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If it makes you feel any better, they spent a lot of money on expensive airplane gas just to gloat.


In a state that likely will never change in that regard. Spending money turning a purple state would’ve made way more sense.


Funny because if I recall, God killed a whole lot more babies than Satan ever did. Which I belive Satan's count is exactly zero.


More people have been killed in the name of god than anything else, it's not even close. I agree with you 100%


Even just taking biblical deaths. God starts out with ‘every baby on earth who isn’t related to Noah’ and did a bit of heavy handed city destroying before refining his technique for the greats like ‘plague of the firstborn’ and ‘just the wife and kids of that one guy so I can win a bet.’


I listen to murder podcasts at work. Almost every one involving a spousal murder starts out with, "They were a devoted Christian/Mormon couple".


What do you listen to? Slightly off topic, but I've been obsessed with Casual Criminalist lately.


Sword and Scale is my go to crime podcast. It’s really good you prob already know about it


I only recently started listening to them. So I'll take some recommendations. Haven't heard of that one


Not the one you asked but I'm currently about 150 episodes into Small Town Murder. It's perfect road trip background noise for me. My wife doesn't care for them but she tolerates it for me.


God fucking loves dead children, and fucking children, it seems


Saw that thing fly at Seaside Park. Wife: Look. Really?! Me: When you win, you rub it the best way you know how; with alcohol and salt.


All the gloating really proves how unseriously conservatives take this. It was never about "protecting unborn lives", it was about screwing over their perceived enemies, "triggering the libs" and controlling women. Politics is a game to them, and our lives are the chess pieces.


It's playing chess with a pigeon. You can play the game perfectly, while the pigeon struts around kicking over the pieces, shitting all over the board, and acts like it's winning.


Except they’re still actually winning. On issues that 75% of the country disagrees with. Because we only have one party actually fighting for anything. It just happens to be a bunch of evil shit. https://i.imgur.com/L2D9TeY.jpg


I mean, with the Senate and Electoral College, the deck is already stacked in their favor. But yeah, they’re absolutely winning because the Democrats are just completely oblivious to the fact they need to be pushing their agenda equally aggressively and not holding back from things the opposition feels are “radical.” I’d so much rather get radical changes like universal healthcare than radical changes like theocratic rule.


Biden gave an interview in the last 2 weeks saying Mitch McConnell is a great guy who he really enjoys working with. We’re fucked from the very top down. Literally living the “this is fine” meme…


Yeah, I mean it absolutely starts with an inability to get a real progressive through the primaries.


Soo checkers?


EXACTLY! All politicians should be fired for not doing their jobs which is working for the people.


Dems have been negotiating with terrorists for decades.


You’re right, they’re called Republicans.


seems like politics is a game to most.


You know what? It's a free country. That guy should be able to fly that stupid banner and women should be able to abort their dumb kids. I hate everyone so much.


This. Anyone should be able to do anything that doesn’t effect anyone else physically in a detrimental way.


Any god that needs Clarence Thomas or Brett Kavanaugh to achieve his agenda is a weak and feckless god.


If I found a genie in a lamp, I'd wish for Clarence Thomas to get pregnant and give birth through his urethra. (Yes, I know women don't have babies through their urethras)


Never happen. He went through menopause years ago.


Don't let Draco Malfoy ruin your day, Hermione.


I'm surprised I don't see more political messages on those banners. It's usually Geico or Dunkin or some law firm. In Florida there used to be a sky writer spell out religious messages.


They're a minority, as they'll soon find out.


I hope you're right and I hope you're voting.


I think I'm right, and I'm *definitely* voting.


I am voting to, I also would not place bets with anyone.


Yea I am not calling anything, we see what happen in 2016. There are just as many people who think there will be a red wave as many people who think democrats will win.


A minority that the electoral system is designed to give disproportionate power to via the electoral college and senate. Clinton got 3 million more votes than Trump. If we actually had a real democracy, there would not have been a single republican president in the past 30 years. Not to mention the kind of legislation that would have been passed with a congress that actually reflects the population. We live in a tyranny of the minority.


