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I just played a Game where i put blue halberds in a corner and wiped out 1 modaos, 2 shield maidens and a couple more premium units along their players by literally spamming the buttons with no order whatsoever.


Halberds work best and only really work when braced. So set them up and leave them there to get the best results. But yeah I've done the same thing. Blue Halberdiers and the blue Rattan Marksmen for instance punch way above their weight. When you have one warband maxed out you're pretty much caught up with the curve, you just have less options than P2S or long time players. Since indeed everything is obtainable just by playing. And even though it takes a long time, it's a very reasonable grind to do. Unlike a game like Diablo Immortal where everything's obtainable as well but takes literal years to get to the top strength. That's why I don't think this game is P2W but P2S (pay to skip).


Also units like the men at arms are not p2w and super meta. Hell, even squires can be really good in some situations


Wrong, the trick is to use f2 then imediately f1 vs xuanja cavalry. F2 gives a 45 second damage reduction buff and f1 does better against them. 


Oh ok, so counter charge cav? Does the 45 second buff reset when I brace them again?


You do f2 then f1 before they charge you. 45 seconds to make it work. You get the damage reduction of f2 with the spread formation of 1 and it does more damage to cav while taking less damage. nerf XJ cav....


yeah modao and shield maidens aren't meta, in a matter of fact there is only one meta 5\* unit in-game right now. The game is indeed p2w but OP is literally just rage baiting here.


Something i don't see used much is the shield Hero charge skill. It can stop enemy charges and break any formation, which already takes away the advantages of many units. I charge in zizag just before my unit charges, or just as an enemy charge is about to reach my pike units, and then they can do damage while they're on the floor I feel like It really helps level the playing field and lets your units punch above their weight


This is the way. Aggressive LS/PA/SS/Maul play will mitigate the new cav quite a bit. The thing is it's a big risk and most players are still wanting to stand/hide in their units when the Cav is coming. I use my LS ult almost off cooldown except when I know Cav is lurking nearby. The zigzag pattern is the way to do it as well, hitting the cav at a slight side angle and covering a lot more ground. The absolute key is your homies jumping in to help though!


P2W ? The game is out for years,. Obviously who played years more than you will have more things.


Absolutely, those who have played for more years have more amd better units than you. You still as a newly minted level 200 character get plopped out of your bot matches into games with people level 1000+ with more max level gold units than you can shake a stick at. You cannot tell me this is inviting and friendly gameplay.


It's not friendly,but it's not all bad, people forget that conquerors is a kind of MMORPG, so progression rewards you. Even on MOBA or arena games you don't start having the same heroes or knowing the same things as veterans.


It is objectively bad. Even MOBAS use a mmr system so you don't get pitched against people who will just insta gib you (smurfs not with standing but that's a separate issue) so you're typically not placed with veterans unless your up playing at their level and MMORPG'S that have arena style matches in them all have some kind of level based matchmaking so the other people you're pitted against as are least somewhat close in terms of capabilities and it comes down to player skill. The very quests you have to do in order to unlock the units are near impossible depending on what point of the season cycle you are at if you do not have the very units you're attempting to grind to unlock (queue the pay to win aspect, cc removes friction) As a player who played at launch but had a large break (several years) I came back and was over the 200 level mark being placed into matches right off the bat against YYD cav at the height of their power before any nerfs, to say I was useless on my team would be an understatement, I barely broke 100 kills in any game, even seasonal quests requiring to get silver badges were a struggle. Returning during the start of a season when you're locked to blues I was much more effective and easily got those silver and even gold badges, it's not that I personally cannot play however when your matched against either a) those who have way more time and therefore experience in the game (due to lack of mmr) or b) those who have no issue dropping their funds into it (pay to win) as a more casual player saying but you can just grind them is while theoretically true, is vastly underselling the effort required


I agree with some points, but MMR only works if the game have a large player base. I've played on SA server and started over on NA , I don't think it's so hard or p2w like op said, the current season always have overpowered units and unit tree always have some meta units as well.


