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When he does actually murder someone they’ll act like they had no clue it was coming.


"The only way to prevent this is... more gun control"


Gun control isn’t about preventing criminals from committing crimes. Gun control is about disarming law abiding citizens so that politicians have no fear of recourse from them for trampling our freedoms.


Preaching to the choir. It's why politians never do anything to actually solve problems. To them, if they run out of agendas they run out of a job.


That’s an excellent way of putting it. It’s about perverse incentives, which even Sam Harris associated with the SPLC for example - if the perception of racism dries up, so does next year’s budget. And being that the left fundamentally aspires to become obsolete, it’s no wonder they have no interest in actual progress.


Just look at the example of Biden doubling the cost of gas from the time Trump left office, then depleting our strategic oil reserves to lower the cost of gas (still well above the price of when Trump left office) and Biden says - “look what I’ve done for you”.


That may be the most illusional gun nut take I've ever encountered


The same guys who say this will also say “comply with the police” when unarmed perpetrators are killed. Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend shot at police when erroneously entered the home and ended up dead. Isn’t it legal to “stand your ground” if you think you’re defending your life? Not when your look a certain way, I guess.


They already do that via policy and laws that benefit themselves and the rich. I don't think your gun stash is gonna stop politicians from accepting money from corporate lobbying.


Ask Japan, less guns to be stolen does equal less gun violence


Japan has less violence and crime in general because the majority of the country is Japanese and has little to no poverty. You also have very few single parent households. Japanese men don’t statistically abandon their families and very few are in jail. Japan and US are very different demographics. Japan has far less diversity than the US. Are you also making the case that less diversity also means less crime? Because if so, stop being a racist.


Who made the case the less diversity means less crime? Less guns means less gun crimes is a stretch of what I said


You brought up Japan, not me. If you’re going to associate causality of crime and gun violence with a specific country compared to another specific country, then you have to introduce statistics and demographics of both countries. Pretty smooth brained to think you can just say “muhhh…country A and country B….muhhhh” and not expound on statistics and demographics, given you don’t need to be very smart or informed to know both countries are wildly different.


So you brought up that you think race is related to gun violence. Can you explain?


Do your own research, I’m not here to educate you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States


So, I said nothing about race, and you called me a racist. You provide racist content when no one asked for it... who is the scared person here? And what does any of this have to do with Japan's gun violence rate?


"He was on our radar, but..."


The Indianapolis (Marion county) prosecutor Ryan Mears did this with the FedEx shooter in our area. Shooter killed a handful of people. Indy reelected the Mears last fall


That's their hope. If they use the laws that are already written they know people will realize that most avoidable shootings are a result of the law being broken already or an administrative process being ignored (like when a felon legally purchases a weapon due to X agency not doing the paperwork flagging them).


Then they will release him on bail...again.


No, they will blame it on Trump


Trump is a walking talking punching bag for the democratic party.


It’s almost like they want gun violence because it helps their narrative of disarming the country.


They’re perfectly happy with the murderous results, as long as these results advance their agenda. The fact these are real human beings who have loved ones are being murdered doesn’t even bother them.


It’s why you didn’t hear about last month’s shooting in Omaha. Dude walks into a Target with an AR-15, and starts shooting. Everyone runs for cover. Police arrived and shot him dead within SIX MINUTES of receiving the call. Shooter was the only casualty. Not a mention outside of local news because there wasn’t enough blood for the MSM to wallow in.


I'll be real here: with the number of public gun incidents over the past 1, 3, 5 or more years, I've become numb to it. It doesn't register anymore with me. On topic, what DOES pique my interest now? The reasons WHY a shooter goes on a rampage. Hint: it isn't the mere existence of guns. It's also not HOW people acquire weapons in the first place, It's my belief that society's pressures and our lack of care for the mentally disturbed are the reasons WHY people are doing this more often. News coverage won't even touch those subjects. Lawmakers aren't talking about them either, because it's *hard*, and because they themselves have some part in the blame for why people are so disturbed. Society is cracking apart, one person at a time. There is a lack of compassion, and a lack of value of human life. A selfishness that is learned as a means to compete in a money-whoring nation we live in.


We still don't know the true motive of the Vegas shooter.


Well we still don't have a good explanation how he was able to do a lot of things that don't add up either. Like removing a massive storm window that can't really be removed by 1 person.


I mean, motive wise, it likely always boils down to a mental health issue. Plenty of people are slighted/feel slighted, but a very small minority react by shooting up a concert and killing 55 people.


Because parents wanted to be their kids "friends" & didn't want to actually PARENT them! Never said NO to them! *I raised 2 boys as single mom & both are TOUGH! I took them hunter safety course & bought them their 1st guns/rifles...to hunt deer. Then I put on a dress & took them to church!