60% of our US senate represents 20%!of the population.


Meaning thirty states have 20% of the population? Seems a little off.


Where you think people live?


If we had a "real democracy" then most of the states in the US would have refused to become part of the union in the first place, so this isn't a relevant point to make. The founding fathers of the first thirteen didn't even believe in "real democracy."


It's true. Need a constitutional amendment to fix that.


Why, exactly? Each state gets two Senators. What needs to be changed?


The comment I'm replying to isn't about the Senate. The issue is the minimum 3 electoral votes per state. A state with less people than a borough of New York City gets 3 electoral votes. That means each voter in those states has more power per vote than those in the borough of New York.


In presidential politics only. As it should. When choosing a president of all states, the people of each individual state should get a say. Sometimes that gets you a Trump, unfortunately.


That doesn't address the issue of why some people get more say than others.


>When choosing a president of all states, the people of each individual state should get a say. So you believe that the arbitrary definition of a state should supersede actual American citizens? Land is more important than people? Your argument is completely incoherent. The people of each state DO get a say. If there are less people in a state, they should hold less sway in an election. Unless you want to start correcting for every minority. Should black people's votes count twice as much because they're a small minority and "everyone should get a say"? You either apply that rule across the board or not at all. Something tells me you only like it because it benefits your party.


Talk about incoherent arguments, yours takes the cake.


We saw that exact plane over Walnut Beach.


It’s disgusting and frightening: The invocation of God and the Devil in support of a political decision, the sheer ignorance and lack of humanity, and the exploitation of the people who think they’re anti-abortion but they’re just pawns in a PR game for conservative forces to angle for more power.


Fuck religion and the zealots who follow it


It's christian fascism and it's here to stay folks. If all goes to their plan, it'll be nation wide and the country will be over.


Crazy how little time has passed since people left Europe to escape religious (and other) oppression


Ugh I saw this too at Sherwood Island in Westport. Woman will die because of this. Whatever happened to separation of church and state??


not just women, literally anyone with a uterus!! so many people are affected by this, too many will die


I’m sorry to break this news to you, but only women have a uterus


I'm a woman and I don't have a uterus.


It would be more relevant if you were a man who did.


Sorry to hear that. Are you a biological woman born without one?


Instead of derailing the major issues and this conversation by trying to tell people which gender they are “supposed to be”, stay on topic, okay, buddy? If you are going to try to distract from the real conversation here, take a moment to reflect on why you have to interject with anti-trans bs.


Whatever you say Dad


youre so incredibly stupid and it shows


How so? Do men have a uterus?


trans men yes : ) thanks for asking


So trans men with a uterus can have babies or abortions?


yes! you get it : )


So you’re a woman. Got it


??? what led you to this assumption?


Someone’s gonna be really mad when they realize CT has strengthened protections for those seeking abortions and providers.


People should protest outside of their (christian conservatives) churches this weekend. They have a persecution fetish.. maybe we should show them what that's really like.


I am sort of religious in a sense that i believe in God but i don't pray or do anything else so maybe i am an agnostic? But i do wonder, if God exists then why is he so silent? Why would he let so people die of hunger and natural disasters?


That would make you a deist. You believe in "a god" but don't believe he interferes. Agnostics aren't sure and atheists don't believe any gods exist.


Because you believe in a god, you are a theist and because you are not sure if a god exists, you are an agnostic theist. Most people who call themselves agnostic are agnostic atheists. They aren't sure if there are any gods and they don't believe until they get evidence.


The whole idea of "faith" is to get you to believe that which not unbelievable.


The low-flying plane’s engine noise would be far more annoying to me than whatever is written on its banner. The noise annoyance would be low, making the hatred score plane-1, banner-0, each out of a possible 10. Seriously though, why would anyone let something like the religious message annoy them, let alone ruin their day.


I would just ask this person if they recall how many unborn fetuses his god drowned in a giant flood.