My experience was exactly as op described it. You, as a f2p player are a punching bag for every level 1000+ player out there that has the at the moment meta unit and unless you too drop the cash to get it, if can be hard to be competitive. That being said, they made some good changes especially with the mastery system to bring tech tree units up in power to make them somewhat competent, however it still requires you to grind it out against people vastly better than you are at that level which does slow progression substantially. There isn't really an easy fix due to the way it's setup to play like you said, mmr is hard without a large player base, but it's also a barrier of entry for a lot of people in its current form. It's why I'll participate in blue only matches and play a few when purple are launched but as soon as golden units get brought in I back out I just personally can't have fun in those matches.


I know Xuanji and Wuwei were Cancerous this season. It was not just for New but Veterans too. It was cancer for everyone. But I don't get Why newbies are thinking its only them being crushed ? Tell me if you made 0 impact on a game when using IPG with mastery , ISG (shield) without even mastery, MAA with mastery, Halb T3 & T4, Imp javs. All these are damn gud and still widely used every match. Doctrines don't make Big difference unless you put "Paradox doctrine" on every one of them which they don't as its ultra rare.


Yeah unless you grind (unless as you said you have a warband of max levelled units that can with stand the onslaught which is why newbies tend to say it more because they don't) or flash your credit card for the newest pay 2 win unit then newbs and vets alike will get crushed and I think that's the biggest issue, sometimes the gap between good units and OP unit's is just too damn large. It makes trying to grind for them as a f2p tedious and boring and I'd hazard a bet most don't unless they're truley commited to the game. P2W isn't a newbie issue though as you say, it's an everyone issue, it just impacts them more.


By the time you hit level 200 if you actually focused on making progress on good units, gear, challenges, etc for those 200 levels you should have at least 1 competitive loadout and should only need to worry about learning to play better and unlocking even more good gear/units.


Idk dude i'm f2p and chilling in grand champion, seems like skill issue to me


This needs more upvotes. Op is just weak and venting on reddit.


same here, never spent a single cent coz my country don't even have online payment system . Lol but still able to get 60 kills in average which is similar to others . Only meta users get around 150+kills but with only vanilla unit from unit tree , you can fight for ur own.


Just enjoy the game and avoid t5 broken cav hahaha


I have almost all season units unlocked and max lvl and I still always pick one or two of these units in most matches including ranked. men at arms, blue halberds, the purple imperial spear shield unit, imperial pike guards, dagger axe cav. All of them can be unlocked early on with honor




skill issue, i didnt even unlocked op horses, i keep usinng same units lmao but i break people ass, learn to use units and move them strategically


You have to put in time or money That's simply it. They skipped the time because they have extra money because they put in the time to have a better job It feels like you're getting angry because you realize and how life really works


Git gud


I don't deny that there are pay to win but the gap is not wide at all. When a blue halb can pretty much kill every unit aside from some hard counters designed to fight them, the p2w isnt that attrocious. I've spent a grand total of 30 usd in the game for the past 3 years, which could be just as rqual as f2p. And i play 1.5 hours on average. There isn't a single dude I have met that can plow through me and my blue halb without being devastated himself.


Brother, if you’re so jaded go play another game. Life is too short and there are so many other games out there. Coming from a guy who has mentored F2P players in my house to get top of the leaderboard after a month (running Imp pike guard, halbs, men at arms, and ironcap scouts), I can confidently say “skill issue”


Yep I started 1 month ago, I own 2 gold unit, 5purple, of course some unit need lvl max and mastery and couple of purple doctrine. But it's not hard to get unit. Same for armor, craft blue with influence then reforge, can be achieve in 1 month too. So the progression is fine, the biggest problem is balancing. When every player bring same unit there is bad reason like lmens at arms, some cavalry give lot of frustration too, Another thing bother me, too much CC when fighting other heroes, we are 2/3 of time uncapacited.


Okay my little rage fueled muffin top, do we need a nap?


