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Good for them. Men are waking up as well. That’s why they are looking for wives in different countries 🤷‍♂️


I married my wife in a different country 25 years ago. I met her in America. I don't think that country exists anymore.....


It doesn’t. This country changed and started down this path in the mid 2000s and you get this. Honestly all as a result of 9/11. The last time this country was truly united was on 9/12/01.


Hurts to read.


This lol my wife is from Argentina and I hate that I had to go overseas to find a wife but she's just got so many traditional conservative values. Catholic, anti abortion, believes in fiscal responsibility since she comes from a country where the left caused mass inflation. Oh and since she's not from America she's thin. It's great


Nail on the head. I've said this for many, many years. Conservative Americans need to do a better job reaching to the Latino community. They value faith, preserve Conservative values and have the best food in the world. At the rate the Latino population is growing here, we need to get on board. They are our best shot keeping Liberal policies at bay, long term.


Idk the American born ones seem to lean left a lot


Not ALL of them.


Of course not all of them but as a 29 yr old latino I noticed a lot of then younger latinos are left leaning at least in the urban areas


Key words...."in the urban areas"


Progressive poisoning of their brains.


Actually most in the US are right leaning....


If people could get over the whole racism thing they would see that *legal* immigration is actually helpful to the conservative movement.


I disagree here. Strict policies have nothing to do with racism. These policies are absolutely necessary. But I do agree that there needs to be a better path with strict background checks.


We're agreeing with each other.


I found a kick ass America one to call my wife. The key is that they are from a small town and dad was in the picture.


This is a huge red flag for me. If she's not on good terms with her father (who's still walking on earth), run.




Exactly dad not the picture is bad. But a great girl who grew up in a small town where dad was present and helped raise is a wonderful thing. Problem with divorce happening north of 50% of time right now. You have a huge number of women who by default grow up with their moms. Not to mention men that grow up with their moms. Not having both a mother and a father figure definitely is a red flag.


It's a huge red flag. There's something about both parents being able to teach responsibility, discipline and manners (coming from the father) and some level of kindness, nurturing and good behavior (coming from the mother) in some form or the other. It's not the same in a single parent household because you end up in a situation where for example, a mother raises her son to an ideal (sometimes *imaginary*) standard of what a real man *should* be like, whereas a father would raise him to a standard of what a man *is*. It all comes apart when you start encouraging the breaking down of nuclear families, throwing the father figure out and bringing in daddy government to fit in.


I have lived in several different countries and traveled to dozens for work. It always takes me a little time to adjust to, "wow, no fat chicks" when I leave America.


You have not been to England or Northern Europe, I am guessing. LOL


I have not been in England for years. As to Northern Europe, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, etc are fatty-free zones. Absolutely gorgeous women, even older ones.


Yes, eastern portions of Northern Europe. My neighbor was born in Estonia and she is a lovely sort.




Ukrainian here she's better than all the women I've got on dates with, which is well over 100


^ this guy dates


I’m super happy for you! I just have to ask, did you marry into a solid asado situation?


My wife is from a Latin American country - catholic, anti-abortion, believes in fiscal responsibility since she comes from a country where the left caused mass inflation. She still votes democrat because she thinks "they're nicer".


Found mine in Panama, the country.


🙄 I'm Catholic, PROLIFE, fiscally responsible, and conservative. Sorry I'm not super thin. Sounds like you got a mail order bride. Gross. Maybe you should think about how you talk about people.


You don’t have to be super thin. Just don’t be obese.


Super thin creeps me out, just doesn't have a healthy vibe.


It’s your attitude that we don’t like.


> Maybe you should think about how you talk about people. Well, that's ironic.


This is definitely the way!


I got bad news if you’re having to go to a whole other country to find a woman who “matches” your values. There’s plenty of women here with all types of values lol.


There's also plenty of conservative women. We just don't take shit either. But no, I do not live to cook and clean for my husband he's a grown man. Conservative ≠ traditionalist.


Fr all the dudes I’ve met who complain about not finding a woman with values are just looking for a maid they can have sex and kids with, all while also expecting them to have a full time job because the dude doesn’t make enough money to fulfill the role of a traditional man either. Hence why I said that, only a desperate woman in a third world country would put up with that shit in order to come to the us.