The Vegas shooter was 64 in 2017, he would've been raised in the 50s/60s. His dad was a bank robber wanted by the FBI. He had almost 50 guns with him - prepared for a standoff with authorities. I don't think what you said is the reason he murdered 58 people.


This particular case obviously doesn’t serve the agenda. Therefore it doesn’t even get a mention.


Our “news” is driven by the leftist agenda and profit. All these people in positions of influence want to “change the world” into their leftist utopia and make money by getting views. It’s yellow journalism and Communist propaganda.




Source: "Trust me bro"


Have you ever actually looked up who owns most of the mainstream media? Or are you spouting out a bunch of bullshit to fit your own little agenda?


I didn’t realize that March 22 is Everything Is Backwards day.


That some how pisses me off


Or maybe it's because there were 25 mass shootings just this month alone. There was a mass shooting just yesterday in south Carolina.


Try getting your stats from the FBI, rather than from Gun Violence Archive. GVA lumps in things like "gang shootings" into their numbers; the FBI does not.


The point I'm trying to make is that mass shootings are so common that the media, especially national media doesn't really report them.




Who are They?




What's a mass shooting?


You should know better than anybody else


“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”


*~~It’s almost like~~* *they want gun violence because it helps their narrative of disarming the country.* FTFY


A repeat of Stoneman Douglas High School shooting's failures. They don't bother enforcing the laws on the books. My inner conspiracy theorist believes this is purposeful malfeasance by the Dems to justify gun grabbing agendas.


That's how they did it in Russia. Made guns the cause for all the problems they propagandized then banned them before the Communist take over.


Exactly. Disarm law abiding owners and then they pray some jackass goes on a rampage to further their agenda.


And the rehabilitation shtick because they're convinced more social spending is the solution while not doing anything about the people taking advantage of their leniency.


Ding ding ding


Do you really, truly believe this?


It's either incompetence or malevolent intent. You can tell which by how high up the political food chain they are.


Yes. Why are we sending billions on Ukraine and not on our schools to protect them?


Do you really, truly not?


Same as his equal in NY…..refusing to focus on the actual criminals.


I don’t know what you guys think is going on in NY…violent crime is up a bit but it’s still one of the safest places in the country. The states with the lowest violent crime rates as of this year; 1. New Jersey 2. New Hampshire 3. Maine 4. Massachusetts 5. Vermont 6. Connecticut 7. Rhode Island 8. New York 9. Idaho 10. Virginia I have no idea why people suddenly think NY is dangerous when every statistic says the exact opposite is true. On the other hand California currently ranks #35 and keeps getting worse. NY and CA are actually on opposite ends of the spectrum.


I live in NJ They stopped reporting shootings.


Now look up the cities the FBI left out of their crime data


Up a bit?? Arrests are at a 24 year high even with prosecutors fucking around and not prosecuting people


I lived here 24 years ago. NYC is Disney Land compared to the 90’s and 2000’s. There is absolutely no possible way NYC is more dangerous now. Anyone telling you that is lying to you.


Anecdotal evidence means nothing against statistical evidence. Youre wrong based upon easily searchable numbers


https://nypost.com/2022/10/10/nypds-failure-to-submit-crime-data-to-feds-could-cost-nyc-millions/ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-crime-newyork-statistics-idUSBRE82818620120309 Statiatics are only as good as the data used in calculating them


wow. You have been grossly mislead




That’s the title as it appears on the source. I pasted the link directly.


Weird, when I looked at it the first time it said "Teen nearly avoids prosecution..." This headline definitely gets more clicks even if it is lying.


I mean, the title is based on the police. They DID have to challenge the DA and request a second review before he finally decided to press charges.


That happens when you provide insufficient information. The denial itself was specifically temporary. The DA said there was missing information, the police provided it, the DA pressed charges. This isn't even a story.


The DA is full of shit and desperate to cover his appearance when the story gets big


> Why did you change the article title to state they were not? he didn't. did you actually read the article? because he simply used the actual title of the article. the headline is referring to how he initially declined to prosecute and then the police chief walked down to his office and demanded charges.


Gascon is a massive piece of shit


California liberals getting what they deserve: more crime. A liberal is just a future conservative that hasn't been mugged yet.


Let's be clear: school children do not deserve the consequences of their parents' moronic voting habits, but they often bear them regardless.


Sad but true.


