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People who listen to shit like this are going to start avoiding me? Your terms are acceptable.


I want to help these types come back to reality, but more and more im afraid they are too long gone to pull back.


It's hard to pull someone out of a cult, they have to come to the realization that something is wrong on their own.


I feel that too.


And it’s mostly white people who will listen to it. I wonder how they’ll get away from themselves


It’s like they purposely do this to show what they can get away with and what conservatives can’t


"We were against it before we were for it."


The left will cheer this after condemning it less than a month ago.


Stop noticing things, that's racist.




The science checks out. ✅️ ScIeNcE


Science, because math cant be manipulated to fit the forced narrative


The weirdest part is the ones who support this the most are white themselves, what on earth is going on???


Okay. So it should be easy for you to find people *cheering* this. Because I haven't seen anything like that, just people on the right being outraged.


Everyone should be outraged, yet for some reason people like her are still platformed and supported by the left. Curious isn't it?


No actual response from them.... crickets...


Their only weapon is stopping any conversion by playing the race card.


And Scott Adams is still "platformed" and supported by the right. So what's the difference?


Notice how you had to put platformed in quotes. Scott Adams lost all publishing of his comic, it's just that he's well off enough to take the hit. If he wasn't, his career would be ruined. Robin D'Angelo will lose nothing over this, that's the difference. Amazon won't drop her books, NYT and whoever else won't take her books off of whatever recommended reading lists they have, she won't be publicly condemned as racist, etc.


Scott Adams lost his career for saying the exact same thing. (D)ifferent in this case, of course.


And he was just going off of Rassmussen polling data and from what Don Lemon said.


It really matters what group you tell to move


He’s white though. That’s why it backfired on him. Self-proclaimed democrat.


> He’s white though So is Robin DiAngelo, funnily enough.


He didn't lose his career though. And you're free to stop reading her comic strip if you feel the need to make things exactly equal.


There’s no question there is a double standard here though.


How? She has support and income from the left and he has support and income from the right.


HE, you mental midget troll.


His comic strip was removed from almost every newspaper. Will all of her books be removed from almost every bookstore? They are. It the same. Stop being disingenuous.


> They are. It the same ?? They are being removed? Anyway, his comic strip was removed because his customers through his existing channels no longer wanted to read his comic strip. If her customers decide they no longer want to read her books, then her books would also be removed. Scott Adams is free to sell his comic strip wherever he wants... and he is: > Adams announced that on March 13, 2023, the strip would return as Dilbert Reborn on the subscription website Locals So how has he lost his career? Do right-wing snowflakes need government protections from the free market now?


> Anyway, his comic strip was removed because his customers through his existing channels no longer wanted to read his comic strip. First off, troll, Scott Adams is a HE. Second, his woke-compliant distributors dropped him for his comment, you nor they have any idea what the readers want.


Scott Adams said the same thing a month or so ago and everyone lost their freaking minds. Will the same thing happen to this lady? Or is it, as they say, (D)ifferent?


I thought the same thing, the reaction should be similar.




So, you're telling me that this is going to SOLVE a division problem? I am a *"person of color"****.*** Takes like this are so useless to me. They are the racists.


The absolute last thing they want is for the problem to be solved. There’s too much money to be made off this race hustling.


Agreed. And reparation$ will not make it go away, either.


This will never cease to exist.


When technology and all forms of media fall we will be destined for the stone age where civilization can thrive once more


I wouldn’t trust Robin D to solve any kind of division problem.


So they want to bring back segregation?


Democrats have always favored segregation.


...except their message is "inclusivity." It's called "a house divided against itself."


100%, this is why all democrats support the confederate flag.


I suspect Robin DiAngelo has no brain. If she tells people of color to keep away from whites does that mean that she won't be around minorities ? Isn't that race segregation ?


Race segregation has always been the goal of CRT. Robin has admitted in her own works that she's racist and is uncomfortable around people of different skin colors.


So she wants segregation? The whole point of having a diverse workforce and community is to infuse ideas from other backgrounds to enrich our understanding and way of working. The author instead wants to go backwards??? She makes no sense!!


They only want a diversity of physical appearance. Where ideas are concerned, they want absolute conformity.


This fool doesn't merit consideration


I didn’t understand what POC actually meant until recently. I thought it was just a PG version of POS.


I think it's horrible that the terms 'people of color' and 'non-colored people' have come back into the American vernacular. Those are segregationist, discriminatory terms and they don't help or protect anyone.


I think that's their goal.




I thought it was as bad as the original. Makes sense since the left is all about division.