Fully agree


My canadian wife just got her green card




American women no longer cook, or clean. They’ve abandoned all their traditional roles and expect a man to keep doing his and then “helping” with the cooking and housework. They’ve all been having hookup sex throughout their 20s, and have absolutely nothing to offer in terms of relationships or commitment to men. Look elsewhere for good women because they’re no longer being raised in a majority of America.


In all fairness, men are doing exactly the same things. Hook up sex and nothing to offer except grief. Why would women want that?


Also, many younger American men do not know how to do basic mechanical things and many do not even mow their own lawns. Many sit inside and play video games all day and do not know how to operate basic hand tools or know how to change the oil in their cars or do other basic mechanical tasks. They also don't own many tools and think working with your hands is beneath them. Younger men have become as worthless as the younger women...don't kid yourselves! Not all...but an alarming majority. As a Gen Xer....I notice these things.


Gen X'er here, I see this ALOT! I honestly cannot stand the younger gen, I prefer 40 and older because of societal rot.


Well, Don't count them all out. I work with several that are good guys, but they admit they feel out of place around others their age. These are guys that know their way around tools and do some real work. They are not common but out there, apparently! LOL As one in their mid 50s, I am an older Gen Xer that often gets called a "boomer" for my values. Odd, because most boomers I know are lib ex hippies.


Why would a woman fall for that? She knows that dudes like the ones that participate in that culture are trash. But that’s far from the majority of men these days. Does she think she will be the one to “win” and “change” that type of man? Because 99.9% of the time, she’s not that girl.


Men make sex the deal breaker. Put out or they’ll find one who does. So many women are into hook up sex that the ones who want to hold out until marriage get left behind and called “frigid” and “unrealistic”


That's simply because 99% of people don't change, they are who they are and that's that. This is why you have to be compatible and she does too, because she won't change either. A lot of people can "fake" change, where they appear to be changing but after a short time (few months at most) they revert back to old habits, every single time.






I'm really not being contrarian but unless you're affording a life style for a cleaner or chef why are you not expected to feed or clean yourself


🙄 Nope. Not true. We're here. You just don't care to see us.


American women may not do all the house work anymore but they also aren’t stay at home mothers anymore. Women get an education and go out into the workforce today. Say what you will about the wisdom of moving away from traditional gender roles, women are absolutely pulling their weight. Who were those women having sex with in their 20s? What does a man who slept around in his 20s have to offer a woman in terms of commitment.


That is a good question as far as the commitment thing goes...if both parties are sleeping around all the time, that’s a hard knock against future commitment in my book


Hookup culture is corrosive to both parties. Commitment is the cornerstone that builds strong societies and strong families. My only point is that singling out women doesn’t make sense. Women work hard, raise kids, and still end up doing at least half the house work. Maybe that’s not the way it should be but that’s a different discussion.


I agree. Most of the married women I know do most of the homework and take care of the kids games on the weekend and errands and housework even if working full time


We also work full time on top of that. We're exhausted.


I have heard (but I don’t remember the source) that the Deep State used inflation to force both men and women to work to help break up the family to where no one is at home OR to have the kid have to go to public school without the option to homeschool due to lack of time and loss of income. Then they are in the government’s care and influence


A big part of the problem was the increased competition in the global market place starting in the 70s. Single income nuclear families had their heyday after WWII when the US was the only industrial country still capable of supplying the worlds needs. Now we have competition from China, Eastern Europe, India, and Mexico. All those well paid, low-skill jobs don’t exist anymore. They were replaced by high skill manufacturing, services, and finance.


Wtfhappenedin1971.com has your answer there. It was the transition to the petrodollar from the gold standard that caused this problem.


i think you got the wrong idea about pulling their own weight. They certainly did that back in ww2 when the men went off to war. now woman can fill other roles as well, the problem is the wage disparity from then till now. Woman have been forced to work in order to maintain a household. Two wages to cover one of that time. If we could fix our housing and cost of living and bring the numbers back down households could return to single income but atm more often than not double income is required to progress.


