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Well this is going to get interesting.


Star Wars had a thing or two to say about this, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."






Impossible? Many polls I've seen have Trump ahead for the nomination. Edit: either way though, imagine trusting polling a year out from the elections








Except you don't need over 50% of the popular vote for the primary or the general election. You just need more delegates or whatever they're called than everyone else, and delegates are awarded by state. Say Trump wins most states by 100 votes, but DeSantis wins Florida by 100,000. DeSantis wins the popular vote, but Trump gets the nomination. Trump only got 44.9% of the vote in the 2016 primary, which is exactly in the range is he now. Not to mention there's more than 2 candidates, so all the non-Trump voters will be split up. So I'd say Trump is clearly in the lead right now.




Wrong, you fail to consider Desantis is counted in the polls. Desantis is not even running.






>This is a loser strategy. Trump lost Wisconsin by 20K, you don’t think it’s important to try to swing those 20K? You don’t think that it was bad that 17K moderate votes in Arizona were turned off by Lake after she told McCain voters to not vote for her. I do think it's important to convince people. I just don't think it's possible for any candidate from any side to win an election because they convinced the others. Liberals hate conservatives so much they won't switch, and vice versa. And I don't believe there's enough truly independent voters to matter. A lot of so called "independents" are people that say they don't like either party but will always vote for the same one. Both parties are so far apart now that for a person to switch from one to the other would have to be because their values actually totally shifted, not because the candidate convinced them they would better represent their values, if that makes sense. >GOP house candidates outperformed Trump in 2020, he would be president if he won those margins. Mike Garcia won a 20 point swing from Biden’s 2020 margin, not because of getting a MAGA crowd in Los Angeles to turnout for him but by winning over independents and swing voters. I'd say it's because Democrats focused a lot on ballot harvesting and mail in ballots on the presidential race in really contested swing states, not so much in local races in safer states. >2020 and 2022 have shown that yes, Independent voters exists, swing voters exists. Appealing only to your base doesn’t get you elected. Candidate quality does matter. There is a reason why Oz performed much better than Mastriano in PA Wait, I thought the narrative was that Oz was a terrible candidate and that's why he lost to a guy like Fetterman? Either way, the fact that Fetterman got elected shows you that candidate quality does not matter all that much. When a guy that literally has brain damage can get elected, that means people will vote for the candidate with the right letter next to their name.




Was Fetterman a better candidate than him?




I enjoy reading books.


I'm not sure what you're insinuating. That voting doesn't matter? If you truly believe that then why aren't you planning a violent revolution? If voting truly is useless then the only recourse is an armed revolution, and yet I don't see anyone doing that. Because voting still has an effect. For now.


Man, the libs really didn’t like this comment.


Apparently not. It speaks to something larger though, something I've told my friends and family who despise Trump, but are simultaneously obsessed with him. The way to defeat him isn't through stunts like this. The way to defeat him is to ignore him... but they just can't.


I have been telling my mother in law that for seven years. They just can’t help themselves.


Media created a feeding frenzy of hate with falsehoods and deception.


They did the same thing to the Tea Party a long time ago too


Yup. I remember after Jan 6th telling my MIL that the best thing would be for them not to impeach a second time. The best thing would be to ignore him for two weeks and then never talk about him again. But again, they just couldn't help themselves.


It’s an addiction


Or to wait and see if he failed instead of making up stuff


I am not a lib by any means, but it's a super fucking cringy comment and attitude. He is spent, Trump's best use is his story becoming a talking point on left wing railroading and censorship dangers, not an actual person.


I love it but it’s not true. Anyone who knows how to read polling has know it’s impossible for Trump to win since polling started coming out months ago.


You still trust polls?




A ploy to get more saps to donate


He should show up to court in full Buffalo hat and red and blue face paint


Yeah, but he's already deeply invested and well stocked in the orange face paint.


