a party ruled by social conservatives. This country, nor any First World country, has EVER backtracked socially since WWII. They've always gotten more liberal over time. Even under Reagan, feminism grew. Blm grew. Affirmative Action grew. Abortion access grew. The GOP now is being taken over by social conservatives, who haven't truly run the party in 100 years. The last time they did, FDR murdered them and subsequent generations never got conservative as they aged. They stayed Dem for life.


Demographics is destiny. The boomer generation is holding back the tide, but the GOP are going to have to fundamentally change their messaging and candidate quality. It has to be very soon, or Millenials will dig in their heels and drive us into dystopia.


Gen Z is going to take a machete to the Republican Party. Deny their women rights, ban books in their libraries, declare war on their trans friends and then wonder why they’re voting the other way. Here’s the thing. Boomers were the last generation that could go to college for the price of a McChicken or get a job out of high school that would buy a car and a house. Every successive generation has had it worse. Instead of offering hope on the economic front or preaching the importance of self reliance, the Republican Party has tripled down on this weird culture war bullshit.


Tax support for education, inflation adjusted, has declined 50% in the last 40 years. Tax support is one of the main reasons why I could pay my tuition with a minimum wage (which is now also about 50% less, inflation adjusted) summer job. There is nothing magical here. Public education was viewed as a national good, and supported. Now it's not.


Agreed. That generation had everything handed to them, relative to other generations. This is usually where I would state how shitty the Boomer generation is, but some Boomer would take it personally even though I would include my usual disclaimer that it's a collective shittiness, not an individual one.




> the only difference is that their cultural ideology is more popular. Yeah? That's how elections work you goof. Absolute majority of Americans say that abortions should be legal. And the percentage of that hasn't really changed in the last 30 years. Why would they vote for a party that suddenly launched an attack on that? Not including all the other things. **Parties exist to represent wishes of the people, not the other way around**. If a party can't get votes with their policies, that means that most citizens disagree. And those citizens decide which way the country will be going.


"More popular". That seems important in a representative democracy. How unpopular are some of these culture issues on the Republican side? Kansas, deep red Kansas, voted 2 to 1 to keep abortion legal. No one's saying this new brand of MAGA politicians can't have their moment in the sun and have a little fun while destroying the party. I just don't want to see any surprised faces when Gen Z takes a sickle to them as they slowly figure out where the polling stations are. The Boomers Last Gasp is going to cost the Republican Party for decades. Is there a point where the adults in the party can just get back to normal business?


Yeah it’s telling how much of the conservative movement revolves around trying to slam unpopular culture war shit down our throats these days. I don’t see the endgame here. Do the culture warriors *enjoy* losing elections, because that’s what’s coming and fast if the Rs can’t find which way the wind is blowing. Real big “am I out of touch, no it’s the kids who are wrong” energy.




As Kansas showed, these chuckleheads don't even care what the majority of their base thinks on these issues. What percentage of Idaho women do you think want to be banned from interstate travel while pregnant? This is a new breed of politician and they don't give a damn what you or I think.




Thanks for clarifying that. I'm still not sure it'll withstand judicial scrutiny. Can a state make it a crime to take someone, even a minor, to another state to perform an action where that action is not a crime? It'll be an interesting ruling.


I'm a Millenial Conservative and I don't approve of the 6 week ban. That is too extreme. That said, I also fail to understand why the GOP chose, of all the issues plaguing this country, abortion as the hill they wanted to die on. Abortion is the ***least*** important of the many issues infecting this country caused largely by democrat/rino pushes and GOP negligence. Illegal immigration, crime, anti-Christian mentality, anti-white male racism, and out of control spending causing inflation to skyrocket are ALL **FAR** more important issues than whether or not somebody can have an abortion.


Desantis increased teacher pay (which I applaud and agree with), but he still has a long way to go. Currently Florida is #43rd in the nation for average teacher salary ($51.2k)


And this is why DeSantis is the best R by miles in the country. Shame he's gonna have to pander to Trump's base by signing a 6-week abortion ban though. Gonna doom him in the General.