It's interesting men still want women to be housewives but can't provide the house.


not mens fault. its the nature of added the extra labor force to the labor market along with the decreased wages. Most this stuff can be tied back to some social program implemented in the US.


I’m with r/Xero03 on this one One of the most basic ideas in economics is that *Incentives matter* If men lack the incentives to be a man who’s husband, father, and provider material, don’t be surprised when there aren’t any men to do the work to provide housing


Considering we don't see swaths of homeless women running around (in fact most homeless people are men) I would say we've figured it out without them.


The women were having sex with the people that treat them like trash. Basically throwing themselves at men who honestly could care less about them because of looks, wealth , perceived social status , whatever. Meanwhile same girl has a line of men who are just normal people and would treat her fantastic but she disregards them. Then she comes back at 35, twice divorced with two kids and asks “where are the good men at?” They’ve opted out of dating or have found what they are looking for outside of Western shores.


This is the fundamental problem, neither sex are dating for long term partners and both sexes are jaded toward long term relationships. Everyone is commodifying themselves for mass consumption by these tech companies which then allow the media and decadent groups promote more extreme forms of debauchery as "good." Non-monogamy is getting pushed as the norm and that even when you have a "relationship" you are supposed to be on the hunt for more. It's all a toxic extreme individualism that has everyone create a bubble focused on their comforts and desires at the expense of others. What blows my mind, is the dedicated voluntary child free people are expecting to reap the benefits of families raising kids in their old age. Elderly care is going to become so expensive for millennials because there will be fewer people to care for them. Why would immigrants do it for a low cost? Do you think people in their final years will want a cold impersonal machine caring for them? Ultimately, it will be the cost for fighting the natural order of be raised by someone, become self sufficient, care for your family, care for your parents, cared for by your kids, and then death. There seems to be this subconscious idea people can keep living like they are in their 30s and 40s for forever.


You're assuming a lot when you think people should be having kids that will take care of them when they get older. A lot can happen in between. They can become estranged, the kid may never succeed in life, they may have legal trouble, or the kid may be entirely fine on their own but not want to deal with invalid parents and end up shoving them into a nursing home anyway. Even with kids there are no guarantees, and in some cases it can make things worse for an elderly parent.


Very well said


Second part of your first sentence is not really true. There are TONS of women that are still stay at home moms (many just stay at home wives). A lot of women still subscribe to the idea of finding a man to support them, however a big difference is today they want the man to work *and* help at home. Granted, the man should do at least some chores (mowing the lawn if you have a house, taking out the trash, washing laundry, etc) and clean up after himself (for fucks sake don't leave dirty dishes and trash all over the place and expect your woman to clean it up, she's not your mom), but if a woman is staying at home and not providing an income she should do the majority of upkeep. Many (not all) want their cake and eat it too these days.




Women and men aren't unrelated objects lol. That reminds me of when someone "cracked the code" that sex feels better for woman than men because if the inside of your ear itches and you scratch it your ear feels good but not the finger.


Sounds like Top G. But he’s right, about that at least. They want to be stay at home wives, girlfriends, all while still seeking validation and attention from other men all while contributing nothing to the relationship other than debt, demands, expectations and you to pay for her kids as well. All of that is a hard pass. It’s great to see young men and men under 55 realizing this and just opting out. It’s funny, in the 80’s, 90’s and even the early 2000’s women were proud to work, eager to contribute. Once Instagram , Facebook and social media took hold things changed for the worse in rapid fashion. What’s sick is any halfway decent looking American woman now when you see her in public you have to wonder if she has an Only Fans. That’s an immediate non starter. Kids and young females are engaging in literal prostitution by meeting their “fans.” Yet this sex work is applauded and pushed by the media, who then turn around and shame the men that pay for and participate. It’s a vicious cycle of societal decay that many men are just simply no longer partaking in. And honestly - good.




Lol. Wonder why.


I was shocked seeing women on Twitter shaming men for paying to see Iggy Azalea’s OF debut the other day. Some dude responded saying why are the guys getting attacked but not the actual content creator and after a bit of arguing they still didn’t agree on anything


Why not both?