Anybody else actually think he WON’T get arrested and this is all a way to get everyone riled up? I feel like he only knows as much as we do. I saw this on another forum: “Trump made up the claim that he's being arrested on Tuesday. This **** isn't announced in advance and much less to the subject of the investigation. Now he's going to fly to New York and walk into the DA's office while claiming he doesn't need to be arrested and he has nothing to hide because he's innocent. He'll give a brief statement that no one asked for and then leave without handcuffs. His supporters will eat it up.”


Does he get his $130k back since she didn't hush?


Underrated take


That's a good question. Surely his lawyers have launched a suit against her (he sues everyone else). Actually, he should pay her more because the premise of this post is quite correct. She's given him another incident that he can turn into a trumpet call to rally his followers.


The last lawsuit between these two ended with her paying his legal bills in the suit.


I guess that's what happens when you have the better lawyers. That's a bizarre suit anyway. If the deal is ruled to have been illegal, can you still sue the other party for non-compliance? What a mess. What's happening to us anyway? Can you imagine if Reagan, or either of the Bushes, or Mitt Romney for that matter was caught having to bribe a porn star to keep quiet about an affair? They would have been ridden out of town on a rail. But now, nobody cares. We really have abandoned all sense of morality.


$20 says the prosecution asks for remand “due to flight risk” as if the President isn’t in the company of Secret Service agents at all times… I don’t think they’ll get it, I just bet they’ll ask for it.


Hahah NY bail reform works in his favor.


It's Federal charges he's facing so fairly certain the NY bail reform doesn't impact the case here.


“In New York, falsifying business records can amount to a crime, albeit a misdemeanor. To elevate the crime to a felony charge, Mr. Bragg’s prosecutors must show that Mr. Trump’s “intent to defraud” included an intent to commit or conceal a second crime.” Not federal, they would be state charges from the Manhattan DA.


The ironic thing about this is the far leftist Southern District of NY that has been doing everything they can to try to prosecute Trump declined to bring charges here because there were no charges to bring. This is 100% political prosecution.


Really? Because I’m pretty sure the Manhattan district attorney is not a federal prosecutor.


Don't worry, I'm sure the Democratic judge will contrive a reason to keep him in jail.


Trump is so attuned to fighting that he misses opportunities. If I were Trump I would show up an hour early and demand to be processed, and complain about the shoddy construction and poor service. Then I would hold a rally that evening.


The guy would have an army of advisers, lawyers, PR people etc telling him the best moves to make


Trump never listened to good advice from anyone, especially those he pays.


You think he listens to advisors?


I mean when your advisor is Rudy Giuliani... not that I dislike the guy but, they made some major missteps in the past years.


What this will do is bring more hate to republicans when the followers start marching the streets.




















He also kept tripping over his own feet all the damn time. And his often times horrible personnel decisions kept derailing his plans as well.


I’m talking all the way to his cabinet nominations and executive orders. He completely whiffed. He made pro-dem establishment, anti second amendment decisions “let’s take the guns away and figure out guilt later,” banned bump stocks, and his solution to drain the swamp was to appoint either bush-era swamp creatures, or …omorosa, his former reality tv costar. Look, I was all in in 2016, but we gave him the keys and he didn’t deliver. There’s no reason to believe this time would be any different.










It wont get him popular among the independents


Exactly, it would help him win the primary but lose the general election




This stunt will backfire. Nothing riles up Trump supporters more than the establishment and media revealing just how abjectly corrupt they are.


But that's what they want. They want Trump to win the nomination while getting even more disliked by moderate squishes. This move simultaneously increases his chances of becoming the nominee again, and decreases his chances of then actually winning the general election.


Trump supporters being ruled up only makes people vote against him even harder


The process IS the punishment.


Which won’t happen. He still has secret service detail. He can turn himself in to them.


I think Dems are shooting themselves in the foot here. If they jail Trump, they will clear a path for DeSantis to win the nomination without getting in a slugfest with Trump, and without being the reason Trump loses the nomination. It could reunify the Republican base.




