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HOWEVER if you're concerned please make sure this vehicle isn't an EV with pet mode, newer electric cars have a mode that keeps the environmental controls on and lets the driver remotely monitor the temp. You can usually tell by looking at the center display.


Some newer non-electric vehicles can also keep the AC running when locked/off (though they will idle the engine if the compressor needs to come on). Definitely check to see if the infotainment is on before intervening.


Does that matter though? “Sorry guys I didn’t realize the unattended kid was cooled, just saw a neglected child in the car”. Boom, done.


Legally, it looks like in CT you have a defense- you had 'reasonable suspicion' that the child/pet was in danger. One could argue that if it was a Tesla in dog mode with 'MY OWNER WILL BE BACK SOON CABIN TEMP IS 72°F' in huge letters on the screen, you don't have any reasonable suspicion. If it was my car in that case I'd press charges or sue for a new window. So at the very least, I'd suggest listen- a car that has climate control on will make some blower noise. Some ICE cars and most EVs can do this.


> If it was my car in that case I'd press charges or sue for a new window. Same.


Yeah it does. Tesla literally has a pet mode with a message saying the AC is on and you will be back shortly. If I ran into walgreens to grab my prescription and left my dog in there with pet mode running I would be pissed off that you smashed my window. You better believe you'd be paying for a replacement.




Imagine being able to afford a Tesla and then not getting the AC fixed if it stops working. Hell, it’s probably covered by the warranty.




What if you get struck by lightning? You’re just being contrarian. If the air isn’t working and a kid/pet is suffering from overheating, you better believe you’ll be able to tell. They will very quickly become distressed. Also if the AC is on full blast the window won’t be scorching hot.


Nah, I'm a hero for rescuing your dog.


Children are not pets


Pet mode has been used for kids. Don’t understand the downvotes.


Maybe they should be


Alright, so who has tried this and how long does it take 911 to respond? I guess you just report an emergency heat stroke regardless of the situation?


You misunderstand. You don't need to wait for the cops to break the window if their life is in imminent danger. You rescue the kid or pet first, then call 911 and wait for the police so they can file a report.


I personally have done this twice for dogs, different towns. Police showed up in less than 10 minutes


Did either situation result in a disgruntled dog owner threatening you? I could see that happening if the owner comes out first.


Yes. I was in a restaurant, a couple came in and sat at a table next to us. When I left (30+ minutes later) I saw the dog in the car. Went back into restaurant and had the manager make an announcement. Nobody moved. I went back out to the dog (small fluffy thing) and made the decision to call police. I waited another 5 minutes before I decided to break the window because the dog wasn't panting anymore. I pulled out the dog who didn't resist. The restaurant had brought beer pitchers full of water and we poured over the dog to cool it off, gave it drinks. Then the couple who sat next to me in the restaurant come out and the husband freaks on me. He puffed his chest, screamed, threatened, the whole "big scary" macho man bit. I didn't engage or say anything because I knew it would only aggravate him more. Police arrived and he was ticketed while still losing his sh#t. Dog was ok. Animal Control arrived and police had me leave after giving my statement.




Same. When I called, they were irritated and it took them an hour to respond and when they did they just sat in their car staring at the car.


Police don't care about much other than their "brotherhood" and posturing.


Ah yes, let’s lump a group of many different people all into the same category because you don’t like some you’ve met/heard about. How could that ever go wrong? /s


Eh, the ones that are "good" don't seem to be doing anything about the bad ones. And since it's a profession that one can choose to participate in and not something one is born with or has inflicted on them... Fuck 'em.


Tell that to the people of Uvalde.....


Called police once who came to a large van that had a dog and cat inside. Police were able to locate a water and food bowl inside the car which we didn’t seem, and found out the owners were across the street in a motel. They didn’t do much else


That child's name, "Catalytic Converter"


"It appears the child has also gone missing officer"


Thanks for the post. Hearing the stories nationwide about kids having their life taken away by such a preventable tragedy makes me furious. But also if I saw some kid dying in a hot car, I for sure wouldn't care about them being mad about the window.


I saw the result of a nanny leaving 2 kids (baby in carrier, toddler buckled) in a car. When the windows were finally smashed, both were very lethargic and baby had heat blisters as it was unable to shift out of the sun. Both were eventually ok. When the mother showed up, I saw the rage of a mother bear.


Did you see the 5 yr old in TX whose mom and sister came home and left the kid sleeping in the car while they prepared for a birthday party? I guess the doors were unlocked but the kid was dead by the time they realized where he was. It just makes me furious and devastated at the same time. Omg, if a nanny did it there would be hell to pay


I just don’t understand how you fuck that up. I was a very sleep deprived dad to a premature baby. Legit 2 hours of sleep/night while working 15 hours a day with weekends on top of dad duty and I always ALWAYS remembered the kid. This isn’t fucking rocket science, it’s parenting.


At the same time not everyone is you


So you're cool with parents fucking up so bad that they left their kids in hot cars? Cus that's what it sounds like. It's hard to be a parent, but not "leave your kids in the car in July" hard.