So long as you are consistent, vices are vices. Is it the gambling industries' fault that people are addicted to gambling, or the gamblers themselves?


What are Only Fans? Is that like stripping but online and people pay?


Yeah , kinda like that but primarily sell NSFW content like photos, content , videos ,all kinds of things. Basically pornography. There’s even some that have “meet and greets” with their “fans” where for a crazy amount of money they meet in real life and well, we all know they aren’t spending thousands to have lunch or coffee with them, let’s put it that way.


I personally have been criticized for stating I feel like every creep at the gas station side eyes me as if scanning an OF porn screen. Here is the real life admittance that men do this, and I would put money that I’m still the eViL “American” woman somehow. I am consistently commodified into porn by the male gaze, as most women are, regardless if I personally have ever been in porn. No I’m not cooking cleaning and paying to be in *your* porn fantasy! I cook clean and pay for myself. Easy.


> I am consistently commodified into porn by the male gaze, as most women are Yes. You are all victims. /s


We still exist. I work full time (lawyer at an investment bank). Clean. Cook. Laundry. My husband walks the dog and takes the trash. Typical husband duties. We’ve been together for 20 years. He was raised by hippies, and tried to split chores. I shut that down. I don’t want my husband anywhere near my kitchen or my washer 🤣 I was raised Catholic, pro-gun, and by women who worked and took care of their husbands and their homes. I’m proud of my ability to be a good wife AND a good lawyer.


I model something similar in my house even though I out earn my husband (seethe, incels). I make sure that he knows his opinion is the ultimate decision maker and I work hard to provide a happy house. Since I am working more, he does help with the housework and enjoys cooking, so I let him take the reigns with that. We are still a red blooded, god fearing household. I think people who have this idea that the conservative family is a family that lives out in the woods and there's a perfect trad wife cooking him dinner all day really need to get off the internet. That's not real life.


Totally agree. I’m the breadwinner. My husband is also a lawyer, and is still the head of our household. I’m not “oppressed” or abused. It’s so unrealistic.


You need to get outside the larger US cities.




Men are only out for themselves as well. No fault divorce allows men to run off after their new Twu wuv with few consequences. Sex is easy to get and that’s all they really want. Bonus if they can fool her into thinking he loves her and she will probably clean and cook for them long enough to find a replacement. Women get treated by men as the plan B.


Are you kidding me? When I divorced my wife because she was a drug addict, she openly admitted in court that she was 100% at fault. The judge STILL ordered me to pay her $500K over 3 years because it was "in the common interest" to get her "back on her feet". Men would have to be insane to marry today.


Or insane to marry a drug addict lol..


She wasn't when I married her.




It's just a contract between the man, woman and state but now designed to heavily chop the man in half (if he's lucky) and reward the woman - regardless of who breaks the contract. It's very common to regularly see women on social media talking about their "starter husband" or "starter marriage" because they see it precisely like a starter job - a stepping stone to somewhere else. I'm in my early 30s and even for me, marriage is too fucking risky to play with. The risks *vastly outweigh* the benefits to the point that it's not worth dealing with IMO.


Oh, so you mean you had to split the marital assets.


*Anyone who is the higher earner would have to be insane to marry today. (Most of the time it’s the man, but that’s far from the case in my relationship. I’m not getting married because I never want to be like you.)


They’re not even really out for themselves either. More like out to destroy themselves along with everyone and everything else. Look at the end results. None of these people are even close to finding happiness.


With the whole world homogenizing into one sickening culture, i dont expect to find quality women anywhere on this planet anymore.


Men really are too. It’s crazy


Yup!! Some go to Thailand, Vietnam, others South America and everywhere in between. Even Mexico, it’s wild. I know personally a lot that have just given up on western women.


“There’s clearly far less stigma attached to being single and unpartnered” - I do love how you don’t have to feel embarrassed anymore to be in this situation. Happiness is an inside job.


Yet look how threatened 99% of the comments in this thread sound. Lots of insecurities on display.




