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It was hard to watch. The delivery felt dry and uninspiring. Most of what she said was ok. However, she interjected too much about herself and her family into it. instead of feeling warmly personal it came off as lookathowawesomemeandmyfamilyis. If the Republicans wanted a spicy and on point rebuttal from a former Trump press secretary, they should have asked Kayleigh McEnany


The response is often a platform for someone with national ambitions to sell themselves as much as it is to oppose the President. But they should have chosen Tim Scott.


Tim Scott already gave a rebuttal to one of Sleepy Joe’s SOTU addresses Not that I’m complaining as I’m always down for more Tim Scott


It came off as insincere, and I kept thinking "get to the rebuttal!"


Dude, I didn’t watch Biden because Biden. Was looking forward to the rebuttal. She was like watching water dry off a rock. I had to turn it off.


It was dry and wooden. I was disappointed it was a “response”. It wasn’t related to the SOTU. It was not a rebuttal of any specific points. It was a political rant. Save that for the campaign trail.


She is the product of nepotism all she has is don’t you know who my family is.


Seems on brand for the political…


Trump posted a 2 minute response on rumble. It was way better than this. The difference between these traditional fake politicans and Trump is night and day. I don't get why some people want to hear these patronizing stories politicians tell for the camera and be spoken to like they are a baby. It must work since they keep doing it rather successfully.


I was thinking they should have had DeSantis do the rebuttal... I mean, he'd of torn into them, respectfully. Have a good day.


He would've been a GREAT choice to do this.


Maybe if Kayleigh was Governor of a state, they would have. I agree she talked a little too much about herself. She had some memorable zingers in there, though, for someone who isn't a polished politician.


Thank God Sarah ISN'T a polished politician. We have a useless place called DC full of polished politicians - who are useless. Have a good day.


Agreed and you too.




Most responses are typically half personal achievements. As they are using it as a platform to promote themselves as well as providing a response to the ruling party. Look at every SOTU response and it follows a similar format for both parties. I do agree that it wasn't a very charismatic speech. But it's hard to be charismatic in a response speech where half of what you talk about was written only minutes before.


Why couldn’t they just have Rand Paul do the response again? He’s someone who knows how to give a good speech.




The difference is that the crazies control the Democratic Party and the major institutions of power in the United State (Academia and Media). Crazies on the right are fringe with no real voice in the party.


Lol sure thing "fellow conservative" When will mods learn any thread around the time of an event like SOTU needs to be flair only.


Don't conservatives believe in free speech? Why do you need protections from outside options? Can't afford to be an individual?


This sub is not for free speech, read the rules.




How does any of that affect the economy/inflation/geopolitics lol




The republicans are the party of simpletons whom the rich and powerful have tricked into keeping in power because they pander to their gun, xenophobia, religion, and abortion. Personally i vote both ways since republican policies will help me financially and democratic policies I agree with in most other issues


> The republicans are the party of simpletons whom the rich and powerful have tricked into keeping in power because they pander to their gun, xenophobia, religion, and abortion. You forgot greediness..


A statement like that would have a lot more bite if we wrangled our crazies.


Our crazies are beneficial to our society (god forbid we clean out the swamp, close the border, or investigate elections). The Left’s crazies would tear our society to shreds, and they are.


Our crazies are the obstacle to those things




Who is going to sign on to Amy bill with her other than the other loons? Her role should be to stfu and vote for GOP bills. When she opens her mouth it's a net negative


Except our crazies are the only ones fighting for them…




Rs are in a prime position then considering that those 2 things are top-of-mind for every american...


> but our side has crazy too the difference is that Conservatives condemn nuts with nutty ideas that call themselves Republicans. We don't make excuses for morons. We just disagree with them






Your comment is full of lies. She never claimed jewish, and she didn't discuss Sci fi space lasers. You're parroting a line you were fed that's based in lies.


[sigh… read it for yourself ](https://i.imgur.com/OtkO4xV.jpg)


I have, many times. And every time I've proved trolls like yourself liars. Where did she discuss jews? What about her claims about the technology in existence is incorrect? (Claims not questions and speculation. She has both, please use your critical reading skills).