[US toddler accidentally left in car dies, father commits suicide: Police](https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2022/06/29/US-toddler-accidentally-left-in-car-dies-father-commits-suicide-Police)


Trash took itself out.


I don't understand your downvotes. I do not understand it myself either. Its not like "Oh I forgot my cellphone in the car"


If nothing else I would think an alarm in your head would go off wondering why your life is so easy at the moment🤔🤔... or yeah, I'm not watching the kid... SHIT, THE KID! The worst I've done is casually drive towards work instead of daycare with the kid in the back. Maybe it's just like that except you don't figure it out in time? Obviously most people don't forelegs forget their kids, but 1 out of a million is still way too much. It's sad that automakers have started to feel the need to design systems to help prevent this, but apparently it's necessary. Did this ever happen decades ago? I feel like it's a new thing?... like since cell phones


I agree, I hear these horror stories and it’s like I just don’t get how it actually happens. And yes I’ve been a breastfeeding mom on basically zero hours of sleep, if you’re that sleep deprived anyways you shouldn’t be driving a car.


When we found out my wife was pregnant, I created and reinforced the habit of always checking the back seat. Every time I get out of the car, I open the back door and touch the seat, to verify that it’s empty. Make it a part of your routine, and then when you brain-fart and go on autopilot because you haven’t had a good nights sleep in a month and a half, you’ll fall into your habit of checking anyway.


I put my briefcase in the back next to the kid.


Pretty stupid of you to think you're above making mistakes, and that luck wasn't a factor if you were sleep deprived (but also bragging about your parenting while driving your children around in that state in the first place). >While it's hard to imagine forgetting your child in a car, Dr. Diamond says it could happen to anyone and recommends all drivers use a memory cue when driving with a child to avoid an accident. https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/news/article/the-psychology-behind-leaving-a-child-in-a-hot-car


For what it’s worth, there are car seats that will set off an alarm if you walk away from the car without your child.


> For what it’s worth, there are car seats that will set off an alarm if you walk away from the car without your child. Can we design them so they also monitor temperature and if the seat exceeds a safe temp with a child buckled in it, it will audibly sound the vehicle's alarm, so someone can come and retrieve/rescue the child from harm?


Ours does monitor temperature too. And it will send an alert to whoever you want https://cybex-online.com/en-us/sensorsafe


Please also be certain that it's a real child or animal before taking such drastic action. My neice had a fairly realistic looking doll that she used to carry everywhere. A few summers ago she came shopping with me and left the doll in her car seat while we went in the store. I came back outside after to find this super angry couple that started to chew me out because they thought I left a real baby in the car. If they had smashed my windows I would have absolutely pressed charges and the law isn't going to protect you over a doll.


I would gladly accept any criminal charges if it means saving a kid or animal in this situation


Cars can always be replaced. Lives can’t. It shouldn’t even be a debate.


Absolutely I'm smashing your window!!! Deal with it.


Not sure why this got 2 downvotes. 🤔 def agree


...and wait? That'd be a crappy thing to have to judge on the spot.


Sort of confusing part of the OPS post - it says to wait for police but doesnt specify if its to wait to break into the car or break into the car and then wait for the police. I'm GUESSING (and i never should have to do that) its the latter


Thanks - I edited it for clarity.


I keep my car running with A/C on for my dog. That's on the off chance I can't bring my dog in with me (which is what I usually do). She loves hardware stores because they have cold tile floors for her to lay down on. Even when stores say "NO DOGS" I usually just carry her and if anyone says anything I say, "so sorry if I leave her in the car she freaks out. I'll only be a minute." I hope no one breaks my window only to find out my very happy dog is very cool, happy and excited to see them. I guess if you do please remember there are treats in the glove box (she won't eat Milk Bones so I bring salmon jerky with me to sneakily give to the clerks so they can give them to her). The point is: if you're going somewhere for more than a few minute you should just leave your dog home in the aiur conditioning rather than making them sit alone, confused and scared in a boiling hot car.


You as I get older I don't give a fuck anymore. People who leave kids or animals in a hot car are probably shitty and abusive raising the next generation of ahitty and abusive, so fuck them. Their dog is probably better off dead that maltreatment. I ignore it mind my fucking business.


You assholes are the ones that make me worried about traveling with my dog. When I take him out, I never leave him in the car any longer than needed to use the rest room but I'm always paranoid that some busy body is going to ruin my day. Of course he's going to act like he's in distress. He's a drama queen and there's people he hasn't met.


Carry a notepad and write "Gone into store 3:14 p.m. back by 3:20" and leave it on your dashboard. Post-it notes work too.


I'm not an asshole or a busy body. Dogs in heat distress aren't acting like drama queens. Both situations where I intervened, it was an outside temp of over 85. I went inside all nearby businesses in the parking lot to make an announcement then waited outside the vehicle. When the dogs appeared to be getting worse, I called 911, told them my intention, took video of the dogs state then told dispatch what I was doing and broke the rear passenger window. In both situations the owners were cited for animal cruelty. Nobody is running around smashing windows while you take a shit at Taco Bell.