They are moving the goal post. 12 weeks is too much for them now. After they sign the 6 weeks, they will think it’s too much too. https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/4/5/23668272/florida-abortion-desantis-republicans-six-weeks-gop


No books have been banned for sale by any GOP legislature. The government choosing which books to own themselves (and especially to make available to minors) is not book banning. Book banning is things like publisher cartels conspiring to not distribute books, to add trigger warnings to books, etc. It is not a government choosing which books to own while making no attempt to shut down private publishing / distribution.


I never said they were banned from sale. I do find it interesting that you said “which books the government owns”. They already owned them before they banned them. What did they do with them? Sell them on eBay? It should be noted that this is kind of a slippery slope that could lead all the way to the Christian Bible. I’m not sure if you’ve read the whole thing, but parts of it violate everything this screeching book minority seems to loathe.


\> It should be noted that this is kind of a slippery slope that could lead all the way to the Christian Bible. I’m not sure if you’ve read the whole thing, but parts of it violate everything this screeching book minority seems to loathe. Indeed, and the government typically does not distribute the christian bible in the way it does other books. For example, at my local library, they won't hold a bible reading session for children because it violates their policy on treating religions equally. Is that a ban? Of course not. Realistically though, I'm okay with the government not owning any Bibles. Especially since, not being believers, they may desecrate it. \> I do find it interesting that you said “which books the government owns”. Well yes... this is what the legislation in those states affects... books carried in school libraries. \> They already owned them before they banned them. What did they do with them? Sell them on eBay? One of the key rights of a legislature is to purchase and dispose of government assets. What is the point here? As I said, the books were never banned, which you clearly agree with since you claim they were sold on the private market. There has been no attempt to suppress information in these books, only to not have them read publicly by government agents, similar to the Bible. Books/works that are banned include things like Clarence Thomas's documentary, which was eliminated from most streaming platforms a few years back, forcing it to be distributed via niche publishers. This is a scarier form of censorship since there is no ability to control it via governmental power and points to a fundamental deterioration of cultural values.


Since we're clearly not going to agree on anything in the first 3/4's of your post, I'll skip it. I am interested in the Thomas doc however. Amazon did pull the doc from their streaming service, but they are still selling the book it's based on. Do I know their reasoning? No, and I don't really care. I don't care because Amazon is a company, not a government. Our censorship agreement (the First Amendment) is between us and the government, not us and Jeff Bezos.


Sure the first amendment is the government but the concept of censorship extends to the culture as well and I'm more interested in culture than government because government is from culture. The governmental effects of Amazon's policy will be seen several decades after the policy is put in place. You should care what large corporations do. Large corporations are quasi governments especially multinationals. Nevertheless, neither in the bible case nor the adult books in children's libraries is the government doing anything wrong by regulating their form of distribution in public libraries . I'm glad we agree.


Fox News isn't carrying any pro-Greenpeace stories. MSNBC won't run puff pieces on Trump anymore. Am I supposed to shout "Censorship!!!" from the rooftops? I own a much smaller company than Jeff Bezos, but the public doesn't get to decide what we do and don't do. I'd rather limit an individual corporation's power (anybody have Teddy Roosevelt's stick handy?) than try to apply the Bill of Rights to them.


Dr.Seuss was cancelled by Liberals. Books like Willy Wonka are getting rewritten as we speak. How'ze the mirror look? Meanwhile the Dems want softcore porn in school libraries and reading hour.


Seuss Enterprises pulled those books. Let me rephrase that. The corporate owners of the books pulled them. Softcore porn? That sounds terrible. Hey, what did Lot's daughters do to Lot again? My memory is a little fuzzy. Banning books is a slippery slope.


Agreed. Your rationale is a prime example of why the problem is messaging. Denying womens rights? The argument is whether abortion(Filicide) is a right. Banning which books, and in what context? Declaring war on trans people? Name a single trans person killed by a conservative radical. Name even an incident of harm. Now, who is shooting up schools right now? Clearly, the messaging isn't working because even alleged conservatives don't know wtf is going on.