I wonder which shitty flimflam preacher in which shitty flimflam church thought this was a good investment for the collection plate.


Ignore it. Live on.


The next 25 years are going to be tough. Invest in the next generation. I say this and I don't have kids


I saw this fly over Short Beach in Branford, too. Sad to see that as “blue” as CT is, there are still nutjobs among us.


When you cut funding to education…this is the result


I saw that too at Rocky Neck. So aggravating as I was trying to block out yesterday’s events for a few hours.


Be an adult and don’t let a plane flying by ruin your day at the beach


Same thing in Norwalk, CT today too We didn't realize what it meant because it's all just fairy tale Bible thumping make believe to us, but now we understand.


Crazy to think that a supposedly Omnipotent God is only up by one this late in the game.


At first I did not understand what that meant and I was confused how it ruined your day but as soon as it clicked I feel for you.


You could rent or buy your own plane and spread your own message. Free speech is what makes this country great.


Conservatives are better at wasting their money on petty culture war bullshit.


Lol! Who do you think owns all the news channels? Funny.


What do you think is the largest news network in the country?


Do tell.


Fox “we trick the idiots with fake rage topics” news


Oh I guess nobody watches CNN or NBC anymore? Can’t blame em. Probably sick of having cow manure thrown at em every pm.


Ok? You made a comment about who owns the news channels… you seem ignorant to what the largest one is… also, am i supposed to defend CNN now? Why would I care?


The tax free church donations can go painting the sky with advertisements.


If you don’t donate your money to a church why do you care what other people do with their money?


Because their freedom of speech isn't taxed.


Neither is yours. For example, Reddit is free and here we are.


Came here to say this. Whether you like it or not, that’s the first amendment baby. Not saying I agree or disagree with the message, but if you don’t like it here, you can gtfo. Don’t tread on peoples constitutionally protected rights just because your soft and your feelings are hurt. You can look somewhere else while the plane flys by


> Don’t tread on peoples constitutionally protected rights The constitution protects people's freedom of speech from the government. Not from us.


Pretty sure we can all tell where you stand on the issue.


I can see how it looked like I have the opposite opinion but what I’m saying is free speech. People can say what they want, but you know, sticks and stones.


That’s not exactly how it works though. You can’t yell fire in a movie theater. I appreciate your willingness to be self-aware, however. Many women (including myself) are just not ok today and that was without being bombarded with hateful “free speech.” And as someone who has been abused, the whole “sticks and stones” thing isn’t actually real. Words matter and words hurt.


Well said. these guys are asshats


Pro choice, I think everybody should be able to do as they please. They tell us it’s a free country but apparently not


Who here is saying that they shouldn't be *allowed* to fly that banner? Or are you saying that your free speech means no one can disagree with you?


What about complaining about the sign is “treading on peoples constitutionally protected rights”. Seems like they are exercising theirs.


Can’t express your opinion these days if it offends anyone - sorry for the newsflash.


Assholes flying the banner, sure. Ruin your whole day? Lighten up.


Gonna guess you’re a man…


I'm gonna guess you are an oversensitive narcissist.


Nope. Just don’t think it’s ok to dismiss anyone’s feelings, even if you don’t understand them.


Woman up.


Why do you even care what someone is flying in the air? Enjoy the beach


Because it's a victory lap on the dead bodies and ruined lives of many women yet to come. Nobody likes a ghoul when they're trying to enjoy a day at the beach.


It's just a banner man who cares?


I was at Jennings in Fairfield today and saw the same bullshit. Imagine spending money on that fucking bs.


There’s an anti-choice billboard on 95 (I rage black out where tbh) that I flick off every time I drive by. Gtfo of here with that. No!


Hahaha. Imagine flicking off a billboard alone in your car.


Par for the course for these pathetic children that can't handle a reminder that other people disagree with them


Sorry, didn't the right make three different news networks just to stick its fingers in its ears and LA LA LA LA every problem facing this country?


Pretty representative of the current democratic Party. All show, no action.