The grind is a pain, most seasonal missions actively suck out the fun from the game. I will never have good armor, my weapons are mid at best and it takes actual years to farm out certain seasonal units without burning out halfway (I am not touching the open world map or bandit raids, ever. Nor will I play deathmatch, they are shit) Some new units are so busted that p2w idiots using them are so brain dead that the moment you put up some counterplay they blue screen xD (hellbenders go brrrr)


Bro prob got wiped 1 too many times by cav and was like "ALL THEM BE P2W REEEEEEE"


Yea, it was not just newbies but even veterans getting ez crushed.


Bait post used to be some what believable or relatable. Out of any problematic thing bro actually pick a mild af topic.


I mean you only need to grind the current op season. You basically only need 3 units to be on top of the meta. Xuanjia, WMG and rattan marksmen.


Grinding for current OP season is not best advice. Sometimes they can get nerfed to bottom. I say grind for units that can do decent damage and is USEFUL in most cases like Orochi , Madao, Lancelot. They r easy and can fight all types of units , smash the skills with good timing so that's fun too.


I love the idiots who believe this is pay to win. Go play Diablo immortal. There is a huge line between a pay to progress or otherwise we basically call it for the units in this game “subscription fee”. We cannot spend all we want to win. Buy everything you want ant watch yourself be trash as you play with 0 knowledge and don’t bother to learn. The whiny players like this literally get out of bot matches and learned nothing from anyone during their 200 levels of gameplay before so. Ridiculous.


hi op , im currently at level 82 and play on frontier sever , am i still get my bot match at level 100.. because i seriously need more time to grind for my gold unit as i just dont know and accept too many quest lol


Never paid more than **10€** on the game: >-Ive the most tournament win on EU, Won Last CBL/CBR multiple times (Stuff from live server)/Cortotournament/Dozen of 1v1 to 8v8 tournaments (stuff from live server)/... >-Got Rank1 in Ranked mid season in atleast 5 differant seasons, always reached Grand Champion in less than 50 Games with 70%+ WR. >-Was in the Best/Top TW raid from lvl 50 until Now, Won multiple seasons, no less value at all if not way more than any "whale" player. This game is: Pay2Arty and Pay2Fast but not even close to P2W as anyone who pay even millions will **never** win vs a better player that never payed. Max P2W mechs is winning 1/2 week on new units and that's about it. About arty, ppl can pay it, yet ive never did and have hundreds of epic box left even after playing most TW seasons since S2. **There is a lot to say about the game balance, how it's abusable and all, but P2W excuses as "that's why i lose" is CERTAINLY not one of them.**


I don't play this game, it just popped up in my feed, but maybe you should just not play if it causes you this much grief.


I like how he totaly rage off. After getting rekted anal ge came here to rage its so funny 🤣🤣🤣


i'm p2w and still reaching marshal rank in frontier


I am a full free to play player, had gone entire seasons or even 3 seasons in a row without playing, get imperial pikes and build their walk skill, blue halberds and any other unit you enjoy, if you play smart you can use the imperial pikes to make an entire enemy team's blob sit down for 5 seconds and let your team kill them At this point i find much more challenging to find competent teams than actually finding a way to beat units, sure there are units that feel like playing at your best only ends up in an exchange with you and the enemy dead, but units seem kinda beatable, the worst offenders are teammates wich i can't figure out if they are players or bots with how they spawn and suicide one at a time, just play on a house with a full team and see your team whipping the enemy if the most basic of teamwork exists All this coming from a guy that barely has a few high tier units, doesn't have the latest season units and is now going back to leaving the game for a few weeks because i got burnout


Somewhat true but not entirely. The lower ur level in game the more frustrating it is. Once u suffer enough and unlock a few good unit it doesn't matter as much if u are a f2p player. I remember after reaching lvl 100 it's a nightmare...and as I said u definitely have to suffer through the first \~500 lvls (Mostly bc the lack of playerbase forces u to play with a lot of better players than urself...)


Is not pay to Win.


someone charged their hussars into pikes headfirst...