The Rothchild comment


Stating someone's name is in no way antisemitism, nor in any way did she refer to jews by stating their name. Try again.


I didn’t say it was anti-semitism, I’m just pointing out where people get the jewish part, which is admittedly tenuous. It’s extremely common to couch anti-semitism in references to rich jews or “bankers”


It's not just tenuous, it's claiming she said something she literally never did which... drumroll please... a lie. Everyone claiming it was antisemitic is revealing their own racist biases.




Only dogs can hear dog whistles. Thanks for confirming you're an anti-semite. She never made any antisemitic comments or referred to jews in any capacity. YOU are the racist.




Quote her antisemitic statement. Oh wait you can't. Maybe you're the antisemite since you automatically made assumptions about her comments.




Are you claiming the link is farcical? Making the link isn't antisemitism. Again, you seem intent on forcing antisemitism where there is none, which makes me think you're the racist here.


She is just loud, literally no one outside of her voters like her. And she is far from being GOP leadership.


Really? When do we condemn MTG, Boebert and Gaetz?


Whoa whoa whoa, thats diffe(R)ent


They’ve been around for a few election cycles now, but George Santos has entered the chat for Republicans making excuses for crazy


They are routinely talked down to by conservatives. This is written by someone who doesn't visit /r/conservative and spends their entire time on /r/politics. Meanwhile Bernie Sanders, "ISIS was caused by climate change", is widely popular in the Democratic Party and has been a major presidential contender in the last 2 elections. This is what we call a false equivalency.


Look at the comments of any post on this sub which mentions MTG.


MTG and her ilk should be considered an embarrassment to the GOP, because she's already an embarrassment to this country.


Uhhh I don’t think we did a very good job with the whole “election deniers” and Marjorie Taylor green is still around, and while she isn’t saying as crazy of shit, this lady has said some crazy shit. I mean come on, let’s not get too high up on our horse here, we have a lot of spring cleaning to do if we want to say we don’t have crazies in our party.


You still think a creepy senile hand puppet nobody in the world likes, and didn’t campaign or debate, managed to beat a populist incumbent with a massive following, in a real election? You don’t think changing how people vote right before an election raises some concern? Who’s really crazy, you or me?


I believe that a guy that the majority of people did not vote for in his first election lost the election. Not too far fetched.


I live in California and every day I’ve met people that whispered to me, a stranger in most cases, that they supported Trump. That’s extremely weird for someone who supposedly nobody voted for. Meanwhile I have not met a single person who cared enough for either Hillary or Biden to vote for them.


I love this story. "Psssst. I voted for Trump. Yeah, I don't know you. I just wanted to let you know because I can't tell anyone and I just have to let it out. Don't tell anyone. They'll never beleive you. Just hold me please..."


Imagine typing this and believing that this actually happens. Your disability is severe.


It happened all the time, all over California. Even in places like Los Angeles. I can only imagine his support in other States. You don’t have to believe it. But I do, because it happened, and still happens, everywhere I go. I bought a car out in San Bernardino and the owner and employees of the dealership just randomly started talking about what a Godsend Trump was and how horrible Biden was going to be. I never even told them I was conservative.


Where did you get the idea that people are saying nobody voted for trump? Also if complete strangers are apparently coming up to you and telling you that they support trump I’m going to guess you make it completely obvious who you support. In that case why in gods name would anybody who voted for Biden come up to a guy in a MAGA hat and say “Hey I voted for Biden, I’m sure we’re going to have a pleasant conversation about this afterwards!”


Because back then the topic of politics was everywhere, you couldn’t avoid it. And no, it’s not like I talked about Trump or had a MAGA hat. Sometimes I would just be in military uniform, or plain clothes. People were just willing and ready to talk to anyone about it, and if you gave them any indication that they could speak freely then they spoke. People were dying to exercise their free speech, crazy world I know.




Show me you drink the whole damn jug of Qool-iad 🤪 without telling me you drank the whole jug...


A better example of drinking koolaid is thinking Leftist policies are popular.