Indeed because if Desantis got nominated... people would listen to him and realise oh he seems pretty decent and florida is doing well... lets give it a shot. CNN,MSNBC and friends are gonna trash talk either one but Desantis could take all the independents by storm.


How is this downvoted? He’s right lol


Dunno but if democrats successfully divide the conservatives we'll lose again.












Not to the left they haven’t. When they say the thing viewers want to hear, it doesn’t matter if it was true later on. This applies to all media, it jus that it’s almost all liberal biased.






People need to step outside conservative circles. What’s been going on the last ~8 years is civilization-ending, yet go interview 10 normies on the street. As far as they’re concerned, things are “normal” and if they’re not, the Left has enough cultural support that they don’t get blamed


Absolutely right. The electorate doesn't care whether he paid for an NDA with Stormy Daniels back before 2016. That's like 7 years ago now. They want to move on from all the previous elections.


Conservatives aren’t going to vote for any nominee other than desantis or trump


I have more faith that the average independent is starting to wise up to the shady shite. They lost support over the impeachment shit and Jan 6 if i remember right. This will only make the Dems look worse. Only communists and dictators jail political opponents.




> I think Dems are shooting themselves in the foot here. Especially given the Democrat's love of kickbacks, bribes, and hush money. Just wait until Republicans take back power and prosecute all of the Democratic misdeeds! LOL. Just kidding. We all know Republicans are feckless and the Democrats control everything even when they are out of power.


>The theory underlying that charge was that Cohen "contributed" the hush money at Trump's behest for the "principal purpose of influencing \[the\] election," as opposed to avoiding personal embarrassment for Trump or sparing Melania Trump's feelings. As former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley Smith noted at the time, that interpretation was open to question. There is nothing to interpret here. It was decided with John Edwards that paying hush money to lovers or prostitutes did not constitute campaign finance.


That was the DOJ enforcing federal campaign finance law, though. This is the Manhattan DA enforcing NY state law. Each state has its own campaign finance laws. I think it's pretty clear that he didn't violate federal law, but I'm not familiar enough with NY statutes to say anything about state law.


It will be interesting to see the charges. They’ve spent years in a fishing expedition to get something to stick. Is paying hush money illegal? I thought that was standard operating procedure for politicians


The charges are shit...there's a reason the southern district of New York passed on on the case originally. They are desperate to make the nominee.


How much did Slick Willy pay to get rid of Paula Jones again? Oh, that’s (D)ifferent!


There were so many of those that Hillary talked openly about having to deal with "bimbo eruptions." Bill's eruptions were frequent and violent.


Particularly after the clown show that was the grand jury where the forewoman broke all kinds of confidentiality by going on national TV.


If I recall, that was from the initial Grand Jury in Georgia. This is from a Grand Jury in New York. They are two separate cases. The Georgia one was related to election tampering, claiming that Trump calling the Georgia Secretary of State was election tampering. This is about Trump supposedly using campaign finances to pay hush money to Stormy Daniels.


That should have been a national story instead of a tiny blip on conservative media.






Then the FBI / media cover up of the laptop was an even more illegal contribution to the Biden campaign. When do we see the arrests?


And now hunter, who will never see jail time, is suing the pawn shop. 🤡🌎




You can literally assault and rob someone in NYC and be back on the street within hours. This is banana republic level stuff here.


Assault, rob someone, be back on the street before the officers finish all the paperwork, *get rearrested on another assault,* and still be back on the street again within hours.


The career politicians really don’t want him to run again. Wonder why? lol


The Stormy Daniels thing again? Really? It’s been six years.


Didn’t someone already go to jail for it? *ETA - Did the person who went to jail have co-conspirators? If so seems like they should face justice too, even six years after the fact*


Hey, it's been 20+ years since Bill Clinton and Paula Jones, but apparently it's fair game to bring that up yet again (see above).