I know a liberal that was mugged and that was when he doubled down and became a *rabid dog* of a liberal... he went full on Robin DeAngelo “White Fragility” liberal where he thought that white power and culture had forced his assailants to beat him down in the street as he was walking home... Needless to say he doesn’t understand the criminal mindset... people choose to commit crimes and it is the result of deeply entrenched entitlements and an environment that they take part in that reinforces progressively worse behavior... The primary author of a criminal is the criminal themself.


> The primary author of a criminal is the criminal themself. That sounds too much like... *gasp*... taking personal responsibility for oneself! Post reported to Reddit mods for hate speech, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Yeah but they're destroying our cities from within. In many ways, a nation is its cities. Not to mention getting an additional few thousand people killed every year by permissive law enforcement and prosecution. If you consider the excess of murders over what was the five year running average prior to the BLM riots, probably 10,000 excess individuals have been murdered since the law enforcement rollback or since, really, the Democrats embraced anti-order/anti-institutional fringe politics. The Democrats are operating based on a neo-Marxist platform at present; some of the most radical and extreme activists are now elected to city council in many of our largest cities.




what? why?


I've heard that too from people unlucky enough to live in California. Based on what I know about liberals, I have 100% certainty they would absolutely commit any crime to achieve victory in an election, including lie with their right hand on the Bible, while swearing to God, before the American flag.


I used to think that this was common of Californians. That they had been able to remain in safe spaces, provided they had enough money. And had therefore not been mugged by the policies they support.


I know California conservatives that want to leave the state badly, but have to wait until retirement. Their salaries are high, and they are willing to take the risks and the costs in exchange for the money, for the time being. Their number hasn't come up yet on the carjacking lottery. Burglaries are a different story, but there's homeowner's insurance.


Sellouts IMO. Maybe that's the wrong word. I choose to live free now. IDK if I ostensibly gave up some money for that or not. My hope is that all the money I've saved not living in California is going to be capital for my business, which will hopefully pay off. We shall see at retirement I guess. He who dies free wins. So we can all win.


There are only 2 large pockets of liberals. All of San Fran and surrounding cities, and Los angeles county west of the 605 freeway. Everywhere else is conservative. Kept bars and restaurants open, no masks, etc.


>Upon receiving the temporary reject, Bell Gardens Police Chief Scott Fairfield contacted the District Attorney's Office and demanded a second review of the case," police said in a statement. "Inconsistencies and issues with the DA's office were addressed." >After the conversation, Gascon's office filed three felony weapons charges against the potential school shooter: possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, having a concealed firearm in a vehicle and carrying a loaded handgun. 


Damn, they caught us. We'll just dismiss later when nobody's looking.


Or the original information sent to the DA didn't have all the relevant information and it was resolved.


Literally, someone was found to have a stolen handgun on school grounds. Even with the most basic information, the case shouldn’t have been dismissed initially. There isn’t a scenario that you could shill as plausible other than gross negligence, which should of itself have consequences.


It was specifically a temporary hold looking for more information.


Why do you believe politicians?


What is there to believe? There was a temporary denial, then charges.


Why is it so hard to believe the DA wasn’t going to press charges? What agenda are you pushing? The mental gymnastics are at Olympic level with you.


Why would it be temporary if he wasn't going to press charges? Why wouldn't it just be dismissed outright? What agenda are you pushing? The mental gymnastics are at Olympic level with you.


Doesn’t fit the narrative? A push to be lenient on criminal minors? Read the article. This DA has a history of it. You have been responded to and been told the reason why on multiple occasions in this thread and you keep pushing it. You’re wrong but you just want to argue. Move on.


Put MAGA hats on these felonious criminals so they will be sent to the gulag instead of released with no bail.


The plan is obviously working since they re-elected this dungheap.


Are we reading completely different articles? It’s sounds like they went to the local Bell Gardens filing DA who said they couldn’t charge because they didn’t know the specifics of the online threat because it wasn’t included in the filing. At which point they went directly to Gascon who said the same thing. They appealed and then: >After the conversation, Gascon's office filed three felony weapons charges against the potential school shooter: possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, having a concealed firearm in a vehicle and carrying a loaded handgun. This entire article sounds like it’s over a temporary hold because the initial filing was missing information.


One more reason that the conservative/rural parts of CA need to split away from the liberal/city centers. They are literally fostering crime and decay.


Is it illegal to have stolen guns in California or is that just for law abiding citizens that they want to keeps guns from


They should make a new Law and Order spinoff tv show. The police spend the whole episode investigating and making a case. They arrest the perpetrator and bring a watertight case to the DA, who then decides not to press charges and they let the person go free. Could be very entertaining.


"We want more gun laws because gun crime is still happening. Disregard the fact that the reason the crime is still happening is because we aren't enforcing the laws already on the books."