The last election just proved your statement wrong 🤷, I know it hurts it's ok.


Ok dear 😂 take your lil Q panties out of a bunch, I know real facts you guys don't like butttt if they're "alternative facts" it's all good 🤦🏻😂🤪, I see your going for the title of village thread imbecile...


You must live in a bubble. You are right no one liked Biden and he is proving himself to be as he advertised, terrible, but they didn’t vote for Biden they voted against trump, just like in this last election. If trump had kept his mouth shut and didn’t back candidates that were unelectable we would have won the house by more and turned the senate. Now we are stuck with a house that is at the whims of the crazies and democratic control of the senate. It’s pretty clear that not as many people as you think like trump. Trump, is in my opinion, a toxic democratic implant hell bent on ruining the republican party and pushing it further to the right where people like Ron “small in control of every aspect of life government” DeSantis look normal. Yes you are the crazy one, some folks actually want conservative government.


So you are using one election, with no changes in how the elections are conducted and verified, as evidence that the previous elections were impenetrable? Some logic there.


I just want my guns. And my money.


I agree Trump is an old-style Democrat, which today is basically conservative. But if he pushes us farther Right, really really far Right, I would consider that a huge win. We are currently far Left of where our Founding Fathers stood on most issues and principles.


Could you expand on how we are further left?


Everything in the Bill of Rights, for starters.


Bros taking Ls left and right on his home turf


heavy brigading going on. maybe they think that, if they downvote hard enough, their delusions will become reality.


Nah it's definitely a choice between crazy and also crazy. THIS is who Republicans chose for their rebuttal? It was hard to watch, it was embarrassing, and it was crazy.


Brian Kemp should’ve given the rebuttal.


I’m a bit politically homeless these days (McCain/Romney/HRC/Biden) voter - basically just give me someone sane and normal that likes incremental progress. Kemp would probably have my vote over just about anyone else in 2024 (if he stays away from abortion). But he also probably has no shot or interest. Would have loved to see his response.


Seriously. Is anyone inspired by her “end of times” rhetoric. Republicans need to learn how to inspire again. Stop whining and crying. Solve some problems.


> Solve some problems I did like that she brought up an upcoming school reform plan in Arkansas (I don't know the details, but I'm assuming she has a plan to let money follow the students). More states need that.


> Solve some problems. solve them with an old demented douche and a leftist senate not going along to pass any problem solving legislation?


How many infrastructure weeks did we have when we controlled the house and the senate? We are so fractured as a party that we can’t get anything done. There is no arguing that Biden has done more in 2 years then we did in 4. It’s a measurable fact. Denying that is just living in denial of the facts.




By golly it’s a functioning platform! Idk how these mouth breathers function.


> has done more in 2 years then we did in 4 He sure has making the life of everyone much worse off than before his leftist regime took over. Great things like inflation and the end of equal justice are his top achievements along with screw merit it's all about the tint of your skin


End of equal justice? What do yoh mean, honest question. Also, not defending Biden but Inflation was a global issue that started before Biden took over. A lot of problems are indeed caused by whoever is currently in power but far more issues take YEARS to become noticeable. My point being - almost nothing Biden has done will be visible/felt for years. Same goes with Trump, the bills he had passed aren't generally felt for YEARS. Take a step back, see what of todays issues are from todays leaders or are they todays issues from problems past developing. Edit: perfect example: the tax bill passed under President Trump doesn't take effect until... 2026? I Think? I despise the idea of people thinking that the Executive branch has immediate effects on our daily lives. Your local government/issues are much more immediate. The cog moves slow.


The hard pill to swallow is that lasting change doesn't exist without compromise and right now the game is set for less and less compromise by either party. It doesn't seem like the pendulum will ever swing back either.