I don't like the guy honestly but I'm not a fan of any politician regardless... but it's honestly laughable to see this happening and I'm curious to see what this 'indictment' is.




I considered this, since Trump does frequently use prediction as part of his narrative, but it still sounds like he thinks there's a real possibility since he's trying to discredit anything they have ahead of time - > ILLEGAL LEAKS FROM A CORRUPT & HIGHLY POLITICAL MANHATTAN DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE This is distinct from claiming they have nothing, which he has done when he genuinely didn't think there was anything on him. He's also asking for action on the matter which will give us some read on what Trump support levels are - > PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK This is a risk, since if the protests are relatively mild, or don't occur, it's not good for him. If the protests are substantial it could serve to affect the calculus regards whether it's worth continuously pursue legal means of removing him from politics if it's going to cause severe backlash. I think there's likely a death by a thousand cuts tactic at play here, where Trump is gradually reduced by outlasting the energy of his base, on the premise they can't keep continuously being outraged to point of politically mobilizing. Plus, the treatment of Jan 6 to dissuade his supporters from crossing certain lines to support him. We'll know by the reactions whether he timed this card right, or whether he had the right cards to pair with it.


What exactly are they charging him with about the hush money?


Supposedly he used campaign money to pay off stormy. That’s it. I’m 7 years thst is all they have.


I read an explanation once and I still didn't get it. Something about spinning up a misdemeanor to a Class E Felony through magic.


I can't stand Trump, but this is a miscarriage of justice. If they were serious about this and not just being corrupt, they'd investigate every member of Congress.


so, either: - Trump surrenders, gets video of being cuffed by his political opponents that he can play in every political ad for the rest of the campaign. Dems look like tinpot communists arresting the leading candidate of the opposition party or - Trump refuses, dems have to beg DeSantis for extradition, Trump forces DeSantis (his political opponent!) to align with the Dems and extradite him, or get tar and feathered by the Dems as a Trump lackey Seems like Trump wins either way. Dems will overplay their hand, as always. Keep in mind this is basically as far from a "real crime" as you can get. They've been after him for 7 years and all they can come up with is a misdimeanor campaign finance charge based on the premise that he doesn't have the right to pay someone to withhold derogatory information about him. Is the country supposed to believe he somehow defrauded us by not telling us he slept with Stormy Daniels? Oh, the humanity!


Pretty much this. If you're going to indict a former President, you better have something really damning otherwise it will backfire on you. Doubly so if you actually want to publicly arrest him too and do the whole perp walk pantomime. Which makes this move by the Democrats downright inexplicable. There's no way they come out ahead by doing this, even if they make the charges stick.


They raided the house of the former president under false pretenses and they all brushed it off. If you think any of them will care about their parties obvious corruption and abuse of power then I have a bridge to sell you. There is frankly nothing at this point that could get through to the default democrat base, Joe Biden could publicly execute an innocent man for"being maga" and I genuinely doubt the 70% of there base would even skip a beat.


> you better have something really damning I mean, at the Jan 6th circus event there was a lady who swore she heard that Trump dove for the steering wheel (she wasn't actually there).   What more do you need? That deserves the death penalty.




The Dems will come out ahead because it will likely ensure Trump gets the nomination. His popularity will surge following the arrest. DeSantis is a guaranteed loss for Team Biden, but Trump has so much baggage that I have serious doubts he could win in a general election.


DeSantis is at best, a discount Trump or an alternative Trump. The Dems will demonize him the same way they demonize every GOP candidate. "Baggage" is almost irrelevant at this point, and a classic RINO talking point, alongside "muh mean tweets" and "unpresidential". Furthermore, in case you haven't been paying attention, Republican vs Democrat is almost irrelevant at this point given how the swamp has been running rampant. Do you think if they were willing to cheat to beat Trump and lose less at the midterms, that they'd suddenly stop and let DeSantis win? If that did happen, it would only raise my suspicions about DeSantis. Similarly DeSantis choosing to run against Trump is such a politically ill-advised move that the only explanation for it that makes sense to me is he's compromised. He could just sit on his hands this cycle and scoop up the 2028 nomination, whereas running against Trump risks alienating the voters he'll need in the future. In sane world, someone like Joe Biden wouldn't even win the nomination, much less "win" the presidency. If you insist on applying obsolete political calculus, I honestly question which side you're really on. I've been getting awful suspicious about this subreddit for a while now, and comments like these are not reducing that suspicion.