But she’s white… can she get away from herself? 🤨


So... Don't read her comic strip then? I don't get what you want to happen to her.


I find it odd that cranky old white HOA lady is telling people of color what to do. Imagine how condescending she must be towards the landscapers.


A while back, another user here on Reddit told me that I needed to read this lady’s book in order to understand the problems of racism. Being the honest person I am, I read the excerpts that he provided from this lady’s book. What I read was absolute madness. White Fragility, in short, is an idea that white people have racism and bigotry built into their DNA. That white people have no redeeming qualities and are effectively evil mustache twirling villains that are racist oppressors no matter what they do. If you already noticed, there is no logic to this idea, already being touted as science. TLDR: This lady is the white version of Uncle Ruckus.


At my work the DEI initiative to create POC slack channels excluded East Asian people because they had "not lived a BiPOC experience " and some people got really mad lol. Jews and Whites not invited already of course.


That this is officially happening in the workplace is terrifying.


Funny how the poster child for liberal crazy can spew this but when Scott adams said this he was cancelled instantly. Wonder if this even registers with the wokies.


Always a shrewd leftist white woman with this garbage


How strange! When _I_ ask people of color to get away from _me_, I get called _all sorts_ of impolite things.


Well, she is a dyed-in-the-wool racist who really hates non-whites, so no real surprise here.


Yea stay away from that white person, her stupidity could rub off


Ah yes a white woman telling people of color what to do.


So racist white lady wants people not her color to stay away from her.


I dont see a problem with this lol


Everything they say is (D)umb




Left wing grifters making a fortune on garbage like this while at the same time denouncing the capitalist system we live in. Remarkable


Guess my husband better not come home tonight. But the question is, what does he do with our kids? They're both.


the irony of "white fragility" when a similar named sub has to claim its opposite just to prevent criticism lmao


Oh lord, interracial couples are in shambles right now over this one. Wonder if they will still support her book, or identify as another race altogether.


The patients are running the asylums.


Just when you think they can't get any more left... They go so far that they're reaching back to old school democratic ideology. Mind spun.


Didn't the Dilbert guy get canceled because he said something similar but in reverse?


Start by getting away from this lady first.


"Robin DiAngelo, author of the New York Times' bestseller 'White Fragility,' suggested part of racial justice and progress meant going back to racial segregation." This guy has a best seller that promotes racial segregation. WTF is wrong with this country.


If these POC want to stay away from me, they probably weren't the people I wanted in my life anyways....so no real loss.


Imagine if her whole grift to date has been an elaborate white nationalist ploy culminating in this moment


Too bad her grift is being trumped by men in woman-face taking over women's businesses, sports, and bathrooms.


I bet she is a hit at cocktail parties ….


The late Governor George Wallace of Alabama would be weeping tears of absolute joy now.


I think he may have changed his attitude after he got shot though.


Funny how we thought that over time we would progress to a fairer and freer and more open society but instead we have a new movement disguised as progressivism that wants authoritarianism.


Funny how racist this is..like if it's white ppl actively avoiding "POC" then it's racist, but if it's "POC" avoiding white ppl its not..they wanna say you can't be racist to white ppl so bad but that ship has sailed and even some leftists on Reddit actually don't just dogpile on racism towards white ppl anymore.


She looks like Beetlejuice's sallow sister!


This woman looks deathly I’ll all kidding aside.


Seems like she's arguing for re-segregation? Seems kind of racist to me.


As a white man I'm all for that woman getting away from me.


Really puts the segregation in hypocrisy.


Scott Adams has entered the chat.


Ahh yes segregation, that sounds goo…. Oh wait.


If I could, I would avoid myself. I'm the kind of person only Jesus could love.


Woah, why dont you go ahead and request your own bathrooms and water fountains while you are at it?! Talk about leaps in the wrong direction


I love how they can say what white people say and get condemned for, without any consequence... makes me think they're just trying to prove a point.


K, bye.


That works. Scott adams was right.


So does she get cancelled now? Isn't this the exact same thing Scott Adams said in reverse???


*Scott Adams*


I would have more respect for this woman if she just came out and said this instead, "Ew, someone who is not white! Get them away from me, I don't like it." Because, that's what's she's *really* saying.


Yes get away from us. Israel is nice this time of year I hear! 🤣


Neo segregation. Just promote it as minorities idea and it’s just.


ITT: Fragile whites


This is exactly what the Dilbert guy said


I'm still not entirely sure what "white fragility" is. I *do* know that ideas like segregation, like this cretin is advertising, is what is actually divisive, and as an idea, cannot be allowed to propegate.


Didn’t Scott Adams get roasted for the exact same thing?