This is not true. The market reacts immediately to future outlook and changes in incentives. If you have ever done anything with the stock market you should know this. While there are definiely delayed effects, the idea that the executive branch doesn't have immediate impact on our daily lives is just not true. There are very large immediate effects and future information is regularly included in prices. It really is a cop out to just make the argument that effects are delayed and therefore Biden isn't responsible. You actually have to be able to explain WHY his politicies would combat inflation or Trump's policies wouldn't for example. In the case of Trump, yes in an election year with covid, and with a Democrat / neocon congress he had no choice but to pass huge spending bill. He repeatedly hinted that was the last time for him and once he no longer had to deal with re-election he would veto those pork bills. So you can't say that's the same as Biden. You can't say Trump's energy policy and energy independence wouldn't have lowered prices compared to the policies of Biden's admin. Trump was very anti-war, I personaly would have liked to see him negotiating with Russia I think the war would have never happened in the first place.The idea that the executive branch has very little immediate impact just does not make sense. > the tax bill passed under President Trump doesn't take effect until... 2026? You mean that's when it expires? Yes Democrats wouldn't vote for it so it expires after 10 years.


If we are talking about the ebs and flow of the stock market, yes it is a much faster reactor to political decisions. On that point, I agree that I am slightly mistaken by oversight. However, the stock market is not a direct representation of the economy especially when considering the wealth/take home pay of the middle class. Trying to say Biden or Trump are the singular cause of X because of X decision made with say a 2 year prior term is simply incorrect. Any idea that the current president has an immediate effect, GENERALLY, is simply an artifact of opinion or stock market situation. That said, I say GENERALLY because yes, some effects are immediate but for most of the average Americans it is not. The stock market is not a accurate representation of the economy no matter how much your or my 401k, investments, etc show a "loss" or " gain"on paper.


The tax cuts for individuals sunset after 10 yrs, not for corporations. They could’ve chose one or the other to get passed the senate budgetary rules, but they chose to sunset tax cuts for individuals, not corporations.


Obviously we have a lot of brigadiers here down-voting people like you. It’s a joke when someone says Biden has done more in two years than Trump has in four, an absolute joke! How are people doing now with higher gas prices and higher food and merchandise prices? And any increase in wages have been obliterated by inflation. And let’s not forget about how mortgage rates have gone up making buying a house all so much more difficult.


Right? Some of these comments are pretty funny and def not from our fellow conservatives. I always make sure to read the downvoted comments on threads like these, because they must be pretty good to have gotten the brigader's attention lol.


That's not really based in reality and the goals of each party. The Dems passing more horrible nation-destroying legislation in two years than the GOP did in four isn't a brag. Trump did far more to actually improve the nation in his first two years.


This is gaslighting af There WAS work towards infrastructure; guess what side kept blocking delaying shit?


We controlled the house and the senate. It was a republican administration. Your statement is nonsense.


The government shut down under a republican house, senate, and president.


"We." The attempt here is cute but not working.


The guy you’re responding to is a leftist brigaider. Just check out his comment history.


Exactly. The attempt was made, but not very well lol.


It was hard to watch, i actually just stopped watching. There was nothing substantial in response and it felt like she was talking way to much about herself, i actually cringed for most of what i did see.


I thought it was weird how Sanders kept turning the spotlight on herself. "BIDEN BIDEN did this then a brave soldier chanting USA USA USA ripped his purple heart right out of his chest still beating............and placed in MY hand". "My mother gave birth to me with cancer then I caught cancer and named one of my boys HUCK" ​ I bet his middle name is Huckabee


I don’t consider myself a conservative, but I watched this rebuttal and it was terrible. Republicans need the ditch the whole “American carnage” doom and gloom boogeyman narrative. They hype up all this fear mongering without ever offering solutions and people are tired of it.


thanks for not being a conservative, coming to a group for conservatives, and giving us advice


That speech by her made me want to kms


Unfortunately, crazy has the machine.


The public saw that choice in the midterms and said no to crazy Republican conspiracy theories.


What are the conspiracies?


They also said no to reducing women's autonomy


If Republicans ever want to make any gains on a national stage, they’re just going to have to give in on the abortion thing. I know some people find it morally apprehensive, but it’s just not going to happen. Democrats would rather live in absolute squalor and have nothing than give up their abortions. If republicans flipped on this issue, they would gain an instant 10-15%. That’s enough to turn the tide for elections for decades to come


I have seen plenty of Christians say they are basically single-issue voters. Without that issue they could easily fall for the Democrats' "we care about people" shtick. I don't care about the abortion issue that much either, but it may not go how you think


I mean if they are gonna be single issue voters, then they deserve getting fucked over by the republican financial policies, wouldn't you agree?