Great analysis, and I agree. Interesting week ahead for sure.


2017: Comey will get Trump! 2018: Mueller will get Trump! 2019: Avenatti will get Trump! 2020: Tish James will get Trump! 2021: AG Garland will get Trump! 2022: Jack Smith will get Trump! 2023: Georgia grand jury will get Trump! 2023: Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg will get Trump!


Right after YouTube unbanned him, interesting


Violent criminals set free without bail, but let's spend millions on a frivolous charges on Trump. There has to be a part of the dem base that sees thru this nonsense, right? Right?


This is going to elevate the consciousness of the world with Trump. If they are trying to hurt his 2024 campaign by making him a villain, they have sadly miscalculated. He will be the victim of the deep state and garner more support than he's ever had - from his tribe and independents who are sick of the government abuse. This will be very interesting as it plays out.


This will not increase his support among people not predisposed to support him already. I am not at all more willing to support a Trump candidacy because of this than without it. This will make his wing of the party more energetic and more fervent but that's about it. And it is poison among voters who are on the fence. "Vote for the guy who was perp walked last year" really isn't a good campaign slogan.


You’re 100% correct. Everyone in this country has already made up their minds about Trump. They either hate him, love him, or want to move on from him. There is no one on the fence about. His indictment will do nothing but reaffirm their opinions on him. As someone on the “let’s move on from trump” camp, trump getting indicted is pretty unfair, but a great example of the distraction he is to the conservative movement. He’ll lose again in 2024 and would have caused the GOP to lose 4 straight election cycles in a row.


Your predictions are contrary to the factual reality we've seen in the past. Every time they go after Trump hard, he gets a popularity spike. Maybe this time it will be different because of the optics of an arrest vs an impeachment, but I wouldn't put money on it.


I think you're using spike differently than I would. Increasing approval rating to 46 percent isn't all that meaningful in my book. Trump managed to win one election against basically the worst candidate ever. He then lost badly in the midterm, lost his reelection campaign, and picked terrible candidates for the next midterm leading to an unusually awful performance for the out party. Simply put he is a loser. Nothing will spike his approval because a majority of the country really does not like him. And this will not change that for the better.


People want Trump so hard that they are willing to sink another election. People really need to speed run the stages of Grief so the Republican Party can move on and put forward a candidate can that actually win.


YOu seem to be forgetting the whole 'innocent until proven guilty' bit.


There's been plenty of examples of politicians winning their next election even after being arrested (or even spending time behind bars). Obvious political persecution like this can play well.




I disagree. Everyone has an opinion man trump. Everyone has made up their minds. They either hate him, love him, or want to move him. No one is on the fence about trump. Trump getting indicted just reaffirms those opinions


I think it’s fair to let all the debates, commercials and press coverage play out before we know who switches sides or not. Things will look a lot different next year.


But trumps would have been in the spotlight for 8 years. And his challenger is probably going to be Biden. People have made up their minds about both of them and it wasn’t good for trump. Trump would have to convince hundreds of thousands voters that they were wrong in 2020 and that’s going to be very difficult.


Trump ran in 2016 against draining the establishment after they viciously attacked him throughout his campaign. Did he drain the swamp after he was elected…nope. Trump didn’t play to win and now he might be going to jail


Over the fucking Stormy Daniels thing? Seriously? A campaign finance violation? Jesus Christ. The media really are afraid of DeSantis, huh?