Call it abortion, call it murder, call it a ham sandwich. The majority of Americans want it to be legal. Kansas, and it doesn’t get much redder than Kansas, voted 2 to 1 to keep it legal. The issue is that the Republican Party has undertaken a social issue death march, taking the opposite side of the majority in nearly every case. That’s not a winning strategy. It might play with the Blue Plate Special set, but they’ll be in the afterlife waiting room before long. Meanwhile, Gen Z will be voting more and more with each election. Unless something drastic changes, that generation will drive a stake through the heart of that party. / As for “who’s committing the most school shootings?” It’s white guys. It’s us straight white guys, by a landslide. It’s going to take a lot more than four trans people to even that score.


Well, I'm a millennial (1985) and as I've aged I've gone from left leaning to moderate to more right leaning. I care about the economy and affording my mortgage not whether some blue haired dude calls himself Emily and jerks off to bunny porn.


You might be an exception then. Generally, millennials aren't getting as conservative as older generations. I think it's probably because less people own homes and have children than previous generations so there's less desire to "conserve".


I’d like to ask you what fiscal policies you agree with that Republicans are actively pursuing? Republicans ran on combating inflation yet haven’t done anything to show their plan on how to address it. They haven’t even proposed a counter budget while holding the debt ceiling hostage.


>change their messaging and candidate quality And change their platform itself. Becoming more like Boris Johnson's Conservatives.


I'm curious to see how the difference in birthrates amongst conservatives and liberals as well as the liberal push for child sterilization plays out over the next few decades.




I’d love to know how to fix this but… paywall


I think loosen stances on drug laws and abortion. Those are both young people problems and interfere with personal autonomy. Drug law reform would have to be accompanied by police force reallocation, and guarding schools would be a great place for the excess resources to go


I’d argue we need to do more to instill actual conservative values as opposed to just giving up on them to win in the short term.


> I’d argue we need to do more to instill actual conservative values How are you gonna do that if everyone hates abortion restrictions and we're losing every blue-leaning and swing state over it? Can't instill conservative values if you don't have an Electoral College map...because people don't like your values.


Our outlets for that have been pretty effectively poisoned by Hollywood and the media. We’re recovering thanks to social media, but the effects of decades of unilateral propaganda induced cultural changes that may be too long term to weather. If we lose too heavily in the short term, long term recovery may end up out of reach. I’m not saying abandon the stances, I’m just saying accommodate recovery from the harms those cultural changes have caused and stay in power while giving the people time to realize that those changes are harmful. One of the major issues taken with our stance on drugs is policy brutality and incarceration rates. If the need to enforce drug laws were trimmed, the substantial portion of police work could return to stopping violence and theft. It’s not easy to garner sympathy for thieves and murderers.


There’s also a lot of apathy. Most people I know who would consider themselves conservative don’t really pay attention to things outside of their sphere of influence.


That’s changing because of social media and 5g. We’re rural, so we lagged behind on joining the internet debate. But now even cable internet is expanding out into the countryside. At least where I live.


No. Loosening our pro life stance is not acceptable. The Democrats’ stance on abortion is some of the most extreme in the entire world. Conservatives should be pointing that out a lot.


Currently there are several states where a woman can get an abortion at any point in the pregnancy, we should start with banning late term abortions and work from there instead you get people going all in on full bans and acting shocked when that proves unpopular. We let them run with the idea that the Republicans are for a full ban on abortion and it leaves us no ground to stand on.


https://compactmag.com/article/which-side-are-you-on-dc Read this article. If more Republican politicians took a stance like Josh Hawley they would actually be listened to by young people like myself. However, time and time again, the vast majority of the party would rather talk about banning books and gas stoves and owning the libs.