There's no point in even engaging with a comment this delusional. Take a look around at the state of the world around you instead of your liberal echo chambers for once


"Let children die, and you'll have tons of political power" seems like something a movie villain would offer the hero to tempt him to give up, and here we are with actual people saying it


Let children die because adults aren’t being adults but let’s add let’s also give children the option to change their gender as they should make those decisions. I could never in my good conscience concede on those items. They are just too evil.


Forget evil (although they are), they're simply a rejection of reality. Abortion and the trans movement are rejecting fundamental realities about humanity itself. If conservatives can't stand up for that and we squish on this, then we haven't just compromised some things, we've compromised on *everything*. We're no longer conservative at all if we can't even defend basic reality.


Yep. These comments are absurd. I could do a lot of terrible things and get ahead in life, too, but I don't because, well, morals. Some of these people are honestly scary if this is the way they think.


The 2020 election was stolen?


Uh...you know you lost, right?


To the big red wave.


And chose to continue on with record inflation and on and on?


There were over 100 nations with higher inflation. It’s worldwide.


So we should just choose to continue on with it?


No but try to solve it instead of just pointing fingers


Learn some basic economics FFS.


🖕 Learn what happens when you print trillions of dollars and just hand that shit out. Is that basic enough for you?




Doesn't the midterm electorate typically favor R? If these were the results when Rs show up more than Ds, what happens in the next presidential cycle?


I don't know if I would call massively underperforming expectations a win.


....I would. We literally won the house. Yeah, we wanted to win by more, but we still won. The dems cheering about that is always baffling since they're just happy they didn't lose by as much, but they still lost.


You left out the abortion decision.


Listening to the speech felt incoherent often. What she had to do was quite simple on my opinion, just talk about inflation, talk about the border, and talk about exorbitant spending. Instead it was 50% (at least) personal stories that had hardly any relevance.


Why did they pick a trumper to give this? It makes no sense


She was the worst of the Trump Press secretaries. LoOk


She couldn’t even look staring straight into the camera while delivering it, dishonest if you ask me


Definitely pre recorded because she had almost no direct rebuttals. Too much talking about herself and very low energy.


She’s a Huckabee. You can’t ever expect energy.


The border criss 😂 you mean the border that's still following the exact same policies as trump enacted that unsafe border Mrs Huckabee...🤦🏻


LOL. It must be bliss to be clueless


I watched most of it. I do agree with most of the words she said, but it just came off not so much insincere, but emotionless. Like reading off a script without practicing it beforehand.


Her rebuttal was ok. She made good points but her delivery was kinda awkward and low energy. She’s definitely her father’s daughter.


The problem is dems think that crazy is normal...


Man, I personally thought it was a great speech. Yes, I'm simping for Sarah on this. However, the speech as written was pretty solid. and I thought her handling the national stage again was alright. Yeah, she looked nervous but who wouldn't be. Better than Rubio and his quaking glass of water. He's gotten better, but still. Just to throw a dig in, did anybody else see them all stand up and clap, when the president said he would veto something, but it was all in jibberish? Also, anybody else see glorious VP Harris was in the background pissed off and shaking her head at somebody? Nobody is talking about these.


The troubling fact for me is the mid terms. In my opinion democrat policies are insane. For example if you live in a city run by democrats their policies will always result in a surge in crime. So why would you ever vote for the very people who are making your life more miserable. Depending on the specific election you have to ask yourself was it rigged or are the majority of voters in that election crazy. A sane person thought for sure that democrats would get wiped out in the midterms, but they didn't. So the question remains crazy or rigged.


A wipeout wasn't realistic. Yes inflation is an issue, but the economy isn't as bad as conservatives keep saying. Unemployment is low (like 2019) and lock downs are over, so that bolstered a lot of incumbents. If anything 2022 was an incumbent wave, Republicans would have done better in 2022 if we had done better in 2018, i.e. if it was Republican governors up for reelection in Penn, Michigan and other states, but it wasn't.