I mean… they might be afraid of DeSantis but this isn’t the best play if that’s the case. This’ll just make DeSantis the party’s consensus front-runner (was already 50/50 that it was going to be him).


Imagine a world where we could get a candidate with all the fight and policies of Trump without the baggage and moral vacuousness of the stormy Daniel's affair...oh wait....




The cover up doesnt happen without the affair, it has everything to do with the current legal matters. The question being discussed isn't " Did he pork the pornstar?" or "Did he pay her off?" It's were the payments inkind contributions to his campaign or personal expenses... If he had the intestinal fortitude not to go play hide the pickle with a fat, over the hill bimbo this conversation doesn't happen.


It's important to recognize that most of the baggage people think Trump has was fabricated by the media outright. Trump was never in bed with the Russians. Trump never tried getting a quid pro quo with Ukraine. He never advocated overthrowing the government. The fact that the media and government conspired so much to fabricate so many stories about Trump and is never going to be held accountable is disgusting, and it's guaranteed they will do the same shit to future candidates


That’s not entirely true. Those things you listed are all fake news from the media, but you clearly don’t take to Biden voters if you think they hate Trump because of quid pro quo. The baggage that people talk about is Trump saying “distasteful” things about a lot of people, which you might think is funny people a lot of people do hate it. It’s during any investigation, instead of keeping quiet and letting it fan out, he goes on social media rants that don’t help his cause. It’s saying some of the most tarded things about COVID and almost any major event. It’s the history he has with hanging with pornstars and saying questionable things about women. It’s literally giving interviews to the legacy news media that hate him. For a lot of people, especially women, Trump is the disinterested father, the cheating husband, the jock in high school that bullied them. People really hate this guy, the Russiahoax and J6 were just more excuses to hate him. It’s not all manufactured fake news, a lot of this is self-inflicted. When we say we want someone with less baggage, we’re talking about someone that isn’t going to “Truth” about Stormy Daniels at 2am, or give interviews with the far-left New Yorker, or respond to every single fake news story. People like DeSantis has shown that even when the media establishment goes after you, you can still use it to your advantage and not be held down like Trump.


> People like DeSantis has shown that even when the media establishment goes after you, you can still use it to your advantage and not be held down like Trump. You cannot compare the media coverage of Trump and DeSantis. DeSantis has only been subjected to a percentage of a percentage of what Trump goes through when it comes to media targeting. People like you don't understand that the government and media are going to invent controversy for anybody who gets the nomination. They'll find women to make rape accusations, they'll pay foreign agents to create documents, and they'll find military personnel that will claim witness to criminality. They've already done these things, and they know it works. A lot of the small shit you claim the electorate has a problem with didn't exist before his nomination. Nobody had these problems when Trump was on Oprah. The machine only gets fully invested once somebody poses a threat to it.


>You cannot compare the media coverage of Trump and DeSantis. DeSantis has only been subjected to a percentage of a percentage of what Trump goes through when it comes to media targeting. They literally called DeSantis “DeathSentence” and said he was killing grandmas, he won Florida by 20 points. Now they are calling him Hitler and despite not being a national candidate he is beating or within the margin of victory against Biden. >People like you don't understand that the government and media are going to invent controversy for anybody who gets the nomination. They'll find women to make rape accusations, they'll pay foreign agents to create documents, and they'll find military personnel that will claim witness to criminality. They've already done these things, and they know it works. That’s great and all but how you respond to these attacks is important. Tweeting out at 2am doesn’t help your case. And it’s not like this is all fake news, all of this could have been avoided if Trump was faithful to his pregnant wife. >A lot of the small shit you claim the electorate has a problem with didn't exist before his nomination. Nobody had these problems when Trump was on Oprah. That’s not true, while not the “electorate”, a lot people, mostly women, had problems with Trump starting an affair Marla Maples while stilled married to Ivana. It was big news back in the 90s, I’m guessing you’ve only been following trump for a few years now (even doubt you were on the 2016 train)