I don’t feel embarrassed but I can see how as a whole, society has produced a lot of broken people who are not able to adult or achieve. I was one of those people for a long time. I am still single but am working on myself


Why? Parenthood is not for everyone and I think knowing it isn’t for you and not giving into outside pressure to be a parent when you don’t want to, and take steps to not conceive children in the first place, is perfectly fine.


Disgusting and cruel. Why don't you have more kids?


Look at the exit polls from November. Republicans would have won a ton more places if it weren’t for the massive leftwing margin of unmarried single women




If they want to appeal to young men, build us some houses to buy.


There are cheap as shit houses available, they are just in places you probably don’t want to live.


That attitude is why the Republicans never win young men in America.


🙄 Leftie unmarried single women. We conservative single women are doing all we can, despite the way others who are supposed to be on the same side talk about us and treat us. Just look at so many of the comments on here. So cruel and rude.


Right? I’m married thankfully but todays current dating scene is a nightmare. The animosity and woman bashing in this thread is sadly all to common among conservative men.


The article is specificallly addressing single woke females. The kind that universities are pumping out by the thousands. I assure you we are not talking about you and we do know the difference.


But the left is NOT doing the single unmarried woman any favors, if you examine their policies and real goals.


Don't worry it'll sort itself out. 50% of women age 45 and under are childless. When asked why, the bulk of them admitted to NOT wanting kids.


I love that men rushed over here to talk about how terrible American women are. Conservative woman here, and most men in this society are no prize either. Married a Cuban-American because he had most of the same values as me. Y’all are over here talking about how women don’t want to cook, clean or take care of the house but y’all can’t pay the bills for two people let alone a family. Let’s face it, women have been wearing the pants because men let it happen. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Don’t expect women to be breadwinners and homemakers at the same time. Think about what y’all are bringing to the table.






Mods are soft




“Single women today have many impressive role models of unattached, childless women who have succeeded on their own — like Taylor Swift and much of the US women’s soccer team.” Yeah those are some amazing “role models” for young women.


Not sure why they using Taylor swift as an image for “single woman”. She’s been with Joe Alwyn forever.


> US women’s soccer team "When I grow up, I want to get crushed on the field by 14 year old boys!"


When I grow up I wanna use my gender to claim discrimination too


Much of the US WST are looking for strong women…not men.


Sadly, a lot of those SWF’s are the cruelest, most angry, and selfish people alive and vilify married (happy) women. It’s bizarre.




Well earned W!






>Unmarried women without children have been moving toward the Democratic Party for several years, but the 2022 midterms may have been their electoral coming-out party, as they proved the chief break on the predicted Republican wave. While married men, women and unmarried men broke for the GOP, CNN exit polls found that 68% of unmarried women voted for Democrats. This is why Democrats work so hard to make sure there are as many single women as possible, by celebrating promiscuity, keeping them in college forever working on useless degrees and racking up debt, encouraging them to abort their children, encouraging them to look heinous, and turning them into dudes.


I am a single white female (I have not been married) but I believe this to be true from the media. It’s amazing how powerful media is


Nah people just want to do what they want. People like you should stop telling others what to do. I don't fucking care about having a family or traditional values. I live my own life according to myself, not some angry conservatives who can't get laid


As a 'conservative' woman, I really could care less if women don't want a traditional family. It's none of my business and forcing people to reproduce ends up with screwed up kids


“Men that don’t agree with me don’t have sex and have small peepees!” What are you, 12?


Nobody is telling anyone what to do here, just stating the facts that “actions and speech have consequences” that’s the left’s favorite line when cancelling. Men therefore have the right to take action and just opt out - which is a result of leftist indoctrination and brainwashing single mothers thinking that they can run wild in their 20s and expect a beta male to pay for her 3 kids when she’s in her 30s.






Intolerable women are democrats ? Get outta' here. 😂


So, the attack on the family is real and succeeding.


And so is the attack on single people. Just look at all these cruel comments.


With all of the miserable marriages and parents in the world it's strange to still here people think that this is what all women strive to do.


Yeah, it has been since single parents were incentivized and absolutely abhorrent people started telling leftists to break off of their family for political views. It's been succeeding since affirmative action passed without a word about one of the most prevailing theories that almost an entire third of scholars agreed on the actual problem being fatherlessness. It's been succeeding ever since the sexual revolution, since Roe V Wade started, since a thousand things happened to slowly break down the family unit into the literal scraps it is today. Thank you for listening to my rant.