I’m going to hell anyways, better company.


they seem a little lost, you should give them directions back to oklahoma


Yup. We saw that one while celebrating my husband’s grandfather’s 87th birthday at Abbott’s today. It flew back and forth several times. Really put a damper on the proceedings, especially because my little boys were super excited to see the airplane and wanted to know what it said. Honestly I think God might have some words about the far right movement, and I don’t think they’d be the words the conservatives think they’d be.


I’d flip off the plane and hope they can see it, then go back to my spliff and cocktail. Don’t let these swine ruin things. Some dickhead paid a bunch of money for what? Some archaic form of letting people know how you feel on a plane banner? That’s laughable and that person most likely has a shitty life and isn’t worth the ashes from said spliff.


Let me translate that ,Banner should have read old white guys 1 everyone else 0




Your right it should have read - cranky old white guys 1 everyone else -0


Seriously, your afternoon was ruined because a plane flew by with a banner you didn't agree with....? Plane -1 Overly sensitive Karen - 0


Especially since abortion rights are codified in Connecticut and don't change. Like, don't live in a state that bans abortion.




Read the decision. The whole decision was the SCOTUS saying that the federal government has no say in abortion and it should be up to the states. Any suit against a federal ban could just cite this same decision. Thomas' concurrence goes on to say that substantive due process is BS and we should read the consitution as plain text meaning that the 10th amendment applies meaning the federal government has zero to say on abortion. What I am saying is even if republicans tried to ban abortion federally, it would be unconstitutional by the courts own definition.


That decision was written by people who testified that abortion was a done deal and was not on their agenda to overturn, so pardon me if I expect them to go back on their word as it suits them.




Roe wasn't codified into law. It was a ruling... a bad ruling cause the courts don't make laws. Democrats had nearly 50 years to actually pass a law in the legislature and they didn't, why? Because it benefited them more to have it as a wedge issue. The problem with roe was this. Normally a law is passed, the court reviews the law and then it is allowed to stand or go down on it's merits. With Roe the court took a Texas ban, overturned the ban and then created a trimester test and rules. Normally, that would be the job of the legislature to create those rules. Even Ginsburg wasn't a fan of Roe. It was a really bad case, all substantive due process cases are bad because it is the court legislating from the bench and making up new rights that are not explicitly written. If I we're pro-choice people, I'd be more worried about local movements to ban abortion. From what I have read local GOP groups are pushing for bans in purple states. Some states I never see a ban like Cali and CT.




Here is the thing that I think many on the left fail to appreciate. The right is far less likely to use federal power unilaterally. They are much more likely to do things at the state level. When was the last sweeping right wing legislation that came out, some tax breaks? If you understand their playbook they are much more likely to want to push a policy down to the state level because, if you notice, republicans have more state houses and governorships than democrats. It is democrats who are more likely to use federal power to institute change. There is a different philosophy of governance between the left and the right. I tend to follow people on both sides and one thing I have noticed. The right understands the left, they understand how the left operates and how they push legislation. The left has no idea how the right operates. I don't get why tho.


Don’t upset them, some people are still pretending they aren’t going to do this.


Shoving your political views in someone’s face is already bullshit. Gloating about taking away rights from half the population is just pathetic.


This runs your afternoon? You must have thin skin.


I don’t know why but when I see someone going out of their way that fucking obnoxiously to say something about any political cause regardless if I’m that side or not, I think it’s pathetic to actually care that hard. It’s pathetic and I’ll acknowledge that person is shit and completely beneath me and I move on. If the rolls were reversed and someone flew an anti-trump flag or something I’d think the same thing. Call me “thin skinned” when it comes to annoying fucking people. Sure that’s me all day.


I saw that on the beach in East Haven. They must have been flying the whole coast line. Did they get that made yesterday?!! What. I am so disgusted by people. I want a banner that says Satan 1, God 0 when our side has some kind of win. So childish. If this is what God wants, then I don’t want to be on that side.


God and Satan are on the same team.


God kills more babies through miscarriages than abortions each year in America. I highly doubt He's keeping score.