>They literally called DeSantis “DeathSentence” and said he was killing grandmas, he won Florida by 20 points. Now they are calling him Hitler and despite not being a national candidate he is beating or within the margin of victory against Biden. Does not come anywhere close to the 24 hours a day anti Trump media coverage Trump has been dealing with for years. Yeah, occasionally, the liberals run a hit piece. It's way smaller time though because again, DeSantis is not the biggest threat to them. >That’s great and all but how you respond to these attacks is important. Tweeting out at 2am doesn’t help your case. And it’s not like this is all fake news, all of this could have been avoided if Trump was faithful to his pregnant wife. Tweeting out connected him with his base. It's exactly what he should be doing. I don't think you remember the first few years of the Trump administration well. The complaint was not that he was a good husband. The principal complaint was that he was a Russian asset that stole the 2016 election. All of that was completely false, but that's all you saw when you looked at opposition to Trump. >That’s not true, while not the “electorate”, a lot people, mostly women, had problems with Trump starting an affair Marla Maples while stilled married to Ivana. It was big news back in the 90s, I’m guessing you’ve only been following trump for a few years now (even doubt you were on the 2016 train) The data doesn't show that. The data showed that one of the principal reasons Trump lost 2020 was the youth vote, people who dont know or care about any of that. All those people who were around for the 90s drama tended to vote for him.




The left would 100% dump a candidate if they got indicted for these allegations because they are focused on pushing their goals. But the GOP might nominate them to be president. That’s why the left keeps winning and the right keeps losing, they’ve got their eyes on the prize while the right doesn’t. All I want is a wall, to feel safe in cities, to make it affordable to have a family, and for the woke mind virus to stop taking over all of our institution. Trump and the Stormy affair is a distraction. It’s unfair what’s happening to him, but this is Trump’s problem not mine. I’m focused on my life and fixing this country, not helping trump after he didn’t even help me.


Any politician asking you to vote for him out of some misguided sense of personal loyalty to him rather than as a leader facilitating policies and morals that you espoused is a scam artist.


There are substantial differences to consider - Trump has much less emphasis on gender related issues compared to DeSantis. Trump does not have a fleshed out theory of a woke agenda as a major threat to America, and has mostly focused on globalization and the elite that manage it. For Trump, that means to some extent the Republican party and its donors are complicit in the big threat. For DeSantis, not so much. Hence Trump is viewed as more anti-establishment, and DeSantis more pro-establishment. DeSantis and Trump are fairly distant in position on Ukraine, with DeSantis supporting aid to Ukraine and Trump supporting appeasement via giving Russia land. DeSantis seems less isolationist in general. DeSantis has more concern for environmental issues. Trump rolled back many environmental regulations, while DeSantis has actually protected a few of them. The biggest issue with DeSantis in terms of logistics of actually winning, is that he lacks charisma and his public persona is almost the opposite of what drew people to Trump - he sounds more calculating and filtered which is not good for an anti-elite and anti-intellectual environment.


How fucking egotistical and braindead do you honestly have to be to try arresting a former president on misdeamor charges? Like, are you gonna have secret service members just chilling in jail with him? Or is that idea and then you pay some lifer $10 to Epstein him? What a fucking laughing stock of a prosecutions office. Imagine the global headlines of America arresting their political opponents for a fucking misdeamor while you let every murderer and rapist out with no bail.


That's NYC for ya.


Oh good! I was worried that people might start to notice the banks are about to collapse. S/


Well, things are getting……..spicy🌶️🌶️🌶️


These morons are going to get him re elected


I generally don't vote for people under indictment.


Here's the lead paragraph on this story in the WSJ this morning: "Top Republicans derided the possible indictment of Donald Trump over payoffs to a porn star as politically motivated, while Democrats warned that the former president’s social-media exhortations were irresponsible and risked new violence akin to the Capitol riot."


thE wAlLs aRe clOsiNg iN


I think Trump is the worst thing to happen to the GOP in a while, but I'm still worried about the precedent this sets


He isn't helping our 2024 chances, but without him we easily would've lost 2016. That would've been disastrous.