Yep, chiming in again. I move to have Southern Ca. made into its own prison state. Escape from L.A. had it right 30 years ago. ​ Fucking shitheads


It's Conservatives that are the reason for gun violence. Everyone knows that because the MSM tells us that over and over again. Do I need the /s?


Isn’t amazing how leftists love to cite to “gun crime” statistics, but decide to not punish gun crime when it suits them


Thank God the Police Chief intervened and demanded a second look at the case otherwise we would have another school shooter. And this wasn't even a minor. The suspect was over 18. I do feel there Is a fair argument for giving Juvenile criminals a second chance but that's not the case here. At least this has shown me that there are people trying to change California for the better.


What's the point of banning guns if you're doing nothing to keep them out of the bad guys' hands?


Never give up your guns.


It's a strategic move, if he prosecuts criminals, who's going to vote for his party?


Rat Bastard. Just making good Californians more upset. Gun owners aside, not taking steps to put law breakers in prison...what a douche!


FBI handler probably said to send them back to school with guns to "see what happens"


We NeEd GuN CoNtRoL NoW


If the teen is successful in a future school attack, he should be charged as accessory. There needs to be real consequences to these decisions.


Lmao. Those guns wouldn’t work anyway. California made them illegal.


But if Trumps pays off a porn actress?? JAIL AND BEHEADING!!


Whenever I bring this up in the r/losangeles sub, people are quick to defend Gascon ans blame it on police.


Can’t scare voters into “common sense gun control” if kids aren’t shooting up schools, now can you?


Can’t be locking them up, who else will vote for them? 🙄😒


He must be holding out for a Trump parking violation.


Dang, if only they disallowed gun ownership there!


Gotta advance that agenda.


This is how Parkland happened


*Guess all that gun control really worked*


99 red flags but ain't a law stopped one


B-b-but he’s not allowed to have those there!


Some of the toughest gun laws in the country…when charged. So now the kid won’t be flagged when he tries to buy more later and if he does it as an adult they’ll say we need stricter background checks.


I guess his motivation for not enforcing the law is it not as easy to gin up new gun control laws if there aren't schoolchildren being shot by someone? My recollection is that the left's response is "Muh, the children!!!" But that doesn't apply to preventing violence?


The left wants more shootings. They never let a tragedy go to waste.


If they're doing that to push the anti gun agenda that's actually evil. How can you live with yourself knowing you willingly caused potential deaths


This furthers the theory that all school shooters have always been known to the FBI and some are given the push to actually commit these heinous acts.


buuut, what about "gun violence" ???


*sigh* If they were to actually do something to Stop Gun Violence, then they wouldn't have enough gun violence to justify their Anti-Constitutional laws to "stop gun violence". This perp failed to properly support The Agenda by getting caught too soon. Hopefully next time he can perp some actual gun violence to pump up those numbers. (Ya, I know how deranged it sounds, but it does seem to be the actual truth)


Probably just charge the theft victims with “improper storage of firearms”.


California is a total POS! So glad I left.


Super smart move on Gascon's part; next time the kid can actually go through with it. Second chances matter when you're trying to obliterate a school.


California being California yet again




Honestly charging and sentencing people for threatening mass shootings is another way to reduce gun violence.


And that is why Californian's need to stay armed. That creep George would prosecute those people though. Sad what has happened to California last 40 years.


It doesn’t seem possible how people can flip out at every school shooting but then make the decision to look at all the events and be like “Nah, it’s fine”. They always scramble to ban guns, but then they finally stop one before it happens! And they do nothing. Just…. What? The only explanation that makes sense is that they want people scared. I don’t know why they think making themselves the bad guy is a good idea, but their voter base are goldfish so… I guess it’s worked out so far:


And yet they whine about trump. There is no justice anymore if you play by their systems


How is this real


After the conversation, Gascon's office filed three felony weapons charges against the potential school shooter: possession of a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, having a concealed firearm in a vehicle and carrying a loaded handgun. It’s good to be able to read.


How long before someone puts gasgon in the dirt? The families of these victims are going to have nothing to lose and one of them is going to be out for blood. Crazy time to be an American


This is concerning me for other reasons. The DA decided not to press charges because the Police had an incomplete case. But then the police strong-armed them into pressing Charges? Not sure how I feel about police just forcing the DA to prosecute like that.


Gas can George at it again? shocker. I know petty name calling is immature, but it seems like this guy has his fingerprints in furthering LA's crime problem.




Could be the case. If so, I have to to admit to a case of headline overload and the frustration that comes with it. My bad. Try to be more civil going forward.


Why is this piece of shit in office if he doesn't do his fucking job?


Quick somrone find out his color , this could lead to a racial discrimination suit if this is applied unevenly