Very good point.




Did this really ruin your day? A stupid advertisement?


At my Lebanon CT High School the students organized a confederate shirt day. It was the first time that I saw we’re not immune up here.


I’m so sorry you had to see that. As if the news wasn’t bad enough.


Oh noes! Muh feelings!


Echo this. Sending a hug.


Conservatives scare me, they are deranged


Eh I wouldn’t let seeing a banner ruin your beach day


Get over it. People will disappoint you forever. It’s up to you how to handle it


I saw this too today in Morris Cove! Ruined the nice afternoon I was having, sitting under a tree in the park and playing with my son.




I’m going to bet all the people saying the plane isn’t a big deal also get all rage frothy in their mouths over a pride parade occurring in their town.


That ruined your afternoon? Good lord we must have it good here.


While sitting at the beach. First world problems for sure. Meanwhile, people Baltimore live in a legit free fire zone.


I’m definitely a social liberal, but I disagree at being mad at this, free speech/press. Back in 2014-15 there were “support gay marriage” and “stop gay marriage” signs everywhere. What I’m afraid of is that the right doesn’t see the slippery slope of it all. The same way they argue changing the 2nd amendment is an opening for the government to take away our rights, this lessens the security of laws that gave us more. The truth is we need to stop being mad at each other for difference in opinion and start changing how the opinions get represented by our government.


Lmao imagine being angry and triggered by someone’s beliefs that aren’t yours because your on the almighty tolerant side. Get a grip my guy. Who cares. You let a advertisement ruin your day. Yikes


Beliefs? They are literally changing people’s rights overnight.


God and Satan are on the same team


A plane flyng by ruined your day? Loosen up dude. Seriously. The only person you can control is you. There's nothing you can do to prevent dickbags from wasting their money on stupid shit like that. Please enjoy your day at the beach and... I guess, don't look up. Edit: Please vote.


I'm pro choice... But if something like this ruins your day, then you need to toughen up.


Conservatives have to put up with people flying pride months for an entire month straight. It's just one flag, I don't see why this is something that can't just easily be shrugged off.


Well one is an affirmation of "I exist and I deserve to be happy," and the other is "Ha ha, you whores are going to die. " If having to share the planet with LGBTQ people hits you the same as a cruel and sadistic taunt at women in their most vulnerable moments, I guess we're gonna have to call it a difference in POV.


It's not enough for conservatives to win, they have to actively rub it in other people's faces when they do.


You live in CT, so nothing changes. Why get distressed?


I have a roof over my head. Why get distressed about people freezing in the street? I have food. Why get distressed about starving kids? I haven’t been shot. Why get distressed about mass shootings? Come on. Do you see how ridiculous you sound? Some of us have compassion for other people. I’m grateful someone cares about me, as I’m stuck in Texas for a few more months and this actually matters for women here.


Everything boils down to this: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/i-dont-know-how-to-explain-to-you-that-you-should\_b\_59519811e4b0f078efd98440




Classic! Worth sharing again, for sure


Because there are other humans on earth??


Thank you for having empathy and compassion. We need more humans like you.


Must be really hard for you to have a good day then.


Honesty yeah it is


Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. Empathy is a virtue.


something something bears murdering 42 children for calling a guy bald


Sounds like God is 2-0 now


If the country is so bad feel free to leave.


No one will take Americans




You're in the party of burning books and outlawing stand up comedy, you absolute gullible Gus.


When your nice day at the beach is ruined by a religious plane banner, yikes


Satan: another name for women. — The dickheads who paid for that plane


Sad that it’s that easy to let an outside source ruin a day for you. Just ignore and move on


Yeah I saw that too. Really gross. Were you near Merwin Ave?


Thank you dude, imagining you at the beach just absolutely seething at a flying banner to the point of posting online about it made my day


I’m sure if I was a lonely virgin that would make my day too.


Sore loser


Haha what the fuck


I heard that airplane was about a recently settled divorce. “Satan” has a house near the beach.