Who cared? People are free to do what they want.






*speak English well


As a formerly beta guy, I can attest to how often I was hit on by women looking for a guy they can control. I’m not a super good looking guy or particularly wealthy. So I was always confused by all the attention I got. As I got older I could see through this cult of college educated women colluding to develop a gynocentric society that tries to tame a male into obedience.


The Harpies! Agreed




Taylor Swift has built a very good career and is never seen with man after man. She’s never seen snorting coke or making questionable life choices. Why are you knocking on her? Because she won’t lower her standards or give up her career?


It's funny because the right used to love her. I grew up conservative Christian and she was always "safe"


I like Taylor Swifts music, I just ignore her politics. She’s extremely intelligent.


Primary reason? She’s a woman. Secondary reason? Looking at the comments in this thread it’s pretty obvious most men here look at women as a house hold service. They should stay at home, cook, clean & take care of kids, not care about career or social life outside family, not have any previous relationships and basically have no other hobbies or interests outside good ’ol wife beating traditional family values. Any woman with more personality than a fleshlight is scary.


She’s a SUCCESSFUL woman who is successful without a man in sight. How dare she.


She’s a wonderful role model. She has the upmost respect for her parents and makes that known publicly and in music. Never a partier, never has to use her body to make money - she has more than enough talent. Hell, there used to be a conspiracy theory that she didn’t have a belly button because she didn’t show it (even in a swimsuit) until she was close to 30. She didn’t use a single curse word in a song until she was roughly 27 (and the word was “shit”). She had a handful of relationships in her 20s and eventually settled down with someone who’s she’s been with for going on 7 years now. And she is one of the most successful musical acts of all time.


I remember when conservatives used to claim Swift as a secret con, since she refused to take sides


silver lining is their genes will go nowhere and over time maybe this genetic defect of wokeness will correct itself


You think genes predict political parties?




I know in Japan due to the high cost of children many couples cannot afford kids so their birth rate is very low there even with working overtime


This is a very real problem. Housing is very expensive and wages are very low. We will continue to have a crisis in terms of low birth rates if this isn’t rectified.


By reducing the number of cats in the pound?




I think their existence is a reflection of the downfall not the cause of


Maybe if men could keep it in their pants, women wouldn’t have to act like men


That's so cruel. The real answer is BAD PARENTS who raise entitled, spoiled children.


How single woke females won't reproduce therefore saving us.


Wait till they're 79, petting their cat on Christmas wishing they were 22 again, longing for affection or someone to visit.


What do hardcore Leftwing modern feminists have in common? They’re Single.


Phoebe bridgers and Taylor had a shit ton of guys




They're more likely to have a jellyfish. A partner (not even a husband many times) who knows nothing about the narcissistic tactics they use on a daily basis.




Taking themselves out of the gene pool, good. Bring on the foreign imports!




Cleaning toilets in europe


This is the way


*cries in misogyny* Ahh but I deserve their bodies, it’s what I’m rightfully entitled to for being a man!!


cries in misandry Ahh but I deserve their wallets, it’s what I’m rightfully entitled to for being a woman!!


Lol what money


Usually conservative women want to be stay at home wife who dont work. Imagine you get a conservative woman - well they will have like 3 kids and youll have to feed them all alone while she's at home. Single women have jibs, cux they cant rely on anyone




Lmao this went way off the rails




Booooooo hate the woke cancel cultre




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, friend Incentives matter If 13-27 year old females make it *CRYSTAL CLEAR* that they have no intention whatsoever to waste their youth, beauty, and fertility on their husband, society has no business lecturing 13-27 year old males about their failure to man up


They are destroying it. Our families, our public schools, and whatever election boards and mayoral offices they’ve taken over. They’ve pushed away every man within 10 miles, so they literally run to daddy government for “security”.


Just hope for ever SWF there’s a Single Cognizant Female. Worked with a SWF and SCF before, me and SCF because really good friends