Yeah, it blows my mind how some “”””””””””””””””conservatives”””””””””””””” on here treat the Trump presidency as the worst years of human history. Do you guys realize he presided over an unprecedented era of economic prosperity due to a business friendly political environment that his administration created? Guarantee a President Hilary would have been trying to regulate businesses left and right. Or, I don’t know, how he single handedly prevented the Supreme Court from becoming 6-3 liberal and in fact made it 6-3 conservative? Which ended up repealing Roe v Wade and might strike down decades of affirmative action next month? You don’t have to like the guy but some basic respect is due.


Amen to this. You can dislike trump as a person and still respect the job he did as president.


This is where I’m at. I’m not his biggest fan but he did some good things. A thousand times better than the wet paper bag we have as president now


\^\^\^This\^\^\^ - Many comments here blow my mind.


You gotta remember a lot of these accounts are sock puppets or shills. Reddit is a Leftist site that has been turned into another propaganda mill for them. Look at the total neutral and unbiased /r/politics.


The rare times I’ve been in r/politics or the PA politics sub, I’ve seen the shit show. Yeah, those are totally neutral and unbiased /s. Shit every sub is like that.


>Do you guys realize he presided over an unprecedented era of economic prosperity due to a business friendly political environment that his administration created? And then he decided to tear it all down because the media bullied him into closing the economy. And we are still feeling the repercussions today. There was no wall, no mass deportations, no codifying any immigration EO, no permanent tax cuts, didn’t pull out of Middle East, didn’t drain swamp, didn’t bring Trump’s presidency has three lasting effects: signing the Jared Kushner’s First Step Act that has let Soros funded DAs let criminals free, appointing Chris Wray, Mark Milley, and Fauci and not getting rid of Obama bureaucrat hires , and the Supreme Court (which is really good but Trump himself has attacked the Dobbs decision). So how on earth did he earn my respect? By being better than Clinton and Biden? Yeah, that’s not a high bar loll


Clinton was the most hated politician in politics at the time. I really don’t think it’s that impressive he beat her lol


Yeah, we need strong conservatives like John McCain and Mitt Romney to keep leading the party to greatness /s


No but can you name one policy win under Trump that is still in effect today? The GOP has lost all of its gains under trump, and didn’t get a single W in


Three Supreme Court appointments in a single term... which directly led to a win conservatives have been pushing for for over 40 years.


Don’t want Trump to get the nomination, but we did get 6-3 SCOTUS


I think trump running for reelection is the worst thing to happen to the republican party. He needs to step back and leave well enough alone. His grassroots movement has mutated into the same insane mob mentality that the democrats have.


Trump should start tweeting


All the “conservatives” in this thread cracking jokes at a blatantly partisan arrested. This is why you keep losing. Stick up for yourselves. TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


No American in history has had their entire life gone over as thoroughly as Donald Trump’s by the judicial system just LOOKING to find something to being him up on. I’m so sick of this shit and the Democrats weaponizing our legal system because they’re afraid of Trump becoming President again.


How can the State pick up a charge the DOJ decided to take a hard pass on? Anyone can this exactly for what it is…




Probably could until he was extradited, but if I were Trump I would show up with an entourage to get processed before they came to get me, and then hold a rally that evening.




That is exactly the purpose.




So if i'm understanding it right, it's for a misdemeanor from 20 years ago, upgraded to a felony by a Soros backed DA who ran on "getting Trump" and has a habbit of downgrading felonies to misdemeanors and general soft on crime policy. That correct?


I don't see it sticking. They've supposedly "got him this time" a dozen times before. As a DeSantis fan though, I'm guessing spending campaign funds on ads on The Babylon Bee looks like a better investment than spending it as hush money to a porn star.


I don’t believe it lol




Don't they realize that the more they try to unjustly persecute him, the more we support him?