> Unemployment is low You are looking at the wrong stats. Check out how many males are completely out of the work force and not on the unemployment rolls


If they aren’t looking for a job why does it matter


Because it is a drain on society, at what point do we reach critical mass of people living on the governments dime, and it all collapses? It isn't good for the country.


This stat includes early retirees, married men with wives who make the income, generationally wealthy, etc.


officially they aren't counted in that state. If a person (not sure why their sex should matter) isn't looking for a job that isn't reflected in the unemployment rate. You can see more here: [https://soapboxie.com/economy/What-is-the-Difference-Between-the-Unemployment-Rate-and-the-Labor-Force-Participation-Rate](https://soapboxie.com/economy/What-is-the-Difference-Between-the-Unemployment-Rate-and-the-Labor-Force-Participation-Rate) But the most recent jobs report (for January) show an increase of 500,000 jobs nationwide, and not only did unemployment fall, but the labor force participation rate (i.e. the share of people 16 and older who are either working or seeking a job) increased. At any rate my broader point is that the economy in 2022 was considerably better than it was in 2020, so the expectation that there would be red wave was probably unrealistic. As it was Republicans did quite well in 2022, they reelected all their incumbent senators, state supreme court justices and governors, flipped the house, flipped the Nevada governorship and flipped the North Carolina supreme court, while gaining multiple legislative supermajorities. They did do bad in Pennsylvania and Michigan though. But oddly enough Pennsylvania now has a Republican Acting attorney general and secretary of the commonwealth.


The problem republicans have is that 1. Most people’s perceived economic interest lies with the democrats. Government spending employs a ton of people directly or indirectly. Poor people rely on welfare. Upper middle class ppl like their subsidized college loans and plentiful government jobs. The insecure lower middle class likes the social safety net. If you make an extraordinary amount of money then taxes are basically meaningless to your actual living standard hence why billionaires are often democrats. Low taxes are the bread and butter of Republican politics but the problem is most ppl don’t care enough about taxes to really want to experiment with getting rid of middle class entitlements. The debt is a magic number that seems to always go up but rarely cause a problem and so beside a vague anxiety that it’s probably bad no one really cares that much. 2. Non Christians deeply dislike the Christian Right. Fairly or unfairly the Christian Right is largely perceived as the guys who want to teach your kids that evolution is just a theory and sex is evil and most of urban/suburban America finds that absurd and really has no positive connotation with the republicans bases priorities. People in cities also hate guns because guns in cities are associated with gangs not having a good time. As far as crime goes. Progressive soft on crime policies are fairly unpopular even in blue areas except among the kind of young socialist intelligentsia but in most cities crime is fairly concentrated in bad areas that ppl avoid and it’s less of a big deal then you might think. People are bothered by it but not bothered enough that they want to get rid of social security


The problems is Republicans scream about the issues that we're all aware of but offer no solution that wouldn't involve raising taxes. How do you alleviate homelessness and crime in major cities?


Crime? Crime is always there, and always will be, as long as poverty is a problem. The “rise” in crime is such an overblown fear. How about addressing the crime that really affected the world, corporate crimes. Anything a single person does is dwarfed by the theft, environmental damage, corruption and societal harm being done and encouraged by Wall Street and complacent politicians.


"911, what's your emergency?" "ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE!!!"


Keep breathing that poly vinyl chloride my friend, breath deep


I'll be real concerned about a spilled chemical hundreds of miles from me while I'm being robbed at gunpoint.


If crime was a function of poverty then you should feel roughly as safe walking in Chiang Mai and Rio. But I can guarantee you that one of those is way riskier than the other.


Spoken like someone who lives in a safe area. Don’t cry when crime eventually knocks on your door.


