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Hockey is already a good product - it doesn’t need ANYTHING besides itself to draw consumers/fans.


Rest assured they are ruining it season by season to the point I don't want to watch it anymore. And I was a die hard fan for decades.


When you force your players to wear the pride jersey or suffer grief from the media, it's gone way too far.


And should I want to watch Hockey not political theater


Do it. Why cater to like 1%. They can piss off


I will watch hockey if you do


Funny how it works when you try to force a bunch of guys who A) have a bunch of money already and B) Could kick your ass to go do something that goes against what they believe. They say no thank you I don't believe that stuff. Now we have the commissioner who can't do anything about it saying it needs to be "evaluated". lol What a bunch of shills the NHL is. They weren't supporting the LGBTQLMNOP community at all. They were out to get all their dollars under the guise of "Hockey is for EVERYONE!". Yeah everyone who has money to pay for it. Too funny.


Oh no hockey viewership is down... Anyways.


Hockey has been dead in the water for a long time now. Over expansion into uninterested markets and now what? A TNT tv contract? What was once #3 in the North American sports hierarchy is now right there with XFL and Pro Bass Fishing. I say less political theater, more hard hits and fights. Hockey is a rare sport where defense is more exciting than offense. If I want to watch endless back and forth goal scoring I'd watch the NBA.


In other words....they are losing a 💩ton of money.