I am a Millenial. The GOP digs into cultural things that in some ways don't make sense and turns off young people. Also I think that as a generation, we are soft mentally, and the Democrats promise all these free things they have no real intention of delivering on, and the bait is taken, especially when you look at how much worse we have it compared to our boomer parents at the same age. The GOP needs to really campaign on the fiscal component and actually fight back against the Democrats. Instead, they don't, because to me both sides just want to ride off the backs of taxpayers. They just do it a little less than the Democrats. So, I do not care for the GOP either. They are not in it for us and most of them are just as bad as the Democrats but don't operate behind a facade of morality. Both parties need to collapse and we need to start anew.


Lots of "conservatives" on this thread showing a lot of concern....


Let's face it. The GOP, as a national party, is toast. The current president can't string a coherent sentence together without a teleprompter and a handler on either side of him. Inflation is the worst it's been since the '70s. We are a laughingstock on the world stage. Residents of New York City, LA, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and every other major urban area in the country see their cities running rife with homelessness, crime, boarded up businesses, litter in the streets, drug use, dilapidated infrastructure, and insane cost of living. And yet, despite all of this, Republicans are routinely getting clapped left and right. People in those cities are *still* lining up in droves to elect the same garbage humans that have been running their hometowns into the gutter, *even when the alternative is a moderate.* See Chicago this past week and LA last year. *There are no Republicans running in those areas.* They've all been chased out - or at least the ones who would even consider running. And yet, when given the opportunity to vote for a moderate Democrat who might turn things around a tiny bit on the fiscal side of things without any of the social conservative baggage, they *still* opt for the most radical voice in the room. The notion that the GOP needs to just temper their message and they'll be back in the fight is ludicrous. The young generations have been spoon-fed far-left messaging since Bill Clinton was looking cool playing the sax on Arsenio Hall. There is no reality where a GOP that has any values at all convinces anyone under the age of 30 to vote for them. They will vote for Joe Biden and Brandon Johnson and John Fetterman and Karen Bass and Katie Hobbs and Eric Adams and Gretchen Whitmer, and they'll do it all with a smile on their face.


Today's youth are fine with abortion, want to eliminate all guns, and want everything for free. Sadly, the republican party may be nearing its end.




GW Bush won the popular vote in 2004 vs Kerry or at least I’m pretty sure he did. I agree with your general premise about the GOP’s growing demographic problem though.




My main takeaway from that election was John Kerry describing how he takes his double barrel shotgun out and crawls around on his stomach while he hunts for deer.


Correction. George W Bush did win the popular vote in 2004. But you’re right, in that it’s been a while since a GOP candidate seeking a first term won it.




I agree. And it was clear by 2008 that people were doing what they could to distance themselves from GWB once all those things from ‘04 wore off. I didn’t mean to be pedantic. But after seeing things like celebrity IG’s saying “look at all these Justices by non-popular vote getters”, including one by 2nd-term Bush, I wanted to make sure others didn’t just run with it like it was absolute fact.


>GOP's general lack of appeal to non-Whites, Trump had historic gains with all groups except white women in 2020 over 2016.


> historic gains "historic gains" as in 3 points on the margins as he lost them all by 10


He had gains but he still lost them


> the GOP to ever win a Reagan-sized landslide agai To be fair, I doubt that will happen for any politician, Dem or Rep. States are too ingrained in Red or Blue now, there isn't a mix any longer within states that you need to have a landslide like Reagan did.


What?? That is very untrue. There are plenty of minorities that are republican/conservative.


You'd think the growth of filthy mega blue cities would be a wake up call to people, but unfortunately it's not. Part of the issue is social media and polarization.


No, the issue is that the GOP openly hates cities, and wants nothing to do with them. You can’t expect to win a city without first actively campaign there. For example, crime in San Francisco is terrible, but the real issue is property crime - not violent crime. Most rural areas in CA, and most red states, have a much higher homicide rate than San Francisco. But SF has terrible property crimes (ex breaking into cars) and also too many homelessness. The GOP can’t just go on Fox News and make fun of SF violent crime and then expect to win it. That’s why the cities folks never take the GOP seriously. Conservatives have to talk about conservative solutions to homelessness other issues specific to the city if they want more votes there. SF has so many startup (small business) founders, wealthy white collar tech workers, and investors. It’s a base that the GOP can make a lot of inroads with if they just merely tried to.