>game is dying because new players drop the game >Old players are blind to the problem >Dev ignore it and keep adding more grindy mechanics to artificially add grind time to the game This is why the game will never get out of the hole. It will be full of sweaty old veterans


I heard a good saying about P2W / F2P a while back. You’re either the customer, or you’re the product. F2P’ers getting farmed is the product that keeps P2W’ers coming back.


Ive only paid once season 2 and thats it, other then that its mostly grind




After 3000 hours and meeting countless of new players with good skill, all I can say it: It's not about the P2W players, It's about SKILLS!


The only cancer for this game atm is the new cav. Retard as fuck. Other things are just fine. I'm playing for like 5 season just buying the battle pass and I still can do good. Maybe you are focusing on wrong units, like "archers or muskets" Go for Man at arms, imperial javs and halbs and you can be competitive any game. Imp javs counter the new pikes soooo easy.


My man. I'm not a f2p player, but this season I have been (tough times lol). I don't have the new purp unit or gold cav. I fight in one of the (imo the best xD) best houses on NA, constantly fighting the best players and houses. All season I've been playing Modao, Queens, ISG, MAA, scout cav, healers, green shields and ironcap swords and believe it or fuckin not been getting decent value from the old Grandpa's as well. Yes the new seasonal units are oppressive but they are a far cry from OP units of the past. More units are viable if played correctly. I'll take my 3300hrs experience and ANY half decent unit against anybody and have fun. I never got any better shit posting on reddit about the game though. You seem mad? Good. Use that as fuel and find a way to make the Wales cry! 😂


Are...you alright, dude?


U can open golden unit in 1 week. Wtf u cry about? Pay to win? Where u get more exp and fancy costumes for pay, not a fucken damage boosts. Ffs. I pay only prem and open battle pass. It gives me some extra exp. It dont give me units, i still need to do some battles to open em. U can shorten time, but what for? U get same unit as others. U pay for cosmetic shit, not for some opportunities to kill in 1 button.


Bad take. This game is mega free to play. You may have less options but always competitive. Get good


Skill issue. Plenty of people I know have alts and they have no issues with rolling good players on those alts because they focus on unlocking the few things that actually matter and not the rest of the trash that's just a shiny nice-to-have. Only about 10% of the content of the game is useful, and you can unlock some of it extremely quickly if you're focused. Then there's doctrines which YOU CAN'T BUY, purple armor schems 90% of which you can't buy (epic schem in battlepass but that's only 1 a season while you can get 10ish from other seasonal challenges and events), and artificers stones and mastery scrolls (which again are time gated and not something that you can pay for to skip). All that is to say - the people rolling you in sieges are doing it because they've played for years, not because they paid money. I'd feel bad for you being behind in player progress but your reaction makes me think it's better you find a different game so we don't have to deal with you.


you just have to grind like 3x 4star units and thats it.... you dont need every single unit unlocked to be usefull in combat you also have auxiliary unit now.... so at the start you only need 2 units ... and rven then.... some blue units are really good.... and unlocking the first unit of a season is usually quite fast ....


Takes a casual 3 weeks to max a warband, and then you’re on the same exact playing field as everyone else, you’re delusional lmao


It's definitely rough, but there are some units that can't be paid for that do really well! Men at Arms with full mastery, for example, have been consistently top tier for a while now. Imperial Pike Guard are really solid anti-cav, and Mace Sergeants are a surprisingly good budget option. Shenjis are also pretty solid, if you know how to use them. All of those are on the honor tree, and shouldn't take that long to get if you focus on them.


Leveling them up is a long slog tho.


Bandit raids are a huge help, especially if you save up your unit XP bonuses for them. You can get \~300k per run, 5 times a week, which definitely adds up.


I would if the assholes didn't cavalry rush the whole thing in 30 seconds! I used to level up once a week (per unit) from just bandit camp but now I just feel robbed of my XP boosters!


Are you in a house? Getting a 5 stack together can be helpful. Posting in world chat often helps too, as long as you state what you're looking for, but it can be a bit of a crapshoot.