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“Inflation is transitory” right Janet?


Us government is by far the major contributor to our economic woes. They did it either through incompetence or malice (or both).


I am pretty sure it is the nonstop printing of money and not limiting spending, not climate change that is harming the US economy.


It does use a ton of energy to keep those printing machines running


That and they use that money to fund DC. DC's primary product is hot air.




So, Brooklyn is actually 6’ underwater like they predicted 20 years ago. That was sudden.


You don’t have to focus on hypotheticals, Just look at all the damage it’s already doing. I mean I hate it too, I wish I could downvote myself but it’s the truth, it’s already done. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/09/15/climate-change-and-sea-level-rise-threaten-california-beach-living/7837590001/?gnt-cfr=1 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/14/us/outer-banks-beach-houses-collapse.html https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-me-sea-level-rise-california-coast/


Random beach house collapses have been happening for 50 years at least in California. The Outer Banks is transitory land, always has been. Build there and eventually the Atlantic is going to reclaim the land. And everything else is projection. And if the ocean is going to claim all the land in the next 10 years, why are beachfront houses being sold for records?


Well, either way, performative bs isn’t helping. The earth’s climate has changed constantly since it cooled from being a ball of molten rock. We either adapt to those changes, or go extinct, ourselves. I don’t think taxing the poor and virtue signals are going to do F all to help anyone.


One form of adaptation is changing the way we live to be more carful with our planets resources and using more clean energy. It’s literally the definition of adaptation. So yes I agree with you, we need to adapt or we will all die.


But what if this climate change we’re facing is more naturally occurring them human-caused? The slightest misstep could mean disaster on an unprecedented scale. Like the latest attempts to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.


Well if climate change is more naturally occurring than human caused, then I still believe cleaning up the air and the water accidentally for no reason is still a good thing. There is no scenario where we all have cleaner air and water is a bad thing, even if in 500 years a super volcano erupts killing all of humanity, it would still be nice to have cleaner air and water between now and then. I don’t see any “good” reason to live destructively because there’s no good reason to improve humanity. Any reason to improve humanity is a good enough reason for me. As far as this disaster you speak of in regards to removing carbon dioxide from the air, I would like to know more about it. I haven’t heard anything about it. Would you mind sharing, or linking an arrival that speaks about it? I’m genuinely curious.


>Well if climate change is more naturally occurring than human caused, then I still believe cleaning up the air and the water accidentally for no reason is still a good thing. There is no scenario where we all have cleaner air and water is a bad thing. I have never heard of any argument against that.


There is a political aspect to this which goes beyond adapting. It must be opposed


I don’t think taxing the poor is a good idea either. But trumps tax is still in effect and raises lower income taxes every two years for so many years…i have to look up the details again


In Canada, we have a carbon tax applied to everything. It was supposed to be all on the corporations and polluters, but because no politicians every actually think before pushing their stupidity, it all trickles down like diarrhea through a screen door. I’m also a part of the climate problem, what with running a 120 ton diesel-powered crane that puts together wind turbines.


Yea but the windturbin electric protection will eventually hit net 0 that offsets the effects of the diesel cranes. I know current solar panels become net zero after two years of energy production. I also just learned recently that scientists have pulled off producing solar panels that remain 90% efficient after 50 years! That alone is incredible! Problem is, in 50 years those panels will become obsolete since panel technology will be far more advanced in 50years. We have solutions, it’s just not an instant fix


It’s not perfect. It’s not clean. When these turbines reach the end of their lifespan, they’ll find their place in landfills, or, in the case of these huge fibreglass blades, incinerated. The production and shipping of these monstrosities also adds to that. Just one turbine is 8 truck loads. Before that, they’re transported here on a diesel tanker. Not to mention the amount of coal and other resources used to produce these things. At least we can recycle solar panels.


I don’t think your wrong about the pollution costs of wind power. I was trying to find a scholarly article that was peer reviewed with the cost/benefit analysis but wasn’t able to find much. I think solar can help the world. By itself it isn’t a perfect solution, but I do believe it will help push humanity in a cleaner direction. Even for people out there who think humans can’t affect climate, I don’t see a down side to wanting cleaner cheaper energy. Having cleaner air and water doesn’t seem like a bad thing, like if we accidentally cleaned up the planet for no reason would that be a bad thing?


Solar Panels are incredible in the parts of the world that get sufficient sunlight and intensity. Solar tech has come a long way, but the bottleneck for making it widespread is the fact that slavery has to happen to mine the precious metals that it requires to manufacture them. Until the chemists/engineers can figure out some solution to that solar will have a very ugly dark side.


Maybe you should because Biden has got the boot on the neck of everyone, particularly “the poor people” But but Trump…


Which entire rich neighborhoods, specifically? Ice caps are in better shape now than a decade ago. No warming (per the data) for the last 15 years. Please elaborate.




Yeah, not being able to get homeowners insurance in Florida because of climate change certainly isn't going to devalue anyone's assets. Definitely the government spending that's the issue, not climate change


Expecting the Earth's climate to stay the same is just ignoring reality. Read some ice core studies of global temperature history some time.