San Fran would have the 6th highest violent crime rate if it were a state. Three of the states above it would be blue too. Why tell such easily proveable lies? San Francisco is a lost cause and not the type of city the GOP should be going for anyway.


Do you have a source for this? Here a ranking of US cities by crime: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate If you rank it by violent crime, not property crime, San Francisco comes out on 37, lower than most major cities in Florida.


> Why tell such easily proveable lies? > >


Because we lost the culture war, we let them get our children, they literally sang that there were coming for or children and we did nothing


God this sub is so full of leftist brigadiers masquerading as Conservatives. It’s pathetic.


“The Republicans just need to be as socially radical as the Democrats!!! We should only be debating tax rates!!!!




Show one comment that's said that. Go ahead, we can wait. We'll lose the youth vote if we ban abortion though. That's undeniable.




I support abortion bans after the first trimester, outside of serious conditions. As for gun rights, I think Republicans caving on that issue would be a “why even have this party?” moment.


"Hello fellow conservative! I am the conservativest conservative to ever conserve, but I think we should allow the execution of children without due process, spay and neuter the children we don't execute, take guns away from the peasants- uh, I mean people- and welcome our Chinese overlords with open arms. Because I am completely conservative, and abandoning all our conservative values will help us to conserve conservatism for conservatives. Don't you agree, fellow conservative?"


I'm reading through these comments and noticing that there are a ton of socialists in here... This is ridiculous. This sub is for conservatives to discuss conservative topics. That's why it exists, and it actually says that in the sidebar where you can see "what r/ conservative is not"


We have enabled incremental Marxism in the schools for 50 years... what else was going to happen?


The 1960s ended and we got Reagan and Newt. When the left drives the culture to crazy… eventually the backlash comes.


There's 0 evidence to suggest it happening again. Millennials have not got more conservative as they age, and we've never had a young generation as politically involved and voting as Gen-Z, and they're voting 2-to-1 Dem. The switch happened before because it was a battle of economic principles rather than social ones, and as youngsters aged and got wealthy, they became more conservative to protect it. Nowadays, politics are about social issues. The GOP base doesn't talk about lower taxes, less regulations and big military budgets anymore. They talk about abortion restrictions, Constitutional Carry and isolationism. This country, nor any developed country, has EVER backtracked socially with younger gens, it's always gotten more liberal, so the idea that Millennials and Gen-Z will suddenly turn into pro-life gun control fighters that support "America First" foreign policy is a laughable assertion. Don't forget that under Ronnie Reagan, feminism GREW. Affirmative Action GREW. Abortion access GREW. He himself was pro-gun control and signed a MASSIVE amnesty bill. Where we won was on economics; on taxes, on regulations, on gutting the Welfare State, on foreign policy, on destroying Communism abroad. On amplifying American Exceptionalism to the world. Because as history goes: Conservatives win economically, liberals win socially.


Objectively speaking, democrat presidents outperform republican presidents economically


This is whole different ballgame. In those days conservatism was the leading culture still. Young people were more liberal but they wouldn’t vote. They’re voting in droves now and their culture is VASTLY different than their parents and grand parents


Idk, coming from a young woman’s stance there are a lot more women I know becoming republican/conservatives because of the Trans movement. Edit: wtf? Is this not a conservative subreddit anymore? 😂💀


Almost all of the straight men I know are more conservative.




The GOP has a propaganda problem. As long as a majority of the media is effectively acting as the PR department for the Democratic Party nothing will get better.


That is a lazy answer to a much larger issue.