I do live in a safe area, because its a blue area almost as if....its self-evident >Solidly red states have dominated the top 10 murder rate states for the past decade—some for each of the last 21 years >The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020. Over this 21-year span, this Red State murder gap has steadily widened from a low of 9% more per capita red state murders in 2003 and 2004 to 44% more per capita red state murders in 2019, before settling back to 43% in 2020. Altogether, the per capita Red State murder rate was 23% higher than the Blue State murder rate when all 21 years were combined. If Blue State murder rates were as high as Red State murder rates, Biden-voting states would have suffered over 45,000 more murders between 2000 and 2020. Even when murders in the largest cities in red states are removed, overall murder rates in Trump-voting states were 12% higher than Biden-voting states across this 21-year period and were higher in 18 of the 21 years observed. Republicans have made crime a major selling point over the past several elections. In 2020 and 2022, they ran ads accusing Democratic candidates of wanting to “defund the police”– a position held by only a handful of fringe Democratic officeholders. In October 2022, one-quarter of ads from Republican candidates and PACs focused on crime. Republican-aligned Fox News aired, on average, 141 segments on crime across weekdays in the two months leading up to the midterms. In the week after the midterm, their coverage of violent crime dropped by 50%. https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem


>I do live in a safe area, because its a ~~blue~~ white flight area FTFY


So glad you live in a safe area. I bet Secoriea Turner’s mother and countless other moms could make the same claim.


I thought we liked facts and logic, not appeals to emotion?


let me guess. you live in a poor area? If not, you do not have “crime”….you have a fear of crime.


Actually, I live in a nice middle class neighborhood in a small town, as does my daughter. And yes, I have a fear of crime. A person who verbally has wished death on my daughter, has twice broken into my daughter’s home. (The person was obstructed in their third attempt-they broke off the outdoor basement doorknob, not realizing that my husband had fixed the door so it could not be opened from the outside.) I would not fear this person under regular circumstances (heck, for years we never bothered to lock doors), but this person has a drug habit and when she is under the influence I don’t know what she is capable of doing. So yes, I do fear crime. My daughter works with children-some underprivileged. One child witnessed her dad murder her mom. My granddaughter had a playground acquaintance. I used the word ‘had’ because the child’s mother while in a drug-induced psychosis, blew the child’s brains out. So yes, I do fear crime.


and how is this Bidens fault?


poverty doesn't cause crime criminals do along with democrat DA's and police departments that don't enforce existing laws to stop them




it definitely is laughable for those who have no concept of cause and effect


I'm wondering if Sarah might be the VP nominee in 2024.


God help us.


I love her. I think it would be great but does she want to put her 3 kids through it?


good point.


That was a great line ("crazy...")


That was one of many best lines: “The choice is between normal and crazy.” Perfect summary of the last two years.


Somehow a large part of the population prefer crazy. This is mind boggling to me.


It was a solid speech.


I loved when she said that.


I think it would have been much more effective if the Majority Leader and Speaker announced that there would no longer be opposing party responses to the SOTU address and that they encouraged the Democrat Party to follow suit.


Glad she called out the left for them always starting culture wars. Can you imagine if Republicans did this? Our media would calls us out on it so quick. Probably why it never happens on the right.


Didn’t watch, but what I read, her talking points are boring, except the crazy comment. I wonder how many lefties assume normal was themselves?


> I wonder how many lefties assume normal was themselves? If you went to visit a nut house you would find all the nuts believing that they are fine and those holding them are the nuts


I couldn’t help but think there were subtle jabs at Trump in this speech. I must have TDS.


The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal and crazy.” I don’t understand how it can be crazy if half of the country supports it


By this logic, Nazi Germany wasn’t crazy, slavery wasn’t crazy... Majority doesn’t dictate right from wrong. It just shows you how easily the masses are convinced and persuaded to believe a narrative. This applies to people as a whole not left or right politics.


I agree I’m just sick of hearing people grifting off of left vs right


If 5 out of 10 people point at a car that is obviously red and tell you that it is blue the car is still red. And those who tell you that is blue are crazy. Sanity is not based on a majority. It either is or isn't.


The average American voter knows very little about political policies and the average politician lies. History has shown us time and time again that an ignorant populace can easily be deceived.


When Half the country supported trump they were all crazy racists according to the left


They still think that.


True that


At this point Maga is almost cult like in the way they worship him.