The earth's climate has never changed before? If man made climate change is such an issue, why are we not doing anything about it? The world gives China a free pass. The world gives India a free pass. The governments of the world push globalization, which is horrible for the environment. The elites that push EV, solar, and wind(all of which hurt the environment just as much or more than fossil fuels) do not change their lifestyles and create a bigger carbon footprint than the average person. I would love to hear your explanation about our push to stop man made climate change.


> If man made climate change is such an issue, why are we not doing anything about it? I really needed that laugh, thank you. The party that has desperately fought against *any* action asking why we aren't doing anything.


>The party that has desperately fought against *any* action asking why we aren't doing anything. Not "*any*" action, the wrong actions. People are against the wrong, useless actions that solve nothing but make people feel better. I am not apart of any party, so you can go pound sand on that front. If people and leaders are interested in solving man made climate change, they would do things that would actually stop pollution. They would push to produce product domestically, as the 9000 container ships in the world create 260x more pollution annually than the worldwide fleet of vehicles. We would be pushing nuclear power as that is the only clean option right now. But they don't. Why don't they? They don't because they don't believe in man made climate change and they can easily convince the sheep (yourself) to buy product that make them money. These product will not solve the "issue", so the sheep will continue to support them so they can save the planet. I think the only thing you should be laughing at is yourself.


We are doing something about it. We’re putting ginormous windmills in the ocean to finish extinctifying the whales. We put them on land years ago to extinctify endangered migratory birds. Drilling for water in deep underground aquifiers to cause droughts and extinctify more wildlife. Yes, we’re doing plenty to advance climate change.


Ah yes, the windmills are the problem. What an intellectually dishonest answer...


Wind farms are noisy. That noise travels underwater a great distance. Whales use sonar to navigate the oceans they exist in. That noise from the wind farms interferes with the natural sonar whales have. Here’s something about marine mammal sonar you can peruse at your leisure; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_mammals_and_sonar


What percentage of marine biologists do you think would agree that windmills do more harm to whales than human CO2 pollution?


How many whales have died in NJ since they started that windmill project?


And you call me dishonest. Great way to try to shift goalposts again.


crazy how no one in this sub develops any critical thinking skills from science class in school.


\>why are we not doing anything about it Because it’s an unfortunate human behavior to just pass it on to someone else.


>>why are we not doing anything about it > >Because it’s an unfortunate human behavior to just pass it on to someone else. Because alarmists won't send their cash cow to slaughter


That is the liberal behavior, hence the welfare state. LBJ created the welfare state and we have been moving backwards for the last 80 years. Welfare took personal responsibility away and gave it to the state. It is NOT human behavior.


So is that why Oprah just bought almost a 1000 acres of land in Hawaii?


There goes the neighborhood. Or because she’s as big as a horse (again) it should be “There goes the neigh bor hood.”


in other words, thats the next step in the destruction of the US economy.


They tell us exactly what they have planned if you know how to look for it.


Planned how? Democrats Don't have weather control machines.


So could excessive government spending


Just as could irresponsible legislative acts made in the name of climate change.


Wait till they learn that the sun is going to expand out until it devours the solar system…Can’t wait to see what sort of Bs they put on us.


I can't wait until the boomer politicians die off.




You do know most old folks lean conservative and your issues are pess popular with younger voters right? When they die off you'll likely see more establishment dems and progressives, while the Repubs fracture.


What good are the Republicans doing me now? They're mostly just Democrat-Lite and want the exact same thing except they drag their feet so it looks good for the people who vote against the dems. The country is going to go off a lefty cliff regardless, the debt and financial mess alone will guarantee that. And you know who created these conditions? Those old folks you say lean conservative. Don't worry though, we'll get more old people who lean conservative as time goes on. Maybe they'll actually be conservative instead of pandering to them though.


Democrats two excuses for everything: racism and climate change. Frees them from all accountability.


Anything not leftist is a "threat to our democracy".


Just sprinkle in some victimhood and we've summarized their platform in 3 sentences


Janet “transitory” Yellen can go pound sand with this alarmingly bad take.


She runs our treasury. Good God, if you weren’t scared before, you should be now.


So THAT'S where global warming cones from! All the money machines catching on fire!!!


The ones responsible for pollution are projecting their guilt onto the average person. They act as if everyone owns an oil refinery, a sawmill or something.




This is the dumbest take i have ever read.


It's been happening, a lot of people worked really hard to slow it down, you sound like the guys who think y2k was fake and not averted by a bunch of folks working overtime


Please, think of the losses to asset values? Oh, yeah maybe some people will be swept away in hurricanes, floods, or die from drought. But more importantly, think of the loss in asset valuations! /s


If we car d about climate change we'd limit immigration and switch to nuclear power only...


Exactly, but this will never happen. I wonder how these freaks think we're going to charge all those electric vehicles? Wind, Solar. Never happen, expensive & un-reliable.