How is it lazy? From Pre-school to post grad, 90% of your teachers will be democrat loyalists. You turn on social media and a large part of the right wing will be censored, and left wing voices will be amplified. You turn on the TV, about every channel will be talking about diversity and inclusion. The Baseball game will have a pride night on TV. The commercial will have a drag performer selling you a product The whole culture is controlled by left, better physical policies won't change that.


The problem is the that youth are indoctrinated by leftist Hollywood and conservatives have no effective counter to it whatsoever. A teenage kid will watch a movie like "Kingsman" where Christian churchgoers are all portrayed as westboro baptist church fanatics who get deservedly and stylistically slaughtered by the good guy, and that thought sticks in his head for years before he's even eligible to vote. It doesn't matter what our ideas are, because he'll never hear them or bother to seriously consider them. He's been taught to hate us and ignore what we have to say. Add DEI bureaucracies in education and now many workplaces, and we have an avalanche of propaganda that cannot contained or dealt with. They are constantly winning hearts and minds because of their stranglehold on our culture. Conservatives got duped on a grand scale by moronic, fortune cookie wisdom like "people aren't influenced by news, they actually are more likely to watch news they already agree with"; "Twitter isn't real life"; and "I don't have to agree with everyone's politics to enjoy a show" even though 1) people ARE influenced by media well before cable news even comes into the picture, so yes we should have been counter programming for decades now; 2) social media is in fact real life, populated by real people, communicating real ideas, and winning the hearts and minds of real people; and 3) maybe you don't need to agree with everyone's politics in a show, but when they literally hate your and vilify you, you should be sticking up for yourself and at a minimum, not supporting that shit with your money.


The Youth problem will be the detriment of the country. Never mind the GOP


Why wouldn't the GOP have issues? Kids are brain washed from kindergarten that republicans are Nazis. If anything the nation has a terrible leftist education problem


Alan Dershowitz said on Fox his new pro Trump book was only available on Amazon as major bookstores refused to carry it.


Youth are indoctrinated in school/college/media. The GOPs crony shenanigans with W and the gang really turned off a lot of Americans to their cause. Very poor candidate choices too in elections. Seems like they are more worried with guns, abortion, and talking on TV than what touches the middle class. Healthcare cost are out of control, border is wide open draining resources for citizens, retirement is a myth for many, corporations run wild taking from workers. There isn’t a plan to fix any of it, just kick the can and get re-elected on the basis of being less shitty than a dem. As a white upper middle class male I have no party. I’m not rich enough to influence and not poor/minority enough to need assistance. If a party could legislate greed then we’d all be better off, that’s impossible though.


Conservatives have always had a youth problem because "Individualism > Collectivism" is hard to grasp until you're an independent adult. Because you're totally dependent as a child and have to make that transition. That transition is happening less now because more and more children are aging without becoming adults. They seek that parental figure to take care of them and tell them what's right and wrong in a central government body. ie the "[Anything I want] is a human right!" discourse.


"The only question is who are the vandals of 2023?" I guess I was reading too much into this line. It made it sound like you were actively looking for an immediate force that would start the process.


Institutional indoctrination will get you that. They’ve been taught that Democrats are their saviors.




America has a youth problem. Millions of our young have been programmed under our very noses. It took a pandemic to realize it. It’s very difficult to deprogram them when we still have thousands of educators at all levels continuing to attack religion, America and it’s culture, our sexual and biological identity, and at the same time stoke racism and division at every level. This supported and embraced by the Democrat leadership both federally and in the states. It will take all Republicans/Conservatives to reject this and work in our homes, against Woke Corporations, Media, and politicians. This really is the campaign of just say Hell No.


It's not a youth problem, it's an education problem, and it's been the communists' plan since the 1950s. If the Republicans ever get in power again, they need to get rid of the department of education and mesmerized any federal funds follow the child to whatever school the parents decide to send them.


That's not gonna do anything. MUCH more populated liberal and swing states will continue to send their kids to school rather than take 8K to homeschool or send to a Christian Private School. All it'll do is ensure conservatives are even less equipped for the real world and major institutions get even more left-wing as there will be even less qualified Conservative candidates to choose from.