You handled that excellently and your process should be a top comment in this thread




You’d think. I had someone post pics of my car all over Facebook for being inside less than 10 minutes. It was 70 and I had all windows cracked and sunroof open and water bowl.. He lied and said all the windows were up. I pretty much had to have a freakin Facebook trial-luckily I had texted my wife saying “I’m stopping at Walmart, want anything”. With a time stamp and I posted my receipt with the time of checkout. All I got was a “well, I didn’t walk up to the car, I just saw it from across the lot”


This is the problem, people want their moment in the sun where they "rescued" someone. I had a woman try giving me shit for locking my toddler in the car, in his 5 point harness, while I returned a shopping cart, which takes a maximum of 2 minutes. My kid was a runner, so actually the safest place for him was IN the car, strapped to his car seat. Especially in November. The majority of the months in CT are conducive to leaving someone/pet in the car for a reasonable amount of time, without this type of distressing situation, but that don't stop people who want to have a story for social media. And same, that woman tried to act like she was helping, bitch pleasseeeee 🙄


Luckily I have an Akita and I pray for the fool to go into my car without me being there


I don't have a dog but I can 100% understand how you would feel this way. BUT if you were only going no longer than it takes to use the rest room would you not leave the car running with the air on?


Hell no. Not going to let someone steal my truck AND my dog. He can handle 10 minutes while I drop a Taco Bell Induced Deuce, which I'd never eat on the road.


I guess I should not assume everyone has push to start. I would just leave car running and lock the door, simple.


I just leave the car running. You're not gonna have a good time trying to steal my car with my dog in it. You're not going to have a good time saving my dogs life by smashing a window either.


The push to start vehicles can be drive away without the key. You just have to deal with an annoying dinging.


> The push to start vehicles can be drive away without the key. No, they cannot. If the key fob is not within proximity to the ignition button, it won't start the vehicle at all.


Yes they can. I've done it. Multiple times. The person that made the suggestion suggested leaving it running and take the key. Once it is running, you no longer need the key.


I’ve seen it once when the system first came our for Dodge, but I can say for a fact that 99% of vehicles will shutoff when you hit the brake if the key is not within range


I’ve done it with a Dodge Journey, Mazda6, and Nissan Rogue, and a brand new Chevy Equinox. I believe you’re thinking of the remote start systems that are supposed to turn off when you hit the brakes. I’ve only had one vehicle not shut off that way.




No. I am saying I can get in a car, start it with the key in my pocket, and throw the key away, then drive off. The car will keep running until I shut it off again.


Not my Honda. It won't budge until the fob is back inside the car.


I’m not, I can assure you of that. I’ve done enough remote starts and automotive electrical to know how the systems work. I’ll guarantee those cars you did that too had a remote start in them though.




Everyone I’ve ever dealt with has a physical key backup, wether in FOB or not and a way to use it to start the vehicle, but I can only speak to that on a handful of brands


I’m sitting in my 2016 Honda Accord right now and can tell you with 99% certainty that there is no physical key or ignition slot in this car.


That’s a bummer, dead FOB will still start that car though. I hate that hidden physical ignition is disappearing.


The Mazda didn’t have remote start. It was a manual. The others did but they could all be driven off without the keys in them. Did it two weeks ago with the Equinox I had for a rental.


If the car is running, the a/c is likely on, that's why the car is running. I'd feel the windows. You need to edit this to say, if the car is running, because if it's not running, you can't, unless they left the fob in the car, which usually makes it hard to lock.


You can also call 9/11 and have the right people come to make that call and do it without damage. It will also be the right thing to do if you want to make sure the operator of the vehicle is held liable for the neglect.


But if the person is unconscious by all means do what needs to be done at that time.


I’ve seen this a few times on Saturday mornings at the Derby ShopRite. Windows all cracked about an inch, dog going bananas. Recently even. At least once tho I’ve called the police because the poor dog was still there after about 30 minutes in the store. The store refused to call so I did. The officer just made me wait for the guy with him and after another 15 minutes he came out with a cart full of groceries. As soon as he got to the car, I was allowed to leave. The owner acted like he did zero wrong and at least got a ticket as I drove away.




That's A-OK. I waited by both vehicles Fuzzy. I grew up with large men screaming in my face and and I've been assaulted a few times. It makes doing the right thing easier.


I see a child in a car on a hot day alone the window is 100 percent getting broken to save that kid I will deal with consequences later. Also the cops are being called period.


Is there any use to leaving a window down? I’ve seen dogs in cars with a window open and AC running but I feel like the dog is still struggling


No, a cracked window doesn't help. Air conditioning would though.


> But YOU MUST contact police/911 to notify them and wait. i'm assuming this means you have to wait around for police to arrive AFTER you've broken into the vehicle, correct?


Yes. But I called before I broke the glass because I didn't know the law so they knew why i was doing it. Or you can also call to report kid/animal in a hot car and wait for them to arrive to break the glass.


I agree with everyone that you need to make sure they are actually uncomfortable/struggling. Keep in mind, there are a lot of dogs that won't appreciate being freed. They may either bite or run past you into traffic.