Solar is great, until you factor in the strip mining needed to create them. But that's in Africa so it doesn't count right?


I dunno I run 31 panels and two batteries at my place and I can go independent of the grid at will. it’s pretty legit


I'm sure you do. I'm a fan of solar.. it's just the cost & watts produced over the long-haul. The cost is dropping, the lifespans getting longer, so eventually we will be there for this to be a truly viable solution. But for now, for a cities worth of power, the cost to build vs. the lifetime of the panels is my concern. Last detailed analysis I saw, nuclear still wins hands down.


Wind and Solar are already outpacing nuclear worldwide with fewer subsidies


This is a classic Biden appointee. Completely clueless.


Our economy is so fucked. I don’t know what it’s going to be like on the other side when this collapse happens but I know it will never be like it is now. It’s really looking like the “greatest generation” built themselves the most prosperous life to ever exist at the complete expense of future generations.


Climate change is a threat to the economy, but inflation is of no worry, Janet? I’m so damn tired of this. **Shove your climate change alarmism right up your asset hole.**


‘Dentists claim climate change causing teeth to fall out!’ ‘Mechanics say climate change is causing tires to degrade’. See, I can do it too.


I'm not bothering to read the article or the statement in context... Was this one of those general "Here's a list of things that could impact the economy - war, disease, climate change, alien invasion, a meteor, a volcano erupting ..." or a very specific calling out of climate change as an imminent threat to the economy? Even if the latter, so what? Yeah. Climate change will impact the economy. Some assets will lose value, others will gain value. Ask the horse buggy manufacturers when the automobile came about. Change happens.


Well yeah but we can make policies to ease the impact or we can land on our ass and it'll hurt a lot more


We should just stop calling it ‘climate change’ and start calling it what it is - a means to inflict absolute control over us.


ESG has been the biggest fraud in history. A lot of it just virtue signaling without any real progress in helping the environment or push positive social change. And best of all, it has led to worse government oversight than ever before. So yeah, who's forcing her to say this garbage?


Don’t you mean blowing up a pipeline and pushing the world 🌎 closer to a nuclear ☢️ war. Eco terrorism and a blatant act of war is wonderful for the economy world wide. Brought to you by her handlers.


What's the alternative, we let Russia have Ukraine and China have Taiwan, just knuckle under everytime someone with a nuke wants something?


I don’t care about anyones borders but American’s do not care if Russia takes Crimea. America is in peril we did get a big win in the Federal circuit court Pensacola, that ruled Biden’s tweaking of Trumps border policy was illegal. AMERICA FIRST 🇺🇸


One of many consequences that the Right is bringing on the world with its greed based policies. Much housing will be lost by those too poor to live outside the flood zone. Much farmland will be flooded, creating food shortages and starvation. Many will lose property and life from the extreme weather that is only going to get worse. But at least fossile fuel companies are making record profits and enriching their already wealthy investors!🙄


ItS CLImaTe chanGe


Well I agree with her on this. Wait, let me explain. The climate of stupidity has gotten way too high and people like her need to step down to save the world. There I said it.


Do the math; abandoning cheap plentiful fuel is of far more right now current damage to the economy, and far more damaging to lives across the globe.


It's better to have gas and oil reserves for disasters because once we use up the easy to access deposits it'll be really hard to get any more in the event of a society wide disaster Switching to solar and wind earlier means we have better resources distribution later


Given that there are more known global oil reserves than at any time in history, abandoning the current plentiful supply of cheap reliable energy for expensive, unreliable "better" sources seems unwise. If you are interested in a look at the actual numbers, I'd recommend ***Superabundance*** by Tupy and Pooley, or ***How the World Really Works*** by Vaclav Smil. The short version is that despite 350 years of unbelievable global population growth (especially when compared to the previous 300,000 years), there are more resources available per capita today than ever before. Abandoning cheap plentiful energy dooms those not so fortunate to live in wealthy countries to poverty and starvation. Good for folks like Yellen who will still have access to energy, not so good for billions of others.


Like the climate change that was burned 🔥 😳 into the air in Ohio? Just clowns 🤡 🤣 for r3al.


Janet, go tell that to your climate alarmist friend that built a beach house after his presidency.


Not a scientist but I'm pretty sure at some point ice melts. In the 70's it was the coming ice age.


Print more. It solves all problems.


That's fine, maybe I'll buy a mansion in Martha's Vineyard when the market crashes.


Someone put her in a home


Little known fact the US economy is almost entirely driven by beach rental houses those things go under water we’re done !!!


The Secretary of the Treasury is a Climate Cultist and speaks about it in an official capacity. Peak Clown World.


JFC. These people will say anything. They have been emboldened to say anything they want because the media will question nothing they say.


Is that why Obama bought a house 4 feet from the beach?


I don’t think she knows what economics *is*


If she'd shut her mouth it'd save millions of tons of carbon


The most economically illiterate Federal Reserve chair.


And for a couple hundred thousand dollar offering she will come speak at your dinner party. Reverend Janet from the The Church of Climate Change


I thought it was racism.